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Generic Name: Naproxen for Rheumatoid Arthritis (naproxen)

Naproxen for Rheumatoid Arthritis Reviews

Aleve (naproxen) "I have been using Aleve for about 6 months. This medicine helps relieve all my aches and pains. I'm 68 and working in the food industry. Although I experience severe body and joint pains on a daily basis, I take one Aleve on the days I work and can put in 4 to 6 hours pain-free. I have not suffered any side effects so far. So far, none of the other medicines I have tried have been as effective as Aleve."

"I started taking this medicine about 6 months ago. I was recently hospitalized for blood in my stools. It was found out that naproxen was the cause. I will have to find another medicine to help with my rheumatoid arthritis. I was not aware of the side effects. I believe that this information should be more publicized."

Aleve (naproxen) "I started taking Aleve for my arthritis in my hand, and the pain was gone. But after taking it for about 8 days, I noticed swelling in my feet, which was abnormal for me. I am 34 and in good health and have never had swollen feet. I then noticed the next day my feet and hands were swollen. I finally put 2 and 2 together and realized I was allergic to the Aleve. I stopped taking it and haven't had swelling since."

Naprosyn (naproxen) "I've had RA for 4 years. 500 mg naproxen tablets were my first treatment. They definitely helped the day get better and allowed me to function daily. However, they did not stop the morning stiffness and pain or the buildup of inflammation in my body. I definitely needed a more serious drug to stop the progression of the disease."

"I have had rheumatoid arthritis for over 25 years. I have always found that if I take only 200 mg naproxen or ibuprofen with water and some food an hour before going to bed, I have very little morning stiffness in my hands or feet. It makes a world of difference to me taking it before bedtime."

"I have been using this for about a week now and it has completely changed my life. I am more or less free of pain. The side effects are a little worrying but as long as you watch out for these it should be ok. I am now able to go to work and actually function without being in pain. For me it is working."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have R.A and I was skeptical at first but I was in so much pain in my wrist and hand I wanted to scream. Well I took a 250 mg Aleve and it took 2 hours to kick in but I must say thank goodness for Aleve. I still feel a small amount of discomfort but its nothing that will interfere with my day, I recommend this. Normally I take Tylenol but I think I like Aleve better. My first time taking it. Put it this way it won't hurt to try and I'm glad I did."

"I recently had my meniscus removed from my knee and am now dealing with arthritis in the knee, which is hampering my recovery. I started on naproxen and didn't realize how helpful it's been until I switched to a cream version. Within a day, I was in constant pain and could not exercise at all. I went back on the pill form and was back walking nearly normal before the 2nd dose."

"This pill is a super strength Rx form of Aleve. If you have chronic pain it's good for inflammation of the joints that narcotic meds just cover up. Take them for breakthrough pain prn with food. They can be hard on your tummy like Tylenol type meds. I've lived with severe pain since 1989. In 2003 I was crushed between my back bumper of my car after running outta gas and the front grill of a Blazer SUV. My left leg was degloved. After a long hospital stay and many surgeries they saved my leg by reconstruction. I finally found a pain management Dr after jumping thru lots of hoops. I always fear loosing my meds before. I get where I no longer needs. them one day ( I hope). Good luck to those that aren't so fortunate as to find a compassionate Dr."

"I have not had any side effects that I know of and I have been on this for about 2 years. It help's keep the pain away for a while and when it is bad it takes the sharp edge off the pain but I also use a hot water bottle for ease and comfort when it is bad."

"I took Naproxen for a week without taking Omeprazole. The doctor had said I should only take the Omeprazole if needed. By the time I needed it , the damage had been done. I had chronic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) caused by the Naproxen. You must take both at the same time. I was in agony."

"Started having naproxen 500 mg twice a day with Omeprazole for the last five weeks it seemed to work well with my arthritis in my hands, and with my new replacement knee. I now have had to stop this medication due to stomach issues. Pain in the stomach and Tar like stools (gastric bleed?). So it os back to the Doctor to seek an alternative medicine."

Aleve (naproxen) "I have Psoriatic Arthritis. I am weaning off Prednisone and in the early weeks of taking Plaquenil. I only take 1 Aleve every 24 hours. It seems to be working, but it's hard to know if it's the combination of the two or just one."

"I just started taking naproxen 375 mg twice a day and at first the pain in my hand went away. But then the side effects kicked in. Nauseated, dizzy, lethargic, black stool, vomiting, headaches and horrible neck pain. I am done with these pills. I am going back to Advil. That also worked for me. Even after both my hip replacements."

"After five consecutive days of being in constant and intolerable pain, the only medicine that reduced my pain was Naproxen 500 mg. No other medication or herbal medicine or ice helped me previously until I took Naproxen maybe because I have Celiac Disease Today after taking Naproxen is the first day I feel with less pain! after taking one pill."

Aleve (naproxen) "I just started taking Aleve. I take one every morning. So far, no bad side effects. It has definitely improved my joint pain and stiffness."

Aleve (naproxen) "Killed my stomach. Never had problems before taking this, and I took Aleve with food."

Aleve (naproxen) "It does help a bit with stiffness and swelling. Please be sure to drink plenty of water, as it can raise your creatinine levels and lead to kidney problems if you don't stay hydrated."

"This is like a miracle drug. I couldn't even get out of bed without pain. Now I am pain-free. Awesome."

"These pills are helping me with arthritis. I have arthritis all over the place, from my upper back all the way to my legs."

Naprosyn (naproxen) "This medicine made a great difference overnight for me."

"I only use when doing physical activity"

Aleve (naproxen) "When I have a severe onset of arthritis pain I take an Aleve. After about an hour I begin to feel relief and can start moving again. It has been a great product for me."

"Works well on inflammation, however I get a shortness of breath when I go for a run (this might not be related)."

"yes I find this drug ok for my condition. Thankfully I haven't experienced any side effects at moment. I have lost weight and pain has been reduced."

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Naproxen drug information
  • Naproxen Modified-Release Tablets
  • Naproxen Suspension
  • Naproxen Tablets and Capsules

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Anaprox, Flanax Pain Reliever, ... +6 more

Professional resources

  • Naproxen monograph
  • Naproxen (FDA)
  • Naproxen CR Tablets (FDA)
  • Naproxen Capsules (FDA)
  • Naproxen Delayed Release (FDA)
  • Naproxen Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Aleve, Naprosyn, Naprelan, All Day Pain Relief, All Day Relief

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  • Back Pain
  • Bursitis
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