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Generic Name: Imuran (azathioprine)

Imuran Reviews

For Autoimmune Hepatitis "I have chronic autoimmune hepatitis and have been taking Imuran for four years. It has prevented further flare-ups (which I have taken as much as a year to recover from). It enables me to live my life feeling well with mild side effects (some nausea)."

For Lupus "I was prescribed Imuran for systemic lupus. I took the medicine for about one month. I had a terrible allergic reaction - I was hospitalized for several days. High fever, liver, and joint pain. It is my understanding that Imuran can cause an allergic reaction (it was not a unique reaction to me). I have since learned (from a doctor at the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center) that there is a test to determine if you will tolerate Imuran. The test checks the level/presence of an enzyme necessary for the body to process or tolerate Imuran. I would ask your doctor about the test for Imuran tolerance before starting Imuran - my allergic reaction was very bad. I am not an alarmist, and I understand that Imuran is an effective medicine for many people. However, I wish I had known that a test was available to determine if a patient will tolerate Imuran, as this would have been extremely helpful and I could have avoided a very serious allergic reaction to Imuran."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Have had ulcerative colitis for 26 years. Started Imuran after a flare up and within 1 week I thought it was a miracle and still am going to the bathroom 2x a day and sleep all night. I worry about the side effects but I have a life again for now. Thanks to Imuran."

For Lupus "Imuran greatly improved my systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) symptoms. I have neurological involvement, and before this medicine, my right foot was paralyzed. I can now walk, thanks to this. I had blood work done, and all my values are normal now, which was not the case before. I do not have any side effects either. It has been a lifesaver for me."

For Autoimmune Hepatitis "I have been on azathioprine for over 20 years, along with prednisone when I have a flare of autoimmune hepatitis. A couple times the Dr tried to lower my doses, and each time I flared. Azathioprine has been a life saver."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Have been using for over two years after several episodes of prednisone. Have been almost completely free of symptoms and have no obvious side effects. I only use the bathroom once a day and stools are generally well-formed. No diarrhea at all. Can eat and drink normally (including roughage) but did have some pain after eating too much corn on the cob."

For Lupus "I'm a woman age 39. I've been on Imuran for over 4 years. Before taking Imuran, I was on methotrexate and Lyrica, which I had EVERY SIDE EFFECT to. But when I switched medicines and began the Imuran, it was very helpful! I could tell a big difference in how I felt. I also have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis as well. Over time, and up to this point, I'm feeling I need something stronger or even different. I can't tell that I have any known side effects from Imuran. My doctor suggested I try Benlysta. I'm scheduled to start that in two weeks! I'm very nervous because of some of the side effects, but you never know until you try! Hope this was helpful! Best of luck!"

For Lupus "I have been taking Imuran for over 40 years since I was diagnosed with lupus. My lupus has been in remission for over 40 years. I have had a kidney transplant for over 30 years (failure due to my lupus). I am a strong believer that by taking Imuran, my lupus being in remission and having my transplant for so many years is part of the reason for taking Imuran."

For Ulcerative Colitis "I have been on Imuran for over 10 years now. I am now going through my first flare-up. I still take it along with a diarrhea med. The Imuran has been a lifesaver for me. Fatigue is normal, have not had to stop any activity. We ride 4-wheelers, drag race, etc. I love the medicine."

For Lupus "I've been on Imuran for 6 months, and it hasn't helped at all. In fact, I'm sicker now on it. The biggest side effects for me are loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea. The diarrhea is horrible. I go at least 10 times a day, and nothing helps. I'm exhausted from being so dehydrated and malnourished. When I see my rheumatologist in a week, I'm begging him to try anything else but Imuran. I can't handle it anymore."

For Lupus "After about 2 weeks into the medicine, I started vomiting severely whenever I took this medication. Ended up in the hospital. I tried this medication again several years later and immediately started vomiting severely. I had to go by ambulance to the emergency room because I could not go by car. I would use extreme caution when first starting this medication because apparently it can cause severe side effects."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Wonderful medicine. I was extremely sick, went 20 times to the bathroom in 8 to 9 hours, was really sick, and finally gave in to start this medicine with the rest I had been taking. Within 5 hours, everything slowed down. I felt like a new person. But, sadly to say, it was short-lived. I started reacting 2 to 3 days in, and the reactions got worse. I had to stop taking it."

For Ulcerative Colitis "It is a miracle drug! After about 2 months, my stools were becoming well-formed, but not back to the usual stool! I only go once a day, and it really is amazing! Although the risks seem huge, I just look at it as though without Imuran, I could be a lot worse!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "The first two to three weeks were fine. Then I started experiencing a bad headache, the next two days fever and chills. The next evening, severe chills, weakness, dizziness, raging fever (up to 104.3), and began throwing up. It was the worst I've ever felt in my life (and that includes a hospitalization in ICU when first diagnosed). I was on the verge of calling 911. However, it eventually passed (as the medicine worked its way out of my system) and the fever subsided. My rheumatologist ran a complete series of blood work and she said that I had an allergic reaction. Prior to starting Imuran, I had been tested for liver compatibility and the results showed that I would have no issues, so I proceeded. Proceed with extreme caution."

For Eczema "Before taking Imuran, I was riddled with eczema from top to toe, bleeding open sores, constantly on antibiotics and cortisone tablets, and tablets for depression. It was a vicious cycle that lasted for approximately 3 years. Before this, I only had mild eczema, which I had for 15 years, treated with cortisone creams. Imuran was prescribed by an allergist and immunologist. At first, I took it with cortisone tablets and then after about 2-3 months, I was only taking Imuran. I have never felt better. I only have a problem with my eyelids now, but this I can handle. I have been on Imuran now for just over a year and fortunately have had very few side effects."

For Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "I was diagnosed with Crohn's 28 years ago and have been on multiple medications over the years. I had a flare-up in January of 2000 after being admitted to the hospital for a failing appendix. That is where I met my current gastro doctor. I was put on Imuran with a side of Asacol, but was taken off the Asacol around 7 years ago. I have been taking 100 mg of Imuran for 16 years with virtually no side effects and haven't had one flare-up to speak of since 2000. I know everyone is different, but Imuran has been super good to me!"

For Crohn's Disease "Was prescribed Imuran as part of combination therapy with Inflectra after a bad flare of Crohn's that landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks. I started taking 1 tablet a day, increased to 2 after a week, then 2 1/2 after another week. Once I got to the full dose, I started to notice some stomach upset, and after a week, I started vomiting profusely and was bedridden for 3 days. Also experienced hair loss. My GI told me to stop taking it for now. Sure hope he has another idea, as clearly I can’t tolerate Imuran. I felt immediately better after stopping the drug. Good luck to anyone battling this horrible disease!"

For Myasthenia Gravis "I have been on Imuran for 6 months and find it very helpful for my ocular symptoms and moderately helpful for my generalized myasthenia gravis symptoms (fatigue and weakness). So far, normal hemograms, hepatic function tests, and renal/chem-7 results."

For Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "Our son was very sick for a year before being diagnosed with Crohn's disease. At his worst, he was 62 lbs and 12 years old! The poor sweet thing was withering away to nothing! Every bone in his body stuck out. It was a terrible time for the entire family to see such a sweet soul struggle so badly. Once we got the diagnosis of Crohn's via biopsy and scope, his doctor put him on Imuran. Seven months later, he now weighs 78 lbs and grew almost an inch! He is in remission! We are so thankful for this prescription!"

For Lupus "So, I’m on a few days on Imuran for SLE. The first day, was okay for me.. but, then the days after that, I started getting headache, feeling nausea and on and off diarrhoea. I also don’t feel hungry nor full. Just average basically, all the time. I also noticed I started losing some weight. Not, sure what will happen in the future. Just hoping for the best. "

For Ulcerative Colitis "Azathioprine worked well to reduce my ulcerative colitis symptoms and had zero noticeable side effects. The required frequent blood tests were a hassle, and it did lower my white count significantly. In the end, the medicine was not sufficient to manage my condition, and we added an anti-TNF to it. Once that was ramped up, I discontinued azathioprine since it added nothing to the anti-TNF."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was on a steroid previously, however, due to the fact that I was constantly getting bacterial and viral infections and gaining a lot of weight, the doctor took me off the steroid and prescribed Imuran. So far, it is working out better than the steroid."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Imuran seemed to help for a few months, but after prolonged use, it weakened my immune system too much. I started getting colds about every three weeks, which made me feel run down and tired more so than just having colitis alone, but it did at least calm my symptoms for a while."

For Lupus "At the 2 wk mark of taking Imuran, I started having a terrible headache. My body started to ache. I couldn't get comfortable no matter what I did, and I had trouble sleeping. I had a fever, I had chills, and I sweated worse than being at the gym. My urine was golden dark yellow, and my skin was pale. I was tested for the flu, which was negative, and my blood test results were normal (as normal as can be for a lupus patient). My doctor thought I had a virus but told me to stop taking the Imuran. Within a little over 24 hours, the headache started going away, the urine went back to normal color, and my body was feeling better."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Have been on Imuran for 6 years, and it has helped some off and on. In the beginning, I went to the bathroom about 10 to 12 times a day, thus losing a lot of weight, which I didn't expect. Now I go about 3 to 4 times a day, and I do have a flare-up every now and then. Was finally weaned off of prednisone. Have gained some weight back. Overall, the medication has helped, though my immune system has been weakened."

More about Imuran (azathioprine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: antirheumatics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Imuran drug information
  • Imuran (Azathioprine Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Imuran (Azathioprine Oral) (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Imuran prescribing information
  • Azathioprine (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Chronic Active Hepatitis