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Generic Name: Kyleena for Birth Control (levonorgestrel)

Kyleena for Birth Control Reviews

"So, I first want to start off by saying that the worst thing you can possibly do is read medical reviews... Yes, we all do it, but it is a terrible decision. I got my Kyleena IUD placed on January 15th, the night before I read numerous reviews and almost backed out. I was so scared of the daunting reviews. But I still went to my appointment. I can say that getting the IUD implanted was painful and slightly uncomfortable, but manageable. Since getting it, I had little to no spotting for three days. I also had cramps for about four consecutive days, but the cramps can last longer, mine are off and on periodically. I also have slight acne, but nothing crazy. Overall, I am having a great experience so far. I will definitely keep up with writing reviews because I do believe that the only people who take the time out to write reviews are the people who are unhappy with the Kyleena, but I can attest that the Kyleena was the best decision I could’ve made! I recommend!"

"I have seen a ton of 10-star reviews from girls who made the review a week after getting it inserted. Please give it more time until you leave a review because the side effects come in the long term. I had the Kyleena for 2 years, and at first, I convinced myself I loved it, but I was so wrong. The insertion was god-awful and inhumane. After insertion, I had my period for 90 days straight. A few months went by, and I loved the IUD, but then the real side effects started coming. I became extremely irritable, had terrible mood swings, and had suicidal thoughts. I became depressed, had horrible insomnia, had trouble concentrating, and really bad brain fog. I gained a lot of weight despite eating the same amount, and my boobs grew 2 sizes, and when I got the IUD, they deflated, and now look horrible. I got an ovarian cyst, had bacterial vaginosis, uterine spasms, and cramps so bad I would scream. The doctor cut my strings too short, so I had to pay $3000 out of pocket to get it surgically removed."

"I had my IUD for 1 year and 9 months. The good part is I did not get my period much, but of course I panic because I always think I’m pregnant lol. Anyways, while using Kyleena... my mood swings were crazy. I was super mean to my husband, I had severe depression and anxiety, and acne. I gained so much weight with it, and IT'S SO HARD TO LOSE WEIGHT WITH KYLEENA. Also, vaginal dryness was awful, I constantly had yeast infections, tears, lost so much hair... and my sex drive decreased. Overall, I did not like it, I got it removed today I just couldn’t handle it anymore."

"My experience with Kyleena has been absolutely AWFUL. I'm 20 years old, and I got my IUD in September of 2017. Sometimes my cramps are so bad that my legs go numb because I'm in so much pain. But the real kicker for me about Kyleena is that about 8 months after insertion, it has caused me to have UNBEARABLE anxiety and depression. I will jolt awake in the middle of the night not being able to breathe. It's caused me to have spiraling thoughts, fear about everything and completely not myself. This has continued to this day, and I still have crippling anxiety and cramps. I've been prescribed anxiety and depression medications to help, and I'm going to therapy and talking to my gynecologist, and I'm not getting any better or getting any help. I will wake up feeling so anxious, and then within an hour, I will start cramping so bad. They always coincide with each other. I am on the verge of getting it out. Has anyone else had this experience with Kyleena?"

"Wish I had done it sooner! I was one of those anti-IUD people to the core before going on Kyleena. I had just heard way too many horror stories and was way too nervous about possible side effects to get one. After my last birth control stopped working for me, I finally made the IUD plunge and boy do I wish I had done it years ago! My biggest fears were weight gain (I've since lost weight) and hormonal acne (little to none). The only side effect I really had was spotting for about a month after getting it in place. I've since stopped getting my period altogether and can't be happier. The insertion was not bad at all! I just wanted to post this because I know there are so many scary reviews, but I'm here to say that most people who are happy with it aren't reviewing it! It's been great to me and everyone else I know who is on it!"

"I got the Kyleena inserted in August of 2019 because I wanted to get off of the pill. My insertion process was really smooth and was definitely not as bad as everyone says. After I got Kyleena inserted, I started having severe anxiety which is something I had never experienced before. I was experiencing daily panic attacks, constant anxiety about nothing, and felt as if I was going crazy. I originally thought it was my hormones just leveling out, but it never went away. I had the IUD removed about 9 days ago and feel SO MUCH BETTER and almost back to my old self. Doctors say it isn't a side effect, but it seems to be more and more common. If you are experiencing the same thing, just know you aren't alone!"

"The reason the reviews are so high for Kyleena is because most people are leaving 10-star reviews a few days up to a week after they got it inserted. Let it settle and let your body get used to it, and wait until you know how it affects your body. I have had mine in for 9 months, and at first, I loved it, but now I can't wait to have it removed. For the past few months, I have been very irritable and angry, had very bad stomach aches and bad bowel movements, felt bloated, and had absolutely no sex drive, I don't even care about sex. I thought there was something wrong with me to the point where I thought I needed to talk to a therapist, then it clicked in my head that it was the IUD. Do not write a 10-star review when you have only had it in for a few days."

"I want to point out that people are more likely to leave a review if they had a negative experience, so if it seems like the amount of bad reviews is overwhelming, this is why. I’ve only had the Kyleena for a couple of weeks, but I can say that it has been a BREEZE. I was so nervous about getting it because of the pain horror stories. My doc prescribed low dose Xanax and some misoprostol. I took half of a Xanax and some ibuprofen before my visit, and I would say on a pain scale of 4/10, it was very bearable. I cramped hard for 30 seconds, then mildly for about 4 hours intermittently after I got home. These cramps were so mild that it was almost not noticeable. That’s it. The only thing I have noticed is that I get mild dizzy spells here and there, but a) it’s a normal side effect that is extremely bearable, b) it will wear off in time, and c) it beats most birth control side effects or, you know, children. If you’re on the fence, at least give it a try- it might be perfect for you."

"So naturally, I read so many of these reviews before getting the Kyleena inserted. I was so nervous about the pain. My gyn prescribed me Cytotec (uterus softener) to take earlier that day with ibuprofen. I want to put a positive review in here and say the insert went AMAZING. After reading these reviews, I thought it would feel like a dagger! Instead, and I don't know if I should attribute this to the medicine or my amazing gyn, but it felt like a cramp, which lasted for 1 second. I didn't believe her at first when she said she put it in because I was expecting the worst. A few mild cramps spaced out through the day afterward (a side effect of the medicine as well), no bleeding yet. I will update once I've been on it longer, but I am STOKED. I am sorry for those who experienced bad insert/side effects, but if you really want to get this IUD, don't put it off due to the negative reviews. And maybe ask your gyn about Cytotec. See for yourself, everyone is different. You can always take it out :)"

"Okay, I’ve never written a review, but I wanted to, so I could maybe help someone out. I was on the pill for 3 years before I got my IUD. It honestly just seemed easier to go on the IUD so I didn’t have to take a pill every day. I’ve had my IUD for 8 months, and it is the worst thing. I got such bad acne. It reminds me of when I was in high school. It was extremely painful acne as well. I have also gained SO MUCH weight for literally no reason. I have the exact same diet that I did before. I get such bad cramps now, and I never usually got cramps. I also have extreme back pain that is sometimes unbearable. I get moody and lightheaded all the time. It also amps my anxiety for sure. I’m getting it out in a week, and I’m so excited. I want to go back on the pill."

"I had the Kyleena inserted 2.5 years ago, after taking birth control and suffering from hormonal mood swings. Like others have mentioned, I was told by my gyno that since the hormones were released into my uterus, this wouldn't be a worry. The insert wasn't too bad, honestly, but the rest hasn't been great. Best pro -- my period disappeared after about a month of spotting and never came back. That being said, I have always been a confident girl, etc., and I have had panic attacks and extreme anxiety for the first time in my life. Also, non-stop cystic acne along my chin and my forehead. I kept telling myself the non-period and protection was worth it, but after doing more research, I can't handle this anymore. I just regret the years I spent not being myself with this birth control. If you have any history of mood swings or acne with previous birth controls, I would seriously reconsider this investment. I'm having mine taken out in the next few days."

"Insertion of Kyleena is extremely painful and honestly inhumane. I learned in other countries, the insertion is completely different. In the U.S., you are not given pain medicine to take before or a cervix softener. During insertion, I screamed in pain and felt like I was going to throw up and pass out. They had me wait about 30 minutes after the insertion to leave. I definitely was not okay to drive home. Ladies, doctors really underestimate the pain with insertion. Do your research and advocate for yourself if you plan to get an IUD. I don’t want anyone to go through what I did."

"I have been on Kyleena now for a year after being on Depo-Provera for 5 years. I have extremely painful periods, and I stayed on Depo because I was scared of the pain coming back (despite my horrible depression, weight gain, and acne). I made the switch to this IUD, and the only bad experience so far was insertion. My doctor suggested prescribing a pain reliever for before the appointment, but I was dumb and didn’t accept it. Ask your doctor for pain pills for those first couple of days, and enjoy your pain-free uterus! I also have lost almost 20 lbs of Depo-Provera weight as well! Not every experience is negative."

"Just had this Kyleena inserted 45 minutes ago, and I had to hop on this site just to ease your minds about the insertion. It was NOTHING like I expected (I also was reading a ton of reviews before the appointment) and saw the same terrible stories that you have. It was super quick and was a pinch, then a cramp. It didn’t feel like a normal period cramp, though. It was weird. I felt the arms of the IUD touch my uterus, which was an odd sensation. I’m crampy now but did not faint or get dizzy at all. Don’t let the reviews scare you out of it. I’ve experienced worse pain in my life (aka a Brazilian wax or tattoo). Hope this helps someone!"

"I have just recently gotten Kyleena. The insertion was pretty painful, and I have a pretty good pain tolerance. I was told ahead of time that it's okay that it's going to feel like a cramp at first. After the insertion, they sat me up and told me to sit for a minute before getting up and changing, but right after they walked out, I passed out onto the floor face-first. After I came to, I got back on the table, and it took me about 3 minutes to be able to speak. My body was in so much shock, and I finally called for help. They came, and then when they came in, I threw up, and that is very uncommon for me. I wasn't safe driving home, so I had to call for a ride. The rest of that day, I had the worst cramps of my life. As the days go on, the cramps are still there and hurt. (Your heat pad will become your best friend.) Now I'm just trying to wait it out and see if it gets better, but I am thinking about taking it out. I just wanted to put my story and experience out there to show my side effects of Kyleena."

"I’ve been using Kyleena for almost two years now, and I haven’t had any complaints at all. The insertion went super smooth, it took about 3 minutes for the whole process. It didn’t hurt that bad either, it felt like one hard cramp, and then it was done. I didn’t get any cramps afterwards either. For the first two months, I had some spotting here and there and some acne, but now my periods are way lighter than they were before hopping on Kyleena, and they are a lot shorter too! My acne has also significantly improved to where my skin is almost always clear, except for a couple flare-ups here and there. Getting Kyleena was one of the best decisions I’ve made. I know there are a bunch of scary reviews out there, but there really are a lot more people with positive things to say than negative. The people that have had a good experience with it aren’t writing reviews, shoot, it took me almost two years to write one! Don’t be afraid, it’s always better safe than sorry!"

"The insertion didn’t hurt much, just a few cramps that my gyno warned me about in advance. However, my body went into shock afterwards and passed out and wasn’t even able to drive myself home. It’s been 3 months since I started Kyleena, and I have already gained 10 lbs with no change in my diet. I have extreme mood swings and get a very short temper most days when I have always been a very forgiving person. My bloating is constant, and I’m always uncomfortable. I’ve never had a problem with acne before this, but now I constantly break out around my chin. My sex drive is lower than when on the pill, which could be from my self-consciousness because of the weight gain and bloating. I don’t recommend this to anyone, and I’m counting down the days to get this removed."

"I chose Kyleena because I wanted an extremely effective, low-maintenance, long-lasting, and hormone-low form of birth control. So far, my experience has been incredible. While the insertion was uncomfortable, I took ample pain meds and drank plenty of water, which really helped. The only pain I have experienced is abnormal and unpredictable cramping and some headaches. I have barely bled, but there has been a lot of discharge. I have not gotten any acne-the hormones have seemed to help my skin! I have had some bloating, but nothing too extreme. I gained maybe a pound, if any weight at all. Neither my partner nor I have felt the IUD during sex. I am still experiencing a very, very light period. Overall, I am very happy with my choice and encourage anyone who is considering Kyleena to get it."

"PLEASE DO RESEARCH BEFORE GETTING THE KYLEENA IUD :( Getting this thing in is one of my biggest regrets! First off, it hurt SO BAD to get in... After insertion, I bled for almost 60 days straight!!!!! It was medium to light spotting EVERY SINGLE DAY! If that was not enough... I developed an ovarian cyst! Sometimes the pain would be so bad I would just cry... THEN I started going through - and still am going through till I get it removed - major insomnia, mood swings, and even depression. Oh, also not to mention I get constant yeast infections because of the IUD, and it constantly smells like fish (BV). Don’t forget the cystic acne either! Oh, and one more thing... the strings were cut too short, so they went back into my uterus, and now I have to get surgery to get it removed :) So thank you, Kyleena, for giving me depression, mood swings, cystic acne, an ovarian cyst, insomnia, constant bleeding for 60 days, and lost strings that now have to be surgically removed."

"I got my Kyleena IUD in Sept 2017 when I was 18. The insertion sucked, I did stay at the doctor's for nearly a half-hour because I was going to faint. I was menstruating when I got it inserted, I'm not sure if that made a difference. The periods for the first six months were regular, but heavy. Then, starting 6 months after I got the IUD, I experienced regular but light periods. With the IUD, I have had very little cramping when before my cramps would keep me home from school or work. After I had my IUD for about 2 years, my periods have completely gone away. I have been having unprotected sex (same partner) for two years, and I have never had a pregnancy scare. My boyfriend has felt the strings, but it doesn't bother him nor me. Since getting the IUD, I have gained weight, but I know it's not from Kyleena. I have the same acne as I did before I got it. I plan to have my IUD removed in July 2021, and I am dreading the removal."

"I have been on dozens of birth controls, pills/rings/patches, you name it. Whether it was depression, anxiety, an increase in aura migraines, or weight gain, I felt like Cinderella but having to search for my own damned glass slipper. Well, I got Kyleena about 1.5 years ago to help combat endo. The first month was unpleasant, but I stuck it out. Flash forward, I don't get a period (score!), hence my cramping has reduced substantially. It hasn't prevented the growth of some cysts, but without depression, anxiety, weight gain, or migraines? I'm a major winner. One downside is a little bit of acne around my jawline/chin occasionally. For 5 years of worry-free birth control? I’ll take it. Will it be the same for you looking for your glass slipper? Who's to say. Honestly, all our bodies are different, and what fits me is not a one-size-fits-all. I never write reviews, but I love this IUD. Do your research, but don’t let bad reviews discourage you. I almost did, and that would have been a big mistake."

"I never write any reviews. I feel like I have to after 2 years of using Kyleena. The side effects are way too much for anyone to handle the pain. In the past, I have had gallstones, 17-hour labor, a 10-pound baby, and never had this much pain in my life. Also, the bleeding was out of control and spotting all month. No sex drive, depressed, an overwhelming sadness like life is not worth living, weight gain, acne, anger, thought I was pregnant, vomiting, breasts hurting, truly unstable. The doctors wanted to put me on antidepressants - no way! I should be happy: new wed, new home, new car. WHY DO I FEEL LIKE THIS??? I decided to remove Kyleena and put in a copper IUD. OMG, now life is great, periods are normal again, having amazing sex, no issues, feeling happy, feeling amazing. Everyone told me it was stress, and in my mind, NOPE... IT WAS MY KYLEENA IUD... no more hormone IUD ever again. Be careful, ladies."

"The insertion was one of the most painful experiences I've had in my life (my body simulated labor). Upon insertion, I felt extreme menstrual cramps that had me doubled over in pain, nauseous, and lightheaded. I took 2 Tylenol beforehand (as directed), and the extremely intense cramps subsided within the hour. Cramps were much more bearable from then on. I had light bleeding for the following 2 weeks after insertion. I had cramps here and there, but nothing severe at all. I now have my IUD for 5 months, and my experience has been super positive! Little to no cramping for the past 3-4 months, and I no longer get periods. I'm not sure that I will get the IUD again when my current one has to be taken out in 5 years, but my experience has been favorable thus far (besides the insertion, but it was worth the very temporary pain). I recommend Kyleena to people who don't love taking the pill and want reliable birth control that they won't have to constantly worry about. Hope this helps!"

"Before Kyleena, I had four-day-long, heavy periods that came with cramps so painful I couldn't get off the floor and would have to leave school/work. The two different pills I was on over the course of two years also did not work for me (mood swings, cramps, heavy periods). I got Kyleena inserted in June of 2019. The most uncomfortable part for me was all of the measuring before placement (which was never more than a slight pinch), and then it was over too fast for me to react, but I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I drove myself to and from the appointment and then had mild cramps the rest of the day. My previously heavy and four-day-long period was so light on days two and three that I couldn't wear a tampon, and then my period never came again. I went back to my doctor in July of 2019, and the nurse told me it was normal to never get my period. I also lost about 15-20 pounds in the first two months after the insertion. I still have not gotten my period in over a year and rarely ever cramp."

"PLEASE READ THIS! I was so hopeful to get the Kyleena since I had a bad reaction to birth control pills! I originally wanted the Paragard, but my old doctor talked me into the Kyleena. Soon after it was inserted, I started getting side effects (mood swings, acne, hair loss, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, but still being constantly bloated, etc.). I found a new doctor who is double board certified and extremely knowledgeable, and she explained that synthetic hormones (specifically BC pills) compromise the gut microbiome, which is responsible for almost our entire body’s function. As doctors say, “the gut is the second brain.” Unfortunately, medical findings take 10 years to hit medical school, so that is why only doctors who are constantly researching know modern info. The vagina actually has its own microbiome too! Since the synthetic hormones leak into the gut and bloodstream, this is why I had so many side effects."

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