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Generic Name: Neoral (cyclosporine)

Neoral Reviews

For Psoriasis "In the UK, after many years in the Middle East, my psoriasis, unnoticeable in the warm climate, returned as heavy scales on my arms, legs, and stomach. Prescribed Neoral, I was completely clear after six weeks with no side effects. After 20 months, my dose was reduced by 25%, and within three months, my psoriasis had returned although not as heavy. My dosage was changed back two weeks ago, and already there is a marked difference in my skin, hopefully, I will be clear again soon!"

For Immune Thrombocytopenia "After years struggling with acute Eczema, I was prescribed UVB 3 times a week. It worked for a while, then the effectiveness wore off slowly. Years later, after trying several medicines/creams I was prescribed Neoral 300mg/day. Within days I saw a remarkable recovery, within weeks I was mostly cured. The side effects I suffer from are minute compared to the suffering I have endured previously with Eczema. Most days my hands/feet are burning, so hot they feel cold, extreme temperatures, hot/cold seem to make it worse, when I wash my hands, I can't tell whether the water is ice cold or burning hot. Colds, flu, chest, ear and throat infections make up most of my winters but I still would prefer to take Neoral, than have debilating eczema."

For Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis "I had weight gain once I was use to taking this medicine In talking to other kidney transplant people that are on this medicine they have a weight gain also. My eating habits have not changed. Taking this medicine with water makes my stomach sick."

More about Neoral (cyclosporine)

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  • Pricing & coupons
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: calcineurin inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Neoral advanced reading
  • Neoral (Cyclosporine Capsules, Modified)

Other brands

Sandimmune, Gengraf

Professional resources

  • Neoral prescribing information
  • Cyclosporine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Sandimmune, Gengraf

Related treatment guides

  • Organ Transplant, Rejection Prophylaxis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis