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Generic Name: Meloxicam for Osteoarthritis (meloxicam)

Meloxicam for Osteoarthritis Reviews

"I’ve been taking meloxicam for 4 years. Helped a little with foot pain but I’ve gained 45 lbs and could not understand why since I hadn’t changed my eating habits. I’ve been telling doctors about this and they just suggested dieting. One even said just stop eating completely and take supplements like that’s so easy. Not ONCE did they mention weight gain as a side effect of this drug. Not to mention the cardiac and circulatory dangers. Plus internal bleeding that can occur. I’ve learned the hard way to just quit trusting doctors to tell you anything. Be your own health advocate and read everything thing you can find when you’re prescribed any drug."

"It works! Nothing else gave me 100% relief of the burning ache in my lower back. My doctor told me to start taking omeprazole OTC when he gave me the prescription for meloxicam since it can be hard on your stomach. No side effects, only tremendous pain relief. I take 7.5mg in the morning with breakfast and 7.5mg in the evening with dinner. Absolute wonder drug. Wish it had been prescribed to me 2 years ago! It is better than epidural injections, better than prednisone, chiropractor, physical therapy, massages, cold gel packs, muscle relaxers, stretching, Advil, Tylenol, naproxen, hydrocodone. Meloxicam blew everything else I tried out of the water. I felt it helping within about 3 days and recommend taking it with food and starting omeprazole."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I have been taking Mobic for knee pain for 2 weeks. Within the first week, I noticed fluid on my ankles and lower legs. Then three days ago, I started getting itchy welts on my breast, chest, stomach, arms, and legs. They look very similar to bed bug bites or flea bites, and I know without a doubt I do not have either one. Yes, it did wonders for my knee pain, I was able to go to the gym and stand for a long time with no problem. I've now stopped the med because I would rather deal with my knee pain than the side effects, as they are worse than the pain. I am looking to see how long it will take for the welts to stop and go away, the itching is unbearable!!! I have taken Benadryl and used Cortizone cream. I will be calling my doc in the morning. My overall opinion for this med is not to take it because of the side effects. I truly hope this helps someone that is having these side effects!"

Mobic (meloxicam) "I am 43 years old. I have arthritis, lower back pain caused by facet joint at L5-S1, and scoliosis. The pain started around 2 weeks ago, but the first time I felt this type of pain was 3 years ago. All these years I was fine, and suddenly 2 weeks ago it came back. Every morning, I wake up and have pain in my lower back. I also feel pain as I turn sides in my sleep. My doctor prescribed Mobic 15 mg. He told me to take it for 1 month. Yesterday, I bought it and took it late before I went to sleep. I also ate something as they told me to take it after my meal. I woke up in the morning and I was thinking, where is the pain I have every morning? I was moving around thinking this is really weird. All day, I haven’t had any pain so far. I feel fantastic, and I have only taken 1 tablet. It is crazy but true."

"I am 64 and in good health except for some major joint pain in my hips, knees, and ankles. Meloxicam is a miracle drug for me. I have been taking 15mg a day for several months and I am pain-free and doing great. I have not had any of the side effects so far either!"

Mobic (meloxicam) "Severe osteoarthritis of the left knee and I'm up on my feet a lot so the pain was unbearable. I was taking Vicodin 4 times a day, 2 Aleve, and had absolutely NO relief from pain. Started Mobic 7.5 mg on Wednesday and by Sunday I could walk/sleep and had NO pain! So any surgery needed can now wait! No side effects as of now, but I plan on decreasing to every other day and definitely take it with a meal."

Mobic (meloxicam) "About ten months ago, I began experiencing a lot of pain in my arms and joints, including my knees. Thinking that I had caught a virus (not Covid), I finally went to the doctor who prescribed Mobic. I am in my 70s and have osteoarthritis in most joints. In fact, I had bilateral hip replacements seven years ago due to OA, also, both of my parents and grandmother suffered quite a lot from arthritis. My mother told me that it 'moved around'. And just when you think the pain is going, it hits another part of your body. Even my muscles were aching. Now, several months later, after taking just one box of Mobic, I am pretty much pain-free. I hope it continues but I'll wait a few weeks to see. If not, I'll go back to the doctor. I took just one 7.5mg tablet per day."

"Well, my experience has been so far so good. I can sit crisscross again. Doing all my exercises from therapy, and this is the real kicker. I'm losing weight like nobody's business. I am fitting clothes I haven't worn since my twenties, and I am excited. I figure why not start eating healthier and walking more to help? I was overweight at first, but I've lost 50 lb and then some. So I'm just going to continue eating healthy and drinking water and seeing how much I can lose. The best medicine 2 for one deal!"

"I've been taking meloxicam for about 5 years, and it really helps me. I tried to stop taking it, but my arthritis pain returned in about 4 days. My doctor monitors my blood work regularly to make sure I have no side effects."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I have osteoarthritis in my right knee, fingers, foot, and ankle. I was also diagnosed with a 5th metatarsal stress fracture. Apparently, I had the stress fracture for at least a year but thought it was arthritis. I was prescribed 15 mg of Mobic daily by a podiatrist for the stress fracture. Within 1 hour of taking it, the pain was almost gone. I had been taking 600-1200 mg of ibuprofen on a bad day of flares, sometimes having to take naproxen instead. Mobic allows me restful sleep but it does make me drowsy... I need 10 hours of sleep to recover. However, I can take it every other day and it still works on both sharp and dull pain. This is the only NSAID that has worked this well for me, and I have taken them all for the past 10 years."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I have arthritis in my neck from C4 to C6 plus severe TMJ. I suffered with constant pain in my neck and jaw joints during the past year. My doctor prescribed Mobic and within 3 days the pain and swelling in my neck and jaws disappeared. It was almost like a miracle. Tried every over-the-counter anti-inflammatory with no luck. I have had no stomach pain so far, just welcomed relief. I can now work my entire shift with no pain."

"Started taking Meloxicam in June 2020, 7.5mg daily. Felt immediate pain relief in my knees. My prescription ran out on 3/8/2021, and I had a miserable week trying to walk. I called my doctor, and he prescribed 90 days. Within 8 hours, my pain went away. I can walk daily for 4 miles without much pain at all, it looks like I’m on Meloxicam for life. I’m 62 and healthy."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I am 33 years old and have had debilitating lower back pain for over 5 years. Some days I cannot walk. One week ago, my doctor started me on Mobic, and I cannot believe the immediate relief. I have not had this little pain in years. I'm so excited. I'm very saddened to see the long-term downfalls. I'm so glad to have it though. Wish I had it years ago."

"Meloxicam worked fabulously for the osteoarthritis in my knees, elbow, and shoulder. I noticed that I kept gaining weight so easily even with cutting back on my diet. It was unusual as I can usually maintain or lose weight. I looked up the side effects since I couldn't pinpoint any other change and read that meloxicam can cause rapid weight gain. Since I cannot afford the extra weight with the bad knees, I am going to have to stop using it."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I have been using Mobic every other day for a week now, and my pain is almost diminished. My fingers don't hurt as bad, and I can make a full fist without hurting. The pain in my upper legs is gone, and I can move once again like I am 30. I am 63! The side effects worry me some, so that is why I do not take it every day."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I only have half the cartilage in both knees due to osteoarthritis and had taken 800mg of Advil 3 times a day for 10 years. I've been taking Mobic 15mg for 2 years, which provides very good pain relief with one pill a day. Sometimes I have pain in the evening for which I take 2 Tylenol. Mobic seems to be much easier on my stomach."

Mobic (meloxicam) "Taking Mobic 7.5 mg once a day for OA. It is really helping the inflammation and pain. I had to take a Medrol dose pack first for the flare, and it worked amazingly! Now on Mobic. It’s controlling my OA so far."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I was also taking Vioxx, then was switched to Celebrex, which did not work for me. One Mobic provides me the relief I need on most days. Biggest side effect is constipation, but flaxseed oil plus stool softeners help with this. I have been taking Mobic for 8 years."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I have had knee pain for many years, and after 2 operations, it got worse. Sleeping was a problem with severe sharp pain. A new doctor recommended to me, found I had severe arthritis after an MRI and put me on Mobic and wow! Why had no doctor ever prescribed this before? Pain relief within the week was amazing, and my sore back improved also. I have a new life and no side effects to date, and I have been taking it for 10 months. I'm 50 and feeling 40 again instead of 70."

"I started meloxicam on January 7, 2020. I felt relief really quickly, I can't remember if it was minutes to hours, but I didn't realize my hip and knee were feeling better. I don't take it daily, I've only taken six pills since January. I have no side effects, it works for me. I'm still taking the medication when required."

Mobic (meloxicam) "Started taking this medication about two weeks ago. I gained weight and swelling in hand, legs, feet, and ankles. Belly swollen too. I am stopping this medication immediately before something more serious happens. This happened before while on this medication."

Mobic (meloxicam) "Was prescribed 15mg once a day. It helped to reduce pain a bit so now I can walk but still can't walk for a prolonged time (i.e. 15 mins or so). Unfortunately after 8 days of having it, my stomach can't tolerate it anymore..."

"Taking Meloxicam (4 weeks now) for severe pain with hip arthritis. I had lost 65 pounds of fat by hiking 15 miles a week on steep trails at age 65-70. Then, I got osteoarthritis. My hip pain became intolerable, and I could not sleep for 2 weeks. After 15 days with 7.5 mg Meloxicam, the pain improved about 80% and I could sleep through the night. However, after 4 weeks, my blood pressure rose from about 130/90 to 150/120. I’m reporting this to my doctor."

"Miracle. Like others, was first prescribed for foot neuroma but it took away 90% of all other arthritis pain which for me is concentrated in knees, hands, and feet. Went off it for just two days to take regular iburprofen for something else and it was staggering how quickly and how severe the returning arthritis pain got. I hope I can take this until a cure is found. I detect no side effects. Try it!"

Mobic (meloxicam) "Pain in neck, shoulders, hips, hands, and knees gone within a day! I can ride in a car, and I'm sleeping without waking every hour. It's been a miracle for me. No side effects. I'm terrified I may have to give this up due to stomach issues. I can't go back to the pain. I feel fabulous after years of misery."

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Meloxicam drug information
  • Meloxicam (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Meloxicam Orally-Disintegrating Tablets
  • Meloxicam Capsules
  • Meloxicam Suspension
  • Meloxicam Tablets

Other brands

Mobic, Vivlodex, Anjeso, Qmiiz ODT

Professional resources

  • Meloxicam monograph
  • Meloxicam (FDA)
  • Meloxicam Capsules (FDA)
  • Meloxicam Oral Suspension (FDA)

Other brands

Mobic, Vivlodex, Anjeso, Qmiiz ODT

Related treatment guides

  • Inflammatory Conditions
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis