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Generic Name: Methenamine for Urinary Tract Infection (methenamine)

Methenamine for Urinary Tract Infection Reviews

Hiprex (methenamine) "Had my first UTI when I had sex for the first time. I would get UTIs every time I had sex to the point I stopped having sex because I didn't want to get UTI. Different GPs and specialists tried many antibiotic methods but none were working as I kept on getting UTIs every few weeks. A few years later, a GP recommended me to take Hiprex once a day for UTI prevention, but I was having diarrhea and mild rashes, so he told me to stop taking it. A few years later, my specialist told me that I have a benign lesion on my bladder lining (scarring because of all the recurring infections). Devastated, I gave Hiprex another shot and somehow I didn't get any more rashes but just stomach discomfort and mild diarrhea. Now I have been on Hiprex on and off for over a year and I haven't had a single UTI since. I only take it once a day before or immediately after I had sex and continue to take it for a couple of days. So I have days off Hiprex and this method works for me. It definitely changed my life after suffering for five years."

Hiprex (methenamine) "I have been suffering from recurrent UTIs for over 20 years. I have had 5 cystoscopies, bladder biopsies, urine cytology to determine a cause. I've been on prophylaxis antibiotics to no avail, and the constant cystitis/UTIs were ruining my life. My 3rd urologist gave me Hiprex a number of months ago, and it has changed my life. I have not had a UTI since!"

Hiprex (methenamine) "I have been prone to UTIs most of my life, which became worse after childbirth and having a sling. Constantly on antibiotics for years and became resistant to them. Even having hospital stays on the strong IV anti's didn't seem to help. Had all the tests done and found my bladder does not empty completely. So together with having to do IC daily, I was put on Hiprex together with vitamin C. At first, I was advised to take Hiprex with cranberry, which didn't work, but once taking Hiprex with vitamin C, this has completely changed my life. So very happy with being able to manage my health now."

Hiprex (methenamine) "I had a stubborn UTI for 6 months. I would take antibiotics, and it would clear up, then, when I finished the course, it would be back with a vengeance and was resistant to many antibiotics. Finally, a doctor put me on a two-week course of strong antibiotics to kill the bacteria off for good. It worked. The doc prescribed Hiprex to take to make sure the bacteria wouldn't take hold again if there was any still lurking around. I took Hiprex for two weeks-twice a day with 1000 mg of vitamin C and cranberry juice. It made my urine very acidic, which burnt my urethra and irritated my bladder, but it certainly cleared up any residual bacteria. I now only take a Hiprex dose after sex. That is all I need now to keep the UTIs at bay. Just make sure you drink heaps of water when you take it so your urine doesn't become too concentrated, or it may burn you."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Amazing product! I've suffered from urinary tract infections for years and have been on antibiotic after antibiotic, and they always returned. I tried cranberry tablets and various vitamins, which gave me very little relief from symptoms. You need to take the recommended two tablets a day for it to work properly. The only downside is the taste of the tablets, but I haven't experienced any other negative side effects."

Hiprex (methenamine) "At 1 or 2 tablets a day, after 3 weeks of use, noticed it made me tired and fatigued, taking 1-hour naps in the afternoon, unlike me... I cut it to 1/2 tablet a day and this side effect subsided. There is literature on this fatigue side effect which is known and being studied currently... surprised they don't list this as a side effect. Anyone else have this? Please note I have had no recurrent UTIs since on the medication for 3 months."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Around this time last year, I got my first UTI which quickly turned into a recurring UTI. I suffered for 6 months, taking an antibiotic (caeflexan) as I was resistant to any other. However, after a few days of finishing the antibiotic, the UTI came back. These UTIs made me very ill, not being able to leave bed for at least four days. Once the antibiotic started, I was consistently vomiting and lost a lot of weight due to all the symptoms above and not eating properly. Having to go to A&E because of the severity of the UTI, the doctor suggested taking Hiprex, which would help me regain weight and health due to not being constantly sick. Hiprex has made a huge difference, meaning I can now have a normal life without UTIs."

Hiprex (methenamine) "I have had recurring UTIs for 3 years now. In a 12-month time, I would have at least 8 or 9. I have been to a few doctors, and my recent urologist has put me on Hiprex 8 months ago. They said that because of my breast cancer history, I couldn't take a few other options. I take Vitamin C twice a day, 2 Hiprex a day, a high dose Cranberry pill (TheraCran - that costs $60.00), and a daily probiotic. I am still getting UTIs every 6 to 8 weeks. It is exhausting. I see these great posts about how it is working immediately for people. Maybe I am resistant to this medication? Does anyone know if there are different types or doses of Hiprex? I am on a 6-pill-a-day regimen with no help at all. Something is not right. My next urology appointment is in November. I will talk to him about an alternate prescription. I am exhausted on this medication."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Absolutely love this product! I have had recurring infections for years, some stints longer than others. Recently, I have had UTIs almost constantly. Clears up and comes back. Started taking Hiprex with a Urinary Tract Support vitamins, and it kept the infection away for ages! Finished a lot of Hiprex and didn't restock. Lo and behold, the infection is back! Grabbed another bottle, and after just a few hours, I am feeling a difference!"

Hiprex (methenamine) "I was prescribed Hiprex a week ago to help control painful recurring UTIs. About 3 days after taking it, I started to feel and look exhausted, and I’ve had trouble getting and staying asleep at night. I look in the mirror, and my eyes are lifeless, and I have circles under my eyes. Even my family has commented on how bad I look (Mom said the spark is gone from my eyes). I’ve also had urine dribbling into my underwear out of nowhere (I’m wearing a pad for the first time in my life), sharp pains in my urethra, and increased urination. I’ve also felt extremely depressed and have been emotionless since this med (very strange, feelingless mood). There is absolutely a correlation between Hiprex and how I feel and look. I believe this is a dangerous drug. I’m going to call my doctor on Monday to see if I should stop, and he’ll probably say yes out of abundance of caution, and then I’ll be back to recurring UTIs. Can’t win for losing."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Hiprex is amazing! I suffered for years with chronic UTIs and was constantly on antibiotics, which made me feel even worse. I tried everything from Ural sachets to cranberry tablets, and nothing helped until I tried Hiprex. As long as you take the recommended two tablets each day (one in the morning, one at night), it works! The only downside is the taste of the tablets, but I found taking it with some food helps mask the taste."

Hiprex (methenamine) "It is working for me after coming off antibiotics I took for 2 years, but I feel strange, slight moodiness, but at least the pain has gone for now. I’ve been taking it for over a week, just half a tablet twice daily. I’m more tired than usual and feel slightly apathetic, but apart from that, ok."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Hiprex with vit C 500mg twice a day for recurrent UTI prevention. I was on Macrodantin 50mg for 4 months and got a UTI recently. My Dr at Northwestern Univ. wanted me to try Hiprex. As soonest I took the first pill of I felt the burning through my stomach and bladder. It gave me diarrhea, painful urination, nausea, back pain, vaginal burning and my bladder started leaking. Tried with Pyridum for 2 days a little better but once the Pyridum stops working this is killing me. I did 6 days and I'm done. Sucks for me!"

Hiprex (methenamine) "Two years ago, I got my first ever UTI at 55 years. I had 8 or 9 sets of varying antibiotics, nothing seemed to work. So, my GP placed me on Ciprofloxacin for 7 days and, at the same time, on Hiprex this year and told me to take cranberry as well. The last 2 M/C/S tests have indicated that there are no significant bacteria detected. But I am worried about long-term use and bone health, as acidity adds to bone depletion, as I have been diagnosed with osteopenia."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Suffered UTIs for over 20 Years post menopause 68 . Finally ,managed to get Hiprex on prescription from my nhs doctor. Resistant to most antibiotics. Got my life back, so reduced to 1 g at night, stopped the morning tablet for about 10 days. Got my first infection 3 days ago, hoped I could do without as uncomfortable about the formaldehyde action, becoming Hiprex dependent and long term side effects. .Taken Macrobid 3 days now feeling rough will take Hiprex again asap. Have Macrobid as a standby to take on the first sign of infection and used only needed to one tablet of 100mg twice whilst on Hiprex for past 18 months. I haven’t come across anyone that has taken Hiprex long term ie 2yrs plus? Please post if you have heard of people that have been taking for longer than 2 years."

Hiprex (methenamine) "I am trying Hiprex again as I was not successful first time. I check my pH levels and I am free of infection at the moment. Started taking Hiprex as I so want a solution to constant UTI. Within a very short time I am experiencing burning and urge to wee but can’t. I self catherise twice a day as I have an Atonic Bladder. Should I put up with burning hoping it will stop ???"

Hiprex (methenamine) "I have suffered from UTIs for years. I have been two so many Urologists, I’m literally exhausted. Antibiotic after antibiotic, they would help me for a little while, about two to three weeks, then the infection would return, and always a different strain. This year 2023 I started on Hiprex twice daily and Vitamin C once daily. Well, we are in June, and Thank you my Physician Assistant who prescribes it for me. All the Urologists I went to, at least six, never mentioned this medication to me. It honestly works. Thank goodness I had no major side effects, apart from mild stomach problems and occasional diarrhea. I can deal with stomach discomfort. No UTI YEAH!"

Hiprex (methenamine) "After 5 years of continuous urinary infections with the last 2 ending up in the hospital on iv antibiotics, my Dr put me on Hiperex. It has now been 12 months and not a sign of infection. Never had any side effects, easy to take morning and night. I get it on a prescription, but you can buy it over the counter."

"I also had UTI for years starting at 16 at one point I was only drinking water for years. I am now 39 and started methenamine 2 years ago and it has been a MIRACLE.. I was getting infections every 2 months before but now about twice a year. I have tried to stop it and then got an infection. I stared taking it twice daily for a year but now am able to take it once daily and it still works. Other advice would be to use baby wipes after using the bathroom and stop wearing any tight underwear or do not wear any at all, I don't . These tips do help.most people who suffer from UTIs have short urethras which cause bacteria to get into the bladder easier. I would recommend this medication for relief."

"I have had a bladder infection for almost two years. The doc has prescribed me every antibiotic to try and get rid of it. Then, he prescribed methenamine! Why did he wait all this time? I was on Cefalexin, stopped taking it, and then immediately went on the Methenamine. As long as I drink a lot of water , and take the vitamin C (1000mg), I have no symptoms! My urine is clear, no more yeast infections, and no more sore and irritated urethra. I did get lazy one day and didn't drink a lot of water,.. and around midnight my bladder infection came roaring back. I went back on the Cefalexin, and got it under control. I took that about a week, and then went back on the Methenamine. . I will make sure I do not stop drinking plenty of water each day. I am sure that is why my infection came back. Will I ever get rid of my UTI permanently? I don't know, but for now this works!"

"I started having UTIs about a year ago. I’m 66 and had UTIs only once or twice in my life. I would take the regular medicine they give for UTIs and it would go away. 1-2 weeks after taking antibiotics it would come back. Finally I was put on Methenamine and it worked. I am concerned about taking this medicine on a regular basis but I have no choice. I have read that vitamin C in combination with the methenamine helps it work better so I am going to take it too. I found this site by accident when I was trying to find out why this medicine is so expensive. It’s hard when your on a fixed income, but I have no choice. It works and I’m glad I just wish it didn’t cost so much. $88 dollars a month."

Hiprex (methenamine) "I had a repetitive UTI for years. But after my doctor prescribed Hiprex it helped a lot. It have a bit salty taste but not a big deal, and for some reason I only can take half of the dose. Overall is a good medicine."

Hiprex (methenamine) "Please please PLEASE can UK residents tell me where and how they are obtaining Hiprex?? I used to get mine from Australia as I can’t get it over here in the UK. Please can you ladies tell me? I’m desperate and our so upsetting I can’t obtain it."

Hiprex (methenamine) "I've taken this for 3 weeks. I've been more tired and had dry, itchy eyes. It's taken over 2 weeks, but the diarrhea has stopped. I'm hoping the tiredness does because I'm quite lifeless. I've not had a UTI yet, but sometimes feel like I could be getting one, and then the feeling settles again. So, I think this is working for the infections. I take my pH regularly, and if it's too high, I have some d-mannose with cranberry. I'm hopeful. I've had far too many antibiotics in the past which gave me thrush. This is killing the bacteria of both, so at last, I think I'm getting somewhere. I'll update if the tiredness goes."

Hiprex (methenamine) "After menopause, I started suffering regular UTIs, which would disappear for a few days with antibiotics but would return after finishing the course. Only when I was referred to a Urologist and he prescribed Hiprex for me did I stop getting UTIs. It has made such a difference to my life, giving me the freedom to go out without fear of wetting myself."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: urinary anti-infectives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Methenamine drug information
  • Methenamine (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Hiprex, Urex, Mandelamine

Professional resources

  • Methenamine monograph
  • Methenamine (FDA)
  • Methenamine Mandelate Tablets (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Prevention of Bladder infection
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Kidney Infections
  • Bladder Infection