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Generic Name: Monovisc (hyaluronan)

Monovisc Reviews

For Osteoarthritis "I had my first Monovisc injection in September 2019, my second was due in March 2020, but then COVID hit. Finally, I was able to have the second injections in May 2020. These injections have been great for both knees. I am bone on bone in my right knee. I went to two different Orthopedic Surgeons before having the injections. Both recommended getting them and I am so happy I did. No pain, no issues with the injections, and they help! I will continue with the Monovisc injections until I can't have them or they don't work. Both surgeons said I can continue these until they don't work, some patients continue and never need knee replacement. Wouldn't that be great? It's a big yes vote from me."

For Osteoarthritis "This can take up to 12 weeks to work, which is the case with me. It gets worse before it starts to feel better. Your joint will be inflamed, and I ain't going to lie, relief is NOT immediate. My doctor told me it takes up to 6-8 weeks to work, but from what I read online, it can take 8-12 weeks. I had a baker's cyst behind my knee - I noticed it started to feel better a couple of weeks after the injection. Seriously, a couple of days ago I couldn't move my knee at all, but now it moves so easily and practically no pain. It was like a miracle."

For Osteoarthritis "I had a Monovisc injection almost 3 years ago after being told by my first doctor I needed knee replacement. I went for a second opinion from a very highly rated specialist. He asked me what made me think I would be better off with a knee replacement. Then he suggested I take the full dose of Monovisc, not smaller ones. He also explained that this only helps 50-60% of the people who take it. I am happy to say it has helped me."

For Osteoarthritis "So today is my 1st day with this, and as long as I don't move much, I'm pretty ok, not much pain. When I got the injection today, it wasn't painful because I was given a numbing shot 1st, then the gel injection. There was a lot of pressure, which was really uncomfortable but not really painful. Now that the numbing med has worn off, just trying to stand up is a big issue. Also, trying to bend my knees is painful as well. My doc did say that it would be really stiff and possibly painful, but to take some OTC pain relief and to ice my knees to help. The icing of my knees does help, and I find myself just trying to bend them a few times every hour so they don't get too stiff, but getting up from the bed and the amount of bend needed is very painful. I'll come back and update my review in a few days."

For Osteoarthritis "The injection itself is painful, for sure, and I had my doubts the first few days afterwards when my knee pain was not improved, and seemed to be occurring in different areas than before, like back of the knee. But now I am 10 days post-injection and am in so much less pain, and able to walk, stand, and even sit more comfortably. Hoping it lasts a decent amount of time! Cortisone only worked for 10 days for me."

For Osteoarthritis "I wrote on here about the Monovisc shots in November. Yesterday, I saw a top orthopedic surgeon, who is a knee specialist. First thing after looking at me with all of the empathy and sympathy I have ever had a doctor look at me... He said, 'Whatever you do, NEVER let anyone give you a shot like this ever again! You can have cortisone shots... that is it!' I have gone through raving nightmares with my knees and the aftereffects with Monovisc!!! Then the problems went into my back. OMG! I hope that no one ever has to go through this ever again. I feel like suing the makers of Monovisc and the sports medicine doctor who gave them to me... who refused to see me after I called about having been rendered unable to walk at all during some of the toughest times I have ever had in my life!!!! Please heed this warning of the specialist I saw!!! I was scared as I could barely take care of myself!!!!"

For Osteoarthritis "I started Monovisc about 2 years ago when the bone-on-bone created spurs that were catching on nerves (not fun). My ortho doc said bilateral total knee was my only option, but knee appliances don't last forever, and I didn't want a revision (take it out, insert another) in 20 years. Since I am 'only 50,' I would need another knee around 70, so I am trying to get as much time as I can. I switched docs. My new doc agreed I was young for TKR and put me on Monovisc. AMAZING! I have had zero knee problems with Monovisc. Beware of insurance companies switching you off Monovisc to Duralane instead, it's HORRIBLE and has me bed-bound right now in excruciating pain. If you are on Monovisc, fight to stay on it."

For Osteoarthritis "When I first started with debilitating arthritis in my right knee, my orthopedic doctor tried a cortisone injection, it was useless. I went back, and he did a Monovisc injection. What a lifesaver! I got relief immediately, that was in 2019. I only have to go once a year for injections, as the benefit of being pain-free lasts that long. As of now, getting injections on both my knees, I have done these injections for three years now. As long as I can continue getting Monovisc, my preferred remedy, I will, as knee surgery is out of the question for me. Love Monovisc!"

For Osteoarthritis "In 2016, I was in quite a bit of pain in my knees (both of them have severe osteoarthritis). I was heading towards knee surgery but got a shot of Monovisc as an alternative. Though the shot was painful, I am amazed at the relief that has lasted these last four years. I’m trying to find a doctor to administer a second shot due to the excellent experience from the first injection."

For Osteoarthritis "Had bilateral arthroscopies in both knees due to meniscus tear and wear and tear 9 weeks ago. Very slow recovery, and to 'speed' things up, the consultant suggested gel injections. A week ago, he injected one shot in both knees - it was not very painful - but a few hours later, my knees felt like they were on fire and surrounded by a very tight bandage. My knee pain is much worse now, also experiencing backache and feel fast heartbeat. I have woken up a few times in the night with extreme pain, unable to find a comfortable position for my legs and back. I so regret having those injections - never again - and hope that at some stage things will go back to 'normal'. I wish I could turn back the clock."

For Osteoarthritis "I have been getting knee shots for years, Monovisc for the last few. I am 70, no athlete, just want to walk for extended periods. I get Monovisc 2 times a year, a cortisone shot halfway between the Monovisc shots. Both wear off a bit before the next shot, but not so I am in a horrible way. My doctor is highly skilled, and I have minimal discomfort during injection. Knees ache a lot for 6 to 8 hours, then fine next day. Take Tylenol for the first day aches."

For Osteoarthritis "I have a history of knee injuries from when I was younger, and now in my late 30s, I have the beginning stages of arthritis. It was suggested I get the Monovisc injections to help relieve pain and to prevent further damage. The actual shot did not hurt! My MD did it without any sonogram guidance and only used the cold spray to numb the skin. All I felt was a pinch and then pressure from the Monovisc being injected. A slight soreness where the injection was done, and that's it. No discomfort walking and no need to ice or rest right after. I was told it would take a few weeks to feel the effects."

For Osteoarthritis "Follow-up to 2016 post. 1. 70-year-old using Monovisc 3-4 times per year since 2015. 2. My MRI and X-rays show arthritis, old meniscus issues, and bone spurs. X-ray shows improvement after losing 25 lbs. 3. Most people might need to lose weight and exercise vigorously along with Monovisc. Monovisc alone will not cure arthritic knees. 4. My knees feel GREAT, with only occasional bone spur pain, which topical painkillers, Motrin, and ice take care of."

For Osteoarthritis "I received the Monovisc injection on Sept 9 2020 it is now Oct 28th and never have I had so much pain in my 30 years. I can barely get to the bathroom on my own. This injection made my pain so much worse. I'm hanging in praying it gets better. I am so disappointed in the results."

For Osteoarthritis "It's been three weeks since I had a VERY EXPENSIVE Monovisc injection. And my response so far has been...no response at all. Not even a little. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. A waste of money. A waste of time. A joke!"

For Osteoarthritis "I received Monovisc three weeks ago. The injecton itself did not hurt. It was administered by an orthopedic surgeon. For the first week I did not notice any difference in the pain. Trying to be patient. On the second week the back of my knee began swelling and was feeling stiff. By third week I am almost crippled. I can not bend my knee it is very swollen and I am in excruciating pain. Calling the doctor tomorrow. After reading so many reviews I really regret my decision to try Monovisc"

For Osteoarthritis "I suffer from osteoarthritis...bone on bone. January 2023 knee seized up. Unbelievable pain. Received 2 cortisone shots 12 weeks apart for inflammation and pain. In July 2023, I got the Monovisc gel shot. I feel the shot helped in ways the cortisone could not. Less pain, more flexibility. I walked every day and worked on a low-impact elliptical machine. I forced myself to do these even when I thought I couldn't do the exercise. I did not want to have my knee lock up again! I am so much better. The shots and daily exercise have been beneficial. Now I know if I need a booster of Monovisc, I can get one in 6 months. I have not had any side effects. It has been effective for me. The gel shot feels like pressure when being administered, however, that feeling subsides as the day continues. You can also ice the area to alleviate most discomfort. It takes a few weeks until you really feel the effects. It usually is not a fast-acting remedy like a cortisone shot. I highly recommend the Monovisc gel shot."

For Osteoarthritis "I received the Monovisc shot today, 05/09, didn't hurt one bit. 2 1/2 hrs later, I was driving my car, my knee started hurting, it got worse as 15 minutes went by. Within 45 min, I couldn't walk at all. Called my doctor, he said he might have ruptured a vein with the needle. This started at 2 PM this afternoon. It's now 10 PM, I have had the leg elevated since 3 PM, I still can't walk and am in extreme pain!! Going back to see Dr. tomorrow. This better get better :("

For Osteoarthritis "I got the first Monovisc shot on Sept. 27th and the second one on October 11. The first shot went well until I got the second one. That shot went into the knee where I had a knee replacement. Whatever happened, I have no idea. I have had both knees in horrible pain, sciatic pain in both cheeks, and unable to walk on November 8. Now on November 13th, I am walking better. Let me say, I go to physical therapy three times a week. I swear I would be bedridden if it hadn't been for physical therapy! My doctor said after I complained a couple of times, that it would be about 6 to 8 more weeks to get better around October 22. If anyone has any idea what is happening, I would love to know! It is frightening to barely be able to take care of myself!!"

For Osteoarthritis "I've tried knee injections for over 5 years now. My orthopedic surgeon initially started me on Synvisc. I never had much relief and it was short-lived. Fast forward to this past week, and my new orthopedic surgeon used Monovisc on me. Right knee injection - I felt absolutely zero pain. Left knee, I felt heavy pressure, but not something I couldn't handle. Using the numbing spray before the initial shot was all I needed. I felt zero pain. So far, so good. I feel a lot better, but I'm still waiting for a more "stable" feel from my knees - especially my right one. It's comforting to know that some folks on here state that it takes a week or more to have the full benefit from the injections. Looking forward to feeling "normal" again!"

For Osteoarthritis "Had my first monovisc shot, which was also my first gel shot ever. It didn’t hurt too much to get. Six hours after I got the shot I was in the ER with feet Mickey Mouse would have envied, having an asthma attack and with my throat partially swollen shut. It was not fun times. Worse, after a week of pain but decidedly less creaking, my knees hurt worse than ever, and now when they buckle the pain is excruciating for hours instead of a few seconds like before. It’s truly miserable. My allergist said there’s no data on allergies to monovisc, but that is all I can think it was since everything started an hour after the shot and deteriorated rapidly."

For Osteoarthritis "I have Chondromalacia and arthritis in my knees with the left being worse. I had steroid injection in the left which didn't seem to help much. Several months later I had the Monovisc injected. There was a lot of pressure at the time of injection. Within a few days it gave a lot of relief for about 6 months. I had a second injection 2 and a half weeks ago. The actual injection was about the same, but as soon as I started walking I had pain and I told the nurse I didn't remember it hurting like this last time. To make a long story short, for a few days after the injection the pain was bad. I had to use a cane to walk, and there was no way I could use stairs. Since then the pain has decreased, but my knee is more painful than before the injection. I sent a message to my provider. He responded that he had a couple of other patients that had the same type of reaction after second injection, and that they had no improvement. Maybe it will improve, but I won’t do this again"

For Osteoarthritis "I had a Monovisc shot to my knee less than one month ago, I am having knee pain, extreme warmth and joint with back pain. This is my first time getting this shot and not a very good outcome so far. I made an appoint to see me doctor."

For Osteoarthritis "I would not recommend Monovisc. I'm 37 years old with significant OA in my knee, and it started with a bone chip injury when I was 21. The injection itself was painful enough to make me cry, and I'm not a crier. (note to Orthopedics - cold spray before injection does NOTHING!!) I experienced extreme pain in the 2 weeks following the injection. Four and a half months later, my knee is worse than it was before - more acute pain, joint feels weaker, and I need to rest and wear my knee brace more often. I love to be active, and OA hinders this. :-("

For Osteoarthritis "I did try Monovisc last spring , 2019. At that point in time I would try anything. The pain I felt was raw and very comfortable. Unfortunately for me, the injection did absolutely nothing. Still searching for a magical bullet to ease the discomfort. A knee replacement is coming , but surgeon wants me to try a custom fit brace & another injection. Why am I the only one that understands the party is over. Please , just do the surgery."

More about Monovisc (hyaluronan)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: viscosupplementation agents
  • En español

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  • Monovisc drug information

Other brands

Orthovisc, Hymovis

Related treatment guides

  • Osteoarthritis