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Generic Name: Hydroxyzine for Pruritus (hydroxyzine)

Hydroxyzine for Pruritus Reviews

"I will always have warm, fuzzy feelings about hydroxyzine. I don't take it now, but about fifteen years ago I had a mysterious and terrible itchiness of my entire body. It was always present but was worse if I ate, moved, or did anything that raised my body temperature. Trying to sleep was misery. I went to four doctors before an allergy specialist knew what it was: dermographism. He prescribed hydroxyzine, and the relief was unspeakable. Over the next few weeks or months, it slowly resolved, and I tapered off of the drug. When you've been in that kind of misery and get that kind of relief, the gratefulness is immense."

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "I have been taking 25 mg of Atarax up to four times a day for 30 years. I was given this because of my constant itching and rashes. It has saved my life. I have allergies to so many things. When I'm stung by an insect or come in contact with an allergy trigger, I take a higher dose, and it has saved me from using an epi pen. I also have used it to sleep. I don't have anxiety, perhaps Atarax is why. I don't have trouble with sleepiness on the lower dose. So I function fine in the daytime when I take it. Your body gets used to it."

"I've been reading some of the reviews here, and I was surprised to see that some people became itchy. I'm taking hydroxyzine because I'm itchy. I've been itchy most of my life, and the last time I saw my doctor, she prescribed hydroxyzine, and it seems to be working for me. I hope everyone else gets the results they want."

"Had been suffering from intense itching from head to toe, poor sleep, and was becoming more anxious because of the itching. Saw immediate calming of itching, slept calmly, and had a reduced feeling of anxiousness because of itching. Recommended it to a family member. Didn't realize how miserable I had been until the symptoms had been calmed."

"I have taken Hydroxyzine for around 30 years for chronic itchy skin and insomnia. I take it only once a day - at 6 PM - and go to bed at 10 PM. I take only 10 mg, but also about 1.5 mg of Temazepam (i.e., a bit broken off a 10 mg pill) before going to bed. I get about 6.5 hours of sleep usually. The downside of Hydroxyzine is that it makes one feel dopey for around 12 hours and affects short-term memory in this period. However, for itching, there is no other drug that is so effective."

"I do NOT recommend this for allergies or itchy skin. Or, at all based on my experience! I was prescribed 25 mg (2 tablets a night) in November 2018. I began noticing that I seemed angrier, more anxious, and more prone to big mood swings. Awful!! I finally called the doctor today and she admitted hydroxyzine can cause these symptoms! UGH! The sad part is the drug maker doesn't name any of these symptoms in the possible side effects section. Please stay away from this medicine as it could make you more anxious, angry, and emotional. I will return to Zyrtec, Eucerin lotion, and almond oil after showering for my itchy skin. Please be aware and best wishes!!"

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "I take Atarax for pruritis in liver disease. It helps me tremendously! I do get sleepy as I take 50mg at bedtime and it’s a bit difficult to get going in the morning.. It’s also very constipating so drink lots of water and add extra fiber to your diet!"

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "It has the desired effect of stopping the itching at night, but I cannot stay awake the following day. The drowsiness is almost impossible for me to cope with during the working week. I'm literally falling asleep at work (and I'm only taking half the dose)."

"I have idiopathic dermatitis. I get hives, rashes, itching all over my body. I do use prescription steroid cream to some good effect. However once in a while the itching gets completely out of control and I scratch myself until I bleed. This atarax (10-20mg) helps a lot. Take it as early in the evening as possible as you will more than likely sleep like a rock for 12 plus hours. I have made the mistake of waiting until I was up for several hours itching before taking the meds. Slept in all next day! In the future I will try to take it before 10 pm to avoid losing an entire day. I have never had any prescription medication make me sleep like this, not even any narcotic. This stuff is great because it is not habit forming, but it can definitely knock you out. On the plus side, the itching subsides for a couple of days so I can get myself together. I was just scratching myself constantly."

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "I frequently will experience itchiness all over my body and will break out in hives and can't stop the itching despite use of topical Benadryl, etc. My doctor prescribed Atarax a few years ago, and while it stops the itching in its tracks, I also sleep for an insane amount of time. Generally, it's about 18 solid hours of drowsiness to the point I can't even keep myself awake for longer than 20 minutes. I absolutely hate it. An entire day totally wasted. I'm prescribed 25 mg every 6 hours as needed, although I have never had to take a second dose within 24 hours."

"Saw the post by DanniBee. The drowsiness appears to be dose dependent. Not sure, (I don't have strong data), but I think the anti-itch effect happens at a lower level for people that have high drowsiness. Try a low dosage (5 to 10 mg). I know this may be considered a near homeopathic dose, but I and others have seen the anti-itch effect work at these lower doses with people who have particularly high sensitivity to the drowsiness effect. Let me know if it works."

"I started taking hydroxezine over 2 yrs ago. I take it every night before taking my Trazadone just because Trazadone makes me itchy. Well it's been 6 days since the last time I took hydroxyzine and my itching will not stop even though I take Benadryl but it does nothing. Hydroxyzine has worked for me, tomorrow I get my new prescription. I also have been panicky and very nervous, my anxiety up the roof. So I know for a fact this med has been helping me. I guess you find out when you stop taking it. I recommend this for panic attacks..anxiety for allergies and itching."

Atarax (hydroxyzine) "I was prescribed this medication after a burn injury. My scars caused intensive itching! I was ordered to take two tablets by mouth four times a day as needed for itching. Initially after my accident the medicine helped. I didn't really notice the side effects because I was on pain medication as well. Now here we are six months after my accident. last night I had a really bad itching episode. I could not sleep. I decided to take the two Atarax. I slept through the entire night and the next day. I woke up to a text message after text message from coworkers and my boss wondering why I didn't show to work!"

"I'm 64. I was badly bitten by mosquitos last October, and this seems to have triggered extreme itching of my back, abdomen, scalp and - er - undercarriage. My GP precribed Loratidine and a menthol cream with absolutely no effect. Now we are trying Atarax and Eurax cream. The sedative effect of the Atarax gave me a good night's sleep last night, but itching cometh again in the morning. Will I be cursed with this for ever? My back looks as if I have been in a fight with a barbed wire fence. With hot-flushy menopause skin, I don't like using a cream..."

"I started taking this medicine when I was about 7 because I had severe eczema. My doctor only prescribed me 25mg at first because of my age, at first it would knock me out about 30-1 hour after taking it but it really helped with itching at night. Than as I got older by body got used to the medicine so my dosage was moved up to 50mg and it had the same effect. Than eventually I got all the to it and you have to take A LOT for it to work. . As i got older my eczema became more easy to control so i stopped taking but had it on stand by. Hydrozine is very good for allergies too or to help a allergic reaction."

"My husband, who is diabetic for many years, suddenly developed an itchy, scratchy rash. He's someone who soldiers on despite everything. So he went to the VA Hospital and they prescribed Hydroxyzine capsules, telling him to take them at bedtime. He also is using a salve for the topical skin discomfort. He slept like a log last night and already (2 days in) feels better; his rash is much improved, and should be gone pronto if the good response continues. The Doctor was very clear - warned him (it also says so on the bottle): don't drive, ride a bike, or whatever until you see if it makes you groggy or dizzy - a common side affect. He slept for 12 hours last night, so that was a plus. This medicine is very effective!"

"So for as long as I can remember I have had severe, chronic itching all over my body. Every day like clock work I start feeling the tingles under my skin and then a non stop itch fest. I was put on Hydroxyzine about 12 years ago and I'm now taking 200 mg every day. It does control the horrible itching for at least 5 hours. I have become so immune to it that it doesn't make me super drowsy any more however, it does make me feel very tired. I wish there was a better alternative but your standard allergy medicines do nothing for me."

"I have been itching for over 20 years with no diagnosis of why. I was prescribed Atarax 10 mg and it works like a charm. Only downfall, is I'm very sleepy the following day. I go from uncontrolled itching to uncontrolled sleep. I am supposed to take every 6 hours or as needed, I take once a week. I would be on complete bed rest if I took every 6 hours, lol"

"I have psychogenic itching. No other way to describe it. I have to scratch, my hands, body, everywhere! I also have anxiety and depression, so I told my doctor and therapist about the horror of this itchiness...I have been taking this medication for a few years, and I can't take it when I have work or school...I'm totally groggy the next day. It doesn't help now as much as it used to, but for days when I'm suffering; I have to take it."

"I have uncontrollable itching and have had it for about 2 months now. At first my psychiatrist thought it was one of my psych meds then my diabetic doctor believed that it was one of my diabetes medications. I'm no longer on the Psych Med or diabetic medications that could have been causing the itchiness. The itchiness has not gone away. For the past four nights I have been taking this medication and the itchiness has been better at night but I've been sleeping 11 to 12 hours and having a hard time functioning during the day. I hope the doctors can figure out something else that will help the itching go away."

"The only thing that works to stop chronic urticaria itch. This is the third time I've had chronic hives, & nothing else works. 10 mg 3-4 x a day. Skin still covered in hives, but the itch goes away mostly. Drowsy effect at first, but that goes away after a few doses."

"Just started this. It sure does knock the itch out BUT. Whew. I took it at 11 AM and crashed at 2PM. I'm sure, like most things, after a week or so the drowsy thing goes away. Gravol(Dimenhydrinate) used to do the same thing to me. Now it has zero drowsy effect on me. It's great for the guts but not near as good as Hydroxyzine for itching. "

"This drug was wonderful at taking care of my itchy rash, however, it really wiped me out. It was the only thing that would help quickly and completely, so it was worth the exhaustion for a few days. (Note: I am also on other drugs that can make me drowsy, so it may not make other users as wiped out as it made me.)"

"Have had intense itching, especially at nite, since being diagnosed with RA in 2013. I had my RA in remission primarily through gluten free, mainly vegan diet until three days ago when I took my first dose of Hydroxyzine 25 mg. Oh WOW how this antihistimine drug makes my body scream in pain. As soon as I feel better I will have to revisit the itching dilemna. In the meantime, it's probably curtains for me with the hydroxyzine!!"

"severe itching for unknown reason(so far- test being taken) took 1 last night at 4 pm did not make me drowsy and itch did not even slightly approve.- very disappointed- going to give it another try today after work so I can take every 6 hours over the weekend this way if it does knock me out im home.."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: antihistamines
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Hydroxyzine drug information
  • Hydroxyzine (Intramuscular) (Advanced Reading)
  • Hydroxyzine Capsules and Tablets
  • Hydroxyzine Injection
  • Hydroxyzine Syrup

Other brands

Atarax, Vistaril, Hyzine

Professional resources

  • HydrOXYzine Hydrochloride, hydrOXYzine Pamoate monograph
  • Hydroxyzine (FDA)
  • Hydroxyzine Capsules (FDA)
  • Hydroxyzine Injection (FDA)
  • Hydroxyzine Oral Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Atarax, Vistaril

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Allergic Urticaria
  • Allergies
  • Food Allergies