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Generic Name: Lupron Depot (leuprolide)

Lupron Depot Reviews

For Uterine Fibroids "I just received my 2nd shot of 3.75 Lupron, and so far, so good! I have heard horror stories not only online, but from my friends who have been on it for various reasons, and I was more than worried to start it. I have one large fibroid, and I was put on Lupron injections to shrink it to make it easier for my husband and me to have a baby after I have a robotic myomectomy in June. I was so afraid of mood swings, but surprisingly, after 5 weeks, I am still very happy. My bloating has gone away for the most part, and I am really looking forward to not bleeding the way I did due to this fibroid! All in all, I am posting on here so that women like myself, a 35-year-old wanting a baby, will know that not all Lupron horror stories will happen to you!"

For Uterine Fibroids "Awesome stuff! I went on Lupron so I could be a candidate for focused ultrasound treatment. Don't let all the negative reviews scare you! I used to look about 4 months pregnant. I am otherwise healthy, thin and exercise regularly. Had minor hot flashes; not a big deal considering the overall benefits. My mass of fibroids shrank dramatically in 3 months. Previously hard, round abdominal area shrank considerably! I couldn't believe how successful Lupron was for me, and how good I felt on it. I went off the pill (which I was on for years for constant bleeding/spotting). Didn't have memory loss, hair loss or bad moods like many other women's experiences. I took vitamins while on it to help counteract things like possible bone loss."

For Uterine Fibroids "I can't say enough about how glad I am that I was given Lupron injections! I was being treated for heavy non-stop bleeding caused by the several large fibroids I had. I was told by 3 different doctors that I would definitely need to have a hysterectomy. I really had no other option. My OBGYN and the surgeon started me on the Lupron injections 4 months ago to stop the bleeding (I had become extremely anemic and couldn't have the surgery until my blood counts came back up, which would take 3 months) and to try to shrink the fibroids. After my 4th and final shot 2 weeks ago, my MRI showed that the fibroids had shrunk 75%, and my surgeon discharged me today saying that I will NOT be having a hysterectomy, nor any surgery! Thank you, Lupron."

For Uterine Fibroids "I believe having this injection and educating yourself on the side effects goes hand in hand. I knew it could cause depletion of bones. I doubled up on calcium. I knew it would throw me into menopause. I immediately and consistently took black cohosh. I had a hemoglobin of 6.5. It stopped my heavy periods, which allowed it to rise to 12 in order to not have to have a transfusion during or after my hysterectomy. Educate yourself and prepare your body for the injection. The injection cannot do all of the work, nor should you expect to."

For Uterine Fibroids "I had a fibroid that had grown into my uterine cavity and it caused heavy bleeding, large blood clots, and discomfort. I had surgery scheduled in June of 2016 and was given a Lupron injection in March of 2016 to shrink the fibroid to make surgery easier. I had read terrible reviews and was scared of the side effects. Overall my experience was very positive. I had minor side effects such as hot flashes and migraines. I am in my mid-twenties and very active, which I believe helped. No weight gain or hair loss. I felt great throughout the 3 months and actually felt more mentally and hormonally balanced than ever before...I'm actually kind of upset it has worn off! Don't be afraid of this drug, it worked wonders for me!"

For Prostate Cancer "I completely agree with Rob, if I had known the consequences of taking this drug, I would probably have done the same as him. It takes away everything that being a man is. He does not, however, mention the sex word. From my first injection, 5 years ago, there has not been any—plenty of everything else that he states, but no kind of lovemaking. Probably he did not take enough to cause e/d, if not, good on him. Not enough information is given to us about the full effects of this drug. Men are not made to live a good QOL without testosterone because after you have been castrated, that is it. As far as I can tell, very few men have good sex and real happiness after having the drug."

For Endometriosis "Don't let the online reviews cheat you out of a better life! I actually delayed getting Lupron by a year because I was so scared by the online reviews and reports of adverse reactions/symptoms. However, my experience was wonderful. My doctor put me on the ad-back and I did have a few hot flashes initially, but I would take those 1,000x over the pain my endometriosis caused me. I also took calcium to offset any bone density loss. Please, please, please work with your doctor to decide if Lupron is right for you. I did it and now I am on my way to restoring my quality of life."

For Prostate Cancer "My husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer stage 4 in 2014. His prostate was removed, and later, he started on Lupron Depot every 3 months. His PSA went down to almost nil. Over the next four years, he has been on Lupron according to his PSA levels. Though Lupron does keep his PSA levels down, his mood swings/anger and his irrational thinking have stressed our relationship. He is mean with comments to me and his actions. He needs Lupron to live, but it has killed our relationship. The oncologist who gave him his first Lupron injection did tell us that one of the side effects of Lupron was that it could increase moods and anger. I am stressing to you wives that Lupron is one ugly drug. It makes people who are receiving Lupron depots very miserable people and their partners/spouses very stressed out, scared at times, lonely, and sad for what is happening in their relationship. Lupron gives the patient quantity of life but not quality of life!"

For Uterine Fibroids "I took this medication for 6 months due to extreme monthly bleeding caused by fibroids. I didn't have a period or spotting the entire 6 months or for 3 months after my last injection. I did not have even 1 side effect. It was a great experience. Hopefully, I will have the same success with the Depo Shot!"

For Uterine Fibroids "I wanted to write a review for other women who are thinking about getting this injection. I read a lot of horror stories online, so I was pretty nervous. I got the 3-month injection to try and shrink my large fibroids. The upshot is, it wasn't that bad, but my fibroids didn't shrink; however, it stopped my periods. Preventing the excessive bleeding is good for health prior to a hysterectomy. But it's expensive, and insurance will make you jump through bureaucratic hoops to get it. After getting the shot, I felt kind of weird. Then I had one last awful period blowout a few days later. Since then, no periods. Menopause symptoms included hot flashes, brain fog, mild acne, some moodiness, and irritability. However, I think a lot of this can be worked around with good nutrition, exercise, breathable clothing, and meditation."

For Uterine Fibroids "I've been on Lupron since March 2015. Just had my 2nd shot. I have to tell you it's taken 100% of my nagging back pain and cramps away. I even lost 12 pounds after the first shot. It started to wear off towards the end so I took the shot 2 weeks early. I had surgery on May 12th to remove a huge polyp and 2 fibroid tumors - all benign. I'm having hot flashes, some headaches, some joint pain and that's about it. These symptoms are worth the trade from previous symptoms. I only hope my doctor gives me a hysterectomy soon. She feels Lupron will shrink the fibroids outside my uterus. I'm almost 50 so she says I should hold off on the hysterectomy. I want all this done with. Good luck to all of you."

For Prostate Cancer "Started treatment 12/2011 ended 12/2013. The PSA went down as expected for the purpose of treatment, now waiting for side effects to end, which have been: loss of libido, hot flashes especially at night or after a meal, some sweating, loss of body hair, loss of muscle mass, joint and bone pain, tiredness, difficulty to start almost any quest, weight gain, chest/man breast augmentation. Have been taking vitamin D plus calcium, glucosamine, started an exercise program that has helped with muscle buildup, and also helps with better mood, by prescription have taken 3 applications of calcium to the vein. Have had excellent support from wife, have trust my Doctors and first of all God my father."

For Prostate Cancer "I am experiencing the following side effects: Breast enlargement, reduction of size of testicles, complete ED, multiple hot flashes hourly, and a mental fog that prevents clear thinking. These were all expected side effects and came as no surprise. Additional unexpected side effects include: rapid pulse rate, elevated BP, breathlessness, short-term memory loss, extreme and uncontrollable emotional outbursts (uncontrollable crying over minimally emotional issues), and sleep deprivation (1-2 hours total sleep which could account for the emotional issues). Of additional concern are anecdotal statements by others claiming no reduction of any side effects even after years of removal from follow-up injections of Lupron. My concern is great enough to request suspension of this drug, even at the cost of an elevated PSA with a corresponding resurgence of the cancer. I know there are additional drugs I can take to counteract some of these side effects, but I would rather not complicate the situation with even more medication. My PSA stands at 0.3 as of this writing, and I would withdraw my request were it to increase to 4.0, however continued living with this nightmare drug is not my idea of life."

For Uterine Fibroids "I must admit, after reading the comments, I was real scared, but I told myself everyone's body reacts differently. May 6, 2014, I took my first shot. So far, I am feeling great. I was a bit drained before I took the shot, woke up feeling energetic."

For Prostate Cancer "I've been on Lupron (after prostate surgery) for a period of 7-1/2 years. I am also on 50mg Casodex. The side effects are minor (hot sweats, decreased energy). Injection sites were moved after 6 years from buttocks to shoulders due to lower back pain. I hope this gives hope to patients about to begin this regimen."

For Endometriosis "I feel like I’m one of the few people who has had a positive experience on the medicine Lupron. I’ve been pain-free from my endometriosis for 3 months, now on my third dose. After my first dose, I had some joint pain and severe hot flashes for a couple of weeks, but those symptoms lessened as time went on. My mood has changed for the better while on this medicine, I no longer have pain from the endometriosis, and my only symptom from this medicine is minor hot flashes! I can’t believe it. This medicine has been a blessing."

For Prostate Cancer "I had prostate cancer 10 years ago, so they say. 43 treatments of radiation, and the PSA is gone. Now, 67 years old, and my PSA went up to 8.5, 10 years later, and my doctor wants to do the Lupron shot. First one, 2 years, a big one, 45 mg. It almost killed me - I had never been so sick. Now, 2 and a half years later, my PSA was 13, so I told the doc I would try a smaller dose, so I did 7.5 a year ago and another 7.5 last week. My PSA is 3.2, but still, I said I should take it. Let me tell you, men, I WILL NEVER TAKE ANOTHER LUPRON SHOT AS LONG AS I LIVE. The side effects you read about are true: blood pressure problems, diabetes. I'm never having a Lupron shot ever again."

For Endometriosis "I’m a 24-year-old female who’s suffered from terrible endometriosis pain; my periods left me crumpled up on the ground, moaning in pain to the point that I seriously wished I were dead. I am not exaggerating in the slightest. Sometimes I’d get really dizzy and hear an intense buzzing in my ears right before I almost passed out. The pain was unbearable; I often had to miss school and work because of my period. I recently underwent surgery and was recommended Lupron. I read horrible reviews about it for weeks leading up to my doctor appointment and was terrified to try it, but so far I haven’t had any problems other than hot flashes (and that’s MUCH preferable to the agonizing pain I used to be in). Of course, it’s only been a few months since I got the injection, so we’ll see...but so far it’s been great! Don’t let the reviews scare you; if you’re in good health like I am, you probably won’t experience serious complications or side effects. Hope this helps!"

For Prostate Cancer "I was given this poison for the first time, May 2nd, 2019. The doctors/nurses would NOT tell me the name of it. Only referred to it as: hormone therapy. 60 seconds AFTER the nurse shoved a 22.5 mg 3-month dose of it into my butt. The doctor's assistant walked up to me, handed me a booklet: 'Understanding Lupron Therapy', said: You better TAKE THIS HOME AND READ IT, she laughed, turned around and said: 'see ya'. When I got home, I turned to the 1st page. It said: 'side effects': 'heart attacks, strokes, bone damage, diabetes, AND, 'sudden death......' I was so angry. She injected me with a POISON. For 10 weeks, I was so angry, mad it was indescribably bad. The worst 3 months of my life!"

For Uterine Fibroids "I am 52 (5'8", 155 lbs) with a large (13 cm) intramural fibroid (fibroid within the muscle wall of the uterus). In case I had any adverse reaction to Lupron, I decided to take the low dose injection (1 time a month) instead of the single high dose that lasts three months. I felt pretty okay with Lupron, other than a dull headache that lingered on for two months (I only had two injections). The actual fibroid did not shrink much after two months (from 13 to 11 cm), but the surgeon said it made the fibroid softer. I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy with success. I was 90% recovered after five days."

For Prostate Cancer "Had my first injection of Lupron 7.5 mg in July, second injection at the same dosage is set for August 21. So far no hot flashes or side effects. Have been taking Casodex simultaneously (30-day supply) which will end shortly. Only side effect from that initially was fatigue, which resolved after 5 days. Decided to insist on 1-month Lupron injections instead of a 3-6 month extended dose as PC support group participants on the once-a-month dose had far fewer side effects. I'm sticking to my guns on this one, MD tried to give me a 6-month dose right off the bat. I'm switching MDs and glad I did it this way. Hope this helps others."

For Endometriosis "I have been taking this for 6 months now, about to start my 7th, and I love it! I will say the first month or so, I was really wondering what I had gotten myself into. But now, I am so glad I did it. I take the 1-a-month, not the 3-month shot. I haven't had a period in 5 months, and I haven't cramped in 5 months. I was having hot flashes before I started taking this, and I will say that at times they are way worse, but I would much rather deal with hot flashes than be huddled over in my bed because the cramps are so bad that I can't even function. I do understand that some people have bad experiences with things, and some people don't. It is all up to your body. Everyone's body is different. I hope seeing a good review like this will help."

For Uterine Fibroids "I have been on Lupron for 3 years. I began the shot in 2013 with an 11 cm fibroid that was too large for surgery at the time. I am now in my late 50s and still testing positive on hormone tests. In other words, if I go off Lupron, I am assuming the fibroid will grow again and I will begin to menstruate again and have heavy bleeding and large clots. My headaches became much less, and I only have hot flashes towards the end of my 3-month shot. I get shots quarterly. My bone density was just shy of normal with no concerns for many years. I take calcium, D3, and K2 (MK7 - helps make calcium go to bone, not soft tissue like calcification and bone spurs). For me, it has been the best thing in my life. I can't imagine why people have bad results. Oh, and no weight gain."

For Uterine Fibroids "I got my first Lupron shot on 07/22/2019 for fibroids. My obgyn decided to put me on Lupron to attempt to shrink my fibroids/Uterus so I can have a safe hysterectomy. I haven't had a menstrual cycle since 07/22/2019, that's awesome. So far I am experiencing: the first week my buttock was very sore/tender from the injection site. I am experiencing a lot of hot flashes throughout the day and at night, they last a few minutes. No night sweats. My body, but mainly my legs, ache and feel tingly/numb. Restless nights, having trouble staying asleep. My hair is now very dry and brittle and hair loss (it was healthy before). Vaginal dryness. Memory problems, trouble focusing. I am forgetting a lot of things. Major mood swings, from very angry to crying. Increased appetite (carb craving). I hope all this is worth it in the end. None of these side effects are unbearable, but I definitely do not feel like myself. Round 2 coming up on 10/22/2019."

For Endometriosis "I was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis and was prescribed Lupron. After reading all of the horrible reviews and side effects, I was terrified to try this. After chatting with my doctor, we both agreed that this would be the most aggressive treatment as my husband and I would like to get pregnant one day. I am on month 3 of the shot, and I have to say that I am pleased. The worst thing are the hot flashes. For me, they are at least 10 times a day! But I will take that over the excessive cramping and pain any day. I feel minor cramps occasionally during the time I would normally have my period. I have experienced no depression, weight gain, weight loss, bleeding, joint pain, etc. I am hoping after the treatments I will be able to conceive."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: gonadotropin releasing hormones
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Other brands

Eligard, Camcevi, Fensolvi, Viadur

Professional resources

  • Lupron Depot prescribing information
  • Leuprolide (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Eligard, Camcevi, Fensolvi, Lupron Depot-Gyn

Other formulations

  • Lupron Depot-PED

Related treatment guides

  • Prostate Cancer
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine Fibroids