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Generic Name: Kadian for Chronic Pain (morphine)

Kadian for Chronic Pain Reviews

"I have been using Kadian for about 5 years, and it has kept my pain at bay. I was recently switched to morphine, and the pain that drives me crazy came back well before I could take another pill (8 hr). I found this intolerable and went back to the Kadian. As of Jan. 2017, the only thing my doctor says I will be able to get is EMBEDA. I have not tried it yet but was denied coverage by my insurance. The DEA should not interfere with patients getting their proper medication!"

"Two scripts (different mg) Kadian (brand only), therapeutic amount by far the best long-acting narcotic I've taken (with Lyrica, Topamax, Zanaflex, etc). Struck by lightning - neurological effects; fibromyalgia; thoracic outlet syndrome; spinal stenosis in cervical, thoracic, & lumbar. 3 level lumbar decompression - power wheelchair; thoracic spinal surgery, and so much more."

"After trying Percocet, OxyContin, and several other types of pain medication, my doctor prescribed me Kadian, and by far, this is the best medication I have ever used for my chronic pain from lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I am on the low dose of 10 mg, and it has outperformed the 40 mg OxyContin I was on."

"Kadian is AMAZING! I've been a pain sufferer for decades. I suffer from spinal stenosis/spondylosis; cervical neuralgia, etc. I've had multiple cervical fusions (anterior & posterior) with hardware. Anyone who's been through multiple fusions knows the pain changes, but never truly goes away. Pain was somewhat manageable with MS Contin, but I would still 'pay' for it if I ever pushed myself, traveled, etc. Since 1998, I never had more than a week or two between moderate/severe pain flare-ups. Since Kadian, I've gone as long as 3 months without one! I even flew to Europe for a 10-day vacation (which was a ton of walking/sitting) without any issues! Kadian works and works AWESOME!"

"I was on Kadian for a few years, and this medicine worked well for me. If the doctors prescribe it the right way (increasing the dosage every month or so), then it can be a very effective medicine. Sadly, after several years, I was switched to Opana."

"Lumbar, 3-level fusion with hardware. Cervical, 3-level fusion with hardware. Take 200 mg every night. The best pain medicine ever taken. After 4 years on the same dose, fighting with the insurance company for a higher dose."

"I have a crushed unhealed ankle for nine and half years. I feel everything in my bones. I've taken morphine sulfate all this time because it's the only thing that works. Everything else makes me dizzy."

"Kadian has been an amazingly​ helpful medication for me. I take 14 medications daily, four of those medications are for severe pain. And until the doctor added Kadian the pain just was not giving me any breaks. I have been on Kadian for about four years now I would rather die than miss even one dose as it's that important to the quality of my life. To be fair I do have some side effects I consider to be mild and not worth even mentioning one thing to say that is important I am physically addicted to this medicine missing a dose makes me sick sick sick but then again I don't miss doses anyway because of my pain levels however the pharmacy doc or insurance will mess up once in awhile so I do suffer missing doses once in awhile"

"Kadian is a life saver when I have "break-through" pain. I use to take it every day, but the pain clinic I went to, was adding too many meds, we had an argument, and I left. My primary care doctor, knowing I have 4 fused cervical discs with the titanium plate, is still "afraid" to prescribe. We agreed on 20mgs of oxycodone BID, down from 30mgs TID. I have suffered for a 16 months, and many more visits to my osteopath, who is so gifted. He "GETS IT", and thinks no doctor, should judge my situation, and make me feel like an addict. I am going to request, he re-prescribe 60mg of KADIAN, for "break-through" pain. Last week (1) 60mg Kadian, STOPPED my spine pain, 100%. Glad I saved (8) from 2 years ago. THANK YOU KADIAN~"

"I have degenerative Disks in my neck and lower back of which I was using many forms of Medications. Now that I am battling Cancer, my Oncologist put me on Liquid type Morphine every 4 hrs... I have started out at 30mg Kadian, a 24 hr release to help relieve the combination of All my issues. Always stay Hydrated and use a stool softener. Good Luck."

"I started taking Kadian for a couple of days then swapped back to my ms-contin until my next drs .visit to see what we need to do about the dosage .I started with the 10mg-ER which was good through the day but had 'the jitters' most of the time which I didn't like then it only lasted for maybe 10 hours & then started to detox & was awake the biggest part of the night until I was so tired I fell asleep around 4 a.m.The next day I took it again about 8 a.m.then took a second dose around 7 p.m. then stayed awake all night with 'the jitters' until 5 a.m. So I changed back to my 30mg ms-contin until I can see my dr. Needless to say, I wasn't very happy with the change so I'm hoping for something better or I'll just have to pay $80 a month for the ms-contin"

"I have been using Kadian for at least 9 years now. I haven't ever had the need to increase dosage, unlike Oxy etc. My pharmacy wholesaler stopped carrying Kadian a few months ago and I have been sick ever since. Headaches, loose bowels and G.I. distress. I am searching for Kadian without much luck."

"I was recently switched to this from butrans patches and 1mg hydro morphine. I have lots of digestive issues as well as lupus. I take this one time a day. I dump the inside of the pill into a small glass of water and take it that way (nurse showed me this). It is a godsend! I can take 1 pain pill a day and it helps give me a life back. I just started. So I’m only on 30mgs. I go up every 2 weeks. This medication has no side effects like some I’ve been on. And only 1 pill a day I love!"

"After an MVA when I was 17 and having been on many opiates to combat compression fractures, muscle damage, and arthritis in my neck, shoulder, and back, I was put on Kadian approximately 2 and a half years ago. While doing further research I took notice that one major side-effect was not mentioned. While helping with the pain, the drug made my nose run uncontrollably which has been making my life unbearable and I'm not the only one who has noticed. As a result, I am going to make the switch to Suplocade."

"Aside from making me sleepy about 6 hours after taking the capsule, didn't help much with pain."

"This works for me with very few side effects."

"Two failed spinal fusions, spinal stenosis, crushed disc above fusion"

"I’m 26 and have neck and shoulder issues , had 4 surgery’s with minor success.. currently on 500 mg Kadian a day .. it works but has its side effects"

"Long-term chronic pain. Took for approx ten plus years, until stopped by insurance. The best, smoothest pain pill. Nothing else relieved pain so well, evenly and not a smidgen of being 'high'."

More about Kadian (morphine)

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  • Reviews (50)
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  • Latest FDA alerts (12)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Kadian drug information
  • Kadian ER (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Kadian prescribing information
  • Morphine Sulfate (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain