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Generic Name: Mesalamine for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (mesalamine)

Mesalamine for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Reviews

Asacol (mesalamine) "Have had IBD for years, got relief after just 3 doses. The disease has had me housebound for a year because I never knew when I was going to have an accident. Had no control at all. Am hoping this will be the solution and I can have a normal life."

Apriso (mesalamine) "Apriso worked well to control the inflammation in my stomach and small intestine. However after a few weeks of use, it made my hair fall out. If I liked wigs this would be great. So far nothing else has worked this good."

Lialda (mesalamine) "Went through a few frightening episodes of what I thought was lots of blood in urine. Had a ridiculously long and frightful work-up (cultures, cystoscopy with dye under general anesthesia) to rule out infection and cancer. Nothing was ever found. Happened again 2 years later. This time, my husband recommended that we search the medical literature before going down the rabbit hole again. There’s a single report of mesalamine (active ingredient of Lialda) reacting with bleach to form a reddish-brown dye. Upshot: a fresh toilet cleaning bleach tablet had been added to the water closet the day before."

Pentasa (mesalamine) "This is the first drug I was prescribed after hospitalization and initial diagnosis. It made it possible to get off steroids and back to work. Hair loss was extensive, until I increased water intake and saw a renal dietician. Even though I am allergic to Sulfa drugs, this has been the least risky of the medications prescribed for my condition. My hair has grown back in, and with lifestyle changes I am much better. Long term, this is the only regimen that works for me."

"I am 64-had a colonoscopy last July for a positive Cologuard test result. No cancer, but, there was a small area of redness the doctor was concerned about. Ordered a CT scan-no def results. After exam, did not have a normal bowel movement-I was perfectly fine before the exam. By late Aug, had serious rectal bleeding, loose stool. Went back in mid-Sept they ordered tests for infection/parasities- were negative. In Nov I reached the worst point, where I was running to the bathroom almost hourly. I started taking probiotics, based on the recommendation of a friend and that helped. By late Dec, started having somewhat solid stool again. I had an appointment with a gastroenterologist at the end of January-at that point I was recovering quite nicely and she prescribed Mesalamine, which I have been taking for two weeks now and I am practically back to normal. I don't know exactly why I began to recover on my own, but, probiotics definitely help and the Mesalamine sealed the deal."

Pentasa (mesalamine) "Pro: It kind of worked, a bit. My bloodwork improved and the mildest part of the inflammation went away. Cons: It didn't work enough. The area of more severe inflammation hasn't budged, unfortunately, and I'm still having bad stomach cramps every day. I tried upping my dose from 2 grams to 4 grams and that actually made my symptoms worse, so I went back down. I'm also losing a lot of hair, but it's not really noticeable to anyone else, and I will say that that's the only side effect I've had from this medication on a 1-2 grams dosage, which I think is pretty good. If your doctor tells you to take this medication, definitely take it! I wish it had worked for me. It does work for a lot of people. I would be happy to take this medication every day for the rest of my life if it only worked!"

Pentasa (mesalamine) "I've had IBD for around 5-6 years now, which most of that time I have been using Pentasa. Before, my stomach pain was really bad but it's seem to have calmed down now with medicine. I take 4 capsules /day. (2 @ morning, 2 @ night) I've not had any symptoms since I started using Pentasa. I burp a lot, but that's really the only side effect I have."

"I was on this medicine for about 2 weeks. It wasn't helping so my doc said I could get off it. A few days later I had terrible chest pain and assumed it was an ulcer. It got so bad I went to the ER at 4am and after some blood tests was told it was myocarditis (heart inflammation) which is a more rare side effect of the drug. I had no other side effects so just keep an eye on chest pain and go in if you get it. I was treated and released and totally fine after. Not the end of the world just wish I would have known to watch for that as a side effect."

"I have been taking this since my diagnoses and it is amazing, the pain has subsided. I watch foods that trigger my IBS along with my medication Mesalamine 800 and this has brought quality life back. Thank you..."

"I was prescribed ASACOL 7 days ago following a colonoscopy showed I had an inflamed colon. Over the week I have become increasingly tired and achy and my movements have become increasingly lose, becoming diarrhoea by day 6. I have been taken off the medicine pending a consultation in 3 days."

Lialda (mesalamine) "Within 2 weeks I started having chest pain that felt like terrible acid reflux. It was so painful and impossible to ignore so I went to the ER at 4am where I was diagnosed with myocarditis…which apparently can happen on this drug. I was put on prednisone for a week and all symptoms went away but I was pulled off the medication. It clearly states myocarditis as a potential side effect so I can’t be mad but just know, it can happen."

Apriso (mesalamine) "Every doc said was IBS but a biopsy showed inflammation without being UC....I'm taking apriso and I'm so happy my life change 100%...keep fingers crossed "

Pentasa (mesalamine) "Pentasa was so helpful for IBS It allowed me to get off steroids. I always felt better after taking it. Having to take it only twice a day was very comfortable."

Delzicol (mesalamine) "Delzicol works wonderfully!!! Too bad it is so dog-gone expensive and my insurance doesn't want to cover it anymore."

"My IBD was well controlled / in remission within the first month of being prescribed generic mesalamine. No side effects, easy-to-swallow capsules."

More about mesalamine

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  • Reviews (425)
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Mesalamine drug information
  • Mesalamine rectal
  • Mesalamine (Oral) (Advanced Reading)
  • Mesalamine (Rectal) (Advanced Reading)
  • Mesalamine Long-Acting Capsules (Apriso)

Other brands

Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Delzicol, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Mesalamine monograph
  • Mesalamine (FDA)
  • Mesalamine Capsules (FDA)
  • Mesalamine Controlled-Release Capsules (FDA)
  • Mesalamine Delayed Release Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Pentasa, Lialda, Apriso, Asacol, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Crohn's Disease
  • Lymphocytic Colitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Active
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease