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Generic Name: MiraLAX for Constipation (polyethylene-glycol-3350)

MiraLAX for Constipation Reviews

"I just had to share in case anyone else was going through the same thing. I’ve been having major issues with hemorrhoids, fissures, and honestly who knows what else. I could only go every 3-4 days and it would be so painful. I would panic before I went. I would be in extreme pain for up to 8 hours after each BM. I was afraid of living. After an extremely painful BM, one I almost couldn’t pass myself, I decided to try MiraLAX. I had already changed my diet, upped my fiber, drank excessive amounts of water. 3 days after taking this, and 3 days after my last very painful BM, I went. And it was soft, quick, and only a little painful (a 1 or 2 on a pain scale instead of a usual 8-10). I cried, from happiness. I didn’t think I could ever not be in extreme pain and fear. If you are suffering in silence, please give this a try. It takes time to work. I take a full cap every day. Might need to adjust to be more regular but we’ll see. But also make sure you see a doctor"

"Although MiraLax works, it makes you have ice cream-like soft serve bowel movements. The bad part for me is I will feel like I have gas and will just let it go, which you shouldn't. Don't trust a fart - you will poop on yourself. For real. I just did. You also need baby wipes after bowel movements, otherwise, you will go through a whole roll of toilet paper trying to clean up your backside. I'm glad I've been able to have movement, but I'm not okay with the side effects of it. I may just start taking something else to produce bowel movements. Maybe I'll try Benefiber and see what that does. But it took about 2 days for me for it to work. I have to take Excedrin PM for me to sleep, and I think that's what causes my constant hard ball constipation. So this helps, but I can't be at work and poop on myself and/or not have wipes to get fully clean. It seems to just cling to the backside."

"I have had IBS since I was about 7 years old. Back then, there was no such thing as IBS. Finally, at age 15, I was told I have IBS. Back then, I got severe constipation, then severe diarrhea with such bad cramping! Then at age 20, it just turned to just constipation. So from the age of 20 till last year, I only went 2 times a week. I could not take anything due to the cramping. Then I found Milk of Magnesia, which did work, but I had to get the right dose, usually the child dose. About 8 months ago, I got so constipated! I always thought Miralax was harsh. So, since I had not gone in almost 2 weeks, I would try anything! I took it for 2 days, then I had the best bowel movement I can remember! Now I take it about 1 time a week, with NO cramping and NO diarrhea. From age 20 to my current age, I had only had those round balls of stool. Now when I go, it is sausage-like - how it is supposed to be! To be honest, I just can't believe how large and long my stools are! Have a great day everyone! You have got to try this!"

"I was diagnosed with colonic inertia and was scheduled for surgery to have my colon removed and the small intestines attached to the rectum due to chronic constipation. I could not have a bowel movement without the use of an enema and was hospitalized several times due to impactions. The last time I was hospitalized I was given MiraLAX and since then I have had no problems with constipation. I take it once a day or once every 2 days and it has worked wonders for me. I am able to have a bowel movement almost every day with no problems. I have experienced no side effects at all. Since it has been working, I have decided to opt out of the surgery. It has been so wonderful to feel normal again. I have been so relieved in not having to worry about painful bowel movements, it's great."

"I have had Irritable Bowel Syndrome-chronic constipation since 2001. I have been to hell and back. Been in the hospital SEVERAL times for being so 'backed up'. I have been on several different meds and OTC things for constipation. My gastro doc finally told me one of the reasons I suffer gas (can't burp) is because of being backed up. She put me on MiraLAX LONG term. I take it once a day. If you suffer or know anyone that does get on MiraLAX and never be without it."

"I have had very painful irritable bowel syndrome-constipation for most of my life and have gone as long as three weeks without a bowel movement. It hasn't responded to changes in diet, exercise regimens, or fiber supplements. In fact, the fiber made it much worse! Other laxatives either don't work or wring me out for days. My doctor prescribed MiraLAX in 2008 and I have taken it daily ever since with no problem. I still don't go every day, but when I do go the stool is soft, and the motion is easy and painless. I expect to take MiraLAX forever, and have no problem doing so. It's a beneficial, versatile medication that's definitely worth a shot if you're battling constipation."

"I had been backed up for at least half a year when things went from bad to worse. The last two months, I was lucky to go once a week. My stool was so hard and big that it hurt too much to go. My doctor prescribed MiraLAX to me and it started to work a little. Then, she recommended I take two capfuls in two cups of water instead of one in one. After a day or two, I went to go and it literally went from 100% bad to 100% great. I was not only able to go but it didn't hurt at all. It was so amazing to finally not be in pain that I literally cried. I would absolutely recommend this product to anyone with that kind of constipation."

"My experience with MiraLAX was above and beyond amazing, unlike any other. After suffering from constipation all my life and after trying every single method and being hospitalized, and dealing with several other issues due to my constipation such as anemia, underweight, I was put on MiraLAX. At first, I didn't want to take it because it was slow, but my doctor explained to me that it's supposed to help me go to the restroom on my own, and that's exactly what I've been doing for 5 years now. I went from having a bowel movement every three weeks to every other day and now daily on my own. I still take MiraLAX but only randomly."

"I had a partial bowel obstruction and could not go. I tried several other laxatives, stool softener, prune juice, enema, fiber gummies, everything I could think of, and nothing worked! I could only poop water. I tried MiraLAX and within 2 days the obstruction started breaking down, and within 1 week I started pooping normally! I was scared I was going to have surgery. I highly recommend this product."

"I have been taking MiraLax for about 6 months now. I was put on Suboxone for opioid dependency. One of the side effects from Suboxone is constipation. I used to spend hours in the bathroom every night trying to have a bowel movement. I tried every fiber supplement. I tried every laxative and they just tore me up. The stomach cramps were awful and still very little bowel movement after straining for hours. Finally, I told my doctor I can't keep doing this. It's horrible and miserable. He said, 'Get MiraLax.' I was skeptical but agreed to try it. I have not been constipated since that day. I take one dose daily at the same time every day and have a full bowel movement every day at the same time. The only side effect I have noticed from MiraLax is the stool has a horrible smell. I hope there are no long-term side effects from MiraLax because this product has been a lifesaver for me. My doctor tells me it's totally safe because it stays in your GI tract the whole time. Simply in and out, repeat!"

"FINALLY! My whole life I've had a problem going number 2 so much so I would only go 2-3 times the entire month. These past few months, however, things took a turn for the worse. My poop became severely impacted. I would push and push for hours, only to get a pea-sized amount out. I couldn't sleep because I could feel the pain and pressure there. It was bad. I tried liquid laxatives you drink, and they did the trick, but the second they wore off, the constipation and pain were back. Then I heard about Miralax and had my fiancé"

"I’m on an opioid for osteoarthritis in my spine & a tumor pressing on my spine that is too risky to operate because there’s a very high chance I’ll be paralyzed, so I can’t exercise to keep my bowels moving. Usually after 2 doses of Miralax, once a day, & lots of water, I start going again. It does make the movement softer. Even though I take the flavorless powder, I can still taste some sort of awful taste. What everyone needs to realize is that we are all different & our systems are going to react differently. One thing may work well for 1 person but not for the next. So just because there’s a bad review of this product for 1 person doesn’t mean it’s bad for everyone. Like with all the side effect complaints, for some people, I have never had those effects ever. I start taking this product if I haven’t had a bowel movement after 3 or 4 days. It’s a trial & error thing in order to know if this product is right for you."

"Digestive problems run in my family. I personally suffer from chronic constipation. No matter how much water I drink or fiber I consume, I still have constipation. Miralax is the ONLY med that relieves my constipation without pain or discomfort. I always know it is reliable and helps produce a passable BM within hours for me. If I am very constipated, sometimes it’ll take about a day to go into effect. My doctor has prescribed it to me in the past, but it is easiest if I buy it in bulk at a store instead of getting refills. On days I am not constipated, I continue to use it at half strength to keep it in my system and things running smoothly. I’d recommend this to anyone who suffers from constipation."

"I have gastroparesis and rarely have a bowel movement on my own. I've gone 3 weeks easily without a bowel movement. It's to the point that when I do go on my own, we know that I am severely constipated and that it HAS to come out. (Abdominal x-rays continuously show I'm backed up, even after going). MiraLAX is not a 'miracle medicine' for me. It works, but only after a few days' time. However, considering that typical laxatives only cause me gas and bloating, but no relief, I can't really complain. Magnesium citrate, Linzess, Reglan, Amitiza have all failed me. This is the only relief that I can ever get."

"My daughter has been taking MiraLAX since she was 5. Prior to starting the MiraLAX regimen, my daughter would suffer from daily stomach pain. She was finally diagnosed with a chronic constipation problem and put on MiraLAX. She has been using it for four years now and very rarely complains anymore (if at all). You may have to play with dosage from time to time. She started on a heavy dose and we were then able to taper down to a much smaller one. We are happy with how it has helped her. Of course, we would love it if she didn't have to use anything at all! But we are very grateful to have something that helps her so much. She doesn't have any side effects from it--that is another positive about this product. Give MiraLAX a try."

"I've had constipation my whole life! I've had to watch everything that I've eaten and avoid all red meat, rice, bagels, or anything else that might clog me up. The past 10 years, I've done water enemas once or twice a week. I talked to a doctor about 2 months ago during an emergency visit for severe stomach pain. He recommended MiraLAX, and I rolled my eyes because I've been on every kind of laxative there is on the market... Pain, gas, diarrhea, all that stuff. The first night, I poured the dose into a cup of tea and drank it down. The next morning I completely emptied out. No cramps, no pain, just emptied out. The doctor said I could take it every night or even twice a day... Indefinitely! I've taken it every night with a big cup of herbal tea, and every morning after my first cup of coffee, I go to the bathroom and just go. I feel like what I've heard normal people feel like. I have great days and a sense of calm, even working at a stressful job! LOL I don't ever want to be without this..."

"Since December, I've had chronic constipation and weight loss. I was taking Miralax intermittently for the months following. Twice, I had to take magnesium citrate as if preparing for a colonoscopy because I couldn't go at all. Since then, I took Miralax every day until June when my general practitioner and gastrointestinal doctor's office recommended Linzess. I stopped Miralax and took Linzess for a week. I couldn't go for a full week! The magnesium citrate didn't help this time, so I ended up in the hospital for treatment. I asked for Miralax while I was in the hospital, and they complied. I discontinued Linzess and have been back on Miralax for 2 weeks. Things are now working satisfactorily again. I will not give up Miralax again."

"When taking MiraLAX daily, it's very effective in moving your bowels. The only downside is that it takes a few days for it to start working, but once it starts working, you'll feel a lot better! I stopped using it because I thought I wouldn't get constipated again — bad choice. I got constipated because of the medications I take (painkillers). Anyways, I recommend you take it once a day or every other day to prevent getting constipated. MiraLAX works, just give it time, and don't miss a dose if you get severely constipated like I do!"

"I suddenly developed severe constipation. I suffered for months before I went to the doctor. She told me to take MiraLAX. It didn't work initially, so she said to take it more often, like 2 times a day. I did that and still nothing. So, she told me to try 4 times a day - and voila! A miracle. Now I'm back down to once a day now - but it's the best thing that happened to me this year!"

"My colorectal surgeon prescribed MiraLAX to help with severe constipation that has been a problem for me since birth. I have an illness that causes nerve damage which has altered the proper functioning of the intestinal tract. I have had great success with MiraLAX and have a much better quality of life now. I was reluctant to use other laxatives before for fear of dependence, but my doctor assures me MiraLAX does not cause dependence. I'm very pleased."

"My husband swears you will poop a paper clip from when you were 3 years old. He wouldn't be surprised if after this miracle drug, you happened to also see a Lego in there. You won't be disappointed. It really works."

"A few years back I was hospitalized with a bowel obstruction. Once I left the hospital, my bowel movements have been irregular. I couldn't make a movement in over 3 weeks. I was forced to take stool softeners (which never worked) and Dulcolax laxatives (which did work but I became constipated after it wore off). I went to the doctor and they suggested I try MiraLAX. I gave it a try, on the 1st day, it only gave me gas. On the 2nd day, more gas. On the 3rd day with MiraLAX, I was able to have a bowel movement. I was very happy because when I take Dulcolax I had cramps and had to have the toilet on standby all day. MiraLAX was a painless soft stool which relieved the pressure of constipation. And I started having regular movements."

"I had been constipated for as long as I could remember. I would have a bowel motion maybe once every 2-3 weeks. So not normal. My diet consisted of high fiber, 100 oz of water a day, fruits, veggies, but still no bowel motion. I have tried cleansers, laxatives, and other products, but nothing. I recently began doing colonic irrigations because I was so frustrated. My doc suggested I try Miralax. The first day I took some in the morning, and the second day I took some more. By that evening of the second day, I had a bowel motion. I couldn't believe it. After all this time, it was Miralax that did the job. Thanks, Miralax. I would recommend this to anyone."

"Schering-Plough announced on March 28, 2007 that prescription-strength MiraLAX® (polyethylene glycol 3350) is now available as an over-the-counter treatment for occasional constipation. The innovative formula of MiraLAX works with the body to increase the frequency of bowel movements without causing the side effects of cramps and gas. MiraLAX allows a comfortable, easy and complete bowel movement. MiraLAX has a strong safety profile and is not known to be habit-forming."

"MiraLAX is great. The first day was the only time I experienced any side effects, and that was only a headache. After that, I've been taking it every day at night in a glass of water. It doesn't taste like anything and dissolves quickly. Works great, too. I've always had constipation, but recently I was having constant pain and bleeding with every bowel movement due to a fissure, it was horrible. But now that my doctor recommended MiraLAX to me, I finally feel normal in that department!"

More about MiraLAX (polyethylene glycol 3350)

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  • Drug class: laxatives
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Other brands

GlycoLax, GaviLAX, ClearLax, PEG3350, ... +3 more

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  • MiraLAX prescribing information

Other brands

GaviLAX, ClearLax, Purelax

Related treatment guides

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation
  • Constipation, Acute
  • Bowel Preparation
  • Constipation
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome