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Generic Name: Mounjaro for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) (tirzepatide)

Mounjaro for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) Reviews

"I am an African American female, 58 years old, 5’8” tall, weighed an unbelievable 270 lbs on 12/30/22. I asked my doctor if I could take this medication, and now here we are, 8 weeks later. I currently weigh 244.6 lbs. I lost 16 lbs in the first 3 weeks. I was extremely shocked and a little worried. My health is a constant concern, I suffer from chronic allergies, and frequently took steroid shots to manage the problem, which brought on weight gain. I am feeling better about myself. I am honestly trying to make this a life change. As for the first day after each shot, I am exceptionally tired, and I experienced redness at the injection site once. I'm not sure why, but so far so good. No headaches, no vomiting, just slight constipation. I am attempting to make this a life change with better food selections and exercise regimens to keep me on track."

"315-pound man, 64 heavy drinker, quit all booze, gained weight. Began rowing machine daily, gained weight. Counted all calories, 2500/day, no loss. A1C not bad 7, went on Mounjaro lowest dose 2.5. Have lost 40 pounds (!) in two months, eat anything and everything just way less and no desire to snack between. Still losing a bit, but feel plateau, may ask for larger dose. A miracle, has changed my life mentally and physically. Also, no desire to drink, a side benefit? I didn't do anything, this is all science. I pray it continues to work. Great delivery system. As long as I don't grow a third arm or have something fall off, I'm riding this thing as long as possible. Magic, feel strong, energetic."

"I have learned to manage side effects (constipation) with probiotics. This is the only thing that has allowed me to lose the weight I gained post-menopause. I was a size 22 and am now almost a size 10. My BMI went from 39 to just over 30, and I have about 25 more pounds to go. I lost 45 pounds currently. I am no longer taking medication for migraines, asthma, and chronic edema, and my BP medication has been reduced by half."

"I started Mounjaro 5/26/23 weighing 200.5 lbs. I work out 3-5 days per week but was not losing weight. I am down 15 lbs and have lost all cravings. I listen to my body and eat when I am hungry. I have zero side effects."

"I have been on the 15 mg/0.5 mL for the last four months and on Mounjaro for a total of ten months starting with the 2.5 mg dosage. Well, I have to say I love it. I had a bit of nausea in the beginning but that’s it, never had it again. I have lost a total of 115 lbs. I don’t just eat whatever I want though, I have mainly been eating chicken, eggs, and turkey with things like cauliflower rice and once a week regular rice. I have gone from being 455 lbs to my current weight of 340 lbs. Also, something awesome, I have gone from a size 62 waist in pants to now a 52. I am so happy with it."

"I started using Mounjaro (tirzepatide) in July 2022 and weighed 206 lbs. 63 years old and 5'3. It is now March 2023 and I now weigh 130 lbs. The Mounjaro eliminated the desire to eat. I never felt hungry and nothing sounded good, so it was easy to make myself eat only very light meals, more like snacks of fruit, throughout the day. When I say 'make myself' eat I am being literal and could easily have gone without eating at all, but know that isn't healthy. I have experienced a little hair loss, likely due to a lack of nutrients, but it is now growing back. There is an adjustment period to the oddity of food no longer being appealing. No cravings or temptations at all. I believe tirzepatide is the most amazing weight loss medication ever made. I had no side effects other than mild constipation, but nothing that dried prunes couldn't cure. I had tried Ozempic quite some time before the Mounjaro, but the side effects of fatigue and nausea prevented me from continuing."

"This medication was a life changer for me. I’m a 49-year-old female. I never had a problem with my weight until after the age of 45. Then during Covid, I gained 30 pounds and got up to 189. I was exercising regularly and trying to eat healthy, but could not lose any weight. I started Mounjaro and lost 12 pounds the first month. I had very little side effects. The only thing I experienced was fatigue, a slight headache, and I felt very cold. Once I became used to the medication, after a couple of months, those side effects diminished. I’ve been on the medication for 6 months and have lost a total of 56 pounds. I’m now at 133 pounds. My goal weight is 130. I feel better than I did when I was in my 20s and 30s. This medication was life-changing for me. It not only helped me to lose weight, but it also lowered my A1C, lowered my triglycerides, and blood pressure."

"I’m 58 years old and weighed 176 lbs. I started on Mounjaro at the end of last August. I had tried several different ways to lose weight, and if I lost, I would gain back plus some. I was taking 2 kinds of blood pressure pills a day and having hip, leg, and foot pain. I’m on the 5 mg and have currently lost 56 lbs, now weighing 120 lbs. I’m down to one blood pressure pill a day, and the dosage has been lowered. My hip, leg, and foot pain is 95% better. I feel amazing and have more confidence in myself. Even my husband calls me his skinny wife. Hope this helps someone and best of luck. This is an amazing med, and I hope they will approve it for weight loss! Would love it to help someone as well as it has me!!"

"I am a 38-year-old female who began taking Mounjaro almost a year and a half ago. My beginning weight was 300 pounds. I had high blood pressure and type two diabetes. My doctor started me on the lowest dose possible, and we only increased the dose to 5 mg when I hit a plateau after losing about 70 pounds. I never had to increase after that. In the last 18 months, I have lost 130 pounds! My current weight is 170 pounds which surpassed my goal weight! My blood pressure is within normal range and my type two diabetes is controlled! In addition to using the medication, I used portion control and dancing as a form of exercise. The weight just melted off. The first three months were the most difficult for my body to adjust to the medication. Once I learned what foods my body needed and which ones to avoid, things got easier! I definitely recommend this product for anyone looking to lose weight. I am beyond satisfied with this medication!"

"I took Mounjaro for 10 weeks and lost 7 pounds. Each week I would have a day or so of mild nausea, but no other side effects. In the 10th week, I thought I had a stomach virus but was not throwing up or having diarrhea. After a night of no sleep, I was in severe pain, my heart rate was spiking, and I was very dizzy. I ended up in the ER. All tests were negative so they did an abdominal CAT scan which showed paralysis of the small intestines...(paralytic ileus). Nothing was moving through my bowels so everything backed up into the stomach. No wonder I could not eat. It was the worst 'stomach bug' I ever had. I am glad this works for some, but there are potentially serious side effects."

"I don't care about the shame this drug gets in the media. This medication has changed my life. Not only can I finally lose weight at a reasonable rate/level of effort, I genuinely enjoy exercising because I have the energy. I no longer see exercise as a price I have to pay to lose weight (and then not even lose weight anyway). My appetite has also plummeted. I have to remind myself to eat. There are occasional 'breakthrough' cravings, so I'll let myself have a treat, but after taking one or two bites I can't fathom eating it anymore. I don't know the exact rate that I've lost weight, but I've been on the drug for 4 or 5 months now and have lost about 30 lbs (went from 210 to 180). This is with casual effort where I exercise when I'm up for it (usually 3-4x/week for 45 min). I do not count calories, just eat intuitively. Taking this medication does not make you weak, lazy, or wanting an easy way out (I've heard it all). If offered this medication, please just give it a try!"

"So far I have been on Mounjaro for a little short of two months. I started at 404 lbs and currently weigh 345 lbs. I've been on 5mg and will move to 7.5 mg after the last shot of 5mg. This has been an absolute game-changer for me. I did make the necessary changes though for the first time in my life. I'm working out 3-4 times a week and I've drastically changed my diet as well. Did blood work and everything is looking great. I didn't get the $25 coupon so I'm roughly paying $525 a month. It is worth every single penny. Going to reevaluate at 6 months but would like to run it for a year and build those healthy habits and go from there. No serious side effects so far and I'm feeling fantastic."

"I have been on Mounjaro since Jan. 2023. I have lost 20 pounds. I need to lose 20 more. Side effects: burping, stomach upset, constipation, flu-like body aches, mildly depressed feeling, and fatigue. Not every day, not every symptom every day, and not all day. It comes and goes. I will continue but do wonder how it’s gonna go long term. I’m just sick of being fat."

"I now have been taking Mounjaro for 8 months. At first, the side effects are a bit severe, and it is difficult, to say the least, but good things come to those who keep going. I have now lost 65 lbs. I started at a very athletic 385, and now I am 320. The only real issue has been the medicine not always being readily available. I had to go a month without it, and my body and mindset just kind of stayed the same and gained no weight back. Every time you go up a dose, the side effects come back, i.e., burping, nausea, chronic fatigue, but it is better than being heavy and less healthy. For those who read these things, this is my first review ever, but I think this drug is worth it."

"I started Mounjaro at 2.5 mg, 8 months later I am at the 7.5 mg dose but to maintain my loss I now take it twice a month. I went from 210 to 150 lbs. This is a life-changer for me. It took all my cravings for bad food away, no more chips and pizza. I eat a much healthier diet now and like many others eat much less. My heartburn problems are gone and I have a lot more energy."

"Thanks for your efforts in publicizing the difficulties related to weight loss and the great results thus far regarding Mounjaro. I'm 73 years old. T2D and have a history of heart attack and ongoing heart disease. Every type of diet I've tried in the past has shown great results, but at 316 lbs this year, I no longer had the discipline or physical ability to repeat any of those efforts. I started on Mounjaro, paying my own way, on March 3rd of this year. 43 weeks in, with no side effects of any type, I've lost 103 lbs. I'm eating in a far less and healthier manner as I am able, but have no strict food regimen. The same goes for exercise. This is a miracle drug, with terrific results for blood pressure (now 118/68), A1c (5.7), PSA actually decreasing (.15), and I can now walk up to 3 miles at a time compared to 1 block in March. The only prohibitive factor for most people is the cost. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes don't cause obesity. It seems the profession has it backwards when it comes to treatment."

"In the beginning, I couldn’t bend over to tie my shoes without having to take a break to breathe, or go through my 8-hour shift on my feet without having knee and ankle pain to the point of tears. I couldn’t wait until I was able to sit down and not get up but just to turn around and do it again. Injecting myself with very simple and easy steps to follow. I had very few side effects, only an occasional loose stool or nauseous sensation once in a while. My starting weight was 248 pounds and I am now 160 pounds. This has been a huge impact on my physical health. I'm able to walk and move throughout my day without having pain from the extra weight and stress on my joints."

"Have been injecting Mounjaro weekly for a month now and have lost 4 kg, but here is what I learned… 1. Make sure you're fully hydrated before injecting the recommended dosage of the first 2 weeks, needles being 2.5 ml, as it dehydrates you big time and most of the time is why you are feeling nauseated, but keep hydrated, drink up. Eg. Powerade or Hydralytes… 2. Inject in the top thigh as it is less nausea feelings than injecting in the tummy. 3. Your body automatically tells you that you are full after a small portion of dinner (saucer plate size) as breakfast I craved Vegemite on thin bread, so maybe I was lacking either salt or B12 levels down. Lunch I ate a small amount too, but have snacks 4 times a day, even one sugar lolly made me feel better."

"I have lost 73 lbs in 7 months. I am not hungry, cranky, normal energy levels. I eat what I want, just greatly reduced portions and I am full. Fried & processed foods no longer taste good and I naturally migrate to healthier foods, fruits & veggies. My cholesterol numbers have plummeted and are all in the normal range, I no longer have acid reflux and I quit snoring. I've gone from size 40 waist to a size 32. XL shirts and underwear to Medium. I have not felt this good or had as much energy in 30 years."

"I have been struggling on the weight loss rollercoaster for a while. Up 30 lbs, down 15 lbs, and so on and so forth. I'm taking a compound Mounjaro with B12. I have only been on 2.5 mg for less than a week and in that time, I feel GREAT! I've lost 3 lbs and don't crave midnight snacks, or snacks at all for that matter. The first couple of days I was unsure if I wanted to continue. I was exhausted, I couldn't think clearly, and had no energy. My body ached all over - no one had mentioned this, and just flat out was about to think that this was not for me. Day 3 and I felt great both physically and mentally. I hear people go up on dosage even after losing weight the first month, and unless I stall in my loss, I will continue on 2.5 mg. Remember, too much weight loss in a short amount of time isn't healthy. Slow and steady will help you keep the weight off when you stop taking this medicine (obviously with a change in your eating habits). Why put more drugs into my body than what is needed?"

"I am in the 3rd week of using Mounjaro on a 2.5 dosage. I have lost 12 lbs already in the first 2 weeks. My starting weight was 18 stone and I am now 17.2 stones. The only side effect was constipation, but I have used laxatives to help. My cravings for food have totally disappeared. This is a game changer for me. I have struggled with my weight since I was a teenager, and since reaching menopause, this got worse. I was a comfort food eater, but now I have no cravings whatsoever. It is easy to inject. I am continuing with Mounjaro, and I am hoping I may finally lose my excess weight for good."

"I started taking this medication for weight loss. My first round of the 4 injections was 2.5 mg, and it had no negative side effects at all. I just had no appetite. I lost 10 lbs within that 4 weeks. I then moved up to the 0.5 mg. The day after taking the first injection, nausea hit like a train. I never threw up but was just nauseous. I called my doctor, and she prescribed medication for the nausea which helped immensely. By the time I took my second injection, the nausea had gone away, and I had lost another 5 lbs. I still have so much more to go and I'm very optimistic. I literally have had no appetite; nothing sounds good or tastes good. I do drink as much water as I can throughout the day. I've had no problems with constipation but as a precaution, I take a couple of stool softeners once a week and I'm good to go. I used to have a sweet tooth, but not now. Great benefits, has tolerable side effects, and is very easy to use."

"I am a white male, age 64, with type 2 diabetes. I started with a weight of 280 pounds, but in 10 weeks, I have managed to reduce it to 219 pounds. This achievement has been possible with the help of Mounjaro. Currently, I am only taking 7.5 units of Mounjaro. Previously, I used to take 5 insulin shots a day, but now I only require 1 in the morning if my sugar levels are above 145. My goal is to become insulin-free, and I am on my way to achieving that. I have been dependent on insulin for over 20 years. In addition to medication, I have made significant lifestyle changes. I work out 5 times a week and have made adjustments to my diet. These efforts, combined with Mounjaro, have allowed me to get back my life. I am grateful to Mounjaro for giving me this opportunity to regain control of my health."

"Good results. Immediate appetite suppression starting with the lowest dose. More importantly, my food cravings went away. It takes a couple of weeks, at most, to get through the psychological part of less appetite/less food. You get full quickly, and yet you feel like you still want to eat because your mind is telling you, 'how can you be full already, you've only had 4 bites?' It only takes one or two times of being nauseated or vomiting to remember to eat less. I have lost 48 lbs in exactly 7 months, and my hypertension is gone."

"I am currently taking Mounjaro. I was weighing 263 lbs in November 2023, and I have lost 93 lbs. I am at 170 now. I went from size 18 and 20 to size 12. I was on Ozempic and could not take that, it made me so sick. I have no problems with Mounjaro other than sulfur burps and a lot of gas. I have to make myself eat, and when I do, I only eat a bite of food. I am on the 7.5 dosage now, and I am so lucky that my insurance covers it, and my cost is $25.00."

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  • Drug class: Incretin Mimetics (GLP-1 Agonists)
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  • Mounjaro Injection prescribing information
  • Tirzepatide (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight)
  • Diabetes, Type 2