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Generic Name: Isosorbide mononitrate for Angina (isosorbide-mononitrate)

Isosorbide mononitrate for Angina Reviews

"I was prescribed these tablets - isosorbide 40mg Modified-Release tablets to be taken one each morning. 8-10 hours after taking my first tablet, I had to go to bed with a terrible headache starting at the back of my head, into my neck. The pain spread across my shoulders and into my arms. It felt like severe arthritis, and I couldn't get relief, no matter how I tried. I can't remember ever feeling pain like it and got very little sleep that night. Nothing could persuade me to take another one of these tablets. Dreadful medication."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "I was taking 30 mg, and the doc increased the Imdur to 60 mg. Now I have a headache, can’t sleep, feel like everything is moving or spinning, and pain in my neck. My low back feels disconnected when in bed, and all I want to do is vomit. It has been 2 days since the increase."

"Dr. put me on isosorbide mononitrate 60 mg twice a day, (did start with 30 twice a day). I am 86 yrs, have severe COPD. After reading 3 pages of reviews, I am shocked at what other folks have had in side effects. I have had nothing in side effects that I am aware of, and tightness in chest is now very rare. Have outstanding doctor for over 15 yrs. He gave me his cell phone years ago. He has made 2 house calls this year. I am really blessed. Been on med since Oct 2017."

"Taken isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg for 4 days. Had side effect of the most horrendous headache and neck pain and had to be sent home from work as pain was so bad. Lasted for about 8 hours. Not taking it tomorrow and will speak to Dr. Really confused about whether to continue with it. I expected a headache, but this is ridiculous."

"I was prescribed this drug, isosorbide mononitrate, after going to the hospital with angina. I was sick of using GTN spray, as it gave me sore throats and headaches. I only took these tablets, 3x30 mg doses over 3 days, and had to have a week off work. The side effects were dizziness, couldn't open my eyes or see properly, wasn't sure what I was doing, tired all the time - worst thing I've ever taken. Back to the spray and aspirin now. I'd rather have a few minutes of angina than all the side effects of Carmil (UK brand of isosorbide). Never again. Just hope my appointment to have a stent fitted arrives soon. Been waiting since March...."

"Been taking extended release for five years. I had a pretty gnarly headache the first few days, was told to expect this, so that made it more tolerable. I have had no side effects of note since then. Seems to help, although I have had angina occasionally while on it. My assumption here is I probably would have more angina without it."

"I’ve got Prinzmetal angina, and my doctor put me on this medication after a particularly bad attack. I am already taking amlodipine and GTN when required. The headache and neck ache from this medication has been severe. I can do nothing else but lay flat in a darkened room. No painkiller relieves it. If you are unlucky enough to get these side effects, they are horrendous. I persisted with it for a week, but it was disabling."

"I was prescribed this medicine for high blood pressure and Rayauds. The first day I developed a headache. I took two aspirins which helped somewhat. I had to immediately lay down and rest. I thought the symptoms would get better so I took the meds the following day. The headache got worse followed by neck pain. I also felt nausea, chills, and became fatigue. I vomited and felt sick to my stomach. I’m usually a tough person and have a high tolerance but this medicine made me feel awful ! I was literally on bed rest the entire day and didn’t have an appetite. Smells would make me nauseous! I would never ever take this medicine again or recommend it to anyone!"

"Started on isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg yesterday. Have had angina, SOB (shortness of breath), right hand and arm icy cold, since quad bypass in 2017. Immediately after taking the first dose felt 'yukky', had the headache, dizzy, very tired, took an ibuprofen and sat in a recliner for about 2 hours, then felt much better and was able to walk in my yard with no chest pain (first since surgery)! My right hand is warm! This morning took the med then went back to bed for an hour. Slight headache right now. Will take ibuprofen again. Still no chest pain or SOB. Right hand was cold, but is now warm again! I pray this continues."

"I have been taking isosorbide mononitrate 30 mg tablets for a little over 2 months now. For the first 4 to 5 days, I did experience headaches, however, they did subside. I have now started to experience a headache every now and again, though. I have also started to have the same chest pain again, which had completely gone away until now. My biggest complaint and concern is that I find myself EXTREMELY tired every single day for the past 2 weeks! It does not matter if I sleep 8 or more hours, I still wake up feeling like I have had no sleep at all! I can sit down on my couch or at the kitchen table and fall asleep sitting straight up and have slept that way for hours! I don't understand this, but other than that, I'm okay with the medicine."

"The headaches caused by this medication are worse than the condition it is supposed to treat. The pain goes on for at least 24 hours. It is debilitating and cannot be treated with Tylenol or cool compresses. Avoid this med at all costs!"

"My daughter was put on this for her resistant high blood pressure. It does the job of lowering her pressure very well, but it makes her heart beat erratically and makes her feel terrible all of the time. Severe headaches, a weak, heavy feeling, nausea, dizziness, and breathlessness. It is really a tough drug to take. We had to stop the extended release and go with the normal one that only lasts a few hours just to give her some relief. Once she gets more used to it, we might go back to ext. release. But in the meantime, it's completely debilitating."

"I have angina and CAD I’ve been on this drug for 12 years at 60 mg a day (two 30mg). People need to realize that this is a form of nitroglycerin which on it’s own will cause screaming blind headache.. it does get better over time. I’m a ex paramedic and if I can get through the first week of it you can too - well just saying."

"I've been on it for 8 days. The dosage is 30 mg. I'm having a stiff neck and the most terrible headache. It is for angina. It is helping the chest pain. They say after a few weeks, headaches will subside. I sure hope so."

"Isosorbide Mononitrate 10mg twice a day was prescribed by hospital doctor for possible angina and I have never felt so ill! Taken for 2 days but never again! It did stop my brief chest pains but I've had the worst ever headache for the whole time even waking me up in the night and which painkillers won't touch, also hurts down my neck and side of my face and making me feel sick. Just horrendous. Phoned GP who is changing them for beta blockers as fewer side affects."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "Dr increased me from 30 to 60 two days ago. Been on 30 for 17 years. Was no longer helping angina or high blood pressure. It seems to be helping pressure but having some chest pain. Also have severe COPD."

"My blood pressure started going up about two years after by pass surgery and they started me on 30 mg and my blood pressure has gone down and stablized. My chest pain has gone away. No headache and only thing is my sleep is not as good."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "I took my first dose at 12:30pm, went to work, no unusual symptoms. At 12:30am I woke up with left foot feeling odd. My big toe was standing straight up toward the ceiling, no pain like a spasm. The only way to get it right was standing on the floor. It happened 3 times. Then 10 min later my neck felt constructive and my jaw and teeth started hurting. This is an indication for me of a heart attack. I went to ER, EKG was fine, my Troponins were great. I got a massive headache. The pain in my neck and jaw lasted 3 solid hours, no relief till the Tylenol kicked in. I will not be taking this medication any more."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "My husband was prescribed Imdur for chest pain. He suffered involuntary head and arm jerking, nausea, muscle weakness, severe itching, dry mouth, severe edema and as he put it, a feeling he couldn't explain but it felt like something was just tearing him apart inside. This drug should be destroyed."

"I started taking isosorb 30 mg ER 2 months ago. I only took it for 7 days. I'm still sick, but I found out what they don't tell you: this medication can cause severe electrolyte imbalance. This takes all the sodium and vitamins out of your body and can result in death if not treated."

"The first day I tried this drug I became very dizzy and had difficulty walking. After three days I tried my first driving and it was frightening to say the least. I have asked my Doctor if I can stop taking it because I cannot live with this drug. In addition I asked if this improves with usage or remains this way. It might be interacting with one of my other of my plethora of prescriptions, I just don't know."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "Was prescribed this medication by new cardiologist while hospitalized to help with spasms associated with Prinzmetal's (variant) angina. So far I feel a difference in my condition, but will form a more solid opinion when I'm on Imdur a bit longer."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "Was started on Imdur 60mg for nightly chest pain following 2 angios and 5 stents. Initially, it was very effective and I did not experience any chest pain/tightness, but a fortnight later the effect is wearing off, and am again experiencing chest pain at night again."

Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) "Had a week of pretty bad headaches but was told my body would likely adjust. Now on med for a month and feel better than I have in years. Still have palpitations but not the radiating chest pain. Starting to have more energy and sleeping better."

"I take a whole host of medication for high blood pressure - and some narrowing of arteries (as determined by an angiogram). I also cycle quite a lot - 50-100 miles/week. I found that when I took the isosorbide mononitrate, I would get very much out of breath and it would make me very weak. I effectively stopped taken them over time and feel much better with no symptoms of angina"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antianginal agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Isosorbide drug information
  • Isosorbide Mononitrate Extended-Release Tablets
  • Isosorbide Mononitrate Tablets

Other brands

Imdur, Ismo, Monoket

Professional resources

  • Isosorbide Mononitrate prescribing information
  • Isosorbide Mononitrate Extended Release (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Esophageal Spasm
  • Angina
  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis
  • Heart Failure