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Generic Name: Marinol for Nausea/Vomiting, Chemotherapy Induced (dronabinol)

Marinol for Nausea/Vomiting, Chemotherapy Induced Reviews

"My father, who has cancer, was wilting away from the pain meds and associated nausea and vomiting. No water either. Mentally, he was in a real bad place. CBD/THC 4:1 oil and Marinol have completely turned him around. He is now only on one prescribed medication versus before three, all of which caused drowsiness. Gaining weight and cracking jokes. Ridiculous how a substance that doesn't cause death by overdose, gives you an appetite, and makes you happy is not available over the counter. Especially when alcohol, which is much worse, is not only legal but glorified. Legalize it. Don't criticize it."

"My boyfriend has cancer and was receiving two kinds of chemotherapy. Along with blood clots and a drain in his leg, he was in a lot of pain. When receiving chemo, we would stay in the hospital for three days, and even with the Neulasta shot and all the IV anti-nausea meds, he still was sick. Finally, he was prescribed Marinol, and it changed everything. The day we came home from the hospital after taking it, he was well enough to go Frisbee golfing even with a drain in his leg! He never vomited again, and he actually got kinda chubby! The drug changed his attitude, and I believe it gave him the strength he needed to fight his sarcoma. He's now in remission!"

"After debilitating nausea and vomiting from radiation and chemotherapy, and after trying all the normal drugs like Zofran and some others, I tried Marinol. It was by far the most effective for treating nausea and vomiting of any pharmaceutical. It gives a nice, pleasant buzz as well. The problem for me was the overstimulation of my appetite. I've never felt hunger like this in my entire life. Anyway, people who need this drug could probably use the extra appetite anyway."

"Ask your doctor to prescribe Marinol (dronabinol) to cure you of your MAJOR nausea problem. If you are taking large doses of medicines for cancer or HIV/AIDS, then you probably get nauseous a lot! We all know that it's hard to get anything done when you are nauseated all day. This medicine is a game-changer and a lifesaver. I would go as far as to say that this is a miracle. I'm still in shock how well it is helping my nausea since nothing I ever took before helped as much as this medicine!"

"I am surprised this isn't oncologists' 'go-to' drug. After my first A/C infusion for breast cancer, I had severe nausea and vomiting immediately. The doctor prescribed 25 mg of promethazine orally and rectally (in case I couldn't hold down the pill). All it did was make me sleep for hours, induce a migraine status headache, and cause severe stomach pain/cramping, and I would still wake up vomiting. Then my doctor prescribed Dronabinol 5 mg. It was a miracle drug. The stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting completely stopped. It made me slightly tired in the beginning, but the feeling was more relaxed than tired, therefore I could continue to function normally. It also stimulated my appetite, which is very important for chemotherapy patients."

"My doctor prescribed Marinol after I had adverse reactions to most antiemetics given to me during chemotherapy. Converting from IV to oral cytotoxins, nausea made my quality of life poor. Marinol made such a positive change for me. Taking between 2.5 and 5 mg, there is only about 20 minutes of silliness, which my family welcomes, then relief from vomiting for 6 to 8 hours. It has been a lifesaver for me and for my family."

"I have never personally taken this medication. However, my mother recently was prescribed Marinol after other medications provided no relief from chemo-induced nausea. Her first dose took about 3 hours to kick in (which is a long time when you're nauseated), but after that, she's been a brand new person. I'm guessing it takes those first few hours to get fully in your system. She takes it twice a day and has had little to no nausea."

"Marinol medication was given to me for extreme nausea due to gastroparesis. It has been a godsend. It loses some efficacy if you overuse it but is very effective for nausea relief when others haven’t helped. I highly recommend this medication."

"I used Marinol for nausea during cancer therapy. I have to take some narcotics for excessive pain, and Marinol still keeps the nausea down that the narcotics create. It makes my life quite a bit easier."

"I have the 2.5 version. It works well about 90% of the time, while Zofran, works about 50% of the time for me. However, I don't like taking even one because of the hangover the next day. Further, it enhances the chronic pain, making the pain worse, sometimes. Never know when that will happen. "

"I had transplant surgery a few months ago. I am on immunosuppressive drugs and I am limited to what I can take. My doctor suggested it and I said "Yes, please!" I take 5mg about an hour or two before bed. It takes over an hour to kick in but when it does, it works very well. Helps with body pain and definitely settles my stomach. Sometimes I don't feel it as much, someone said it might have to do with taking it on a full belly. I agree with her. Works for about 4-6 hrs for me. Helps you get to sleep, too! I've had no side effects but you will most likely feel "high" so be very careful."

"I have severe gastroparesis, which causes constant nausea and vomiting. I have tried ondansetron, granisetron, scopolamine patches, and phenergan to no avail. Dronabinol 5mg has been a miracle drug for my nausea. It takes about 2-3 hours to fully kick in, but my nausea starts going away in 30-45 minutes. While I don’t mind feeling super relaxed and euphoric, I really wish that this didn’t give me those effects, because that means when I have to drive, I can’t take it until I’m back home for the rest of the day, so I just have to deal with the nausea until I’m back home for the day. For that reason, I’m rating it 9/10."

"This drug is not listed for the cancer symptom of not eating and should be. It saved my family member's life."

"Recently diagnosed advanced lung adenocarcinoma. After surgery, began chemotherapy. This med helps allay anxiety, nausea, stimulates appetite, and helps me sleep. My mood is improved."

"My husband has chemo-induced weight loss, he weighed 117 lbs two months ago, and now he weighs 131 lbs, and it helps with nausea somewhat. He takes two 10 mg capsules daily."

"Didn’t help him at all. He had stomach cancer in the early 2000s when it was prescribed to him, and it didn’t help him eat or anything"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: miscellaneous antiemetics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Marinol drug information

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Professional resources

  • Marinol prescribing information
  • Dronabinol (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Anorexia
  • Nausea/Vomiting, Chemotherapy Induced
  • AIDS Related Wasting