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Generic Name: Larissia (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Larissia Reviews

For Birth Control "Personally, Larissia works very well for me. I've been on it for about 3 years now, maybe even more, and my acne is minimal, my weight is under control, and I haven’t had trouble with weight gain. Also, my periods are light, I rarely ever have a heavy flow. With the amount of times I've been sexually active with my partner, I never have once worried about pregnancy. We don't use condoms, and he doesn't pull out. I’m just being brutally honest. I hope this helps some girls out there!"

For Birth Control "I’ve had absolutely no adverse side effects that you find with typical BC (headaches, weight gain, acne, mood swings). However, I have had absolutely NO sex drive whatsoever. The whole reason I got on BC is to have protected sex, and now I don’t even feel like doing that. I also used to get wet down there, and now it’s like a Sahara desert down there. Which, all jokes aside, has made sex painful for me even with lubricant. I wish I could stay on it because it is a really good birth control, but I refuse to have painful sex, and I want my WAP back. Other than that, it’s a good birth control."

For Birth Control "Going on month six of the Larissia birth control and it is the best birth control I have taken. Before I started it I came here to read reviews and got very nervous based on the negative effects people were experiencing. All I can say is you have to try it for yourself because everyone’s body is different. I have experienced no crazy mood swings, no depressing thoughts, and no high anxiety. Unlike the other birth controls I have tried in the past that make me lose my sex drive and become dry, this one increased it!!! It feels like I’m not even on birth control. I’ve had no pregnancy scares (I do take it daily and don’t miss a day) and have had no problems with it. The only negative I can give this pill is that it didn’t take away my acne but definitely didn’t make my acne worse. Don’t let reviews scare you away from trying a birth control because it could work the best for your body!"

"IDK who needs to hear this but this BC is the reason you’re not feeling like yourself . I have been taking Larissia for 8 months, at first I was only experiencing painful constant headaches and increased appetite but as time went on the side effects worsened and TBH I was in-denial and didn’t want to switch because my periods are so light and only last 3 days but it’s not worth how fatigued, angry, uncontrollable, depressed, anxious, and emotional I feel. I have been falling out with the people closest to me for no reason, my sex drive decreased, the headaches are so painful my vision gets blurry and with all this I have a child to care for , so I’m here to warn you pay close attention to your body . If you feel even slightly different immediately stop taking it because it will get worst . Avoid this BC at all cost !!!!!!!!"

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Larrisa for over two years now, I started taking it when I was 17 because I had horrible periods ever since I started menstruating. I’ve had no side effects of any kind luckily because I know most women struggle to find a good birth control for them. My period has stayed regular and consistent( I track it), I actually lost weight when taking it going from 180 lbs to 140 in about a year, my diet didn’t change and I didn’t do any extra exercise I just lost weight. My periods are much more manageable now then they were before I started taking it, before I started it I had to miss school every month because I would be so sick and nauseous from the cramps. Now while I am on it my cramps can still be pretty bad usually on the first day on my cycle, I am able to still go to work and do my daily activities with some medication to help the pain."

For Birth Control "So I love Larissa! It has made my skin clear except when I’m coming on my cycle. My partner always finishes in me and never once missed my period! It also has synced with my regular previous cycle so . I haven’t had any problems with bleeding! It’s been really effective for my body."

For Birth Control "Larissia is the best experience ever with this birth control. Ever since I started taking it I felt happier, less anxious and depressed, except for when I’m on the non hormone pills. My face has cleared up a lot and get only 2 or 3 pimples right before my period. I have no cramps during my periods or feel nauseous any time while on the pill. I was most scared of gaining weight while on the pill but so far have not gained any which is the best part!"

For Birth Control "WORST pill I have ever taken. Nonstop spotting and then VERY heavy periods with clots and cramps. Now I am anemic and will never take again. I liked Lo Loestrin Fe but my insurance won't cover it. I know breakthrough bleeding can be normal first few months but this is like Niagra falls. Please be careful if you start this pill."

For Birth Control "Reading the reviews on here scared me but once I tried the pill for myself it was a good experience. The first month on this birth control Larissia my emotions were all over the place I was constantly upset but after that first month everything was great. I did not get pregnant. My acne went away completely, my hair is looking better. Everyones body is different but for me this birth control was a really good option."

For Birth Control "I took this pill for three months and experienced some of the worst depression of my life. I experienced 3 panic attacks within the first two weeks of starting this drug, as well as worsened really dark thoughts. I was constantly depressed and seemed to have lost my ability to be happy. I stopped taking it once I realized that it was probably causing my mood issues, and afterward returned to a normal mood cycle, although some symptoms still linger (like the occasional suicidal thoughts). I've never had such dark, dark thoughts as much as I did when on this drug, so if you have preexisting mental disorders stay far away from this drug."

For Birth Control "I was a healthy, active 30 year old training for a half marathon with no history of clotting disorders and no comorbidities on my third week of taking Larissia. I developed some chest pain/shortness of breath which I thought was a pulled muscle and anxiety. This happened for 2 nights in a row. The pain was much worse at night, and when lying down. The next day, I called my PCP's office and they advised me to go to the ER. Hours later I was diagnosed with a bilateral pulmonary embolism (blood clots in both lungs) and a pulmonary infarct that led to part of my lung dying. I was started on blood thinners and admitted into the hospital. After having genetic testing completed, my hematologist informed me that this was all due to the birth control. I never in my entire life would have imagined this was possible. I hope that my story will educate other women on some of the possible life threatening side effects of birth control that everyone says are very "rare""

For Birth Control "I have been on many different kinds of birth control and Larissia was by far the absolute worst. The first three months on this birth control I had intense sharp cramps that would be quick and scattered throughout the day and then would last hours in the middle of the night. They were so bad that I would cry and could never fall asleep. I wanted to get off it but my doctor said to wait a couple more months. So I did and after three months they went away. But more symptoms came, migraines, boob tenderness 24/7, and back pain. I had extreme mood swings and when I say extreme I mean it. I would go from being happy to angry to manic to extremely depressed. I would cry over nothing. My boyfriend would see me cry on the couch for hours at a time and there was nothing he could say to stop me. Also I have developed a sensitivity to light and when it is really bad it will make me pass out. I'm finally getting off this garbage and getting a copper iud. Don't take this please. Save yourself."

For Birth Control "I’m 40 and my doctor recommended that I try birth control to help control with mid cycle bleeding and horrible periods. I took this birth control for the first month and was so sick everyday for that entire month. I was nauseous, bloated, anxious, and had a headache that I just couldn’t shake. It increased my acid reflux to the point that I had to sleep sitting up. I took two pills from the second pack and then threw it out. Best thing I ever did! I’d rather deal with two days of bad period cramps and one day of mid cycle bleeding than having to deal with the side effects from this birth control! One and only positive, my period didn’t require super absorbency tampons and my cramps were not as bad."

For Birth Control "I was getting the Depo-Provera shot consistently for 2 years and I got pregnant. I decided to get a medical abortion (the pill) and the doctor proscribed me Larissa. I cannot comment much about the first 2 weeks because I was bleeding heavily due to abortion. My face cleared up a lot in the 6 months I have been taking it. I have not gained any weight and have had not experienced nausea. I do have fibroids on my ovaries causing extremely painful periods. While taking this birth control I have not had a single cramp while menstruating. In addition, I have not gotten pregnant on it, so it seems to be working. Everyone's bodies are different so please keep that in mind. Also, people are quick to report the negative and are not so quick to report the positive. So please keep that in mind when reading all of the comments"

For Birth Control "I have taken Larissa for about a year now, I had no problems at all when I started it and no bad symptoms other than a few mood swings which left quickly. It has been overall easy and non problematic. I was scared to start it after reading horrible reviews, but experienced nothing bad that I read about. I would recommend."

For Birth Control "Before using this brand for birth control I saw all the reviews and I was so scared to see all the negative reviews it was my first time using birth control and Larissia was my first one. I have been using it for four months now and it has been great - no acne, no water weight or anything. The only downside was the day before my period I will get a extreme cramp and migraine but after the first day of my period it was completely gone I honestly recommend this birth control don’t be afraid about the negative comments you need to know that every girls body work differently I love larissia and you should try it and if it doesn’t work for you then you can let your doctor know and s/he will change it up for you"

For Birth Control "I stated taking Larissa last month so I’m on my second pack. I took it to help with spotting which is a symptom of the nexplanon. I haven’t noticed any change in my mood and behavior. I haven’t gained any weight I’ve actually lost some weight. It also didn’t do much for my acne, I still get some acne but it’s nothing I’m not used to. Overall I like the birth control, all I will say is every ones body is different and just because someone had a bad experience on birth control it doesn’t mean you will."

For Birth Control "I started taking Larissia in 2019 and had a good experience. I did not get acne, or any bad side effects, but I had 2 instances where my breasts got bigger all of a sudden and I thought I was pregnant, but wasn’t. If you do not take the pills of the last week and skip straight to a new pack you will not have a period that month. I don’t recommend doing that, though, because it felt weird not having that monthly cleanse. My hormones remained the same as far as emotions, no irate mood swings. It exceeded the pre bias expectations that I already had about birth control"

For Birth Control "It's important to realize everyone has different experiences!! I started this Larissia pill before traveling abroad for a few months so I was extremely nervous about taking it while handling such a drastic life change, but I noticed no mood swings, no change in weight, no acne, and above all I actually had INCREASED libido! I went off of it for a month because I considered getting an IUD but I did notice that after going off of the pill I had a bit more hair loss and my libido went back down. I'm contemplating going back on because I realize I might not find another BC that works as well for me."

For Birth Control "So Larissia is my first birth control and I read all of the side effects before use. I have been having a terrible time I am two weeks in so far. My head always hurts, I feel sick for at least 3 hrs after I take it, I get crazy mood swings. I’m trying to stick it out until 1-3 months to see if it gets better but so far I do not recommend. Anybody have any ideas for a new one? Though I know it tells you all the side effects this is the worst I've ever felt but hopefully it doesn't last"

For Birth Control "I use birth control for period regulation, not to prevent pregnancy. Switched from Junel Fe to Larissa after one year of Junel Fe. Junel Fe was fine for me physically (no crazy weight gain or other side effects) but it was giving me dark thoughts and making me depressed. After the switch to Larissa, I noticed my mood immediately lightening. Very satisfied with the switch."

For Birth Control "I love this pill!! I only had spotting the first week of taking it and my hormones were a little whack at first, but went away very quickly. My period is very regular and this helped with my acne a lot. I’ve been on this for almost a year and I’ve never considered switching to another pill."

For Birth Control "Larissia is the worst birth control I have ever been on. I was taking it for about 4-6 months and then off it for about 3 weeks (due to issues between my gyno and pharmacy). When I was finally able to get back on it, I noticed I was starting to get horrible red acne on my cheeks and it progressively got worse over time. I have never had acne all my life until now at the age of 23. Neither me nor my dermatologist could figure out why all of the sudden I have these horrible breakouts, but since reading all these reviews this has confirmed it, especially since it started as soon as I was back on Larissia. NONE of the creams he has put me on are working either so I will be switching as soon as I possible can. This has shattered my confidence for sure and I’m scared that I will have scars. I have also gained some weight while on it. As far as preventing pregnancy it has been great so I will give it that. Please do yourself a favor and do not take Larissia!!! Definitely not worth it."

For Birth Control "Larissa is by far THE WORST birth control I have ever used. The mood swings, depression, and anxiety were through the roof. I was constantly emotional and anxious about nothing. I didn’t feel like I was in my own body. My head was always foggy. My appetite changed and so did my sleeping. A week before my period I would always get unbearable uterus pain. DO NOT use this birth control whatsoever. Always do your research!!!!!!"

For Birth Control "oh my goodness. This drug has been awful for me. The only good side is that my acne has cleared up. I am going to be switching to something else as this pill has made me gain 20 pounds, have migraines (never have had before), be super fatigued and groggy, mood swings, EXTREME back pain & chest pain, breast tenderness all. the. time., and extreme anxiety (which I am diagnosed with panic disorder and have been on something to help me deal/cope and this drug has made me fall into the same bad anxiety spells). Maybe it works for others, but oh boy I am exited to stop taking this pill."

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