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Generic Name: Junel Fe 24 (ethinyl-estradiol-norethindrone)

Junel Fe 24 Reviews

For Birth Control "Horrible. Do not recommend. At all. Save yourself. Just started month 3, and it has been AWFUL. So glad I found this. I've had about every side effect but abnormal bleeding. Haven't been able to have sex for over a month because of vaginal dryness/inability to get wet/loss of interest (just ended month 2 yesterday). Sex was great until this pill! My side effects: major vaginal dryness (going on 3 months), no sex drive/interest/pleasure, breast tenderness/PAIN/enlargement, nausea, headache, bloating, fetal-position cramps, mental changes/mood swings, trouble concentrating, tired/weak ALL of the time, irritable, anxious, discouraged. I could go on. I was starting to question myself, my body, my mind, my relationship, felt like I just could NOT get better. I'm disappointed it took me so long to realize this was the only change. Good thing is I'm not pregnant, but hard to get pregnant when you can't have sex."

For Birth Control "I’m not great with keeping a SPECIFIC time but I always take this pill between 11:30am and 12pm. This pill should take about 3-6 months to regulate in your body. Within those months it’s normal to feel some mood swings, slight changes in period, &/or weight gain so don’t worry. Prior to this pill, my periods were 5-7 days tops. First period while being on this pill lasted 2 weeks, the second lasted a week. From the third month moving forward my periods last about 3-5 days tops with no ovulation. My period dates also shift a bit. I didn’t notice any mood swings until about the 6th month. To today I sometimes feel sad or depressed & I won’t know why. I also cry a lot easier now. It’s nothing I’m concerned over tho, not too bad, & the mood swings are easy for me to quickly get over. Positive side effect: my breasts have gotten noticeably bigger. My bf has also “finished” in me multiple times with no pregnancy outcome so the pill has been doing it’s job. I’d recommend"

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this birth control for a little over a year now, I love it, the first three to four months I had very bad mood swings and normal PMS but after those months I felt fine. Two side effects that I did notice is I never have a sex drive. Another is heavy discharge but nothing too hard to handle. Other than that pill works great I’ve used it a whole year taking it at 8pm and now I’ve changed to 12pm still never had problem and never been pregnant! I’ve also had my bf finishes inside many times still not pregnant! :-)"

For Birth Control "This birth control pill Junel Fe 24 has been the worse thing that was ever happened to my body. My doctor told me that it was going to help with my acne, which I didn't have, it made it worse. Told me the pill would make my sex life more fun. Well, that was the biggest lie of the planet. A few months in sex became painful. My vag was so dry that it became impossible to have sex without lube. Clitoral sex didn't feel good bc it became painful. Bc my vag was so dry I started bleeding after sex. I lost all my sex drive. I was crying and having anxiety attacks every couple of days. I thought my relationship was going down the drain bc of this pill. I didn't even feel anything when I was touched by my boyfriend and I used to feel happy explosions from his touch. I thought I was going crazy. I'll never trust my doctor's opinion again and I'm doing my own research before I let something do this to my body again because I really this feeling. I didn't get pregnant but I sure paid the price of losing myself."

For Birth Control "DO NOT TAKE THIS PILL. This medication has made my life a living nightmare. I have depression and anxiety but this pill took it to a whole other level. Panic attacks, non stop crying, intrusive thoughts, just overall a terrible time. Please use any other form of birth control."

For Birth Control "I'm 24 and have been on this Junel Fe 24 pill for 6 years with no issues. Here's the thing you need to give your birth control way more than 1-3 months before judging it. You will never find a good one if you switch them that often!!! Unless you're having a serious reaction to it, then wait it out 3 months until it regulates. This pill didn't make me gain weight or have any more acne than a 24 year old should have. Yes of course vaginal dryness is an issue.... if you're taking any birth control with progesterone in it you are going to have this issue. The whole purpose of this medication is to thicken your cervical secretions so that it can trap sperm better. No birth control is perfect but I promise this is a good one if you give it some time."

For Birth Control "This birth control Junel Fe 24 is great, especially for first timers!! It is really low in progesterone (which is why sadly after 3 years of being on it I have to switch to a higher one due to getting too used to the strength and bleeding more than once a month) BUT my first few years on it I had a really good experience with Junel Fe. I had a super light period that lasted anywhere from 2-5 days and I had no cramps or migraines ever. I did not notice any weight gain and despite other reviews I think my sex drive was really really good. In my first year, I did have a lot of discharge which was kinda annoying but that is something that became less in my third year (I think it had to do with my reason up above). My only "con" with this birth control is that emotionally I did notice I was pretty sensitive to silly things (I found a reason to cry about almost anything ahah) but this was not anything major and I wish I could continue this birth control if it weren't for the low mg of progesterone :("

For Birth Control "I have been on this birth control for a year now. My skin is clear and I haven’t had a pregnancy. Because of this I have been pretty happy with it until I realized I gained 25 lbs. For perspective, I started at 115 so 25 lbs is a huge gain for me. I started researching side effects of this birth control and I realized that this is likely the cause of other issues in my life. My sex drive has been at an all time low. I don’t want to give or receive oral, sex feels like a chore, and I’m not even turned on by the thought of it anymore. Additionally, my breasts are constantly sore. Lastly, I had to get prescribed an anxiety medication a few months ago. I have always had anxiety but I have been able to keep it under control until recently. If I was cognizant of these symptoms a while back I would’ve stopped. I’m so discouraged that this birth control could’ve disrupted my relationship and my self esteem."

For Birth Control "Junel Fe 24 is a good birth control have a ton of discharge but thats pretty much it. I get barely any bleeding now, versus before my periods were 5 days and heavy. No cramps No acne So far no babies but we pull out too I love it"

For Birth Control "I've been on this Junel Fe 24 birthe control pills for 3 years now and have not had a problem. I just don't like how there are 7 inactive pills which means my period lasts 7 days, that always feels like forever. I haven't had any bad experiences with this medication. My face didn't break out, no intense cramps, just normal PMS symptoms when I am on my period. I would recommend this pill for anyone looking for a low dose birth control."

For Birth Control "I was switched to Junel fe because I was spotting heavily in between my periods on my old prescription. I pretty much had a period all month long! On Junel fe, I had MINOR spotting when I started taking the pack, and now I have none! I have zero of the side effects discussed on here by other women. I have seen no weight gain but I am on a 1300 calorie diet, so that may be why. I love this prescription, it’s definitely worth the switch!"

For Birth Control "Junel Fe 24 isn't my first birth control I've been on. I was on Lo Loestrin Fe for about 8 months, and always had irregular bleeding due to an ovarian cyst. Not sure if the birth control irritated it, or if it was there all along. Anyways, I've now been on Junel Fe 24 for about 3 weeks, and I love it. My acne has cleared up, and my cyst is gone!! Definitely don't think I'll be switching anytime soon. I haven't had anything but good symptoms from this birth control."

For Birth Control "I have tried numerous birth controls over the past couple years, I had a problem where I would be on my period for 3 months straight off for a month or so then my period would come again for another straight three months and birth control is the only help. Junel Fe has been wonderful for me, my periods are short and light and at most they last for four days, no side effects at all this has worked wonderful for me."

For Birth Control "I don’t normally write reviews for things but I had to take time to do this. I was on Microgestin before it switched to Junel fe. I had gotten on the pill because of irregular periods and very severe migraines around my period. I started taking this in December and by the end of Janurary I had full on depression and my anxiety was through the roof. I had no control over my emotions. I stopped taking this pill a week after I noticed the drastic change in my mood. It’s taken me almost 6 months to get to a spot where getting up everyday isn’t a battle. I went to a therapist for the first time in my life because my emotions were so out of control. This pill also increased and worsened my migraines. I don’t feel like myself anymore and the worst part is I’ll have to try another birth control just to try to feel like myself again. This drug should not be on the market. I’d happily pay more for my BC if it meant me not going through anything like this again."

For Birth Control "I do not recommend this birth control at all. I was only able to take it for 6 days and I'd felt some changes leading up to the last day I took it. Nausea, bad headaches, eye aches, extreme moodiness, heart palpitations, dizziness, crying for no reason, I woke up in a bad mood and by the 6th day I had had enough. I switched back to my old birth control (I took junel only because I had a zero co-pay prescription) and I will GLADLY pay 30 dollars for it over this. Every side effect was gone the day after I stopped taking it."

For Birth Control "I recommend trying something else. I’ve read many reviews and talked to many other women who have tried Junel Fe. I do not have a history of depression but within the first month, I was severely depressed. I could not stop crying for days. I made it through the first month but it was very hard. I almost felt like a zombie, constantly being dismal. Not to mention, I experienced all of the side effects on the list and more. It was honestly miserable. If you are prescribed this by your doctor, please do some further research before you take it. I do not think it’s for everyone."

For Birth Control "I am 36. This pill is the best. And I have tried so many, literally at least 6 different pills and an IUD. This pill HELPED my anxiety. Not gonna lie, took about 3 months for my body to get used to it but once it did, it's been smooth sailing. My boobs don't hurt, 3 day (if that) periods. No acne or weight gain."

For Birth Control "I've been taking Junel Fe24 for almost two years because my cramps were so bad to the point where I would throw up and get a fever. I highly recommend this brand, I don't get any cramps, I get a super light period and my acne has really cleared up. But, some down sides to it are: low sex drive, weight gain, and sometimes being moody. I know I kind of contradicted myself up there but I really enjoy the aspect of having no cramps. Unfortunately, its great for me but can be horrible for you..."

For Birth Control "I've encountered so many problems with this pill. Constant infections after intercourse. Smelly discharge before and after periods. Headaches, high blood pressure, mood swings, depression, anxiety, irregular periods, intense anger, zero sex drive. The thought of having sex with my partner was repulsive. It's a massive mess. I was on it for almost a year. Good thing I found out what was happening. It almost cost me to lose my child's father. It can ruin relationships. Terrible experience."

For Birth Control "Was put on this pill for my poly cystic ovarian and metabolic syndrome after all other birth control pills (BCP) made me an emotional wreck. This brand on the first month made me cry over an empty jar of pickles and I would also experience sudden emotional outbursts which I were the same as the other bcps. I also experienced very painful periods to the point the only thing I could do was lay in bed in a fetal position. The second month I noticed a burning sensation and the hair on the top of my head was falling out. I told my doctor and he all but blew me off telling me that there was less than 1% probability of me experiencing these types of side effect from my bcp. I am not only taking myself off of this HORRIBLE pill, I am also switching doctors. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PILL!!!"

For Birth Control "I was on Junel for over 2 years. For the first 2 years - it was great, lighter periods, clear skin, never got pregnant, no affect on mood. Then all of the sudden for the last 5 months I’ve had terrible anxiety, depression, panic attacks, heavy periods, headaches, stomach issues, and more. I finally said screw it and decided to stop taking it all together. It’s only been 2 days, and I already notice a major difference in my mood. I’m hoping I find something that works for me since I did start birth control in hopes to find relief from my adenomiosis and endometriosis symptoms. I’m honestly afraid to go on birth control again though after my experience on this pill. I wouldn’t recommend this pill to anyone, however for a good 2 years it was a great option for me, until things drastically went downhill."

For Birth Control "I started taking Junel FE 24 a little over a year ago when my Gyno recommended it to me after I complained about heavy, painful periods and acne. She told me it’s her favorite BC pill to prescribe, and I see why. This is the first BC pill I’ve taken, so I have nothing to compare it to other than horror stories I’ve heard from friends, but I quite like this one. I’ve had no issues other than some minor weight gain (less than 10 lbs), my periods aren’t painful anymore, and I haven’t had an acne breakout since I started taking it! I used to have a pretty irregular cycle - it was not unusual for me to go two or three months without a period - and while they only lasted 4-5 days, I’d bleed so heavily that I had to wear a bad as backup to a heavy tampon if I knew I’d be out for more than a couple of hours. Couple that with breakouts at every period, and cramps so painful it was hard to get out of bed, I needed a solution, and for me, it was this pill."

For Birth Control "I was given Junel Fe 24 as my first birth control about 3 1/2 months ago. I've always been pretty in control of my emotions, but these pills made me feel out of control. I was okay, a little skeptical, for the first month because the cramps during my first period on birth control got WORSE. I began to notice that my cravings right before my cycle were absolutely CRAZY. I wanted to eat everything and anything I could get my hands on. I have never experienced cravings that bad. My mood swings were terrible too. My sex drive was almost nonexistent and I felt a lot of anxiety. My breasts got larger.. and you're probably thinking that doesn't sound too terrible. Wrong! I'm seeing my OBGYN soon because I think all those bad hormones in this birth control started to cause a sore/tender spot on my right chest that might turn into a cyst. I recently switched birth control to one that all my siblings have and I have been on it for two weeks now."

For Birth Control "Had a wonderful experience on this Junel Fe 24 birth control! I didn’t experience any major side effects that people usually say that makes birth control sound scary or horrible. My periods before weren't super heavy and are even more manageable now. I plan on continuing my use with this birth control."

For Birth Control "This is my 5th month being on Junel Fe. At first, I got nausea and my doctor told me to take at night with a snack which helped a lot. Not getting nausea anymore. My periods are so much lighter but sometimes longer. I had no other side effects from this medication. Everyone's body reacts different to meds so do not listen to others until you try it. I am going to continue taking it and hopefully it will help me get through perimenopause because my periods were awful before taking this. I couldn't walk without blood pouring out of me. I recommend this pill."

More about Junel Fe 24 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)

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  • Drug class: contraceptives
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  • Birth Control