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Generic Name: Diclofenac Capsules

Brand Name: Zorvolex

Zorvolex Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had recently began trying to lose weight but my knees and back hurt so bad I really did not want to walk but after trying other meds my doctor gave me samples of Zorvolex and I could walk up and down stairs with ease, I felt as if I had brand new knees. My insurance initially did not want to pay but I did get a P.A. for the med and I am well on my way to even more weight loss and more mobility.

found zorvolex in my draw expired by one full year but read up on it and it was recommended for inflammation. Took a chance because I had terrible swelling in the downstairs area. The pill worked amazingly reducing the swelling and horrible pain. So bad I couldnt sleep or stay awake. I went back to DR. and asked for more. I have a terrible rip. He got me three months supply for insurance covered price of 0 dollars. I can have a relationship now thanks to zorvolex.

I was given this medication for pain in my hip and lower back. The medication has helped very little, I'm not that impressed. There has to be something else to try. I don't want to live like this. In constant pain!!!

$10 copay with my insurance for 90 at 35mg. Works very well for my sciatic pain; spinal stenosis; osteoarthitis in my hands. Very noticeable when I miss a dose.

It works for me

I was given this medication 2 years ago. I hate taking pain meds

I got microscopic colitis after taking this medication. The diarrhea that I got as a result was horrible. I was given a steroid to stop it. The doctor says I will have the colitis the rest of my life!

I was suffering from planters fasciitis and within 3 days or so pain was completely gone. I take in only when I need it now which is quite seldom. I can actually wear any shoes I want now which is quite exciting!

I have had tendinitis in my foot and ankle and have suffered severe pain for months that has me reaching for crutches and in tears by afternoon. The doctor gave me a handful of samples of the Zorvolex 35mg. Ibuprofen 800 hasn't even been touching my pain, but this Zorvolex stuff had me pain free for the first time in months today. A break from pain at last! Now, I have to see how it will turn out with a prescription, but my samples are awesome so far.

My doctor gave me samples of Zorvolex. It does not work any better than 800 mg of Iburophen. Also, the cost of this medication is out of my budget. Even with my insurance and the savings card, it is going to cost $193.00 for a 30 day supply. I have contacted my doctor to prescribe something that is a lot cheaper and works better.

I was in a lot of pain with Plantar fasciitis. During the taking of this drug for 6-8 months the pain was more bearable. Finally quit taking after pain had subsided.

I was given samples from my doctor for inflammation an pain took this drug for less than 2 weeks and gained over 10 pounds and it didn't even help my pain.

I was born with scoliosis and hip dysplasia. I am no stranger to pain but it was always very mild until about 2010. OTC meds didn't work. Narcotics just made me loopy and my stomach pissed. I finally found and orthopedic specialist his year who is guiding me through a PAO for my right hip. In the mean time I begged for something that could work better and stop destroying my stomach. He gave me an order for zorvolex. I now tell everyone in my life about the "magic pill". I was told it was only short term that I would be taking it until my surgery in November, but I have been more than happy. Long distance walking is still rough, but biking, swimming, short distance walking is tolerable again with no narcotics- just zorvolex! It feels great to be pain free or at least in limited pain with absolutely no cloudiness of the mind. This may not be the fix all for everyone, but it has been more than perfect for me For the last 3 months I have been taking it!

I could barely get out of bed. I could not walk very far. This drug is a miracle. I walk, I even ride my bike for 45 mins. every day. I has saved my life. I am a professional singer. It has helped me be the energetic performer again. Awesome!!!

I have Lupus and Sjogrens syndrome both causing inflammation and pain. I tried naproxen with zero relief. The first time I took Zorvolex it was amazing. I had reduced inflammation and was pain free the same day. I have had zero side effects. I love it.

Was prescribed Zorvolex for severe sciatic pain. I was skeptical because really nothing had helped. The $100 copay was also choking me but I had to find out if it worked. The very first time I took it, I was sooo surprised. It took 100% of my pain away within an hour, I was even able to walk again. I was so excited! Those few hours were the best hours I have had in years. Well, as I continued to take it as ordered (3 x daily) it helped less and less. I continued to take it hoping I just needed to get a good amount circulating in my blood...but no. I took it for 4 months and it is no longer helping at all. I will say that I am having surgery due a herniated disk that is almost completely blocking the sciatic nerve path - so maybe its just because mine is a structural thing rather than a inflammation issue. I will say though, those first 3 or 4 hours where amazing! I wouldn't give them back for anything.

It is amazing how fast and effective this medication worked. For the first time in longer than I can remember I have not felt the need to use my opiate prescription today!!

since I have been taking this I don't have the back pain. Wonderful to forget about my back issues.

I had a severe acute gout attack that had me in a chair due to extremely strong pain in almost all of my joints. This was the first gout attack in over 20 years and my doctor proscribed Zorvolex, I took the medication and after several days I had significant relief. I did not have this type of medication years ago when I had gout attacks, I am glad I have it now.