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Generic Name: Helidac ()

Helidac Reviews

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "Not sure if it's working but one thing I can say it makes my bowels move about 4-5 times a day no matter whatever I eat comes out. So if it's clearing the infection it's also cleaning out my colon as well I guess."

For Helicobacter Pylori Infection "So far I am on day 3 and their hasn't been any bad side effects, oppose to what I've read from others about this medicine. I read that someone said, that after taking this medicine for about 10 days, is when they started feeling more side effects, or began being worse. So far I have only had a slight metallic taste in my mouth and black stool, but nothing really serious. I did get a little nausea and upset stomach, from taking the medicine in the morning without food, so I recommend to always eat breakfast first before taking in the morning. I hope I don't feel anymore side effects for the remaining of the 11 days. Will post again in a bout a week to tell about how I feel. Good luck to whoever takes this medicine."

More about Helidac (bismuth subsalicylate / metronidazole / tetracycline)

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  • Reviews (2)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: H. pylori eradication agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Helidac drug information
  • Helidac (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Helidac prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Helicobacter Pylori Infection