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Generic Name: Mirabegron

Brand Name: Myrbetriq

Myrbetriq Drug and Medication User Reviews

After about two weeks I noticed I could sleep all night without using the bathroom. But the best part of this drug that I noticed the next day was that I no long had heart burn. My stomach was finally digesting anything I would eat. It qas amazing. For me this has been the best part. No long burping up my meal from 3 hours ago or sitting up all night because the food and acid would come up. They need to study this part to help others...If I stop Taking this medication my heartburn begins to slowly come back. As soon as I take the medication it's gone.

Previously took Ditropan XL but changed to Myerbetrique because severe dry mouth caused major dental problems. I was eager to try this med. it did help relieve dry mouth but was far less effective for bladder control. I took this med for 4 months but have discontinued usage because of side effects that included constantly dripping nose, diarrhea which at times caused bowel leakage, excessive sweating, strong and obnoxious body odor, and mild swelling of ankle joints. And importantly, it was not at all effective for bladder control. Because I could not tolerate the side effects, I stopped taking this medication over a week ago and side effects have, for the most part, disappeared. Still have runny nose but obnoxious body odor and sever sweating are gone. The bottom line is that it was not effective for bladder control and although it did help with dry mouth, the other side effects were intolerable so I have discontinued taking this medication.

Since taking med I have had some bleeding.

When administered in conjunction with oxybutynin, I get the best results. No leakage, no urgency. I had BP within normal parameters before taking and now BP is slightly higher, but nothing to be concerned about. These 2 medications have increased the quality of my life and confidence.

My doctor gave me a 30 day supply to try. After a few days, I was having frequent headaches, severe pain in my abdomen, and pressure in my groin area. My OB was ready to schedule me for torsion surgery when I researched this medication and stopped taking it; having reduced symptoms within 24 hours! After reading all of these reviews, I wish I would've read them BEFORE I started this med because I would've said, "NO."

I lost %50 of my beautiful hair. It came out filling my hair brush each time I brushed. Why wasn't I told this was a very significant side affect. it did slow down my ned to urinate frequently, but it was not worth having my hair come out. My hair is growing back.

Been taking 50mg pill daily for a month with no reduction in nightly urination, 4 to 5 times per night.

Other than a lighter wallet (about $500) I could tell zero difference. I took it for about 4 weeks. Nothing.

After 5 days I noticed memory problems from the drug. I quickly quit taking it and there has been no improvement. The only other reasons could be that I had undetected COVID and that is sometimes a side effect or it was from a slight increase in Moclobimid, but I have been on the Moclobimide at that dose before with no problems and I tested neg for Covid.

I was taking Mybetriz 25 mg and Dr changed it to 50mg and it got worse, I had dry mouth that didn't go away , along with thrush. I saw a Urologist and she told me to stop taking it,and see how I felt, the dry mouth is going away and seems like my bladder is working better, I still have some leakage but not like when I was on the meds. Due to my age she said there were things I could try like therapy for 12 weeks but due to back pain and a bad knee that is out of the question. I would like to hear of other meds that would help with this with out a lot of side effects.

My primary doctor recommended Oxybutynin for one month and said if no improvement in my evening frequency, I should see a urologist. So there was no improvement and the urologist prescribed Myrbetriq (50mg). The evening after the 4th pill, I could not pee at all and had to be rushed to emergency where they installed a catheter to empty my bladder that was ready to explode. I thought I was going to die until that put me on the catheter. I was on the catheter at home for 5 days suffering from the pain that the catheter was causing me. When the urologist removed the catheter, he did not know that urinary blockage was one of the side effects which really surprised me. I told him that before seeing h0im I had read some patient on Myrbetriq forums saying that the drug caused urinary blockages. He poo pooed the reason for their blockage and said they must have been prone to blockage rather than due to taking Myrbetriq. I strongly disagree with his assessment.

It has had some effect. For the price, it should be more effective. Overpriced for the results.

Side effects were terrible, nausea, dizzy and raised my BP. I have low BP.

10 days after using this drug I was admitted to ER with severe chest pains. I went into A-fib and needed to have a pacemaker put in.

I don't have to go to the bathroom as often during the night. However, when I have to go, I have to go immediately. I don't like the smell of the urine and my back ache seems worse.

I have been using Myrbetriq 50 MG for about 13 weeks. It does help somewhat; but, I still have the feeling that I need to urinate most of the time. I do my best to ignore that feeling and only go when I really have to. My side effects have been very dry eyes and now I seem to have lower left back pain. I still plan on using it a few more weeks before trying Botox in the Bladder.

I am almost finished with my third month of 50 mg. Myrbetriq, one per day in the morning. I don't have any severe side effects, but I don't believe that it has helped. It is possible that the Myrbetriq has negatively affected my memory. I may also be retaining water, as I feel that I have gained weight. However, it is also possible that these manifestations stem from concurrent use of Elmiron, which is prescribed for interstitial cystitis. My preferred treatment for frequent urination during the night has been diazepam 10mg. That's Valium. But doctors don't want to give it to me. It helps me sleep through the night better than anything, without having to get up and pee every 20 to 30 minutes. I'm 56 & have a small bladder capacity. I have been a nighttime peer for many years. Getting up so much affects the quality of my life because I'm exhausted every morning. The slightest bit of urine will wake me up. I'm telling you, diazepam is the best.

I've been taking this medication for around 3 months but have discontinued it for the past 4 days. I had a brain injury 20 some years ago that I think is a factor in my frequent urination or need to urinate frequently. Frequent need to get up at night to urinate as well. It's been difficult for me to visit family as I have shame attached to my need to urinate all the time. I am only 53 and the research I did I found the possible side effects of ditropan xl scary. I did not really experience any side effects from Myrbetriq other than possibly slightly elevated blood pressure but I do not take medication if I feel it is doing nothing majorly therapeutic for me so I am off it. I noticed that since being off, I am urinating very well. I have been taking Uricare by Himalya a herbal supplement, and thus far I am satisfied with that more so than the Myrbetriq. Like other reviews I've seen here, I will live with this issue for now because I have largely lived with it for around 10 years or so.

I took this medication for 5 weeks, I was dizzy and had a hard time breathing, and got tried. It did nothing for me. Stopped taking back to normal, this medication is awful.

my doctor gave me a six week trail of myrbetriq,after a few weeks I became dizzy and I was having a hard time breathing, I did not know these side effects until I checked with web md. Needless to say I stopped treatment.