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Generic Name: Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol and Ethinyl Estradiol

Brand Name: Quartette

Quartette Drug and Medication User Reviews

First I would like to start off by saying I never write reviews and the reason I am is because this is the absolute worse thing I have ever put into my body. I wish that I had listened to the bad reviews on here before taking this because it made my life miserable. I hope that by writing this review I will stop just one person from taking this pill. I experienced constant bleeding the whole time I took the pill (10 months) and excruciating cramps which I never experienced on the 2 other pills I was on prior to this. I also had heavy bleeding every time I had sex which had never happened to me in my life. I honestly think this pill should be discontinued and feel so much happier now that I am not on it.

So, I started this pill a month and a half and it's been great , I haven't spotted at all or gotten any acne like some have said, but I have been very depressed since starting and it just occurred to me today to look up side effects because I have never felt like this ever and I remembered I changed birth control around the same time, so I will be stopping but I think this may only be an issue for someone who's been depressed before . Otherwise it was great I'm sad I'll have to change

I've been on this for 2.5yrs now. The first pack was not without its complaints, but once you go through 2 or 3 your periods shorten, cramps are tolerable, acne at a minimum. My sex drive has been untouched. The first period I had with this was awful, but since have been better and better.

I experience no pain except for the week I get my period. No spotting, no pain. I do get more acne now that I've been on it and I believe that it is the cause for the yeast infections I've been getting. But it does do what it's supposed to, which is give me four periods a year. If it wasn't for the yeast infections and acne, it'd be getting full stars for satisfaction.

I feel like most of these reviews do quartette a disservice, so I wanted to weigh in. I switched to quartette for the first cycle from lutera. I have had 0 incidents of spotting, my mood is typical, and my sex drive is just fine. I will say that I do feel like it has contributed to some acne for me in terms of increased breakouts but I have acne prone skin already. It's annoying but not so severe or painful or anything like that. I will start my first period since beginning quartette soon and I do expect it to be painful (can feel cramps already in middle of night following last active pill). Can't speak to length of bleeding yet. Just wanted to emphasize that this is a good bc for me and I haven't had one incident of spotting the whole 3 months!

My reason for taking was to completely stop my periods(since I am menopausal) and stop my hormonal migraines. I am now on day 24 of my period and have had almost daily migraines. What a joke this medication is. I am stopping as soon as I finish the last pills on the first card. What a nightmare!

I'm reading a lot of the comments and it seems like many women just give up in the first pack. I have been using this for a year now and I have no complaints. I did bleed for about 3-4 weeks but that's because it has to thin the lining for your uterus (one of its methods to prevent pregnancy). After that I only bled every three months for about 4 days with minima crapping. I did have acne but no worse than when I was a teenager. Eventually, (took almost 8 months) the acne subsided. It helped with my vaginal abscesses which surprisingly are caused by the same hormones as acne. As for the other symptoms, you shouldn't gain weight because of the pill. The pill can cause water retention of like 5 lbs but it doesn't slow your metabolism or magically increase all the calories you're eating. As for all the other symptoms, I haven't dealt with anything worth stopping the pill over. Some breast tenderness and heightened emotional reaction to situations (if you get depressed this could prolong it). I would recommend this product if you can tough it out after the breakthrough bleeding

Today, is only day 5 of the medication and I had to visit the emergency room for a painfully tingling numbness in my left arm(I'm still inot pain). I thought I was having a stroke. I left work and drove myself to the nearest hospital. These physicians get so complacent that they diagnosis everyone with the same thing and send you on your way with steroids/pain meds. I know I am a healthy 37 with no ailments thanks to God. After being diagnosed with a pinched nerve(I don't know how that's possible ) I drove home puzzled. I kept trying to figure out what did I do that was different to make me feel this way. I actually thought to myself that I'm must be falling apart or something. I get home put my things down and see my quartette box. I immediately look up the side effects. Low and behold left arm pain is a side effect, rare bUT immediate discontinuation is needed. I will be notifing my gyno in the morning. I have never been so scared in my life. This drug is not for me.

I had been on birth control in high school and stopped. Every one that I tried either made me gain weight or become an emotional mess. Quartette has done wonders for me. It's effective--have not gotten pregnant. I had very little symptoms when starting it. After dealing with years of extremely heavy periods it is nice to have my period every three months (it's lighter too!). I get spotting at the end of the second month/beginning of third without fail. It was annoying at first but since its consistent in its appearance I do not mind. One thing I will say, my PMS symptoms have changed. I now get sore boobs--which would have been a pregnancy deal breaker in the past. I also get gassy. These symptoms can come as early as one month before my period too. When my period actually comes it is usually late and lasts only 3-4 days. It has taken some time to adjust to, and I miss the regularity of my pms symptoms, but the benefits of my period being lighter and less painful is magnificent.

I had no side effects to taking the drug, I even lost weight, in and around 30 lbs during my time taking it. After getting off my periods are more regular and maybe 1 in 3 are as painful as before.

I tried this for my irregular periods, but instead of regulating my cycle it seems to have thrown it into overdrive. I began cramping about two weeks in to treatment, and spotting a few days later. A few more weeks and I've been having the most intense agonizing pelvic pains of my life, one every 5-10 minutes for almost a full week solid. I've been stuck in bed crying and sweating trying to wait it out but finally I couldn't take it and stopped the medication. I'm also bleeding extremely heavily, enough so to send me to the ER for IV saline. The pain has faded a bit tonight after two days off the pill but if it comes back I'm probably headed to the ER. As far as milder effects, definitely some mood swings, anxiety, vivid dreams, a bit of acne. I know some people who have done well on Quartette, but I'm not one of them

I started taking this pill to decrease spotting, and help with some minor acne I was experiencing with a different pill. I have been taking this pill for a year now, and have never experienced acne as bad as this in my life. I break out every week, and believe it has even contributed to a few cold sore breakouts (which I have been getting once every few years since childhood; on this pill, occurrences have drastically increased to once every 3 or 4 months). I also spot at least once a week, if not more. I have taken this pill for almost a year now, and have not seen any improvement in the side effects (as with most pills, the switch needs a little adjustment period). I definitely would not recommend this pill!

I've been on Quartette for a year now. The first pill pack was really tough to get through. My breasts were painfully tender the entire first three months and 2 weeks in I began spotting heavily (needed more than just a pantiliner)... I continued spotting for the next 10 weeks but when I got my period it was light and had no issues. The second pill pack was a little better, less breast tenderness and I started spotting 7 weeks in and continued for the next 5 weeks. After I got through all that, the third and fourth pill packs have been amazing! Absolutely no spotting, breast tenderness, or other symptoms I've experienced while on other brands (no weight gain, depression, breakouts). If you stick with it while your body adjusts for the first couple of cycles, this little pill is truly awesome. I will be staying with Quartette until I'm ready for kids.

As a form of birth control, it is effective. However, I couldn't stand the side effects. I started taking it a month before I got married, and it killed my libido. I would constantly be spotting 2 out of the 3 months with cramping (who wants to take ibuprofen every day, anyone?), and during the last week, my period would be HORRENDOUSLY heavy (I bled through a tampon, a pad, and my underwear and pants in one hour). During my second cycle I decided I'd had enough, so I stopped taking it and switched to non-hormonal forms of birth control.

Did not care for it at all. A lot of spot bleeding at intimate times. Very embarrassing. Lots of cramping, bloating and back acne. I didn't resume the treatment. I went back on my old birth control

I was prescribed this by my gyn for heavy bleeding. I took quartette for 14 months. I ended up with the worse headache of my life, transported by ambulance from one hospital to another, have blood clots in my brain, was lucky to live thru it, now live at dr appts, on blood thinners to keep clots from coming bk. I was in ICU for days. Hospital bills around 30,000. This crap is poison.

I suffer from endometriosis and adenomyosis. Taking birth control to keep from having a period because the pain is terrible. I have been taking it for 4 weeks and no major issues to speak of. After the first week I did take pain meds one night for some cramping. But since then only mild cramping that comes and goes. No breakthrough bleeding at all. Mood has been ok, occasional headaches. But again no issues to complain about.

So this is exactly one year using Quartette. I must say the first 3 months was a bit uncomforatable with the constant spotting but after i spoke to my Dr about it she said that it is normal. the 2nd Quarter was fine around week 13 there was some spotting and cramps but nothing too serious. this is not the last week of my 4th round (one year) i did have a little spotting last week very light. and my menstrual is light to normal with little to no cramps. i will continue to use this pill. :)

This pill is effective for birth control only. After trying several pills to help with my spotting issue, this pill made it worse. I was spotting almost every week. Acne that I have never had before is out of control. I get a new break out every week and now have a few scars. The acne is not little zits, they are the painful pimples. I also experienced mood swings and felt like I was always unhappy. It decreased my sex drive as well. When I had my period after the 3 months, it was awful. Major cramping and 7 full days of bleeding. I am switching pills immediately.

I had painful cramping with my periods so my OBGYN suggested going on the pill. I liked the idea of a period once every 3 months, so tried this. It has helped with my cramps, BUT, the first 3 months, I had bleeding for *2 and a half* months! That's right, every day except for 2 weeks, I had heavy enough bleeding that I had to wear pads and replace them multiple times a day and/or wear tampons. My GYN said that the 2nd cycle would most likely be a lot better. So far, I had no bleeding for the first 10 days, and then period-heavy bleeding started right back up again. I'm not going to wait for another 3 months to see just how bad this is - I'm not willing to wear pads/tampons *all the time*, and I'm guessing it's not healthy for that region either. I'm going to ask for another pill.