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Generic Name: Levofloxacin for Bladder Infection (levofloxacin)

Levofloxacin for Bladder Infection Reviews

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I took levaquin for bladder infection May of 2018, within 3 days I stopped it as had an achilles tendon rupture, very painful. I am in the health field and immediately recognized the achilles tendon rupture. I had an MRI and the rupture was confirmed and followed up with orthopedic specialty. The tendon continues to ache at night on occasion after 8 months. I do not recommend this drug for anyone and it should be taken off the market."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Had severe urinary tract infection. It was very painful to urinate. After taking only one pill, pain subsided in ten minutes. I suffer from urinary tract infections frequently and have taken many medicines. This medicine is a miracle for me."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Within 24 hours of beginning the medication, my urinary tract pain was noticeably better. I had lots of anxiousness and trouble sleeping, though. This could be because I took the medication about 1 hour before dinner every night. Thanks for the helpful site."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I was on Levaquin years back and didn’t have a problem. I was given it now at 32 yo intravenously at the ER for bladder infection that didn’t seem to respond to macrobid. It knocked me out! I couldn’t move my limbs or move my mouth to speak I was so drugged. I came to & told the ER dr who said it was fine, take it when I got home. Before I could take another dose I had excruciating arm, shoulder, wrist, hand pain. Never took the other dose. Went back on macrobid until extreme diarrhea day and a half later. I was only one one IV dose of this & I am still having muscle pain almost 4 days later. Not as severe, but wow NEVER AGAIN."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I was given this medication in March of this year. I only took 500 mg of it for 2 days, and then the pain in my joints became really sharp. As an architecture student, on the 3rd day, I had to break some skewer sticks for a model, and I couldn't believe the pain in my hands during the process. My arms and feet felt strange and numb. I experienced pain even when I just took the stairs, which was never a problem before. Then, a few days later, my family doctor switched the antibiotic to norfloxacin. However, after taking norfloxacin for 2 days, the joint pain worsened, and I also felt numbness in my face. I don't even know who to blame for this because I had taken norfloxacin before without any side effects. I stopped taking it as well. I am writing this review 2 months later. The severe pain and numbness resolved within a few days, but since then, I continue to experience joint pain that I didn't have before. I'm only 19 years old, but it feels like much more."

"I had a horrible bladder infection that made me try to urinate every thirty minutes. I had a fever and I was sweating . No appetite - just sick. I was prescribed online Levaquin 500 mg 3 tablets . It knocked it out . Best and strongest antibiotic out there ."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Started taking levaquin 6 days ago for a UTI/bladder infection. This whole time I've been lightheaded, pain in my right heal and tongue feels weird, almost like its burned and very dry mouth. This is the second antibiotic in the past 3 weeks, sadly I don't think it's working and now I'm having kidney pains. I don't recommend levaquin if you are sensitive to medicines!"

"I am 69 years old. Two days after taking levofloacin I had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance with severe lower back pain, I couldn't get out of the chair, I called my son and the pain was so bad when he tried getting me up that's when we called an ambulance. I spent nine days in the hospital trying to find the cause with no results, after almost five more weeks I was able to get out of a chair on my own. I have and still an am experiencing constant itching, back pain, joint pain, easily agitated, some days are worse than others. I'm not able to bend over and get my hands past my knees before I could easily touch my toes, I had a right shoulder replacement a month before the levofloxacin was prescribed, I've lost the range of motion I achieved after physical therapy for my shoulder, I had a knee replacement in 2017, that knee has tightened up. I fall asleep watching tv or talking with people but have troubles sleeping at night. My Urologist hadn't kept up on the warnings."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Last night I panicked from side effects from this antibiotic I'm taking for a UTI! The first couple days I felt a tingling/electric feeling & muscle twitches all over my body, was restless, and woke a few times during the night. Tonight was my 3rd dose & the electric pins and needles/skin crawling feeling was intense and affected my ENTIRE body (I could feel it in my ear lobes and my eyes!), muscle spasms & twitches, uncontrollable shaking, hard to get a deep breath, hard to swallow, hard to talk, my tongue felt fat, jaw clenching, stuttering, dry mouth, stiff calf muscles, the arches of my feet were twitching, my rib muscles were cramping, paranoia, hearing things, difficulty thinking. Hope no permanent damage! I'm a fit 29-year-old."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Lots of trouble sleeping and lots of anxiety with this medicine. It also makes me a bit depressed. Better if you can take it in the morning instead of later at night. Works, but there is probably something with less side effects that works just as well. Usually given this for sinus infections, this is the first time for cystitis."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I had passed a large kidney stone, which caused a UTI, and was started on Levaquin. After the first dose, I began having horrible nightmares and could only sleep in 30 minute increments throughout the night. While it alleviated the infection, the exhaustion from loss of sleep and the nightmares were awful."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "I cannot take Cipro or Bactrim without terrible terrible headaches and other bad side affects. I get no negative affects from Leviquin 500's. Used for my hip replacement so requested this med for my bladder infection after trying Bactrim unsuccessfully."

"I had a hysterectomy and prolapse surgery and since January have had 13 bladder infections, and it's now September. Been on antibiotics 20 days out of each month. Past 3 months on Levaquin. I always feel better after meds are gone. No side effects. Can I continually take this medication for all these UTI's without repercussions?"

"After 1st tablet I needed the toilet about 100 times, terrible headaches unable to move eyes and very dizzy, sore ankles, finally threw the last tablet away ankles still sore but no more blinding headaches."

"Well I picked bladder but the reason I am on is for Diverticulitis. I was given this med while in hospital. 2 doses before sleep. After first dose the next day I told them I felt like I had the flu..all my joints hurt bad. I had no idea why. Started pill form and had crazy nightmares. Next day left knee started hurting a lot. Lots of stumbling and weakness and just feeling lost in the head. Angry too. Next day both knees started hurting about noon continued to get worse to where I could hardly walk. Next day knees fill weird inside but no pain until about noon hard to bend knees can't get up got worse and worse. Today went to doc for my follow up told her about knees..she felt them through my pants said they feel ok but hurt so bad"

"I was prescribed this medication for urinary tract infection, yeast infection plus bronchitis I suffer from asthma and had a terrible cough that will not go away. I just took one doze of Levofloxacin 500 mg, I felt something horrible was happening to me that day, my muscles were aching and contracting, I was extremely sensitive to any noise also experienced nausea and stomach ache, I was not able to sleep that night. I really don't know why this medicine is on the market."

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "Caused horrific migraine, horrible vomiting, awful anxiety and depression, hallucinations, insomnia and made my joints hurt really bad!"

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "This drug made my muscles hurt for MONTHS!!! I will NEVER take it again. My doctor agreed I should never take it again. Very painful!"

Levaquin (levofloxacin) "If you don't drink enough water, you'll probably get a major headache. I have also experienced nausea and dizziness, again probably due to not enough water. It did clear up my infection though."

"On the first day of taking this medicine I had major dizziness, nausea, and a headache. I had a hard time focusing. I quit taking this medication, and will not take this medicine again."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Levofloxacin drug information
  • Levofloxacin injection
  • Levofloxacin Tablets
  • Levofloxacin Oral Solution

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Professional resources

  • Levofloxacin monograph
  • Levofloxacin (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin Injection Concentrate (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin Tablets (FDA)

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