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Generic Name: Auvelity (bupropion-dextromethorphan)

Auvelity Reviews

For Major Depressive Disorder "I haven’t ever made a review on antidepressant medication because none ever wowed me. I’ve tried multiple SSRIs and SNRIs: Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Wellbutrin, Paxil. Effexor and Prozac helped a bit for me but nothing close to “clinically significant changes”. I have been on Auvelity for only 3 days and I am noticing from day one a change in my mood, outlook, and motivation. They have all improved. I have PTSD and a long history of trauma. Before the trauma, I used to look at small things and find beauty in it… I would smile at little things. Trauma changed all that. But after just 3 days on Auvelity, I feel there’s beauty in the world again. I went to the grocery store and saw this little chick plush toy which was so fuzzy and cute and I actually smiled at it. Something so small put a smile on my face. I feel like Auvelity has brought my soul back. I am excited for hitting day 7 on this med. I have Medicaid and they paid for Auvelity."

For Major Depressive Disorder "My husband has suffered from treatment-resistant MDD, PTSD, and severe social anxiety his entire life. He is 64. He has tried every medication you can imagine, TMS treatments, and ketamine. We discovered Auvelity and immediately asked the psychiatrist about it. He had not prescribed it before but agreed to let him try it. He immediately started feeling an improvement. Now 4 months in, and he has zero anxiety and has stopped the diazepam. Says he has never felt the way he does now. He is out of bed early in the morning and out the door working, his appetite is back, the night terrors have stopped, and he can only guess that this is what 'normal' feels like. Something he has never felt before. I hope the medication continues working."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have tried everything. After years of therapy, I finally admitted to my therapist, 'I wake up in terror and lay down to sleep in terror every night, and trust me, I know why.' It has been my baseline for 60 years, and I'm tired of climbing out of this hole every day. In November of 2022, my hole turned into a water well with my feet tied to the bottom, and the water was rising. I lost all interest in everything I loved! Why even be here? In 3 days on this drug, it was like an anvil had been lifted off my mind and soul! I had never felt this way, and I immediately called my doctor. He started laughing and said, 'That's what it feels like to be free of depression.' OMG, I have been on this for 2 weeks and I'm enjoying everything! Even cleaning my house!! My only regret is this wasn't available sooner. At 60 years old, I have started a new life! Watch out world, here I come!"

For Major Depressive Disorder "I take one tablet of Avelity (45 mg of dextromethorphan and 105 mg of bupropion combined) twice a day. Once in the morning, the second around 4 or 5 in the afternoon. I started out with one pill in the morning after three days I moved up to one pill in the morning and one pill in the afternoon. I noticed a brief of relief after approximately 5 to 7 days. After being on it for one month, I started experiencing what I can only describe as a happy panic attack. A happy purge of negative feelings, a purge of all the depression I've been feeling for over 35 years, that I started to truly process things. I have never felt happiness, even as a very young child. After being on Auvelity for about a month, I finally feel what I think is happiness. It's like in those videos where a color-blind person sees color for the first time, or when a deaf person gets a good hearing aid, and they can finally hear their family's voice. It's a very emotional journey and it continues to be emotional."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have had MDD for 30 years and I’m 43. I was blessed with a HUGE surprise at 42 by getting pregnant with a vasectomy baby. About 5 months in PPD hit me hard. I was put on Lamictal and Trintellix in addition to Effexor, which I’ve been on for 13 years. It got me feeling “okay”. Then I gained 30 lbs in 2 months and was so angry all the time. I went off of the two, and a month later I couldn’t get out of bed again. I wanted to care for my son but I was just too despondent. I called my psychiatrist and told him I felt like giving up on life. I had been on 18 antidepressants, TMS, Ketamine therapy… I was a lost cause. He prescribed Auvelity and I really wasn’t feeling too positive about it. Today, I’m on day 11. And I cry with happiness. For the first time in 20 years, I feel normal. I can feel my emotions. I can sleep. I have energy. My intrusive thoughts are gone. My suicidal thoughts are gone. I hope this drug does for you what it did for me."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on 5 different antidepressants (bupropion, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, ketamine) and I can say that Auvelity is by far the best one so far. No sexual side effects, and my mood feels the best it has ever been in 5 years now since my depression started. Auvelity is even more effective than the ketamine infusions and much less of a hassle. Definitely recommend."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I wrote a review previously on day 3. I wanted to give an update after day 10 since they advertise it to work by day 7. I rated it a 10/10 then, and I rate it a 10/10 now. I notice that I’m more productive and positive. I’ve kept up with cleaning the dishes, my apartment, and going to the gym. These things are easy for me to do when they once were a pain. I put away small stuff like my plate after I eat instead of just letting it sit there. The only negative thing that I’ve noticed is that at the 6-7 hour mark after taking the first dose, I develop a headache, and I can tell that the medication is wearing off. Auvelity requires you to take two doses a day 8 hours apart. I kind of notice the depression seeping through at around the 7-hour mark, but then it goes away again when I take the 2nd dose. I have PTSD and this med also quiets the ruminating thoughts and hypervigilance."

For Major Depressive Disorder "This medication is amazing. I have MDD, GAD, and PTSD, and I have tried many different medications over the past 30 years. This is a wonder drug. It works very fast. It has helped my depression immensely, but it has equally helped my anxiety and my PTSD. I am not euphoric, but I am calm with a sense of well-being. My advice if you are just starting this medication is to give it a few weeks to get through any side effects because the benefits once you get through the first few weeks are incredible. This is a game-changing medication because like Ketamine, it works on Glutamate as opposed to SSRIs that work on Serotonin. This is a great medication."

For Major Depressive Disorder "Had to add, my therapist said there is a brightness to me that she has never seen. I've been seeing her weekly since 2017. I'm still on other medications, but I really feel like this has been a life changer. Hopefully it's not temporary. My psychiatrist is really happy. I'm his 1st patient on it. I see him every 6 weeks. I really do feel different. Everyone says I seem more calm and relaxed. I sleep better. Never give up. 40 years of hell."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I had treatment-resistant depression. I happened to be on Wellbutrin in late 2018 (very little help) when I read about AXS-05. I added dextromethorphan (cough syrup at Walmart) at the ratio Axsome was using and improved greatly on day 2. The suicidal ideation I had had since at least age 6 disappeared. I obtained a prescription for Auvelity as soon as possible last fall. I did so mainly for safety concerns, but my mental health improved as well, again on day 2, to my surprise. I've never had any side effects. It saved my life (I'm a suicide survivor). I'm 71, I'll take it for the rest of my life."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have been on just about every depression medication there is, and up until 5 days ago, was taking 5 different depression medications. They weren't helping much. Today I am on Day 5 of Auvelity. It has changed my life almost overnight. I feel 'normal' - no negative thoughts, no mood swings, no depression, very little anxiety. I was very skeptical about trying a new med, but I had to do something because life was not working for me. I am currently still on the lowest dose of 45mg/105mg. I have not noticed any side effects, which I was concerned about because I can be very sensitive to changes in my meds. I take one tablet first thing in the morning right now - it's very easy to use. I am not sure I really need to titrate up to two tablets a day at this point. I think Auvelity saved my life, it is truly miraculous how well it works! My thanks to Axsome, who developed this medication."

For Major Depressive Disorder "Started Auvelity 9 days ago. I have major depressive disorder and my medications don't seem to be helping. I currently take 40mg of Lexapro, 150mg of Wellbutrin, 25mg of Seroquel, and 2 Auvelity tablets per day. I'm seeing some improvement as I have more motivation to do more things than what I previously had. I will update you all since this forum has been so helpful while I was researching. Thanks to all of you! I'm not there yet but will keep you all informed."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I’ve been on many SSRIs, SNRIs, Wellbutrin, Lithium, Lamictal, Latuda, tried TMS, had 20 IV ketamine treatments. Ketamine worked the first round but not as well the second. Auvelity was a miracle drug for me. I cross-tapered off Wellbutrin while dosing up on Auvelity and felt “high” for 10 days. Cut back to 1 Auvelity at night (off all other Wellbutrin at that point) and that did the trick. No side effects, appetite back, no anxiety, no depression. I haven’t felt this good in 20 years. Only taking 1 Auvelity, nothing else. Insurance covered after submitting a request. I’ve been taking it now for 3 months."

For Major Depressive Disorder "Transitioned to this after years on Zoloft (and seeing a major decline in effectiveness of the Zoloft over the last year). The transition was smooth compared to other med switches I've done - minimal nausea for the first 2-3 days and then no more undesirable side effects. I actually felt better so quickly I wondered if I was imagining the result because it did help with my depression within the first week, more so than the Zoloft ever had. I've been very, very happy and impressed with Auvelity these first 6 months and would absolutely recommend it if it's suitable for your conditions."

For Major Depressive Disorder "This is hands down the most effective antidepressant on the market today. Saw major improvements within 3 days of taking this medication. Nothing of its kind out there and really blows the other medications out of the park. If you have treatment-resistant depression, I would recommend Auvelity to anyone. It makes you see life on a whole new level."

For Major Depressive Disorder "This is the first medication that has ever helped me in 30 years. I have treatment-resistant MDD. I have been on Auvelity for 30 days. The first 3 days I was extremely tired, but since then I have not had any side effects, and it has been LIFE-CHANGING for me. I feel calm, no mood swings, no depression. I think for the first time in my life, I am experiencing what 'normal' feels like."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I've been on Auvelity for almost 2 months after taking Wellbutrin for 10+ years. Auvelity is vastly superior to Wellbutrin in my experience. Within a few days, I felt my heaviness lifting and a peaceful lightness emerging. I find joy and happiness in small things again and enjoy spending time with my kids, including one with serious special needs. Also, with the chaos that can occur with 4 kids, including 1 with severe autism, my level of agitation is greatly reduced with minimal yelling when they inevitably misbehave. I'm much more effective in staying calm and productively parenting. I feel a deeper connection with myself, others, and the world. My former intense anxiety is greatly reduced. I'm kinder and more compassionate. I've gone from about 8 drinks per week to no need to drink or self-medicate in 60 days. Auvelity is beyond an antidepressant, it's a physically and spiritually uplifting wonder drug."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have tried every med under the sun for my lifelong anxiety and depression. Finally, a few years ago, I came across ketamine therapy, which helped immensely, but continuing it regularly was just too unaffordable. My psychiatrist told me about Auvelity and how it works similarly to ketamine, so I gave it a try, and he was right. I have never felt so mentally stable, at peace, and clear-headed. It also helps with my energy levels and ADHD. I feel like this is the best fit yet. The only downside is that I had to get a prior auth from my insurance, which took weeks, but now they cover it in full. I honestly cannot recommend this enough to people with treatment-resistant depression."

For Major Depressive Disorder "After trying Ketamine treatments and not being successful, I asked my doctor about trying Auvelity. Well, I finally found an antidepressant that actually worked! After trying 11 different medications and getting frustrated, I was so happy that he told me about this 'new' medication and let me try it. Being 50 and not knowing where all my symptoms were coming from, having MDD, my hypothyroidism, my perimenopause, or just plain getting older!! Being a woman can be tough, only the strong can handle :) I suggest trying Auvelity. It is a pain to get it filled because Kaiser does not 'stock', so I make sure I order before I run out because it can take 2-5 days to come in!"

For Major Depressive Disorder "It's my 4th day in, and while it's caused a bit of nausea, I already feel better. I failed 9 SSRIs/SNRIs and had even turned to Spravato. This med has been added to Spravato, and I feel more upbeat and hopeful. I'm using the discount card to make this affordable."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have struggled with depression since I was a teen and tried many medications, including Wellbutrin, 3 years ago. I am 30 years old and also have anxiety, PTSD, and substance use disorder. I have never written a review for a medicine before, but this one I can say is incredible. It has made me a better mother to my son, who is on the autism spectrum. It has also given me hope and control over my life that I’ve never had before. It’s like a light bulb went off, and I can see the glimpse of who I once was a long time ago. There was a person behind the teen girl who miscarried her first baby or was mentally abused by her child’s father. There were dreams, life, and aspirations at one point. I lost all of who I was to trauma and coped by using cannabis to numb the memories. Day by day, though, I no longer need to forget anything in the past. I feel happy, and it’s something so unfamiliar I almost can’t cope. It has been only 3 weeks, but this medication is giving me my life back."

For Major Depressive Disorder "The absolute best medication I have been on for depression. I have been on everything in the last 20 years and nothing has worked like this. I'm happy, motivated, sleep well, have emotions, and I don't feel hopeless. I am a better mother as well. Such an amazing medication. In the beginning, I did feel 'high' for a lack of better words and lightheaded. I clenched my jaw a bit as well. It’s been 4 months now and I feel great. No weight gain. Sexual side effects were very temporary."

For Major Depressive Disorder "Is working marvelously. Started taking February 2023 for MDD, suicidality, utter hopelessness. More or less in bed, out of sight, for over 3 years. Developed diabetes while in bed and gained a bunch of weight. Auvelity has completely turned my life around. I could feel it working a few hours after the first dose. Soon I found my BP had risen like 15 percent or so, not a huge amount, and I could totally FEEL the blood pressure at my wrists. It was weird and unsettling. My heart rate went up a bit. I had a big panic attack within 2 weeks. First one ever. My doctor said to stick with the Auvelity and I said ok because I was getting HUGE relief from the stupefying depression. Sure enough the side effects went away. I had heard that side effects could go away and I was skeptical but it was true for me. I really can't pin a single side effect on Auvelity."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I’m a 41-year-old man who had gone through a very tough time for the last three years. I felt that my life was pointless, that I was only here to be punished. I thought that I had tried my best, but my best was just not good enough. I was hopeless and I thought that I had no future worth fighting for. I didn’t believe a medicine could fix my situation. I thought I was going to have to take some type of narcotic that was nothing more than a 'ball and chain'. I spoke with someone who had recommended I go and get help, at least try to and see what happens. I scheduled with a local place, had taken a few tests and had a few conversations about myself. I was diagnosed with severe depression. I was prescribed Auvelity and instructed to take it as prescribed. After just one week, I feel completely different in a positive way. I didn’t realize just how unhappy and miserable I was before. This medication was the 'breath of fresh air' I was in desperate need of. Thanks to Auvelity."

For Major Depressive Disorder "My 2nd review. I will say that it really has taken a good 8 weeks on this med to really start working along with everything else to maintain health. The quick 1-2 weeks, as advertised, may and probably helps very chronic or worse at the beginning. I have been on Zoloft and Seroquel ER for years. If you are trying this, hopefully, you will use the cost savings card. I take Auvelity 2 times a day. I gave it a 9 several weeks ago, moving it to 10. I have been on about every med out there. Don't give up. Give this a try, I think it is revolutionary."

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  • Drug class: miscellaneous antidepressants
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  • Auvelity drug information

Professional resources

  • Auvelity prescribing information
  • Dextromethorphan and Bupropion (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Major Depressive Disorder