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Generic Name: tamoxifen

Brand Name: Nolvadex oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

At 40 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and after a lumpectomy and radiation I started Tamoxifen 10 mg twice a day. I have been taking it for 9 months and have had no adverse side effects. I can take it with or without food and it does not bother my stomach. Anything that may possibly help me survive this cancer and raise my children is ok with me - and a plus is no side effects so far.

Following a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation I took Tamoxofen for just over a year. The hot flashes were pretty miserable, but the bone and joint pain along with memory loss and extreme fatigue made me talk to my MD about quality of life issues. The side effects of the drugs made me decide to quit taking it.

Helped treat mild symptoms of gyno

I had my 1st radical mastetomy (2+ nodes) & chemo in 1993, & 5 yr of tamoxifen. I had contralateral breast cancer about 12 yr after ending 5 yr of tamoxifen. Again had surgery & chemo & am in my 5th yr of tamoxifen (have some neuropathy now & had superficial thrombosis). My md advises continuing tamoxien beyond 5 yr. Tamoxifen saved my life and I feel totally healthy, except that I now have neuropathy, hair thinning & recently had superficial thrombophlebitis. I have decided that since the benefit of tamoxifen lasts at least 10 yr that at age 75 the risks of continuing tamoxifen beyond 5 yr outweigh any possible benefit. When 12 yrs roles around again, I will be 87 yr.

I have been using Nolvadex for the last 12 months and have severe side effects - dry mouth - hot flashes - lower back pain and joint pains - also forgetfullness and dizziness. Do you know of any other medication as an alternative.

Diagnosed stage 1a rect.poss with 8cm tumor at 45. Severe joint pain, depression, memory lapse, another $120.00 a year spent wasted! After lumpectomy, radiation then chemo Hell, with complete allover hair and nail loss, 3 years on treatment. BC showed up as contained tumors in lymph nodes underarm and in neck which 14 nodes removed and radiation again. refused chemo. Going to Alternative(CAM) Doctor. Wish me luck, I will be 50 this September. I have always been active and have been acused of being 35! I want to see my son graduate from college and maybe some grandchildren. Life is so unfair.I worked hard to get my life good, now this.

I have had hot flashes consistently but it is a tolerable to be cancer free.