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Generic Name: Lantus for Diabetes, Type 2 (insulin-glargine)

Lantus for Diabetes, Type 2 Reviews

"My doctor prescribed Lantus at an increase of two units every three days until my fasting sugars are at 120 or below. After two months, my readings still range between 250 and 315. I started at 20 units and am now up to 50. It probably is lowering my blood sugar to some degree, but not significantly. I need something more effective. At this rate, I'll be up to 80 units daily or more to reach my goal and will suffer side effects from such a high dose. I feel hungry all the time since using this and I've gained weight."

"I am no longer taking Lantus. I was gaining weight and A1C was above 7 (157 average for 3 months). Lispro is working for me. As needed, I will inject an amount less. Insulin is what is helping with the weight. Only 50 days since I stopped taking not just Lantus but I was also on Trulicity. I have lost 10 pounds. I must say it was a life change for me. My diet was also changed. The continuous blood glucose monitoring is what really helped. Four times a day testing is not enough to show all, and when there is a spike from a food that should be avoided. Finding the foods that do not cause a spike will not be the same for everyone. My diet has changed with the help of my FREESTYLE 2. Lantus may work, I just did not lower my readings while on Lantus and Trulicity. Metformin and Glipizide (pills) did not work. For me, Lispro as needed is working to lower my blood glucose."

"People who have higher incomes on Medicare and who take 2 insulins plus more than 10 other medications, including additional tier 3 meds for life, do not fit into any supported categories. I reached the donut hole on April 19 when my monthly medicine payments were $45 for each tier 3 medicine. Now one Lantus is $173 for 20 days, Novolog is about the same, plus an additional $250 or more for other meds. I worked hard all my life to get a decent Social Security, and now I have stopped taking my Lantus because I cannot afford $173 for every 20 days."

"I forgot my Lantus on a trip and felt great the whole time I was on vacation. I restarted it and felt worse each day: backache, cramping in legs, ringing in ears, fatigue. I had been exercising and walking while not on it, and now since I have restarted, I can't even bend over."

"I have been a diabetic for 20 years now. I am on metformin 1000 mg two times a day. I have also been on Lantus for the same time. A doctor can tell you what to take, but it may not be right. I was told to take 65 units at bedtime, but if I was sick or did not eat much that day, I could bottom out in the AM. What I'm trying to say is you will have to find the right dose for you by checking your blood sugar on a regular basis. If your blood sugar was 350 at bedtime, my Lantus dose would be 82. I seldom take the same dose every night, and I am staying in the good A1C range, 22 for a 435 range will not work for me either. It's tough, but you must keep a log to see what dose you gave yourself the last time and adjust it from there. Love you guys."

"Oral meds did not bring down the A1c nor the fasting blood sugars, which stayed in the 140s and kept climbing. I have now been on Lantus for 6 months, titrated dose every Saturday, increasing dose by 4 units per week until my fasting blood sugars are averaging 100, A1c is in normal range now. Have not had any hypoglycemia bouts, which happened with the oral meds. I give this insulin a two thumbs up."

"Lantus does nothing for me except cause weight gain, debilitating lower back pain and spasms, sinusitis, chronic drippy nose that is beyond annoying, gastro issues, headache, heart palpitations and anxiety. It also increases my fasting glucose by a solid 4 points. If this sounds like fun to you, have at it. I've tried this insulin more than once and the side effects come faster and harder every time I play "try this" with another doctor. It's sibling, the concentrated "Toujeo" is even worse. It really concerns me the comments some people make here about insulin and diabetes in general. The lack of education about meds, diabetes and insulin is astounding. You absolutely can combine Lantus with short-acting insulin like Humalog or Novalog through the day, so ignore that review below. I also am baffled by the people who thinks they can leave Lantus out of the fridge for 2 months and not have it turn milky on them. Read the insert, people!"

"Have been using Lantus for 3 weeks. Injecting 15-20 units per day and have not experienced a substantial reduction in glucose readings. Am upping dose to 24 units/day. Also have been taking 2.5 g of Metformin with insulin shots. When my glucose goes above 300, I need to take 4 mg of Glimepiride to knock it down."

"Cramps in hands, fingers, legs more, excessive hunger, weight gain 18 lbs. I also use Novolog FlexPen 3 times a day = 20 / Lantus 1 at bedtime = 46. Tiredness & weakness more so than ever, is constant. Bowel movements constantly different."

"I have been on the Lantus for 6 months and have been walking every day up to 1 hour each day and have been eating well for about 1 year and my BSG is still about 150 or higher and I have gained 47 lbs since I started. That is the only thing different that I've been doing."

"Lantus is my first treatment with insulin. I am presently at 22 units once a day, and my numbers are much lower than before when just on metformin and glimepiride. I do not have to use glimepiride now. I do not have the terrible lows as before, and my highs are a lot less. I feel better in general, but I have gained some weight."

"My sugars were out of control and I didn't know it because I had stopped checking. When I did it was 523 and my A1C was 13. My doctor was concerned and told me to start taking Lantus at a dose of 20 units per day. Then he switched it almost immediately to 30 units. After taking it a week, he upped it again to 35 units a day because my fasting sugars were still in the 180-190 range. My only side effect was that my vision became blurry - which frankly scared me! When I saw the eye doctor she told me my vision had significantly improved from one year ago!! I was very surprised and thankful to be ok. That's the only side effect I can attribute to the Lantus."

"Has been on Lantus for approximately four months and it has done a great job of leveling out my blood sugar my A1C was approximately 12 and now is close to 7. I take 55 units in the morning along with 1000 mg of Metformin twice a day good stuff a lot of help"

"The drug is very effective. The only problems I have had are low blood sugar levels while working in hot environments. In Saudi in the spring and summer months, I would constantly go low while working in the heat."

"Used to inject Novolin N twice a day (50 units mornings and at bedtime) and R throughout the day. Much harder to control blood glucose and it allowed me to cheat by eating that cake and increase amounts of injections. I use Lantus now once a day. So much easier. Still trying to adjust amounts (last night blood glucose was 43). Supplement with 5 units of NovoLog before each meal. Insulin spike lasts only one hour."

"Lantus did not work for me at all. Along with not working, it actually raised glucose readings from 12 to 16 by taking 14 units of Lantus. Weight gain was terrible and night time sweating turned the bed into a pool by midnight."

"I have been on Lantus for over 3 weeks and I feel I HAVE less control of my sugar levels. I take 22 units at bedtime, and it isnt lowering my levels like it should. Per doctor, I cannot take regular insulin with it as the Lantus is a 24 hr dose. So if my level spikes to sway 435, I can't take a shot of regular insulin to bring it down, I have to ride it out till bedtime when I can take another does of Lantus. I would rather take regular insulin every 6 hrs than do the Lantus, as It gives me more control of the dose I need for my sugar levels."

"I have only been on Lantus , Hospital put me on it after bypass surgery and I quit p diabetes pills on my own. I was taking 30 u, then doctor increased it to 40 u. But as I am now 85 I don't watch diet like I use too, so can't blame Lantus, I also am one that can't function with fasting BS at below 100 and do better at 140. My side effects are mostly the belly fat, always hungry, Also tired more than usual, but I blame that on blood pressure pills as well. My A1C has never been below 8 in years they started the A1C check,. But here I am at 85, still have legs eye site and kidney functions, My last blood work everything met spec except AIC, Edema in feet has started to increase but that is to be expected with circulation slowing down ."

"Diabetes, Type 1 with insulin resistance. I use Lantus and rapid acting Novolog together along with diet and exercise to adjust my blood sugars and get my A1C's where I want them. I know where I feel my best, for me its 100 -120 and my doctor says they work for him too. When I was 1st diagnosed 3 years ago they said I was Type 2 but later found I really was an misdiagnosed Type 1. Not that it really makes a difference as long as its controlled, which mine is with Lantus and Novolog. Neither of which are covered by my insurance. Luckily I found a clinic that only charges $5 per box. I need 1 box plus 1 pen of Lantus and 2 boxes of Novolog per month sometimes more so I keep 4 boxes in the fridge."

"Before meals 10 units of Novo Rapid pen (3x10) Bedtime Lantus 25 units. I'm 165 lbs. walk 5/10 minutes. 30 minutes walk will be great. I eat small portions. Try this. No rice instead small portion bread or pasta. lots of greens 3 portions fruit."

"I used to take Lantus while pregnant, back when Lantus came in bottles and you used syringes. I loved how I felt well on Lantus. My dr. prefers I take oral meds, so I took pills for many years. Now I must stop Actos and Invokana to stop bone density loss, so my dr. just prescribed the new pen. I am excited to feel better soon. I have too much fatigue unless I take 45 mg Actos or insulin. All pills drive down my Ha1c, but having energy is important to my quality of life."

"I was using Levimir for the past 7-8 years. A new endocrinologist suggested Lantus for evening/bedtime use and it was an immediate success."

"Seems to work best when I control my eating habits and give my injections at the scheduled times (twice a day)."

"This lantus insulin is rubbish it gave me blurred vision sweats and a cough and the shakes it's absolutely useless"

"I have been on Lantus almost since came out, I use 50 units at bedtime and also I use Novolin 70/30 at 25 units at bedtime and 40 units in the morning."

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  • Drug class: insulin
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Patient resources

  • Lantus drug information

Other brands

Basaglar, Toujeo, Semglee, Toujeo Max SoloStar, Rezvoglar

Professional resources

  • Lantus prescribing information
  • Insulin Glargine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Basaglar, Toujeo SoloStar, Semglee, Rezvoglar

Other formulations

  • Lantus Solostar Pen

Related treatment guides

  • Diabetes, Type 2
  • Diabetes, Type 1