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Generic Name: Iressa (gefitinib)

Iressa Reviews

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "My personal experience with Iressa has been very good. The side effects of the drug were so much less than those of intravenous chemotherapy. When I finished traditional chemotherapy in December 2002, I participated in the clinical trials. I started taking Iressa in January 2003. My last scan after traditional chemotherapy showed that the cancer was still growing. My next scan, after taking Iressa for 90 days, showed marked improvement in my condition. Each scan thereafter showed slow but detectable improvement. It is now late May of 2009, and I'm still taking Iressa and still showing signs of improvement. The side effects, while ever-present, are far more tolerable than those of traditional chemotherapy."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I was diagnosed with inoperable NSCLC on March 11. I am taking Iressa as a first-line treatment. I had no side effects for 2 weeks, then the rash on my face started. I am female, so I was able to cover this with makeup. My skin became very dry too, but moisturizers helped. I had tummy cramps, which started at the same time, no diarrhea initially as I was still taking morphine from unsuccessful surgery. After 6 weeks, I had my first scan. My tumor that had been 11 cm was now 8.5 cm, this was a pleasant surprise, as I was told Iressa would not shrink it but just stop it from growing. Since stopping the morphine, I now suffer from tummy cramps and diarrhea most days, usually at night. I feel it is a small price to pay. I take Imodium, which helps."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer 5 months ago - in February 2013 - and following tests, was put on Iressa. I can only say that I feel fantastic with only minimal side effects: occasional mild rash on chest (1-2 days only) and a bit tired afternoons - I have a nap for an hour and then all is good."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I (78 y.o. male) was diagnosed with NSCLC in March 2011, and in late May, I started taking Iressa as a first line of treatment. For the first five months, my only side effect was a mild rash. I then had swollen gums and stomach acid. Both quickly responded to antibiotics. Seventy-five days between the March and May CT scans, the tumor increased by 86% (from 4.9 x 4 cms). Fifty days later, in July, after taking Iressa, the CT scan revealed an 83% reduction. From March to July, it reduced by 69%, and in December, although subtle, there has been further reduction. April 2012. True to form, the tumor started growing again after 10 months of Iressa treatment. Still looking healthy, active in the garden, and taking 4 to 6-mile weekly walks. The only side effect was a mild rash mainly on the body. Now switching to conventional chemotherapy today, 10th May."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "my sister was diagnosed with nsclc adenocarcinoma, egfr+, stage iv, inoperable, non extrathoracic involvment. Metastasis was initially found in ipsilateral supraclavicular lymph gland which was surgically removed. Chemotherapy for three months with alimta and cisplatin with good results (1/3 of initial tumor disappeared) but then became static. Then change of therapy for a second line chemotherapy but after a month tumor was static. Then finally, iressa was prescribed. She is being taking the wonder pill for just three months and scan proved the tumor is impressively shrunk!! There are no side effects other that dry face skin. We are so grateful for this miracle pill."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I (78 y.o. male) was diagnosed with NSCLC in March 2011 and in late May I started taking Iressa as a first line of treatment. For the first five months my only side effect was a mild rash. I then had swollen gums and stomach acid. Both quickly responded to antibiotics. 75 days between the March and May CT scans the tumor increased by 86% (from 4.9 x 4 cms). 50 days later in July, after taking Iressa, the CT scan revealed an 83% reduction. From March to July it reduced by 69% and in December, although subtle, there has been further reduction."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "I have ground glass nodules in lower right lung, after surgery for right lung cancer in 2018. I took gefitinib for 43 days with no problem till it caused cystitis. Was advised to stop dosage but resume when the cystitis cleared. I then noticed that the skin behind my knees was sore and beginning to weep a little, but didn't take much notice of it till I was admitted to hospital a week later for a different problem. While there, the skin behind my knees and all down the inner sides of my legs, from my upper thighs to my ankles, broke down and was weeping. These wounds had to be dressed every day, and some have left discolouration. Now , three months after I discontinued the therapy, the ends of my fingernails are going yellow and cracking and separating. I also have swollen legs, which is another possible long-term effect of gefitinib. It did however, reduce the size of the lung nodules, which unfortunately have now increased in size again."

For Non Small Cell Lung Cancer "hi my mother suffering lung cancer . The hospital Dr started her Gefitinib tablets Ip 250mg 1 tablet in day. so now she is worried about her hair falls ."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: EGFR inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Iressa drug information

Professional resources

  • Iressa prescribing information
  • Gefitinib (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Non Small Cell Lung Cancer