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Generic Name: Ortho Tri-Cyclen (ethinyl-estradiol-norgestimate)

Ortho Tri-Cyclen Reviews

For Birth Control "I love this birth control! I've been on it for about 2 months. The first month was rough. I was very gassy, moody, my breasts were so tender (still kind of are), and I spotted for a week, then had a heavy, painful period for another week. However, it was so worth it, how great it's been since getting past that first month! My face is clearer, my hormones are in check, my breasts are bigger, but I haven't gained weight anywhere else, and I'm not pregnant! (And I don't use condoms.) I would definitely suggest it."

For Acne "I am never one to post reviews anywhere, but I just had to for this drug for anyone out there who is still battling with acne. I’m in my mid-20s and suffered from acne for almost 3 years. I’ve tried everything and spent $$$ just to get rid of it. Birth control pills were prescribed by my derma, but the first brand that he gave me (Alesse) made me depressed and way too emotional, so I had to ditch that one. Tried to switch to another one, but I’ve suffered way too many side effects and tried two more before I landed on Ortho Tri-Cyclen. I’m on my 3rd month of using it, and I have zero acne, not a whitehead on my face right now. I’ve had a breakout in my first month of using it, mostly around my chin and jaw area, but after that batch cleared up, I haven’t worried about acne anymore. Best one I’ve tried and will be on this pill for as long as I can!"

For Acne "28-year-old, healthy/active nurse. I have always had minor acne since college, but nothing like what I had a year ago last summer (2011). I blame it on YAZ for messing up my hormones. Painful cystic acne covered my jawline and forehead. I'm talking about 20 cysts at a time. I tried every OTC wash, organic products, and eliminated caffeine, sugar, and dairy, you name it. Nothing worked. Even though I did not want to go on the pill, I had to. I used ORTHO TRI-CYCLEN (not the generic) for almost 7 months, and finally, it's almost clear. It was bad the first few months, but I stuck with it. Give it time. PS: The generic is not the same as the real thing. Different fillers cause different reactions!"

For Birth Control "I've been on this pill for the past 8 years. I absolutely love it! After having tried 2 different types of birth control pills before I found this one. This is the one for me, it cleared up my acne within a month of taking it. I've had no weight gain or weight loss, no headaches, normal cramps, and a shorter period (4-5 days)."

For Birth Control "The positive I had on this medication was having great, clear skin. But the negatives very heavily outweigh the positives. I've been on this for a month and a half and already have to stop taking it. I get constant headaches, my mood swings are off the wall (affecting my boyfriend and I's relationship), nausea, difficulty concentrating, irrational thoughts, and depression. Switching off of this immediately. If you are prone to depression, DO NOT take this pill!"

For Birth Control "I started taking birth control pills a few years ago, but after trying 5 or 6 different ones, I started taking OTC. This is the ONLY pill I have tried that does not make me bleed through half the pack, clears up my acne to an extent, does not affect my mood, and makes my cramps basically nonexistent. It is a miracle pill for me. I think because it has varying amounts of hormones each week that mimic your own cycle, it works better for many women. I have not experienced any difference in my weight, I've started working out since I began taking this pill and have lost a little weight. The thing I am happiest about, though, is that I do not have breakthrough bleeding."

For Birth Control "I've been taking Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, but I was told that Ortho Tri-Cyclen would be free through my insurance if I switched. So I did. I never had a problem on OTCL, and my doctor said that OTC would be pretty much the same and I wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. WRONG!!! This pill is absolutely awful. I'm always pissed at everyone. I lose my cool over the smallest things. I'm crying about everything, and I'm never happy. My boobs feel like they've gained 20 pounds and are always hurting. My sleep patterns are so crazy, and I'm always tired. My boyfriend thinks this pill has made me into bridezilla. I only have 3 days left. Thank goodness. Not pregnant, but not worth all this grief. I'd much rather pay $30 a month to be happy."

For Acne "So my acne before was mild, but I was told it would start clearing my acne in the third month. I am finishing my third month, and my skin is much, much worse than it was. I am left with red markings/scars everywhere all over my face, and I am at my wit's end. I am torn between continuing or giving up."

For Birth Control "I haven't gotten pregnant on this pill, hence, I gave it a 10 for effectiveness. I have been on it for 6 months. I have gained 27 lbs on my 5-foot frame. Month one, I started noticing a decline in my sex drive. My flawless face became a pepperoni pizza. Still didn't get off the pill. The last couple of weeks, I started having this feeling of not wanting to do anything anymore. Did not want to work, nor go to school, and started doubting my feelings for my boyfriend. I started crying like a crazy person. It was just hard for me to get up. I was sleepy all the time. I am getting off this."

For Birth Control "This pill made me an irritable, moody, depressed mess. I would fly off the handle at the drop of a hat and was constantly agitated. It was awful for me, and I would never take it again. It did manage to clear my skin pretty well, and also, my breasts were a little bit more full, but it was not worth the emotional issues it caused me. I recently stayed on it for 3 months as recommended to see if side effects would lessen, but they did not. The first time I ever took this medicine, I was 19 and ended up on anti-depressants because I didn't realize it was the birth control pill causing my mood swings and depression. This led to a tailspin of anti-depressant madness for the next 5 years, and not one doctor ever told me I should try a different birth control pill."

For Acne "I recently got married, so my husband and I started discussing different birth control methods and decided on the pill. I have suffered from acne since I was 13, and when I found Ortho Tri-Cyclen, approved to treat acne, I thought it would be a good pill for me to try. My experience on Ortho so far has been positive. I have been on the pill for three months (my third pack) and have had no negative side effects. I have been happier, haven't gained any noticeable weight, no mood swings, way lighter/shorter periods, no pregnancy, and larger breasts. I'm a bit disappointed because my acne has only slightly improved but hasn't worsened. Maybe if I remain on the pill longer, my acne will completely disappear. Overall, I'm happy and will remain on Ortho Tri-Cyclen."

For Birth Control "I've been on different pills for the past 7 years due to extreme period cramps and acne as well but I've been on this Ortho TriCyclen for 2 years and I just want to say that Birth control does NOT affect your weight. It affects your appetite hence the fact we gain weight. The reason I know is because Its easy for me to gain and lose while on the pill if I eat a lot I gain instantly. If I exercise and eat healthy same thing! I lose a lot faster on this pill. This pill makes it easy for me to maintain my weight due to the lifestyle I live! My acne has cleared up dramatically and my cramps are gone and my period lasts between 4-5 days. I always use condoms but gave it an 8 due to loss in sex drive but other than that, it's great pill!"

For Birth Control "I am 18 and have been on tri-cyclen since I was 16. The first 3 months of taking the pill were rough, I was always tired, gained a little weight, and had mood swings. HOWEVER, as it says on the pill pack instructions and through personal experience, as you continue to take it, all of the symptoms go away. I am back to my normal weight (I am 5'2" 108 pounds), not tired anymore, have 100% clear skin, and extremely short, painless periods. I have even forgot to take a pill and it never failed to work, making these great for girls who are just starting birth control. These are low dose so weight gain is NOT a symptom!!! Most of the negative reviews are from women (who are advised not to take oral contraceptives, 35 years old)"

For Acne "I was put on Ortho Tri-Cyclen because I have been struggling with bad acne for a few years and my dermatologist asked if my periods are regular, and they are not because they come a few days late every time. So she told me in order to fix your acne I need for your hormones to be normal and all. I was put on this medication, and this medication worked really, really well. My oily skin was GONE, and my acne was also completely GONE. I couldn't believe it. BUT one month into taking this pill, I noticed my hair thinning. I thought it was stress. At the end of the 3rd month of taking this pill, I realized it wasn't stress, it's the side effect of the pill. So I stopped taking this pill."

For Acne "I was prescribed this birth control because I have moderate to severe acne. I doubted this birth control was strong enough to battle it because I have tried everything non-prescription in the pharmacy to treat it over 4 years. I noticed it reduced my oil production on my face but really did nothing overall for my acne in the first 6 months. Then slowly, my acne started to disappear. I didn't even notice it was vanishing until 8 months in. Then I stopped using harsh chemicals to help get rid of them. After that, I had tons of blazing red acne scars and redness galore. Now, as I'm 12 months in, the redness is reducing and the acne scars are starting to fade. I recommend this if you want a birth control pill acne solver 2 in 1 and are willing to wait for results."

For Acne "I've been taking this birth control for about 7 months and have no real complaints. It cleared up my skin fairly well. I still break out a little but not as badly as I did before. It regulated my period and shortened it, and while I still get cramps, I no longer get back cramps or ones that physically make me sick. This birth control made my depression and mood swings, which I was already having, slightly worse, but nothing a higher dose anti-depressant didn't fix. My breasts were very tender for a few months, and I gained a cup size. I gained a little weight at first until I realized the pill was making me hungry, but with exercise and a balanced diet, I'm back to my original weight. Overall, I say it's worth a try."

For Acne "After experiencing moderate to severe acne breakouts for all 4 of my high school years, my doctor prescribed me to Lornya, AKA Yaz or Gianvi. Being on Lornya actually made my acne breakouts worse, I waited it out to see if it was an adjustment period, but after 10 months I had a conversation with my doctor. She was ready to put me on accutane, but my mom didn't want to settle for that, so she did some research. I tried ortho tri-cyclen. After 3 months, my swollen lesions slowly disappeared. It honestly was a miracle. I never believed I could be confident without makeup, but this pill changed my life! Going on this medication was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I would highly recommend it to anyone who struggles with acne. :)"

For Birth Control "So thankful this was the first pill my Doc recommended. Absolutely amazing pill! My main concern was weight gain by starting b/c... But I've actually lost 10 pounds since being on this pill. My skin has cleared up. Periods last 3-4 days very light. No cramps. ONLY issue was the first 3 months I kept experiencing a few yeast infections... But that issue stopped as soon as I started taking a daily probiotic. I will admit sometimes I am moody & emotional but I don't know if I can blame the pill entirely lol. My appitite is up & down at times but honestly that's all about self-control. So overall I'm so happy with this pill and I plan on staying on it until I'm ready for kiddies"

For Birth Control "I'm using this pill for the second time -- for the last few years, I didn't need birth control as the man I was committed to had a vasectomy. The first time I used Ortho TriCyclen I was 18 and continued use until 21. Now I'm 25 and have been using it again for 2 months now. I love this pill! The only negatives I've experienced have been very mild and include slight weight gain (5 lbs), but mainly in the breasts and hips (and whoever complained about looking more like an hourglass??), and I've also, after two periods on it, have noticed that my periods are more painful. It's not awful in my case, I never really had a problem with cramping anyway without the pill. But, my periods are very light, short (2-3 days), and manageable. No complaints!"

For Acne "I have had acne since I was 12 (I'm 21 now) and this did not clear me up completely but my acne is definitely better, they aren't as big, or painful, less cystic acne. The first week it I was very emotional and nauseous but when it passed everything was fine. I also did not gain weight nor did my hair get thinner, or I don't notice because I have naturally thick, curly hair. I do recommend Ortho Tri Cyclen."

For Birth Control "It made me bloated, very moody, depressed, and gained 17 pounds and kept on gaining until switched to a different pill. It did its job, prevents pregnancy but definitely makes you gain a lot of weight. Got off the pill lost the 15 pounds within 2 weeks..."

For Birth Control "This Is An Amazing Birth Control. I've Been On This For Five Years And Counting. I Never Got Pregnant, My Menstrual Last About 3-4 Days(Regular Period ) ,No Cramps, Face Is Clear Of Acne, From Time To Time Ive Gotten Moody But Overall I Love It! I'm Looking Forward To Getting Off And Starting A Family."

For Acne "Im writing this because reading this same page is what ultimately convinced me to give birth control a try for my stubborn, cystic, HORMONAL acne. If you've tried everything in the book for acne like I have, (antibiotics, prescribed antibiotics, every OTC cream and wash on the market, DIY...) and it's been as a relentlessly tiring experience- please try BCPs. After talking w my dr, she said that after a week I should see a difference bc thats when your body adjusts. After a week seeing not only no difference but seemingly worse cystic acne all around my chin (my number #1 problem area) I ended up back on here and countless other websites to refer to other people's experiences. And thank god I did- GIVE IT TIME!!!! That's the key to this."

For Birth Control "I've been using this pill for approximately 2.5 years. I have never had any trouble with it, never gotten pregnant. Disclaimer: I DO take it everyday, hardly ever skip, and when I do forget, I double up the next day, so I think I've got myself covered. I did not experience weight gain (but I'm pretty physically active 5'3 120lbs). Cramps, well sometimes but not bad, no problems with acne, no mood swings (unless I'm ON my period, but that's a given). If you're young and seriously unprepared for the risk of having a child, I would recommend making sure your partner STILL uses a condom even if you're on birth control, trust me (3 Years and its worked for, knock on wood)."

For Birth Control "In my opinion, this pill really has many positive things to it. I've had no moods swings. I've been able to control my weight so much easier on this pill and my periods have been lighter and shorter. The only problem the first week I used it I've been nauseated. Other than that great pill."

More about Ortho Tri-Cyclen (ethinyl estradiol / norgestimate)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives

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  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen drug information
  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen (28)

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  • Ortho Tri-Cyclen prescribing information

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Sprintec, Estarylla, Tri-Sprintec, Mili, ... +21 more

Related treatment guides

  • Acne
  • Birth Control
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Endometriosis
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition