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Generic Name: Mayzent for Multiple Sclerosis (siponimod)

Mayzent for Multiple Sclerosis Reviews

"While I was on Mayzent, I started experiencing blurred vision, jerking, stuttering, and frequent falls. My MS was getting worse not better. My quadriceps in my left leg has stopped working and I can not lift my leg more than an inch off of the floor. My left foot drags when I walk and now I have to use a bench to get in and out of the shower. I have had several incidents since I started taking this drug. I can not walk without a cane because my dragging foot causes me to fall flat on my face. I have had so have a spinal fusion due to the falls causing me to have pinched nerves. I have now been put on Ocrevus twice a year infusion and I no longer suffer from stuttering, jerking, double vision, or falls, howerer, most of my damages can not be corrected. I wish I never used this drug for my treatment of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Completely devastated."

"I have Secondary progressive MS. I was offered this medication, as the only available option for me, in Canada with SPMS. I was eager to try it. I found my MS got worse. My friends and family members noticed it too. My fatigue, my spasticity, my mobility instantly declined. My doctor wanted me to give it a fair try, as it was the only option, for 6 months. I was very vocal it had made me worse. Following that, my doctor took me off."

"Black Male, Dx Aug 2020. I was on this drug for about 1 year. While on it, I was a mental wreck. Extremely bad brain fog. Physically, I hurt a lot and used a cane from time to time. It didn't work for me, I was a breakthrough case. I averaged 5,000 steps a day while on the drug. Two days off the med, and I was able to walk a mile with no assistance. Now I'm about 4 weeks off, and I've been doing 10,000 step days. (Mind you, just doing house stuff)."

"I have been taking this drug for 6 months. I haven't noticed any side affects. This is delivered to my door each month in a box filled with ice packs because it has to be refrigerated. I also have a Mayzent representative that calls me every month to check on me and to see if anything has changed since the prior month. Overall, I feel it's better and easier than the shot I was having to give myself. I would recommend this."

"I have been on Mayzent for a little over a year now and I'm pleased with it. I was diagnosed with MS in 2004. My Neurologist at the time started me on Copaxone. It worked for me for 15 years. I had no new lesions. Then my insurance company bullied me to switch to the generic version of Copaxone by threatening to not pay for the medication. I was on the generic version for a little over 6 months before I started having new lesions. My Neurologist switched me to Mayzent. I was a little skeptical at first reading about the possible side effects. After taking it now for a little over a year, I'd have to say I'm pleased with this medication. I haven't experienced any side effects nor do I have any new lesions. Thank you Lord!"

"I was dx in 1999, I have been on many MS medications including Novantrone, Avonex, Copaxone, IVIG, steroids and now Mayzent. I just had MRIs done in 2023 and lo and behold my lesions are almost non existent! They have all but disappeared and my new Nuero doesn’t feel I even have MS! After 25 years I’m looking at a possible misdiagnosis or is the Mayzent working? I personally feel the Mayzent is working! So much better than IV Infusions and shots you have to do yourself! So grateful I’m on Mayzent!"

"So, it's hot out today and I'm making my bed, but I'm complaining about the sweat dripping down my face and neck. Then I realized, "OMG! I'm sweating!" You must understand and excuse my language, but I haven't been able to sweat in ten years. Sure, I'd get burning hot while riding a bike, but I'd only get maybe a drop of sweat on my forehead, feeling like I was going to fall over dead. But I started taking Mayzent three months ago, and I didn't feel like I was going to drop. I just dripped sweat like a normal person! Yeah! Mayzent is my miracle, and I'm still experiencing small changes every day, including sweat!"

"My experience is I have been using 3 months. No side effects!"

More about Mayzent (siponimod)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: selective immunosuppressants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Mayzent drug information

Professional resources

  • Mayzent prescribing information
  • Siponimod (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Multiple Sclerosis