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Generic Name: Lopressor (metoprolol)

Lopressor Reviews

For High Blood Pressure "Take a pill every 12 hours. Works fine for me. Requested a beta-blocker because of the anti-stage-fright effects. No more 'adrenaline dumps' in stressful situations. Helps me tremendously in my work and social interactions."

For High Blood Pressure "Took metoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide for several years. Seemed to reduce blood pressure to acceptable levels. About a year ago I experienced shortness of breath at times along with some fluid in lungs. Turns out that metoprolol (Lopressor) can cause that. Got off the metoprolol and lungs cleared up. Not taking it anymore."

For Angina "I have angina, and over the past year began a regime of Bayer (or Bufferin) starting at 500 mg every morning. Things got a little worse after six months, and I upped my dosage to 1000 mg per day. This was all self-medication without medical consult (I knew what the problem was). Finally, even the 1000 mg a day wasn't working, and I went to see the doctor. He put me on 50 mg of Lopressor per day, and things turned around within 2 days. The pain is gone, and I can get a whole night's sleep without waking up in the middle of the morning (usually 3-4 am, when the incidence of heart attack is the highest statistically) in major pain. So far so good. If you have angina, then DO see a doctor. Get the tests! After all, it's really your life you're dealing with."

For High Blood Pressure "I am a 30-year-old female, and I have high blood pressure (and tachycardia). Approximately 20 minutes or so after I would take my dose of Lopressor, I would get symptoms similar to a panic attack: extreme hot flash and rapid heartbeat (more rapid than my usual... my pulse rate is usually around 100-105 as it is). When I told my doctor, he told me to quit taking the Lopressor, and then he put me on another high blood pressure medicine. I only took Lopressor for a few days because of the side effects, so I cannot comment on its effectiveness in blood pressure reduction."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I recently began taking metoprolol about 2 months ago for an elevated resting heart rate (90-110 avg) and I’m VERY pleased & relieved with the results. Worked almost immediately with the lowest dose available. Now my resting hr is between 60-75. Now, my dr did have me try it singularly to treat my elevated hr & high bp, but it was ineffective on my bp. So, he put me on low dose of lisinopril as well and my bp went from 150-110 on avg, to 115/65 avg. I highly recommend Metoprolol for treatment of tachycardia (high heart rate)."

For High Blood Pressure "I'v'e been taking Lopressor, 100mg, 1 tab twice daily for more years than I can remember... probably 20 or so, for hypertension. It seems, together with 2 other meds, i.e. dyazide and Altace, aka Ramipril, an ACE Inhibitor. they usually give me good BP readings. Recently, and I think it was more to do with dehydration... I had 2 SVT attacks within 60 or so days of each other.... and, again, if anything the lopressor probably did its best to prevent them... but it can't do everything. In short, this drug has been around a long time, and is a time-tested Beta Blocker."

For High Blood Pressure "I was placed on Lopressor in the early 80's and was on it for about 3 years. After roughly 2 years I started to tire easily, lost interest in things in general, my personality and outlook changed to to being very negative and I was diagnosed with clinical depression. Counselling and medications didn't not help at all and it wasn't until my wife saw an article in a medical journal the stated that some patients who had been on Lopressor for 2 -3 years became clinically depressed. We showed the article to my Physician and he changed me to another prescription. It took about 4 weeks for me to get back to normal. I am now on amplodine/benazapril whic is working very well for me."

For High Blood Pressure "This medicine has done an excellent job with lowering my blood pressure. However, I have been having dry eyes and gas. On the positive side, this medicine is also good for anxiety!"

For High Blood Pressure "I took Lopressor for 24 years. It worked very well in lowering my blood pressure and even calming my anxiety, but lately it doesn't work on me very well as before. I guess the doctor will change it."

For High Blood Pressure "It has dramatically reduced my blood pressure, and I feel great. Just a little more tired throughout the day."

For Angina "This medication helps more than anything I have tried. I have severe angina. I do recommend this as treatment."

For High Blood Pressure "It is the fourth blood pressure pill for me. It feels like it is only partly working. My blood pressure problems usually happen after anxiety attacks, of which doctors say I have, but don't know why."

For High Blood Pressure "It's a very useful drug as it it not only control blood pressure but also gives other long term benefits to the patients."

For Left Ventricular Dysfunction "Was put on Lopressor by my cardiologist after a session in the ER with excessive PVCs. The side effect (constant diarrhea) makes this drug unviable for me."

More about Lopressor (metoprolol)

  • Check interactions
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  • Pricing & coupons
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lopressor (Metoprolol Intravenous) advanced reading
  • Lopressor (Metoprolol Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Lopressor (Metoprolol Injection)
  • Lopressor (Metoprolol Tablets)

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Lopressor prescribing information
  • Lopressor Injection (FDA)
  • Metoprolol (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Toprol-XL, Kapspargo Sprinkle

Other formulations

  • Lopressor HCT

Related treatment guides

  • Angina
  • Heart Attack
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis