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Generic Name: Minivelle (estradiol)

Minivelle Reviews

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "It took about 5 weeks to start working completely. My gynecologist told me to not give up. After 3 weeks, I was still getting hot flashes daily. I continued as prescribed and zero hot flashes!! No side effects. One year using."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "It has been 5 days into my dose of Minivelle. My hot flashes reduced drastically, however, the very next day I developed severe arthritis in my knees. It took me until today to realize this could be a side effect. After reading, it is. I have discontinued the patch, and hopefully, my knees will get better."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have had a great experience with the Minivelle patch. I was suffering with many, many hot flashes a day and night sweats that left me drenched! I am down to a handful of flashes a day, and the night sweats are gone!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I had a hysterectomy 6 weeks ago. For the first two weeks, I was on Estradiol pill 1 mg. It was horrible, I cried every day, was depressed, didn't eat, and didn't feel like me at all. I felt like a zombie. I wasn't sleeping and had heart palpitations with hot flushes. My doctor switched me to the patch, and I change it twice a week. The patch and pill are like night and day for me. I now feel like myself again and also finally get to sleep. I haven't really had any side effects except for a few headaches the first week. I will stay on this as long as I possibly can. It's working well for me. The pharmacy at first gave me the $15 generic patch, but I returned it for the Minivelle name brand and paid $45."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I am 49, peri menopausal and I was having hot flashes but the worst part were the depression and moods of sadness and zero energy. I’ve been on the generic version in Minivelle patch for about a month and I feel a lot better already! I’ve had a couple of breakthrough hot flashes but the depression and moods have improved greatly!"

"I'm sure this works like Vivelle I have been using before. My pharmacy decided to fill my Vivelle with Minivelle but back it went! I only used a few out of the box & immediately called them for my original. The Minivelle does not stick as well, hold up to showers, hot tubs or exercise. I find them stuck in my clothes. At that price I don%u2019t want to waste them. But the biggest thing I hate about it is the LOGO on the patch. I don%u2019t need nor want a LOGO. The Vivelle was clear & stayed on. Minivelle is gray & obvious. What%u2019s the use of being smaller if it%u2019s more obvious & falls off. Back it went!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have been using the Vivelle Dot for many years. It was a God send...a true miracle and I loved it. Then out of the blue, my insurance substituted the Minivelle patch for my Vivelle. Within a couple of weeks, my hot flashes and irritability came back...my quality of life was awful! Needless to say, I went back on the Vivelle patch and life was good again. Personally, I will never use the Minivelle again."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Stopped using mylan estradiol because it was like wearing a smelly beer coaster. Switched to Miniville which work fine for over a year now I can’t get them to stay on overnight despite pre- treating area with etoh (alcohol) wipe. Then I get break through bleeding and my level was so low I had to supplement with po so what’s the point Looking for new reliable brand I won’t have to jangle too much with my insurance company to get I have to put a waterproof bandaid over it to keep it on for everyday never mind showering If that stays on why can’t they put an edge of that on it It costs enough"

For Osteoporosis "I have used Climara Viville and Miniville. Climara was great until they started making it overseas now it falls off in a day or 2 as a result I was changing patches frequently and got a huge fibroid. Viville made me really sick! Right now Minivelle is the only one that works for me. And BTW estradiol does not cause breast cancer progestin does. Estrogen can cause uterine cancer. For more info on that watch Menopause Barbie on youtube. I have not been on Minivelle long enough to give it 10 stars but it works with my body chemistry right now."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have tried the Vivelle dot patch which made me instantly sick! I used Climara for several years and it worked but didn't last a week so I changed patches frequently and ended up with bleeding and fiborids. Then my GYN switched me to minivelle and my bleeding stopped and it made me feel great and my fibroids disintegrated. But now is not working, My symptoms have returned. Not sure what I am going to do. I can not use generic and Vivelle makes me sick! Now Minivelle which was a life saver is not working. I have never had a hot flash. I am taking it for Osteoporosis. But in case you are unaware 1 out of every 2 women in menopause have a heart attack. Estrogen stops that. My palpitations have returned and arthritis and nerve pain. I need a solution. If Minivelle's good results lasted I would give it 20 stars but I used it for less than a year then it changed. Maybe it is a quality control problem."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Gained weight and joint pain."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Using minivelle patches .05 mg. every 5 days and still getting hot flashes every night. I see the dose can be twice weekly. Should I use them more than every 5 days, or less"

More about Minivelle (estradiol)

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  • Reviews (12)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: estrogens
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Minivelle skin patch drug information
  • Minivelle (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Minivelle prescribing information
  • Estradiol (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Postmenopausal Symptoms