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Generic Name: Plecanatide Tablets

Brand Name: Trulance

Trulance Drug and Medication User Reviews

My dr gave me sample pills to try. I quickly learned that about 1/8 of a pill was all I needed to produce a bowel movement. I take that after lunch every other day and it works within three or four hours. I do need to drink more water or risk a headache. But for me that’s not much of a downside.

Severe diarrhea and stomach pain continues for 4-5 hours after taking the medication. I stopped taking it after a couple of days after consulting my doctor. I medicine is worse than the condition it is supposed to help.

Had movement with in 1 hr after taking. I had explosive watery diarrhea. This lasted off and on for 6 hrs. I could not even get to the bathroom in time. What a mess each time

Better than Amitiza and Linzess, however, I don't get the diarrhea or even a movement as of yet by itself. I have taken it for a week now.

Trulance is a God send for patients with IBS-C. I've had problems all my life with constipation. Trulance works by drawing water into your intestines. And creates a bowel movement for me within 20 minutes of taking with 20oz of water. I go days without a bowel movement. Not anymore. Once to three times a day, I have a movement. It's the best thing for people with IBS-C!

Within 1 hour of taking this pill I’ve had the worst diarrhea ever & my stomach legit sounds like a thunder storm I have never heard my stomach bubble so loud before!! Absolutely hate this pill! I took it one time and I will not take again… I feel terrible and weak :((

What a rollercoaster this medicine has brought me on! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, you really just have to figure out a routine that works for you. Take this BEFORE YOU EAT!!!! Or else there will be a violent and uncomfortable WW3 in your toilet. When I first started I took this every day as soon as a woke up and gave myself 4 hours to do my ‘poop routine.’ You might not need 4 hours always but sometimes you will be very grateful you have yourself time. I’ve been able to wean myself off of every day and my ibs is very manageable now! I take it about 3x a week, and I’m even able to have BMs every day since it’s still in my system ! Like I said, you really just need time to figure out a good routine with this medicine. It works great for me :)

This gave me severe diarrhea! I had to wear depends woman's diapers I could not get to the bathroom fast enough which is like right next to my bedroom! This stuff is poison! Stay away it severely dehydrated me, the next day I was dizzy and horrible brain fog!

Don't let the bad reviews scare you. I take half a pill every other day and within 2 hours have full evacuation and total relief! The pills are crumbly so I use a pill splitter. I had major bloating the first couple times I took it but never any pain or nausea. Dont trust a fart though! Lol. I stay home for a few hours after I take the pill just incase if I do have a few trips to bathroom but usually I am empty after one or two quick trips. Trulance has given me relief after many years of pain and struggling. Give it a chance guys. Most people side effects go away or greatly reduce after a week or two. I finally have my life back!! Give it a try!

I do not feel it being very effective. It creates explosive diarrhea within an hour or so of taking it and abdominal bloating too. I usually have to use miralax with it as well. Then Iâ??m still feeling bloated after that and often uncomfortable overnight. ð??

First time use gave me over 6 hours of explosive diarrhea.

Gave me deadly Diarrhea with horrible dehydration. 1 of the most horrible laxatives I have ever taken.

Terrible gas Excruciating stomach pain Bloat

I hate this medicine. I bloat for 2 days then have explosive diarrhea for hours on third day. If this doesn't improve quickly. I'm changing meds.

Better than Linzess and Amitza for sure. I had to take step therapy in order for insurance to cover it.

This worked gently and effectively for me, but I do need to stop taking it because it is giving me a severe throbbing headache. I too needed to also take citrucel fiber and a stool softener for Trulance to be effective. It did not give me intestinal cramping. I took this medicine for two and 1/2 weeks.

As soon as I take it I have severe diarreah and stomach cramps. I can't take one more day of this!

Much better than Linzess. It works everyday or 2. Although I do have to take soteners