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Generic Name: Metoprolol for Heart Attack (metoprolol)

Metoprolol for Heart Attack Reviews

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "I'm a 52-year-old male in fairly good shape. I started taking Metoprolol, 50mg twice a day after suffering a cardiac arrest earlier this year, in April. It has been very effective in controlling my blood pressure and keeping my heart rate low. The side effects are becoming unbearable now, though. I'm tired and have a lot of trouble focusing on my work during the day. I have a lot of restless nights of tossing and turning, and have now developed a rash under my arms. I think it also contributes to erectile dysfunction. I spoke to my cardiologist about all this today, and he's cutting my dose in half. I'm hoping some of these side effects will diminish when I cut down to 25mg twice a day."

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "I've been taking metoprolol for about 12 years now. I take 1 in the morning and 1 at night for the first 7 years. Then, I dropped it to 1 in the morning and half at night for the last 2 years. Currently, I've been taking half in the morning and half at night as my heart rate was too low, but apart from that, I have had no other problems."

Metoprolol Succinate ER (metoprolol) "Make sure you review your dosage with the doctor. As the others stated, it will make you tired and lethargic. It also has had an effect on my ability to have a discussion without forgetting a word or two. My doctor gave me a dosage of 100mg/2x daily. I wound up back in the hospital due to my heart rate being a low 32 beats per minute. The hospital treated it as a failure with the original stent and went back in to check the previous operation. That was over a year ago. We tweaked the prescription down to 50 mg once a day, but I never got out of the lethargic state."

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "Had a quintuple bypass surgery in August 2015 following a massive heart attack in May of 2015, during which I 'died' for three minutes immediately after arriving at the ER. I had suffered severe chest pain for two hours before going to the ER, which was stupid of me. I have been on Metoprolol Tartrate for 2.5 years now, 25 mg. twice daily. It seems to work fine, as my blood pressure is consistently around 116 over 64, and my heart rate is 54 BPM at last check-up two months ago. Before my heart attack, it was around 150 over 80, so a vast improvement there. I also am on a low dose (10 mg. daily) of Lisinopril, so that may help as well. The only side effect I am experiencing is severe exhaustion following a 10-hour shift at work. Age 57."

"HA with one stent in LAD and was prescribed metoprolol and Brilinta. A week later, the side effects all kicked in: shooting chest pains, racing heart, chest/arms/legs tingling, jitteriness, and anxiety. I felt like I was having another HA, so I spent the weekend in the ER where they didn't find anything wrong. My GP prescribed anxiety meds which provided some help a bit. After a month of complaining to my cardiologist, they finally took me off of metoprolol and the anxiety, jitters, and racing heart rate went away. I was still getting chest pains, shortness of breath, and was feeling nauseous. Another month and I convinced my Dr to switch from Brilinta to Effient and the remaining side effects went away. I'm finally starting to feel normal. Not all Drs are open to modifying patients' meds which can be a real issue if you are experiencing negative side effects, so please advocate for yourself."

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "Greetings:, I have been on metoprolol tartrate for years now for coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), and I love it, they have "tried" me on "Others", But Besides That "LOW" Feeling, it's O.K., I just think they need to tailor, and (or) tweak my dose 50MG's X 2 A day, But besides that I'm sold!"

"Began 6 months after attack a very low dose (1/2 per day of smallest dosage pill) Began sleeping 12 to 16 hours each day. Also, seemed not to care about anything- said inappropriate comments, pulled out into traffic recklessly, and damaged gardening equipment. Nothing seriously bad happened but I had to learn to concentrate differently. After three years I had a number of concerns and stopped taking this med- sexual desire increased as did erections, urine stream strong, fewer trips to the bathroom, and I care about the future again. With all that said - I think Metoprolol helped me to recover and I began taking it again, but I am going to talk to my doctor about discontinuing it."

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "I was started on Metoprolol Tartrate for Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia and Long QT syndrome. At first I was on 25 once a day. That did nothing. Increased to 25mg twice a day. Still did nothing. Was increased to 100MG twice a day and it brought my heart rate down but not a lot and was still having a lot of symptoms. My usual resting without the medication is 130bpm and when I exercise it gets as high as 220 bpm. I get palpitations, SOB, fainting and etc. My most recent cardiac monitoring indicated needing to increase my dose so I was increased to 150 MG twice a day. My resting rate is on average 86 bpm now and they don't want to increase the metoprolol anymore so they're adding Ivabradine to the metoprolol. Its a good med and it has lowered my heart rate and lowered symptoms just not enough for me to be comfortable."

"I previously posted over a year ago on this subject. After nine months of taking 50mg/day, my cardiologist dropped me down to 25mg, once per day of Metoprolol Succinate. I'd like to be med-free, but I don't know if it is possible at this point. I'm walking/jogging 15-18 miles per week, and in better shape now than I've ever been. I feel great most of the time, but still get extremely tired. I don't know if that's the drug, or just natural aging. :)"

"I've been taking 50MG daily (25MG twice daily) since my heart attack and quadruple bypass in March 2018. The only side effect that I've seen is that my voice gets hoarse very easily. My Dr says it isn't the Metoprolol, but from my research (googling), it seems that it can be a side-effect. and I don't think it's the lisinopril, lipitor, nor plavix."

"I take metoprolol tartrate not metoprolol with hydrochlorthiazide, however I have noticed a marked frequency of urination and polyuria after starting this medication. My doctor suspected a urinary tract infection (although I am not experiencing dysuria, fever, chills or having any other typical UTI symptoms). Urinalysis was negative, prostate exam was negative, cystoscopy was negative. The medicine is doing what it is supposed to be doing, but having to urinate every two hours around the clock is certainly interfering with my sleep. I did find a reference on Drugs.com that said increased urination was a rarely encountered side effect of this drug, but my doctors insist it doesn't have that side effect and I have spent a fortune ruling out other conditions."

"I had stents put in the bottom part of my heart. 2 weeks after starting this medication it made me sleepy & extremely angry!! That is not me!! I told Dr & he said he never heard about a side effect like that!! I usually have low blood pressure!! I stop this medicine for 1 full day & I was energetic & very happy but Dr told me that I have to take a full year, uggghhhh, grrrrr!!!!!!"

"I have been taking this since 2010, when I had severe fibrillation (due to too much alcohol). I was given DC cardioversion, the random beats stopped. Among other drugs (ramipril, clopidogrel), this was one that I have been taking twice a day. My heart still beats a little irregularly, but I got used to it. I lost a lot of weight, from 65 kgs to 46 now. I am 64. I can't exert myself too much, but I am fine."

"This is detective work. Many of the meds say they may cause dizziness. I'm now convinced it's the metoprolol causing: fatigue, fuzzy vision, increase urination, and dreams (I never dreamt very much before). I was prescribed this after a mild heart attack after which I had 2 stents in my distal RCA. I noticed my heart rate remained high (95 and greater) until I was diagnosed with lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma and began chemo. The lymphoma was causing pleural effusion (fluid accumulation around the lung) causing excess pressure on internal organs. Once the chemo kicked in, my heart rate went down to normal (70-80), but I still took the metoprolol because none of the doctors said to discontinue. I plan to advise my cardio doctor that I would like to discontinue this drug."

"Have been on this drug for two years, My side effects are, being tired even after sleep, I have panic attacks, depression, can't stand to be around people, my vision is bad. When I talk I lose my train of thought, I can remember people's names, I'm lightheaded, dizzy, my hair is falling out by handful, I have loss all interest in life as I knew it. The dose I take is 50mg a day. I guess it may be keeping me alive. I was put on this because of a widow maker heart attack 2 years ago, then a year ago I had another stent.."

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "After years of heavy drinking finally caught up with me. I was blue-lighted to the hospital with irregular heartbeat, cold shivers, & dizziness. Prescribed Metoprolol 50mg, 1 morning & 1 nighttime, which kept me calm but brought blood pressure & heart rate to 100/65 & 49 bpm. Changed dosage with doctor's agreement to 25mg, 1 morning & 1 nighttime. Now at 135/77 & 55 bpm with minor irregular heartbeat during sleep/resting. Feels like after cutting my drinking to recommended units per day, my heart is stronger but being held back by my medication. So will suggest a lower dosage with the goal of coming off altogether??"

"Received 4 stents a few days back. BP great. Normal EKG. Understand the need for Brilinta and a small amount of Aspirin but not this. Will have a chat with the doctor about why this was prescribed so not taking it for the moment."

Metoprolol Tartrate (metoprolol) "I was put on metoprolol in 2010, 25mg twice a day. I have just slowly tapered myself off. I wanna tell you, I haven't felt this good in 9 years. I wished I had never taken it, seriously."

"I guess it's working alright but I am very very tired all the time :("

"Initially, I was put on this for regulation of the heart. Have since found out that my doctor didn't want me to take anymore because I have severe low pressure."

"Difficulty swoallowing,difficulty with speech"

More about metoprolol

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  • Reviews (646)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Metoprolol drug information
  • Metoprolol (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Metoprolol Extended-Release Capsules
  • Metoprolol Extended-Release Tablets
  • Metoprolol Injection
  • Metoprolol Tablets

Other brands

Toprol-XL, Lopressor

Professional resources

  • Metoprolol monograph
  • Metoprolol Succinate (FDA)
  • Metoprolol Succinate ER Capsules (FDA)
  • Metoprolol Succinate ER Tablets (FDA)
  • Metoprolol Tartrate Injection (FDA)
  • Metoprolol Tartrate Tablet (FDA)

Other brands

Toprol-XL, Lopressor, Kapspargo Sprinkle

Related treatment guides

  • Atrial Fibrillation
  • Aortic Aneurysm
  • Angina
  • Heart Failure