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Generic Name: Hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan for High Blood Pressure (hydrochlorothiazide-olmesartan)

Hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan for High Blood Pressure Reviews

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I started taking Benicar HCT six years ago. I have no side effects from taking this medication. My first prescription for 30 tablets cost me $75.00. My refill cost me $183.00 for the same quantity of pills. The medicine has increased in price 2.4 times since I have been taking it. Usually, pharmaceutical companies decrease the cost gradually over time for the product, but the price of Benicar has increased by leaps and bounds. Very difficult to handle due to my income."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I've been taking Benicar HCT for a little over a year. I eat a lot more salads and reduced my sugar intake to lose weight. After losing 15 lbs, my doctor lowered my dose from 40/12.5 to 20/12.5. I wish this drug was not so expensive."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "My doctor first started me on this medication because my BP was extremely high 190/110. It successfully reduced my BP, but so much that I was extremely dizzy, 105/62. I was already on the lowest dose so the doc had me cut the pill in half. After about 2 or 3 weeks, I started getting tingling in my toes and then eventually my fingers. I called to ask if this could be a side effect, and I was told, no. Well, I stopped the pills and the tingling went away, went back on the pills and the tingling returned, so yeah it is a side effect! I will NOT take this medicine as I cannot stand the numbness and tingling in my feet (hands only happened once or twice). It was so bad the last time it happened, I was barely able to walk!"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I've been taking Benicar 40 mg for the last year. It definitely helps bring down my blood pressure with no side effects. I keep trying to find another blood pressure medicine that is less expensive but always return to Benicar because of the low incidence of side effects."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I'm 33 y/o, 5'7", 150# male, blood chem all perfect but diagnosed with hypertension (genetics) since I was 28 y/o. I exercise at least 4 times a week (light weight lifting and playing basketball, sometimes biking and tennis). Have taken Losartan and Losartan HCTZ before this Benicar HCT. 6 days while on Benicar HCT 40/25 mg: Lowest BP reading 101/52. Mild lightheadedness. Mild shortness of breath. Muscle cramping - Experienced very severe muscle cramps from torso down to the legs after playing basketball that I ended up in the ER due to severe body cramps and hyperventilation. It was the very first time that I experienced such terrible and frightening muscle cramps. Some itchiness in the scalp."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I was placed on Benicar HCT over 4 years ago, after trying many other blood pressure medications. It has been the only prescription that has significantly reduced my blood pressure without any side effects. The only bad effect is the cost."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Great medicine. Been on it for over four years and have zero side effects. I mention that only because I seem to be one of those people that have all sorts of side effects with their blood pressure medicines. I take it in combination with Verapamil, and my blood pressure consistently runs in the 120/75 range. I used to run 160/100-110. I too have the same complaint, though, that it sure is expensive!"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "It is a good medicine. It brought my blood pressure down to where it should be. However, I did experience weight gain. This is evidenced by the change of my medication to a different blood pressure medicine and losing 10 pounds in less than 3 weeks. I have not changed my diet in any way since switching."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I have been on Benicar HTZ 40/12.5 for a little over 1 year. I have had only 1 minor side effect ( I need to urinate more often & urgently) and my blood pressure is well controlled. I tried other medicines and they just didn't work. I signed up for the right fit program almost right away. Next month my costs will drop to $15 per 30 days. If you are not enrolled in Medicare, Medicaid, VA, TRICARE/CHAMPUS, or any federal or state government-funded prescription program. ( I have BCBS so I qualified) then you can join the right fit blood pressure program on the Benicar site and the most you will have to pay is $25 for 30 days. I'm not an advertisement or paid in anyway. I just want people to know the program is real & it works!"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I was on this drug for 17 years, after 10 yrs I began to have chronic bowel problems, explosive diarrhea at different times, vision problems, sinus problems, feeling tired more often, and was being treated for these separately. Then last year, I read that the pharmaceutical company had a class action suit for this same problem. "

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "About 7 years ago, my cholestrol, BMI, BP were 260, > 30, and 180/110, respectively. After 8 weeks of exercise, I lost 40 lb, new BMI =19. Cholestrol < 170, BP=145/100. Started Toporol 25mg. A year later, added Benicar 20/12.5. I have a frequent side effect that Doctor doesn't understand: I call it GyaRel11am Syndrome. At around 11 am (after 3 hrs of intake of medicine), I feel bad. Hand/feet feel cold. I am confused. I rush to take lunch. In next 15 min, I am normal for whole day. "

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Took Benicar for 3 days. Had tightness in chest, ill feeling. Doctor switched me to Diovan HCT generic. Tightness went away and I coughed up some phlegm that was built up while taking Benicar. I am now fine after being switched to Diovan HCT Generic. Additional benefit - Benicar wasn't covered by insurance. It cost $130 per month. Diovan HCT generic by Sandoz cost me $4.00 per month with my insurance. And since Sandoz belongs to the maker of Diovan HCT. It is the same formula."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Only drug that will bring down my blood pressure. I am on additional medication & none work as well as this one. Have tried the similar drugs & had many side effects and would have to switch back each time."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I started taking it May 2015, then about 6 mos in, the vertigo started and scared the crap out of me, dizziness, constant sinus drainage, so then the cough, dizzy at times, strange taste in my mouth but the worst was the ringing and another weird noise in my head, it would wake me up in the morning,like morse code. Then the clogged feeling in my head, my heart pounding in my chest and head, so as of right now I am just on HCT, hoping this will just help. Really really bad side effects on this drug. would take it at night, and would be peeing all night, as to avoid the side effects oh and the blurred vision problems also"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "The price keeps going up and up while the Yen is getting weaker. $100 retail increase in the last year alone. No suitable generics. Over $700 retail for 90 days this year. $600 last year. These appear to be fake prices. Canadian prices are significantly less, but... Insurance monthly charge went up as well as the amount they would cover went down. Insurance doesn't have in formulary, and alternatives are "deadly"."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Have been on Benicar 40 mg/HCT 12.5 mg for some time. It has moderately controlled my bp (range around 130/70). The side effects, while not of major significance, are bothersome. I can best summarize them by saying I just don't feel like myself. Orthostatic hypertension is a problem, along with general "spaciness" and intermittent dizziness. I switch back and forth periodically to generic valsartan/HCT with no change in side effects. Have also tried smaller doses, cutting pills and a homemade regimen of alternating whole pills with cut pills. Nothing affects the side effects. These side effects appear to be idiosyncratic, as many people do not experience them. Best bet is to have normal bp and not have to take any bp pills."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Was put on Benicar HCT 20/12.5 mg in 2002 and it has controlled my BP very well. Insurance companies stopped covering the medication and I signed up with the Right Fit Program in 2011. Last year co-pays were $15! However, all good things do come to an end when the program changed and the pharmacy does not honor the reduced cost. I cannot afford $156 a month so I am about to stop the Benicar completely. I have tried all of the rest with no improvement. I make too much $ for the patient assistance program and not enough $ to cover the higher cost."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Worked beautifully in reducing my BP from 190/104 down to normotensive readings of 120/72. However, as with the other meds that were tried, I had intolerable side effects like GERD, abdominal bloating and malaise. My internal med PA-C changed me to Losartan (since the ARB class of drug relieved my hypertension) but this time without the HCT diuretic, and the results have been wonderful. Same BP effect without the high cost (luckily we trialed the Benicar HCT with professional free samples!), side effects, or need to excessively hydrate to balance the diuretic."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I've been on Benicar HCT for 10 or more years. Have tried Losartan and water pills, but never trusted them enough to stick with them. Always back to the Benicar, and now with my insurance costing $240.00 for 90 pills. My side effects have been slight and so far worth the benefit in reduction of B/P. Just read other reviews on this site. One mentioned a weird noise like Morse code in his head. I get that frequently and have only recently come up with a way to describe it, sorta like an arching sound. The Morse code description fits also. Other than that, I've had some slight dizziness & sinus drainage. Now I'm soon to try the Olmasartan HCT. Mostly because of the price. With my insurance the Olmasartan will cost $20.00 for the 90 pills."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I had been taking benicar HCT for a few years with no problems -- until mid March of this year 2017. I started experiencing lower abdominal pressure & nausea. Over the next 6 weeks I was shuttled to one specialist after another & had many tests including an Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, small bowel study where I swallowed a camera, blood work, cat scan with hydration that had to be done in the hospital because my kidneys were now affected with low sodium & elevated creatinine levels etc. It all came to a head when on April 19, 2017 an ER Dr diagnosed me with Olmesartan induced enteropathy mimicking celiac symptoms. After 2 wks on gluten free diet, I'm fine!!! No longer on any B/P meds!!! All blood work normal!"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Benicar HCT was effective in bringing my readings down to normotensive but it came with side effects:GERD, abdominal discomfort and generalized malaise. My doc switched me to Loasartan (another ARB) without thr duuretic and so far it' working great at maintaining my BP in the normotensive range. The added bonus: Losartan doesn' t carry the high risk for villous atrophy that Benicar does, nor does it have the high cost ...a win/win in my book!"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "I'm currently on Benicar 20 mg and Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg. I started with the fluid pill first and I noticed weight loss but with headaches. I went back for a follow up and my blood pressure was even higher so my doctor put me on Benicar to take with the fluid pill. I noticed weight gain and pains in my sides. The good news is my blood pressure finally came down. The side effects have seemed to subside since I've spaced the time in between the medication."

"The generic for Benicar 40/12.5 is not efficient in lowering blood pressure nor does it aid in water retention. My insurance will no longer pay for brand and my blood pressure is extremely high. I want the real thing back!!!"

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Everything was okay but after a few weeks I noticed the following: My blood pressure yesterday 183/90, Weird feelings in my eyes almost like electrical shocks, blurred vision, diarrhea, I gained 6 pounds in a couple days."

Benicar HCT (hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan) "Been taking Benicar HCT 40/12.5 for 20 years for AM use in conjunction with PM HBP tablet Bystolic 5mg. Under control for this entire 20 years. One time I was accidentally given a higher dose by the doctor's error and ONLY then was I ever dizzy/lightheaded. The increased dose caused pressures to go too low for me and is the only time anyone would feel uneasy. Always check with the doctor if these adverse side effects are present. This medicine is literally perfection. It’s by far the best HBP tablet for use in controlling HBP. Years ago, the company had slightly altered/changed its ingredients and was immediately noticed. Went to the pharmacy and was told it was not possible to feel such a change. Not true. This is how perfect and is how well this works! Highly recommended."

More about hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Pricing & coupons
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: angiotensin II inhibitors with thiazides
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Hydrochlorothiazide and olmesartan drug information
  • Olmesartan and hydrochlorothiazide (Advanced Reading)
  • Olmesartan and Hydrochlorothiazide

Other brands

Benicar HCT

Professional resources

  • Olmesartan Medoxomil and Hydrochlorothiazide prescribing information
  • Olmesartan Medoxomil, Amlodipine and Hydrochlorothiazide (FDA)

Other brands

Benicar HCT

Related treatment guides

  • High Blood Pressure