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Generic Name: Imitrex Statdose (sumatriptan)

Imitrex Statdose Reviews

For Migraine "this medication will take a migraine away in 20 minutes. If you have work that day or are trying to get to sleep this in invaluable to me once or twice a month. It stops the pounding quickly, especially accompanying a hot bath."

For Cluster Headaches "These injections are a God send for Clusterers. The ONLY drawback that I experienced was the expense which forbids me from using them on a regular basis...but the tablets are a good substitute... just takes much longer to work. The injections work almost instantly.."

For Migraine "The medication itself is effective and clears a migraine in about 10 minutes. However, my pen always breaks eventually and sometimes my replacement pens are faulty as well. I have a reserve of the medication, because I have been unable to take it. They need to design a better injection system."

For Cluster Headaches "Had clusters 37 years now. I've tried literally EVERYTHING out there. The only thing that works for immediate relief is imitrex injections. If med takes too long (nasal or pill), it simply doesn't work. Gabapentin (sp) regime should be started immediately, they eventually stop the nerve from spasms. Imitrex is now available generic (sumatriptan), however, still expensive. I pay $75/shot only available as a two-pack."

For Migraine "Imitrex shot is a very effective drug for me. Have had migraines for decades and was introduced to imitrex after 2 years of having blinding aura then 2 days of suffering in a dark room. Imitrex shot works within minutes. No pain killer needed. Once I give myself the shot, I lay down for about an hour. Only issues are brief fatigue, nausea for a few minutes and a strange prickly sensation in the top of my head which goes away quickly."

For Migraine "This review is for the injectable form of Imitrex (sumatriptan) only. For anyone that has tried the pill or nasal spray forms and found them ineffective, please try the injections. They work wonders and act fast. I've tried the other types and they actually seemed to make me more nauseous and (especially the nasal spray). I keep one in my purse at all times so that I can get relief anytime a migraine hits. The pain is not bad as the needle is very small and thin. You don't have to jab yourself, just press against your skin and push a button. The pain of migraine is much worse! I've found the most comfortable injection site to be the bit of fat at the top of my buttox. I use the 6mg injections but I'm pretty sure there is also a lower dose."

For Migraine "Absolutely amazing. Never found anything that could take away a migraine until my doctor prescribed this! My migraines are gone within 20 minutes of the shot. I've suffered with them since a child and now at 25 I found something that really works. This medication is a blessing to me!"

For Migraine "My 1st migraine experience at 10yrs old landed me in the emergency room. Finally in my 30s after decades of wasted time, pain & frustration I was introduced to imitrex injections; I call this the miracle drug. I'm fortunate to have medical coverage. The weather (mainly) affects my migraines. I also work a stressful job with shift work. I'm now 44 and although I still attempt prevention and alternative methods Nothing cures my migraines except the injections."

For Migraine "Because my migraines start while I am asleep, I do not get the "lights" prior to onset. I start by having ringing in my ears around 11 p.m., then around 2:30 a.m. the pain starts. If I take a shot at that time, I can function during the day. If not, around 4 to 5 a.m. I awake with a full-blown, blind-in-one-eye migraine and I cannot function for about 12 hours. Later it feels like someone took a baseball bat to my head and it hurts."

For Migraine "I have had migraines since I was 6 years old, they are very strong in my family. I have been using the Imitrex injections since I was 17, I am now 25. I am always amazed at how well the Imitrex works, because I get migraines so often I usually wait until my migraine is pretty bad before taking an injection (You are supposed to take it at the first sign of a migraine but if I did that I would take an injection almost daily). I take the injection, lie down for 30-60 minuted and the migraine is totally gone! Seriously. The only side effects I have are a tingly/tight feeling that lasts 2-3 minutes, and as of the last 3 years a red itchy injection site reaction, that resolves in 2 hours or less."

For Migraine "Pill form did not work for me but the stat-dose stops the pain within twenty mins most times. Side effects are tightness in chest, weakness in arms but this goes away within an hour or so. Better than that little devil with the big hammer beating the inside of my head. I take it as soon as I feel that I am getting a migraine and not just a common headache. I try not to overuse it as I have a fear it will stop working and it is the only thing that works short of an E.R. visit for Demerol."

For Migraine "This worked really well. I've taken the pills and they don't do anything for my chronic migraines. I did experience some mild tingling in my limbs a few minutes after and a weird warm, flushing feeling in my chest. The warm, flushing feeling in my chest came almost immediately after the injection. It didn't last long and my heartbeat was normal. At least, it felt normal. Minor pain at injection site but no biggie. Overall, this little pen saved my work day and killed what usually would be a 24-48hr migraine and ordeal!"

For Migraine "I'm 21 years old and have unfortunately inherited my family's notorious migraine genes. I've suffered from migraines from a very young age. The 1st medicine I was given at age 21 being finally officially diagnosed by military doctors, while being deployed to Iraq, was Zomig dissolving tablets. No luck, second was Imitrex tablets - same thing, nothing except side effects. Then I was tried on stat-dose Imitrex, still nothing. The only thing that's helped with killing my migraines is an ER visit being treated with fluids, Valium to knock me out and Dilaudid or morphine along with Phenergran."

For Migraine "I have had migraines since the age of 6, I have tried everything. I unfortunately need pain medication about 10% of the time. I sure wish I would have had these injections years ago. They works most of the time. I have very severe pain and nausea and it does help."

For New Daily Persistent Headache "I have headaches everyday. I get them in the morning and vomiting is first thing. Imitrex injections clear them right up."

For Migraine "Imitrex is truly a miracle for me. It has given me my life back!"

For Cluster Headaches "Fast relief after injecting. Haven't had many other treatments. I use for cluster headaches."

For Migraine "The stat dose is a miracle. I can finally go on vacations and don't miss out on work. I used to be in tears and would be submitted to hospital for a i.v."

For Migraine "I have extremely bad migraines and have tried several different medicines. Imitrex stat dose injections have really been a lifesaver!"

For Migraine "Works very well for migraines. "

For Migraine "Pens are bulky and break and I then don't have enough for my months supply"

More about Imitrex Statdose (sumatriptan)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: antimigraine agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Imitrex STATdose patient information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Sumatriptan monograph
  • Sumatriptan Nasal Spray (FDA)

Other brands

Sumavel DosePro, Tosymra, Onzetra Xsail, Zecuity, Zembrace SymTouch

Other formulations

  • Imitrex

Related treatment guides

  • Cluster Headaches
  • Migraine