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Generic Name: Dolophine (methadone)

Dolophine Reviews

For Chronic Pain "I’ve been on the medication Dolophine for 18-20 years now. My dosage is 20mg twice a day. While taking the methadone, I’m able to function normally and walk without much pain from severe nerve damage. Now my health care provider and numerous other pain management clinics are refusing to dispense it anymore! They keep informing me that my regular dose is “way too high” and dangerous to prescribe anymore! It’s interesting how those same physicians and health care providers didn’t mind handing it out for all that time! Now they want me off of it with no “reasonable” alternatives!"

For Chronic Pain "I have several back and spine problems. I was in a car accident 34 years ago and was not expected to survive. The older I get, the worse the pain and more surgeries are needed. I've been on about every pain medication. After taking one for a while, they stop working. I've now been taking methadone for 15 years, and it still works. Of course, I still deal with pain, but methadone helps better than any other medication I have taken. It truly gives me my life back. I'm still taking it today and don't know how I'd survive without it."

For Pain "This has been the best pain medication I have found to relieve my back and neck pain. It has been the hardest to get prescribed. I do not understand why other than the stigma it has for the maintenance use for heroin addicts. Unlike other pain medicines, it does not get me high, and it lasts more than a day, and I can get by on less than ten mg a day."

For Opiate Withdrawal "Methadone saved my life as I have addiction and pain. When first started on methadone, I was at rock bottom of addiction. I also just survived being run over by an SUV vehicle. I broke both hips and shattered my pelvis. I was in the hospital for 6 months. With a year of opiates before the accident, no pain medication would subside the pain. Now I have 9 years clean and sober, and I get a month of methadone at a time. I was supposed to never walk again or have kids, now I chase after my 2 kids every day. I thank God every day."

For Opiate Withdrawal "I had a bad accident in May 2007 and the doctors put me on Roxicodone. My life started to fall apart if I didn't have my meds, couldn't function. I missed a lot of work, outings with my kids, etc. In 2008, I decided to get help, so I got on methadone. Since then, being in treatment, I have gained so much of my life back. I can function now, go do things with my kids, and I am able to have a normal life again, like it used to be before my accident. If you ever have a situation like this, you need to try this."

For Chronic Pain "I have been on so many other pain meds that made me sick, and yes it was the one Dr. who cared about someone's pain that helped prescribe it to me. Methadone is great because it's the first thing I take and the last thing I take in a day, so I can have life without so much pain."

For Pain "This medication gave me my life back, after being on most every type of other opioid medication, and I mean everyone. I have many minor/major health problems related to chronic pain, neuropathy, and arthritis, barely able to walk. Within three months of intense physical therapy and 30 mg Q12hrs (once morning, once before bed), I have been able to work, walk with a limp but without a cane, no ups and downs like the fentanyl patches I had prescribed for a year, Roxicodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone IR and ER, and many more opioids that seemed to give the euphoria that, of course, most people would become either physically dependent or develop an addiction disorder, which I suffered from both. After I spoke with my doctor, I was able to get on Methadone."

For Chronic Pain "I've been on 60 mg/day for the last 17 years after I developed multiple neuropathy issues in my extremities after chemotherapy treatment. I've tried everything else on the market that I can legally try. Methadone is the only thing that works and doesn't get me high as a kite or knock me out. I will warn anyone that this medication is very dangerous as far as CNS depression goes for the first two weeks of use. I was nodding off all over the place! The great thing is that this goes away after the first few weeks. After the initial period, I have noticed very few side effects. The ones that I have are the usual constipation that all narcotics produce. This medication will lower testosterone levels after long-term use. (Longer than a year.)"

For Opiate Withdrawal "From 1989-1984 was a very heavy heroin addict. I got into a methadone program. This is important: I was started on 80 mg, went up to 150 mg for a few months, then ended up in a mental health hospital, was hallucinating, not sleeping for two weeks. The private clinic I was going to had a dispensing nurse stealing my dose. The police came to take me home, I was so paranoid I was checked for coke, meth, and methadone. NOTHING in my system. Not even methadone. My current doctor saved my life. Came to mental health, started me on 80 mg. Was out after a week. 20 years, it has saved my life. I'm 60 in May 2016, have a 20-year-old daughter, she had NO withdrawal at birth. Normal for over 20 years."

For Pain "I have been on this medicine for 3 years for pain relief for many problems. I take 10 mg 3 times a day, and I would suggest nothing else. I have been on other narcotics that have done nothing for me and got me all jazzed. This medicine does nothing like that. Methadone keeps you level-headed and does not have any side effects."

For Pain "I had tried many, if not Every pain med known to man. Hardware in my neck du to osteomyelitis. Excruciating nerve pain & damage due to Diabetes and Venous Insufficiency, COPD, Etc....Etc... Like I mentioned I've tried everything and the Methadone seemed to Help without the side effects. I was on over 100 mgs for quite a while which is why anything I tried for break-through pain was blocked by the methadone. I had spoken to my pain specialist about it and I am taking a giant southbound leap to half of what I've been taking for 2-weeks and see what happens and yes, I am "TERRIFIED". Wish me luck and I let you know about me endeavors."

For Opiate Withdrawal "I've been on methadone maintenance now for nearly three years. It truly saved my life. I am now back to being a productive member of society and believe it to be a gift. I have absolutely no desire to use opiates any longer."

For Pain "Methadone is my lifesaver. I have had back pain associated with nerve damage. Degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, bursitis and some other minor/major problems here and there. I was taking ten to twelve Percocets a day. I heard about clinics that give doses of methadone daily. I went and now I'm happy to get my methadone daily. I take nothing else and couldn't be happier. Methadone works the best for pain and its long-acting and I take it for opiate addiction as well. I'm on 50 mg and it just works great."

For Pain "Used lots of nonsteroidal drugs to fight back and leg pain. None of them seemed to work anymore. Doctor put me on Dolophine 20 mg 3x a day. It gave me my life back. I was at the point that I could not get out of bed in the morning."

For Pain "I have been taking methadone for about a year now. I was on Oxycontin for way to long and although the transition was a bit difficult but I made it through. I take between 3 and 5 10mg tabs a day and I do have relief from chronic back pain but I do feel as if I need more as it keeps feeling as if it gets less and less effective. Might have to up the dosage. "

For Pain "Retired age 46 on medical disability stage 3 heart condition. After several years of not working I had issues with back pain. I asked my M.D.for help, I received "OXYCONTIN" very costly $1400 for 30 day's dosage with up with time. So cost would become a issue but the problem with Oxycontin is that it effect's all phase's of your life in a negative way. I decided to go to a "Pain Management Clinic" There I found hordes of people there, long waiting times (4 to 5 hrs) & people who could barely walk. I did receive Methadone & it worked well. My issue now is that I want to reduce dosage in conjunction with Medical Marijuana & a TEN's Unit.They say I can't(Ohio Dispensaries Not Set-up until 2018)By the way it's not the same Pain Management Clinic."

For Pain "Methadone is a godsend for people who need it for pain."

For Pain "Complete pain relief at 10mg four times a day and able to function better than when on other opioids."

For Chronic Pain "Gave me my life back. The first thing I take in the morning and the last thing I take in the evening."

For Chronic Pain "Taking this medication lets me have a little bit of the life I had before my body became full of arthritis, it has been a godsend."

For Chronic Pain "Is very good for chronic pain without very many side effects. Very effective."

For Pain "I have been on methadone for 5 years, with no side effects and excellent pain relief. I take 30 mgs 4 times a day."

For Opiate Withdrawal "Was on methadone for 4 years, worked well."

For Pain "I take Methadone 5 mg for pain and it works. Has side effects of drowsiness and dry mouth, drink water thru the day. Best medication for pain."

More about Dolophine (methadone)

  • Check interactions
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  • Drug images
  • Latest FDA alerts (5)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Dolophine advanced reading

Other brands

Methadose, Methadone Diskets

Professional resources

  • Dolophine prescribing information
  • Methadone Hydrochloride (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Pain
  • Chronic Pain
  • Opiate Withdrawal