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Generic Name: Levitra (vardenafil)

Levitra Reviews

For Erectile Dysfunction "68 years old. My problem was loss of erection in the act itself. Wife and I started avoiding sex altogether in order to avoid the congestion and frustration from unfinished sex. We were frustrated and angry all the time. Tried Viagra...headaches for days. Tried Cialis...palpitations (scary ones.) Levitra 5 mg works in 30 minutes, lasts 12 to 15 hours, well into the next day. Slight flushing, stuffiness, headache, but worth it. Major 'teenage' erections. We are doing 2 times a week now, not enough for me, but about all we can manage with busy schedules. While two-furs and three-furs are great during the night and again the next morning, second and third ejaculations are rare. Happy couple!!"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been taking Levitra for about 8 years. Works very well, especially if I take it on an empty stomach. Very reliable - I have always been able to have sex after an hour wait. Stuffy nose side effect."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I'm 68 and have been using Levitra 20 mg for several years. It works great for me and my wife with little side effects. I purchase this medication from Global Pharmacy in Canada. The quality and effectiveness are the same as U.S. prescriptions. The cost is about $3.62 when paying by check and takes 2 weeks to receive your order in the mail. Hope this helps with the cost."

For Erectile Dysfunction "After taking one pill within a half hour, I was erect and hard, had sex and could keep going to her surprise. Deciding to continue to fool around, I found it easy to become erect when aroused by her, and this continued all day into the night and into the next day. I was very happy with the results. Again, that is after taking one pill, not half."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Age 67. I have used Levitra, Cialis, and Viagra since prostate surgery 17 years ago. My longest experience is with Levitra. I usually take it in the morning on an empty stomach. For a long time, I was able to get a good erection with 10mg within about 30 minutes. Head stuffiness was minimal. A few weeks ago, I had a couple of Levitra failures, meaning that I was unable to get more than a weak erection. About 3 weeks ago, I then switched to 20mg doses, and erection results were really excellent. Stuffiness did not increase significantly if over the 10mg dose. However, two days ago, even the 20mg dose failed to produce a good erection. After some manual stimulation, I was able to get an erection barely good enough for sex."

For Erectile Dysfunction "First time I tried this I was too quick to get with my wife. I only let a half hour go by. After we were together, I felt a bit disappointed. It helped but not incredibly. About a half hour later, after we made love, the medicine was obviously working full force. I made a point of waiting an hour at minimum before we got together. What a difference! It worked great. My side effects were flushing, stuffy nose, and a bit of anxiety (I’m anxious by nature trying a new med), none of the side effects could dissuade me from using this again. It is my hope to use this medicine as a bridge to better health and weight loss. I do not want to become dependent. If you’re having true difficulties, give this med a try. It worked great."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I'm 84 years old and have been using Levitra for about 8 years. I take 5 mg on an empty stomach in the morning and get a good erection in about 25 minutes. We have intercourse once a week, and Levitra has never failed me. If I take it without an empty stomach, it requires a higher dosage. I have found a source of generic Levitra, which reduces the cost considerably. I buy the 20 mg tablet and split it into four pieces."

For Erectile Dysfunction "66-year-old with a very attractive wife with whom I had been making love 2-3 times a week without having erection problems, probably due to her great figure and her desire to dress to tease and please. The problem of maintaining erections for longer than 10 minutes started about 6 months ago and really caused concern, which, of course, started to impact overall performance. I tried Levitra 10mg last night for the first time - onset in about 40 minutes and achieved a great erection that lasted for two climaxes. I easily got hard again this morning."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Have used Viagra 100mg split into halves or thirds for about 3 years, always works, but I notice that unless I take half, I better get on the job fairly quick, within an hour, and sometimes it's hard to orgasm. Also, I sometimes get a stuffy nose, which ruins the mood. So I tried 10mg half of Levitra. On the first occasion, I got hard within 20 minutes (actually Viagra has always been about 15 minutes), but then I lost my hard-on for a little bit and thought Levitra was a failure. However, it came back, and I would've been able to perform for 4-6 hours without a problem. The second dose was incredible, got very hard, and about 2 hours later got very hard again. Even the next day, I was able to get hard and maintain it. Also, I found it easier to orgasm."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Have been experiencing mild erectile dysfunction for several years, but never been a major problem until recently. Mainly because of a high stress level with work and some other things. My doctor gave me a prescription for 20 mg Levitra. I didn't feel like I needed the whole 20 mg, so I cut it in half. I took it about an hour before bedtime, and just a few minutes later I could feel it kick in. We went 2 rounds last night, and I could have gone a few more, and I'm still feeling it working this morning. The only side effect was some stuffiness but nothing too bad, and a mild headache that went away with some aspirin."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Many men complain of mild stuffiness, headaches, nausea, palpitations, etc. Advice: Try lower doses until the effect isn't enough. Example: My Doc gave me a few 20mg Levitra to try out. Did that. Love it but: WHOA! Way too strong for me. Stuffy nose, mild pulse racing, mild headache. 1. Cut dose by half, still a bit much for me, as side effects persisted to some degree. 2. Cut dose in half again, JUST RIGHT! Side effects almost unnoticeable. Same with Vardenafil. Sometimes all I need is a small 'chip' of it to get'er done. Dissolve under tongue."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I had tried Viagra and Cialis before Levitra. With Viagra 50mg I got a good erection, but I also got heartburn, a stuffy nose, and a headache. With Cialis 5mg I got almost no results, but with Levitra 10mg, I had a good erection that lasted, with very little heartburn, stuffy nose, or headache afterward, and another good erection the next morning."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Have used both Cialis and Levitra, both work really well for me. Get a bit of flushing and some dyspepsia with Levitra and less so with Cialis. What I love about Levitra is the rapid onset of action probably within 30mins but I tend to allow 45-60 mins for optimal effect. What I get is a really stiff erection of the sort I used to get when I was 16 or 17, and my penis feels hot and with more prominent veins. It is a great feeling for me and my partner. I often use a daily Cialis in 5mg dose which is like a slow burn, my penis feels slightly aroused at all times, with some residual tumescence all the time. Again a pleasant feeling. And from there I can get erect with little problem. Not as instant as Levitra though."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Generally satisfied with Levitra. Some annoying side effects (congestion, facial flushing) but manageable. I have found it to be effective and helpful (I'm over 60). When I take it at night, the effects are still lasting in the morning. I generally cut a 20 mg in half which works just fine. Would give it a higher rating if not for the side effects. I am guessing it goes with the territory as it seems the 'big three' erectile dysfunction medicines all produce similar side effects."

For Erectile Dysfunction "My doctor gave me some 20 mg Levitra. I took one, it didn't do anything. So I took another an hour later. I busted like 10 nuts in one day, and my dick is still hard after two days, still busting nuts. The only bad thing is I have a terrible headache, almost bringing me to my knees. Levitra rocks! But I won't be taking two anymore, it nearly killed me."

For Erectile Dysfunction "My boyfriend is 23 and diabetic, only really had an issue with it staying hard for long. Was introduced to Levitra by a work colleague. Works amazingly! No side effects, and our sex life is amazing - very happy girlfriend! He's on 10mg and would recommend to anyone."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I'm 42 and had just started dating someone after being out of the scene for a couple of years. The first 3 or 4 times I tried having sex with my new partner were awful. I couldn't maintain an erection, it was a serious blow to my ego and was causing me a lot of self-doubt and anxiety. I went to the doctor and received a prescription for Levitra, and everything changed. Even being very tired and having several beers earlier in the evening, I was able to take my dose and within a half an hour, I was performing like I hadn't in a few years. My girl is VERY satisfied, and my confidence is back. Miracle."

For Erectile Dysfunction "My only experience with erectile dysfunction medications has been with Levitra. I started out with 10 mg and found the side effects to be a bit too strong. The sinus issue is pretty annoying for me as it exacerbates my asthma. Cutting back to 5 mg helped. I still get congestion, but it's manageable. Erections are reliable and the effect comes on fast, usually within 30 minutes for me. Here's a money-saving tip for those with insurance: buy the higher dose pills and cut them."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I'm 80 years old and have been using Levitra for 3 or 4 years. The 5 mg level gives me a strong erection if I take it on an empty stomach. It takes a minimum of 30 minutes to be effective. I do get some face flushing, but that's not a problem."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I started out with 20 mg, but it worked too well. I now take 10 mg (by cutting my 20 in half). The time I allow before I play is 30-45 minutes. I am sold on this. The Big V did nothing for me. I am 72 and going 2-4 times a week."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I am in my late 60s with a demanding casual lover, so I absolutely need my best pal to work well. Unfortunately, he began to let me down a year or so ago, so on a friend's recommendation, I got an online prescription for Levitra. Amazing results, hard as a rock after about 45 minutes, and long-lasting as well. Even better, 3-4 times a night. She loves it, and so do I."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I had a few tablets tested before, and that's why I know how to use them. But the problem with those tablets was that they gave me headaches. However, using Levitra was amazing, for it has no side effects. What I did find unusual is that you should NOT take it with food, you should take it on an empty stomach. If you had something to eat, then wait for at least 3 to 4 hours before taking the Levitra tablet. Once you take it, wait for 15 to 20 minutes before action. So you can eat food after you take the Levitra tablet on an empty stomach, and it will work 100%."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I've used Levitra for years. Viagra is quick and short, Cialis is good for cuddling. Levitra is great with preparation and awesome for repeat performances during the night and again in the morning. Through experimenting, I have found how you take the pill to be important. First, if you're drunk already, forget it. Apologize and like offer to please her some other way. Start with an almost empty stomach, take Levitra, wait half an hour or so, eat something with sugar (I like fruit). Nothing to fill you up. Go for it. Whatever you have after sex doesn't seem to matter much, but I get heartburn if I don't have a meal and/or beer. A nap usually works for us to have wake-up sex later."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Reported my first experience, which was excellent, early March. Subsequent experiences indicate that it works best with good visual stimulation & willing partner. Since then, I have used it twice - once when we were staying over at a friend's - obviously not as much visual stimulation as my wife dressed smart rather than overtly sexy. Did help me maintain an erection, but nothing like the first time. We were a bit apprehensive about the next time, so we re-created the first experience, and my wife played her part by going braless in the bar and restaurant and also showed a good bit of leg in a short skirt and stockings. Another great night with sustained lovemaking and three climaxes for me."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Tried Levitra for the first time last night. Great sex last night and twice again this morning. Wow! Changed from Viagra and have tried Cialis. Both others worked, but not near as effective as Levitra for me. I am diabetic and over 60. Mild headache afterwards."

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  • Vardenafil (AHFS Monograph)

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  • Erectile Dysfunction