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Generic Name: retapamulin

Brand Name: Altabax topical

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had my first outbreak of Herpes virus nearly 4 years ago. Of all the horridness, the pain and itching were unbearable. I literally freaked out as my general physician said that it had no cure. The outbreaks were not that frequent initially, but every time I fall sick, it would resurface. I had so many sores this year that I was desperate to try anything to get rid of them. Three months ago a friend suggested that I try Dr sikama remedy that's helping people get cured from HSV, COUGHING, HIV

I have not tried it yet but it was prescribed for scabies. I want to know has anyone else used it

Please read: I have suffered from an infection on my face, started as a spot. I treated it with tea tree and aloe Vera. It subdued but wouldn't completely heal, then slowly got worse. I kept trying to home remedy. It came back with a vengeance and got bad and spread very quickly and aggressively.! Impetigo spread over half my face, the doctors were shocked at how bad it was. Half my face was oozing fluid and the itching was unbearable. I was prescribed in total 5 different cream medications and 3 types of strong oral antibiotics over 3 months. NOTHING even touched it. Which made the whole thing go on for over 5/6 months! I couldn't leave the house or see my friends it was so disgusting after 3 months. A hellish experience. My doctor finally said to try this cream, it is new (even though approved in 2007). YES, it burns like hell! For about 10 - 15 mins, but then it completely stops. You just want to scratch it off! But don't.. be strong. My serious infection immediately started to improve noticeably within an hour. Within 48 hours it was completely healed. Just a couple of reddish spots, which went within 4/5days completely. Completely back to normal in days. I thought I would be badly scarred for the rest of my life. I and the docs couldn't believe it! I have a couple of small and one larger, but nothing much at all considering how bad it was. God only knows how it would have turned out had this cream not existed! I have just been diagnosed with an itchy, slightly oozing infection again, but I didn't hang about this time.. itching started, I went straight to the doc to get this ordered again. Nothing else worked for my impetigo/infection. I even had swabs and blood tests, nothing showed up! I think many will wash it off because of the immediate unbearable itching/burning. But just let it do its thing. The sensation is the strong antibiotics fighting with the infection my GP said.. that is what you feel. The only thing that worked for me.

My Dermatologist's PA applied Altabax to the 2nd degree burn on the top of my foot. At first, it burned but was told it would go away. Within 30 minutes, I experienced extreme pain, swelling, reddish, burning and piercing like a needle was going into the burn site along with nausea. I went back to my doctor's office, they wipe off the Altabax and applied hyro-perxoide to clean the burn site then ice for 1hr. I have been home now for 4 hrs and the piercing pain is still happening. My reason for going to the doctor was to make sure that I didn't get an infection. Now I am worst than I was before I went to the doctor!!!

staph infection in nail

Ihad no improvment at all.

WARNING: if you have serious itching/burning--please call your physician or pharmacist instead of waiting to see if your reactions will subside. This can make the difference between earlier successful healing than the embarrassing and unsightly sores. This is the first time I have been given Altabax. At this time, I have sores on about 25% of my face and had such serious itching and burning I wanted to tear the skin off my face. Unlucky for me, it was a holiday weekend and could only contact my pharmacist. Lucky for me, however, was that I had some Bactroban cream and oral Bactrim on hand from another skin infection--also on my face--less than 3 months ago. It has been almost a week and very little healing has taken place. My results will not be typical for most people--I am immuno-suppressed and am a very slow healed. In doctor's offices so much I forgot to ask for an Rx..but had MRSA in sinuses within the last 6 months. Please wish me luck--my son's wedding is in less than 3 weeks and my face looks like it was shot by a machine gun.

i should probably wait a few days before reviewing but i just wanted to say that my son was dx'd with folliculitis in his genitals and this stuff burned the crap out of him. he screamed for 10 minutes straight. im not sure if that was suppose to happen or what. but i was wondering if anyone else had that effect or know if it is suppose to do that....

I had MRSA and was told to put this ointment on the new infections as they appeared (Diagnosed by one on the hip, then three appeared on my leg) Using the ointment Stopped the three staph infections from boring a hole into my skin like the first one had. I have three tiny scars on my leg instead of a quarter sized crater thanks to this medicine. No side effects whatsoever.

Used this medicine for a staph infection. My dermatologist told me to use in nose twice a day. This medication is the only thing that works for me!!

This was for infection where the skin doctor scraped for a biopsy. It was horrible....was up most of the night with the ear hurting and pounding. I would like my $50 back....not a good ointment.

Used as directed cleared up impetigo in 5 days.

I have an abscess in my ear, and I am 36 weeks pregnant. This medicine burned a little when I first used it, but it seems to be working fine the pain is definetely going awsay.

I have some kind of skin infection but my doctor hasn't determined what it is yet. She prescribed this to me and I used this for 4 days and on the fourth night, I felt a lot of burning and itching.

dx with impetigo on my neck, stung a little but made it clear up with in 5 days.

I was diagnosed with a staph infection on my scalp. I was prescribed Altabax to apply to the wound twice a day. It was a dredful experience! It caused the area to itch uncontrollably, and then it burned badly. It actually worsened the wound. I immediatetly stopped using this product and warn others to beware!

so far so good only been using it for 3 days

I must have put too much on the first couple of times. I had blistering & ozzing. Now I'm treating a burn around my mouth.(day 8)

i had a bacterial skin infection all over my torso and this was the only thing that made it go away!! it's expensive and thick to apply but it works!!! i had no burning or stinging at all.