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Generic Name: Mucinex (guaifenesin)

Mucinex Reviews

For Fibromyalgia "Unbelievable is all I can say! I could not have doubted this more, but after suffering night after night with horrendous back pain, I sat up at 3 a.m. searching the internet for some herb or vitamin I had dismissed the 100 other times I had sat up in the night in pain. I thought it sounded ridiculous, but no more so than anything else I had tried. I started with 1200 mg and have remained on that, and I feel better than I have in years. I urge you to try this. It has changed my life!"

For Bronchitis "Mucinex is great and it works well, but whatever you do, DO NOT take it on an empty stomach. I did this morning, and as the day went by, I kept feeling worse and worse. When I finally got the chance to eat something, my stomach was so upset that it just came right back up. Again, it's a great medication but eat something before taking it."

For Fibromyalgia "Diagnosed with severe fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, IBS. Went through nerve studies, etc., and muscle biopsy. Finally told I had severe fibromyalgia. The problem was that it was progressing every month. I became suicidal due to pain levels, couldn't walk 10 meters. It saves lives. I might not have the fibromyalgia type you have, but this medicine saved my life, and if you think spending $30 to try it is a waste, then it means you did not suffer enough. I lost it all, wife, home, job, but a simple flu tablet got me back everything, and it even took my eczema, IBS I had for years. God bless those who came up with that theory. Theory might be wrong, but it does the job."

For Bronchitis "This medicine really helped me out with a bronchitis attack. I have been suffering from acute bronchitis for about 3 weeks now. After taking all of the medication that my doctor prescribed, I still have no relief. After reading reviews, I decided to give Mucinex (liquid) a try. To my surprise, it really helps to bring up all of that sticky mucus that was stuck in my lungs. Although I'm not fully well yet, I can see better days ahead!"

For Fibromyalgia "I have been in terrible and increasing pain since last September. I have had hip and spinal X-rays and MRIs, and they show slight arthritis and little else. I had an injection of cortisone in my left hip, and now the doctor is recommending a shot to my spine. The pain is so bad that lately I've been reduced to tears. I went from surfing in August to hobbling in September, and the doctors treat me like I'm this no-activity couch potato who deserves to feel horrible because I'm getting old, and I need to lose weight. Sure, I do. I've gained 30 pounds in the last year because I can barely walk. Well, I tried Guaifenesin this afternoon, and it made me fall asleep, and when I woke up, THE PAIN WAS GONE!"

For Fibromyalgia "I was diagnosed at 20 and put on muscle relaxers and painkillers that did nothing more than immobilize me. I read about the guaifenesin treatment and asked my doctor for a prescription. I started at 1200mg extended release 2x daily. FINALLY, I had my life back. When Mucinex took away the generic option, I dropped to 600mg 2x daily, and it still does the trick. 12 years later, I still swear by it. I have occasional setbacks, but I always bounce back within a week."

For Fibromyalgia "With moderate to severe fibromyalgia for 12 years, I lost my career and lived in fear of having a life to avoid a flare-up. I have tried every antidepressant, serotonin uptake inhibitor, pain medicine, anti-inflammatory... you all know, with major side effects that only contributed to fibromyalgia symptoms. In March 2014, I caught a cold and used Mucinex for the first time and could not believe the relief. I have prayed for someone to invent a NEW MEDICINE for fibromyalgia that would work, and it turned out this OLD MEDICINE has returned my life to me. Thank God for Mucinex!"

For Bronchitis "It works well, you will feel the congestion breaking down. It does make you cough more to loosen up mucus and yes, you probably will stay up a bit at night. I took the pill, not liquid. I have to say I was surprised."

For Fibromyalgia "I was sick with a sinus infection and was taking Mucinex. I thought to myself, I am going to be extra sore since I am home from work and resting more than usual because I was not feeling well. I was shocked when after taking Mucinex for a few days, my pain was gone. No more tender spots. My arms had been really bad lately, and when I touched them, they were no longer sore. I had no idea of the connection at the time. I Googled Mucinex and was amazed that I found studies that something for a cold could possibly help with fibromyalgia. I stopped taking it, and the symptoms came back, so I started taking it again. I take 2-3 400mg a day. I call this experience accidentally on purpose. It may not work for everyone as we're all different, but it's worth trying."

For Bronchitis "I’m a second-grade teacher and have had an exhausting case of bronchitis for four months now. Many of those lovable little petri dishes I teach have been sick too. This week I’m much worse with very painful throat and ear pain and congestion. Went to the doctor yesterday feeling like I’ll do anything to get better! So amoxicillin for ear and throat, two shots of I don’t know what in the backside, Mucinex for the thick nasty phlegm, and Flonase, Claritin, and Zyrtec to alternate. Best thing—- the cough is finally actually bringing the stuff up about 6 hours after taking a 12-hour Mucinex. And lots draining out the nose too. I’ve never tried it before but it’s sure working. All that yuck is finally getting out of there!"

For Fibromyalgia "I posted almost 2 months ago. I've been taking Mucinex since then for the fibromyalgia pain. I am not a creature of habit and have a hard time remembering to take any medication, but I don't miss it! I can sincerely say that it continues to work - progressively better - and I find it hard to believe it myself! Pain in my right shoulder that I've had for over 15 years has quietly disappeared. I no longer sleep with a pillow between my knees, and I have so much less pain bending over, etc. I also don't have to clear my throat constantly in the morning like I did, so it works great on mucus too. I really didn't expect the results to continue. If you have pain like me, give it a try. No bad effects. I hope it works for you."

For Fibromyalgia "Couldn't believe it could be true but it was. Newly diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I read about Mucinex for fibromyalgia, read that it is a muscle relaxant and enhances the analgesic effect of aspirin and Tylenol, and is enhanced by magnesium. Went out and bought the 800 mg with 2 aspirin and some magnesium citrate, and it worked! The pain just seems to dissolve away. I continue to take 800mg (2, 400mg immediate release tablets) with aspirin and magnesium, three times a day, or 1200 mg twice a day."

For Fibromyalgia "I've tried dozens of therapies and medicines. Mucinex does better than them all. Since taking it, my pain levels have gone down by 90%. Mucinex doesn't work for everyone. But it's cheap and over-the-counter. What's the harm in trying? I wish a doctor or website had suggested I try it - would have saved me years of pain."

For Bronchitis "I took Mucinex for a bad case of bronchitis. It worked very well and I was finally able to stop coughing and start breathing again. The only problem was that it interfered with my sleep. I was awake most of the night and was not tired the next day. I had to quit taking it."

For Fibromyalgia "My neurologist has tried me on several medicines, but I work in the OR that the Cymbalta and Lexapro do make the pain manageable but I think all the side effects are with me. Mentally, I felt like I was floating. I have done the amitriptyline, Neurontin, Buspar, Ultram, Flexeril. But when I read Mucinex I thought you are kidding me. The next morning I went and got some Maximum Strength 12-hr relief and also tried the liquid, but I prefer the tablets. Try it I promise it works. Sounds crazy but it does."

For Bronchitis "My dry cough turned into a wet (mucous) cough, later diagnosed as bronchitis. I was getting very little sleep, and then saw a commercial about Mucinex DM for coughs, which is the guaifenesin and Dextromethorphan. I tried it, one tablet every 12 hours. In that first 12 hours, I got relief enabling me to finally sleep well all night. I had no problem with it affecting my sleep like some others experienced in these reviews, but they may have taken the one with pseudoephedrine which keeps you awake. What I have noticed is that the cough is suppressed until you get close to the 12-hour period, then the cough begins. But it's productive, and mucus is expelled much easier, and then it's over. Then it's time for another pill. I highly recommend this product for coughs."

For Fibromyalgia "After suffering unbearably for 15 years from Fibromyalgia (including 6 years on disability for it). My neurologist suggested I read everything by Dr. D'Amato and try Mucinex. We tried 600 mg twice a day for 6 weeks, no response, upped the dose to 800 mg twice a day for 4 weeks, a little better, then 1200 mg twice a day and it was a miracle. I slowly regained a life again. Throughout this time I also exercised about 1/2 hour a day, which also helps."

For Fibromyalgia "52 currently, Fibromyalgia began about 16 years ago. Last few years have been really tough, and in discussing at deer camp with friends, one of them mentioned Mucinex. Read up, bought the 600 and raised it to 1200's the next week. My pain is at least reduced by 50%! I'm hearing other supplements in conjunction could help even more but for the moment I'm very pleased to have been told about Mucinex!"

For Fibromyalgia "I also take Mucinex and have since 2003. As I have read the reviews, I have not read any mention of having to remove salicylates from all topical products. Been on Guaifenesin for 10 years and has helped me greatly."

For Fibromyalgia "I have recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Soon after, I had a cold and started taking Mucinex to clear out my sinuses. Not only did my sinuses feel good, but I noticed that in general, I felt amazing. My body just didn't hurt like it had been hurting for the past few months. So, I got online and typed in Mucinex... Lo and behold, the first thing that popped up was using Mucinex as a treatment for fibromyalgia... crazy. I had no idea... so for those of you speculating that it may be a placebo effect, believe me, I felt the difference without knowing that others have used it as a therapy... it works wonders!"

For Fibromyalgia "I never thought that an expectorant used to treat coughs could be this effective for Fibromyalgia pain. I am a pre-med student and when I heard about the possibility of Mucinex (Guaifenesin) being able to relieve pain caused by Fibromyalgia, I decided to try it. It has worked better than NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Celebrex) for me. 400mg works great (600mg if using the extended-release tablets)."

For Bronchitis "I get asthma 'colds' that turn into bronchitis once a year. I find Mucinex 'keeps the elephant off my chest.' And, you’ll know what that means if you’ve had bronchitis! I will take Mucinex in the morning and feel fine most of the day, thinking I’m getting past the infection. Then WHAM! Elephant...on...chest!! Cough, cough... Mucinex may not work for everyone, but it sure helps me breathe deeper and easier!!"

For Bronchitis "I have used it twice now. And it feels like it makes me worse. I cough so hard that my back and my stomach are now hurting. My cough is so deep, and nothing is coming up. It just makes me cough non-stop. However, I'm not taking any today, I'm also not coughing, so I put the two together. When you take it, it makes you cough, unfortunately, in my case, nothing came up."

For Bronchitis "Made coughing a lot easier after feeling like I was going to die from the phlegm that was blocking my air passage. I didn't give it a full 10 because it gave me a slight headache and a bit numb/tingling feeling all over my body but nothing to be alarmed about. Oh my goodness what a difference. I can breathe and finally sleep knowing I'm not going to choke to death. Thank you Mucinex."

For Cough "After all the treatments I had from the doctor, nothing really suppressed the cough, which I have had for years. After taking Mucinex, my cough and the associated phlegm have almost disappeared. I am a 74-year-old male, but my side effects seem to be the opposite of others, i.e. I am doing more sleeping than normal, at any time night or day, but thank heavens for the cessation of cough."

More about Mucinex (guaifenesin)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: expectorants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Mucinex drug information

Other brands

Robitussin Chest Congestion, Mucus Relief, Robafen, Tussin Expectorant, ... +15 more

Professional resources

  • Mucinex prescribing information
  • Guaifenesin (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Mucinex DM

Related treatment guides

  • Bronchitis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Cough