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Generic Name: Mellaril (thioridazine)

Mellaril Reviews

For Schizophrenia "Moochie used to take Mellaril, was always calm and hardly overate. After being taken off that medication, he is now prescribed Zyprexa. Zyprexa costs about $400 for 30 pills and causes a weight difference of 80 lb gain over a three-year period. Taking the Mellaril, he never had signs of anxiety or stress. Slept comfortably and always went to bed on time at night. Since we no longer take the Mellaril, life has changed considerably. We now experience wandering at night, constant overeating to a weight gain already, and he is now being considered obese. I recommend the Mellaril as an excellent medicine as long as the side effects are not endangering the patient. The best medicine I've used to provide comfort."

For Schizophrenia "I’ve been taking Mellaril for 38 years. It’s the only medication that works for treating my schizophrenia. Be aware when you are having surgery with your illness that the anesthesia can effect the schizophrenia part of the brain. The second time I had surgery my dad realized the anesthesia caused me to have psychosis. The first time I had surgery it took a month to get better. The second time I had surgery took 3 months to get better. I had to increase my medication to 400mg a day."

"I was put on this for depression and it was very negative for me. It made me very highly sedated, would slump over in my chair. Made me feel horrible. I started not being able to walk it made me get out of breath."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: phenothiazine antipsychotics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Mellaril drug information

Professional resources

  • Thioridazine prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Schizophrenia