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Generic Name: Guaifenesin for Bronchitis (guaifenesin)

Guaifenesin for Bronchitis Reviews

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Mucinex is great and it works well, but whatever you do, DO NOT take it on an empty stomach. I did this morning, and as the day went by, I kept feeling worse and worse. When I finally got the chance to eat something, my stomach was so upset that it just came right back up. Again, it's a great medication but eat something before taking it."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "This medicine really helped me out with a bronchitis attack. I have been suffering from acute bronchitis for about 3 weeks now. After taking all of the medication that my doctor prescribed, I still have no relief. After reading reviews, I decided to give Mucinex (liquid) a try. To my surprise, it really helps to bring up all of that sticky mucus that was stuck in my lungs. Although I'm not fully well yet, I can see better days ahead!"

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "It works well, you will feel the congestion breaking down. It does make you cough more to loosen up mucus and yes, you probably will stay up a bit at night. I took the pill, not liquid. I have to say I was surprised."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I’m a second-grade teacher and have had an exhausting case of bronchitis for four months now. Many of those lovable little petri dishes I teach have been sick too. This week I’m much worse with very painful throat and ear pain and congestion. Went to the doctor yesterday feeling like I’ll do anything to get better! So amoxicillin for ear and throat, two shots of I don’t know what in the backside, Mucinex for the thick nasty phlegm, and Flonase, Claritin, and Zyrtec to alternate. Best thing—- the cough is finally actually bringing the stuff up about 6 hours after taking a 12-hour Mucinex. And lots draining out the nose too. I’ve never tried it before but it’s sure working. All that yuck is finally getting out of there!"

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I took Mucinex for a bad case of bronchitis. It worked very well and I was finally able to stop coughing and start breathing again. The only problem was that it interfered with my sleep. I was awake most of the night and was not tired the next day. I had to quit taking it."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "My dry cough turned into a wet (mucous) cough, later diagnosed as bronchitis. I was getting very little sleep, and then saw a commercial about Mucinex DM for coughs, which is the guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan. I tried it, one tablet every 12 hours. In that first 12 hours, I got relief enabling me to finally sleep well all night. I had no problem with it affecting my sleep like some others experienced in these reviews, but they may have taken the one with pseudoephedrine which keeps you awake. What I have noticed is that the cough is suppressed until you get close to the 12-hour period, then the cough begins. But it's productive, and mucus is expelled much easier, and then it's over. Then it's time for another pill. I highly recommend this product for coughs."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I get asthma 'colds' that turn into bronchitis once a year. I find Mucinex 'keeps the elephant off my chest.' And, you’ll know what that means if you’ve had bronchitis! I will take Mucinex in the morning and feel fine most of the day, thinking I’m getting past the infection. Then WHAM! Elephant...on...chest!! Cough, cough... Mucinex may not work for everyone, but it sure helps me breathe deeper and easier!!"

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I have used it twice now. And it feels like it makes me worse. I cough so hard that my back and my stomach are now hurting. My cough is so deep, and nothing is coming up. It just makes me cough non-stop. However, I'm not taking any today, I'm also not coughing, so I put the two together. When you take it, it makes you cough, unfortunately, in my case, nothing came up."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Made coughing a lot easier after feeling like I was going to die from the phlegm that was blocking my air passage. I didn't give it a full 10 because it gave me a slight headache and a bit numb/tingling feeling all over my body but nothing to be alarmed about. Oh my goodness what a difference. I can breathe and finally sleep knowing I'm not going to choke to death. Thank you Mucinex."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Mucinex worked like a charm for me. When it ran out, I made the mistake of waiting a few days before I went out and got some more! Since I have chronic bronchitis, I will always have this medicine on hand. I had to see a doctor before taking it since I am taking other medications, and had to make sure there would not be any dangerous interactions. This medicine is a wonder drug for me. I have now quit smoking and am using nicotine gum. If your bronchitis is caused by smoking, you also need to quit. The nicotine gum will keep your nerves calm, and that way you won't have to quit cold turkey. When on the gum, you can take care of the psychological withdrawals and later take care of the physical withdrawals, not both at the same time."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "First time Mucinex DM user. I like the extended relief because it really does provide extended relief from the severe coughing that is characteristic of bronchial infections. The medication did make me a little drowsy, so some caution is recommended especially if you are not able to take time off to rest. I also recommend drinking lots of fluid too. You may notice that your urine smells like the medication."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I've tried this twice, once for allergy-related coughing and bronchitis. For some reason, for me, this medicine always makes me cough more than I need to. It does thin the phlegm and helps make my coughs productive, but when I need to sleep, this isn't the medicine I can take at night. I use Robitussin DM for nighttime use."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Took this medication for a chest cough before I went to bed. Woke up in the night with severe nausea and felt dizzy. Tried it again a week later and the same happened. I know other people who swear by it."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I have read multiple Scientific studies of Mucinex comparing it to placebo. Scientists claim there was zero benefit from Mucinex. Drug is expensive and does not have any clinical test results they can point to about it’s efficaciousness. You are much better off inhaling steam, drinking plenty of fluids, sleeping with a humidifier, and using some kind of prescription bronchodilator like Flovent to keep your lungs from getting tight. In severe cases, you should probably try prednisone in the form of pills or try a bronchodilator. Over the counter medication is a poor substitute for seeing your doctor and take the medicine that actually works!"

"I have COPD and have been using guaifenesin for several years. It works wonders for coughs, I think the liquid soothes your throat better. BUT IT IS IMPORTANT NOT to get the 'DM' or any version of it with dextromethorphan in it. Those of you having dream disturbances or nervous reactions are surely using this. You want to buy the plain 'TUSSIN' that is only an expectorant and nothing else. Also, drink plenty of fluids to help liquidize the mucus. I will swear by this stuff, but you have to read the labels and be careful what you buy."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Mucinex works great for colds and helps get the nasty stuff up before it takes root in the lungs, but for bronchitis you will definitely need something much stronger (see a doctor) unless you want to be sick for about 4 weeks."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Have been taking 1200 mg slow-release Mucinex (plain guaifenesin) for two weeks, and it has helped loosen mucus in my lungs. It does require drinking LOTS of water to be effective. In my case, 64 ounces a day. Noticeable difference in breathing and timbre of my voice. All that said, hoping I can stop taking the medicine and simply work on staying hydrated."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I'm not sure mucinex works. I know it kept me wide awake. It was hard for me to sleep. When I was awake, In felt like my balance was off, so I felt dizzy. U couldn't go down spiral steps. I would not recommend it. "

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I read many reviews, some positive and some negative. But people need to remember it will work for some, and others it won't. In the '80s, my allergist prescribed 'Guaifenesin' for me. It really was the best for me. Then it was taken off the market for a while. Several months, I was looking for something to help me with my congestion and allergies. Found Mucinex and have been using it as needed, and I feel great."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I have Moderate COPD. Got some kind of Crud (I call it) in my chest and was coughing and so sick. Couldn't cough up any thing but knew it was there. Took regular Mucinex generic label. Felt like I was drowning. Post nasal drip putting fluid in my lungs and I was drowning. Please go to the Dr. if this sounds like you - it turned out I had Community Acquired Pneumonia."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "I began a cough 4 weeks ago. Then the mucus started. Couldn't get it up. Pharmacy suggested Robitussin which worked ok, but still needed stronger meds. Dr. Put me on steriods and antibiotics. Still mucus choking me. Tried Musinex 600. Nothing. Made me worse. The coughing started and was horrible for about an hour. I stopped using Mucinex went back to Robitussin. This drug is not for everyone. Would not recommend."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "In our home Mucinex is the go to when we start getting sinussy ,mucousy and sickly. It helps fast, glad these products are available! We use the liquid for our 9 year old! And it usually always works! Thank you Mrs. Perez"

"I have bronchial Asthma, I thought I I had bronchitis, I took Guaifenesin for it, it felt like my bronchials were closing up on me, I had to call my dr to tell him to get me prednisone. I took just a half tab of Guaifenesin before I went to bed, I woke up spasing, I couldn't breath. I had a do a couple of nebulizer treatments, take a prednisone to open me up. I called my doctor, he said don't take it anymore."

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Although Mucinex contains the exact same drugs as Robitussin D it doesn't work nearly as well for me as Robitussin D. Maybe because the Robitussin is a liquid? Mucinex has spent a lot more money on advertising but I would choose Robitussin D every time!"

Mucinex (guaifenesin) "Jayce Wyatt My chronic bronchitis started out with post-nasal drip and a cough and I felt tired and turned in early. The next day the cough got worse and I felt lousy, so I called in sick. I felt steadily worse for another day, then on day three the fever started, and I couldn't sleep for more than an hour or so at a time for a whole week. When I went to the doctor I was given a Z-Pak, albuterol inhaler (the only thing that did me any good), oral steroids, cough pearls which didn't do any good, and was told to take Mucinex. In all, the fever lasted six days. I coughed so much I hurt my back and ended up in the emergency room because my back went into such spasms I couldn't move without extreme pain. They shot me full of morphine."

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  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • Patient tips
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: expectorants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Guaifenesin drug information
  • Guaifenesin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Guaifenesin Granules
  • Guaifenesin Liquid
  • Guaifenesin Tablets

Other brands

Mucinex, Robitussin Chest Congestion, Mucinex Maximum Strength, Mucus Relief, ... +18 more

Professional resources

  • Guaifenesin monograph
  • Guaifenesin NR (FDA)
  • Guaifenesin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Mucinex, Mucinex Maximum Strength

Related treatment guides

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Bronchitis
  • Cough