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Generic Name: NAC (acetylcysteine)

NAC Reviews

For Dietary Supplementation "I'm female, mid-30's. Started taking this when I had COVID as I am prone to developing ARDS. I read that NAC can help boost immunity and repress inflammatory overreaction. I did not develop ARDS. I can't say for certain that the NAC prevented it. I will say, however, that wheezing and chest tightness stopped, fever went down, and I began to recover within 24 hours of starting the NAC. I stopped taking it for a while. Later I started taking daily for 4-6 months. Stopped recently due to medical issues. Results: 1) (neutral) At last 2 med checkups BP was 95/66 and 106/60 (usual 125/80) 2) (negative) Started having severe palpitations, iron deficiency worsened, odd results on metabolic panel. 3) (positive) I did not catch stomach flu or colds that others in my home had"

For Dietary Supplementation "Gave me bad acid reflux, coughing, and I later found out it exacerbates asthma, had me so sick. Will never take again. Also read online NAC exacerbated tumor growth in lung cancer and melanoma. It may help some, but if you have asthma, be cautious. Wish I had read before taking. Don't let the good reviews fool you."

For Dietary Supplementation "I've now been taking NAC 650 mg in the evening for 2 weeks. I suffer from chronic depression and generalized anxiety. It helps to stabilize my mood and it definitely helps with anxiety. I thought I should perhaps take a small break and yesterday I skipped the pill. I woke up feeling quite sad and in couple of hours the anxiety started to get stronger. I gave up the idea of a break and took one NAC pill right away. After a while I felt a lot lighter. What surprised me is that my singing voice suddenly improved a lot. I have suffered from voice issues. I think NAC helps with acid reflux, lungs and mucous membranes. Also anxiety and stress relief helps. I hope this doesn't wear off, as all the other supplements have done, so far."

For Dietary Supplementation "I take this for COPD I am wheezing constantly after regular use of NAC cysteine, it helps a little reducing mucus, but creating a difficulty in breathing and wheezing daily . whereas this did not happen before taking this drug , l revert back to MSM powder with vitamin C liquid and feel better ."

"This is the best. I had breathing issues, always winded, couldn't walk up stairs without losing my breath. They were going to put me on an inhaler. They all cost $300.00 and up. So my lung specialist told me to try this. Oh my god, it was amazing! My breathing started to get back to normal, I felt great, and I didn't sit around. I started to exercise cardio again for 1 hour. I started losing weight, my breathing got better, my coughing stopped, and my depression left. I felt so happy, everything that was wrong went away. I'm so active again, and I'm not winded. I will continue to take this. This is my miracle drug. I'm so happy I can walk my dog 4 miles again. I do everything I used to do. I am me again. Thank you. I saw bad reviews. Maybe it doesn't work for all, but it sure did for me. It took a while, but I could feel my breathing slowly getting better."

For Dietary Supplementation "I've taken it off and on for a few years, for its antioxidant effects initially, and the past couple years for lung support, as my asthma tries to blossom into COPD. I take 600mg once daily. Seems to help, doesn't hurt, with one exception. If I take it daily more than a couple weeks, it aggravates a pain in my left calf that is also aggravated by consuming generous amounts of smoked meat (yes, really.) My doc has no idea what's up with any of this, but isn't worried. My present hypothesis is nitrogen sticking with endothelial tissue in a vein. Oh, ageing is SUCH fun!"

"In my late 70's I had Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) daily for a year or two. I tried NAC, and starting the next day I had not one episode of A-fib. I have been taking NAC (specifically Swanson N-Acetyl-L Cysteine) every day for over two years with mostly positive results against A-fib. I still occasionally have a bout of it, mostly mild and short-lived. No negatives to report."

"I' ve been taking 1800 mg/day of acetylcysteine for CFS (Chronic fatigue syndrome) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) symptoms and it is the single best supplement I’ve found. Dosage based on CFS study. Half life is only 3 hours, so timed release is most helpful, tho more expensive and only one brand available at this time."

For Dietary Supplementation "I had taken NAC a few years ago to help repair damage in my body caused by taking the very strong antibiotic cipro. It helped to restore cell damage and I tolerated it well. With the flu hitting close to home, I decided to take it again as a prevention, but within a few days I started having terrible acid reflux and just a feeling of unwellness."

"I am 46 years old and have had tension headaches that turned into chronic migraines over the past 10 years. NAC has been a miraculous treatment for combating my migraines and returning to a normal life. I wish every person suffering from migraines today would try this supplement to see if it helps them as it has helped me. After many years of struggling with this condition, I have found relief with NAC. I have always been a very healthy, athletic, and calm person, but with the onset of migraines, I am even stricter. I don't drink alcohol, I don't drink coffee, I eat healthy, I meditate, and despite all this, the migraines were daily. I tried every treatment there could be: acupuncture, yoga, alternative medicine, etc., and took all kinds of medications from painkillers to triptans, treatment with Botox and Emgality, I saw several neurologists but nothing helped until I found NAC. I take only one 600mg pill in the morning; I do not recommend a higher dose because it can disrupt sleep."

For Dietary Supplementation "I wanted to share my experience with using NAC as part of my approach to managing high cholesterol. After researching potential solutions, I incorporated Nutraharmony's NAC into my routine. I've been taking NAC for a while now, and it seems to be contributing positively to my cholesterol management journey. While it's not a one-size-fits-all solution, I've noticed some improvements. So, I will continue to monitor my results."

For Dietary Supplementation "Used NAC with quercetin to reduce COVID symptoms. It definitely helped since I took blood thinners and was unable to have the recommended shot. No negative side effects, 600 mg twice a day. It does smell terrible."

"I got lazy with my vaccinations and contracted COVID for my first time in October 2023. I was very, very sick, with the infection settling deep in my lungs. After I recovered, my lungs continued to struggle and had developed thick green mucus, which I would hack up whenever I would sing. I was exhausted, but I don't have health insurance, so I couldn't really afford to see a doctor for help. My boss's wife works as a nurse, and after my lungs just weren't recovering for months afterward, she suggested I try NAC. And honestly, it healed my COVID-damaged lungs so well they are perhaps healthier than they were before I got sick. There's some controversy, so certainly do your research and talk to your health practitioner, but I'm so thankful this stuff healed me."

For Dietary Supplementation "Coughing fits and still coughing 7 days later after taking this. I don't recommend and wish I never took this. :("

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  • Reviews (15)
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  • During pregnancy or Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • NAC drug information

Other brands

Mucomyst, N-A-C Sustain, Acetadote, Acys-5, Cetylev

Professional resources

  • Acetylcysteine, Acetylcysteine Lysine(Local, Systemic) monograph
  • Acetylcysteine Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Mucomyst, Acetadote, Cetylev

Related treatment guides

  • Dietary Supplementation