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Generic Name: Paxil CR (paroxetine)

Paxil CR Reviews

For Major Depressive Disorder "Well, all I have to say is just try Paxil CR. My life has been changed. I am taking 25 mg, which I started from 12 mg. It is a great medicine. Now it's been 3 months, and I feel like I got my life back. Most importantly, don't forget your personal prayer."

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I have been dealing with anxiety all my life. I thought that was how everyone lived. Last year, I had a debilitating episode of anxiety and finally sought help. After hearing my history, the doctors wanted me to get on SSRIs asap. I resisted at first due to fears, but eventually relented. Started with 20mg a day of Paxil, was on that dose for three months, and I still had some anxiety. Went up to 30mg, and after the new dose kicked in, I have never felt better. It has been a year at 30mg, and my anxiety is gone, not just health anxiety but social anxiety, and money anxiety. My mind finally works the way it was meant to, and I owe it all to Paxil."

For Anxiety "It will do nothing negative. Give it a try to enjoy life. Life is short. Don't take the burden of social anxiety and panic attacks for your whole life. If you still feel terrible when taking Paxil, use Inderal as well, and you will see an improvement in life. My score for Paxil CR is 9/10 in just days. P.S. If you ignore this illness, it will give you IBS, high BP, anxiety, messes with career goals, gives heart problems, sleep problems, low energy, you need short naps, always low confidence, and so on. I avoided medicines from age 18 to 28 years and now finally I took the step for Paxil. Stay blessed ...."

For Depression "I tried so many medications before like Prozac and Zoloft. I can't remember the rest, but they made me sick or suicidal. I've been on Paxil CR 12.5 for 10 years and never increased, and it is the best one for me. I cannot live my life without Paxil. It has made me a better person, mother, sister, and friend."

For Anxiety "I have health-related anxiety issues. Ten years ago, I took 25 mg Paxil CR for about a year, and it was a life-saver. No side effects, no withdrawal issues. A month ago, my anxiety returned for a new reason. My doctor started me on 20 mg citalopram. I think I had every side effect possible and it made my anxiety worse. I switched to 12.5 mg Paxil CR, and within three days, I was a new person. For me, there is no better medicine."

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I started using it a week ago, and within 4 days, it felt like the dark cloud surrounding me lifted. My circumstances are exactly the same, I can just handle it better and now start working on issues. It saved my life."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I first tried Paxil immediate release and the dry mouth I got from it was unbearable so I had to stop taking it. My doctor switched me to Paxil CR and I haven't experienced any side effects from the extended release version. It absolutely helps by keeping me out of a depressive episode. Paxil is really the only antidepressant that works for me according to a DNA test I had done. Paxil CR has changed my life for the better."

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "At 60 years old I finally decided to stop living with GAD. and started Paxil CR. Best decision ever. I feel "normal". I used to drive my kids crazy and dwell and ruminate. Not any more! It's been 2 years on 20 mg"

For Panic Disorder "Paxil CR has made a great impact on my quality of life. I started menopause and was dealing with stressful family health issues, both beginning at the same time. I began to suffer from panic attacks and was overly sensitive to everything. I was taking Lexapro, which did not help at all. Paxil CR has been a godsend for me."

For Anxiety "I took Paxil CR for anxiety for about 3 years. My max dosage was 67.5mg a day, which is too high. Paxil worked amazing for me for about 2 years at 37.5mg a day. After 2 years it started to lose efficacy, and that's when they kept raising my dosage. My main side effects were increased appetite (gained 20 lbs) and excessive sleepiness. Some nights I would sleep for 18-20 hours unintentionally. This was somewhat problematic. This drug did give me my life back when it worked and it did work very well for my anxiety for 2 years. Despite what people say, tapering off Paxil was not hard at all. My psychiatrist said that this is one of the stronger SSRI's that generally works fast and is great for anxiety."

For Social Anxiety Disorder "Shortly after I started Paxil- one to two weeks, I was a totally changed person. I felt so upbeat, could speak without any inhibition to any person or situation. I felt lightened and brightened... better than I can ever remember!! Then I developed the complication of several episodes of a really strong, accelerated heart beat rate that felt like my heart was going to fly up & out of my throat. My doctor of course took me off of it. I still yearn to try it again & see if I might have an improved outcome. I wish I knew the likelihood of being successful a second time. It improved my work, personal & any other social situation I can think of!!!"

For Social Anxiety Disorder "After taking this medicine for only second month now. I am feeling on cloud 9 . I had psychosexual generated erectile dysfunction. I use to discharge only within 10 seconds to 30 seconds before taking Paxil CR 12.5 now 25 mg. Now I can have sex now . I am now in driver seat of intercourse journey with controlled erection up to 30 minutes. Now I have confidence to please my lady."

For Depression "I have been taking this medication with a few others for 6 years. It’s by far the best one I’ve tried. This with vyvanse helps control my PTSD, anxiety and depression. I read so many bad reviews about this. I was terrified. But it’s been a godsend. I take 25mgs of the CR and I have my life back. It’s the best antidepressant I’ve tried. I remember being really tired for the first week. But that goes away. Side effects are like non existent compared to some others"

For Depression "I have been on Paxil for a long time, years. I was hospitalized for my bipolar disorder, and they increased the dose from 20 to 40 mg. I got very agitated and very out of sorts. When I saw my psychiatrist, she put the dose back to 20 mg, and I'm doing good again. More isn't always better!"

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have taken Paxil close to 6 years. If you want quick results this pill is not it. It takes awhile for it to kick-in. Once you feel the benefits of Paxil, you will notice. The pros for me are higher then the cons (side effects). This week is my first week at 37.5 (Paxil ER). I took 30mg for 3-4 years. I’m really excited to start this mew dosage. It’s hard to find the right SSRI, I went through a few brands and dosages years ago. Will keep you guys updated on my 37.5mg."

For Anxiety "I was taking Paxil for both depression and anxiety. It worked very well for me for the past four years. My husband could definitely tell the difference, and if I missed a dose, the effect was immediate. However, I was not aware that it could cause weight gain, and I have gained over 40 pounds even though I am eating healthy and exercising."

For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder "I was prescribed Paxil 10 mg for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. I've been taking it for two weeks, and I feel so much better! It also helps with my social anxiety as well. I feel calmer, centered, and more assertive. It makes me less emotional and somewhat experience 'flat effect,' which could be bad in certain situations. In the first two days, I felt very nauseated and couldn't eat and lost 5 pounds. However, I noticed my appetite has increased and I'm watching my weight! So far, so good. (Note: SSRIs work differently on pre-menstrual women, and improvements seem to occur in the very first cycle, at least in my case.)"

For Anxiety "I was taking Prozac for a few years to treat my symptoms of depression, but I could still feel anxiety and irrational fears (like being alone in the house). Then my therapist suggested switching to Paxil CR, and my whole world has changed. I'm not scared anymore, and I feel a lot better. I am optimistic, enthusiastic, outgoing, etc. Paxil works for me."

For Anxiety "I love Paxil. It was a game changer for me. I wish I would have known that I could take something that wouldn't make me feel like a zombie, made me feel normal, and keep me from tearing up all the time. Been on it for years. My doctor says that I could be the poster child for Paxil. I recommend it highly."

For Depression "HUGE weight gain! From 135 lbs up to 205 lbs and there didn't seem to be any way to lose the weight. I am not an eater, or a snacker, if anything I can't manage breakfast and I eat a healthy sandwich for lunch and can only manage 1/2 the meal that my husband eats at night. For me, depression = loss of appetite."

For Anxiety "I have always had name brand paxil because generic never worked it was made by GSK They no longer make this medicine. So they gave me a generic medicine without telling me anything. I lost 22 pounds in 2 months my whole face has tingling , I thought I was having a stroke I contacted company that sold the medicine which I had paid for out of pocket 703.20 , they stated this is now made by apotex, after 21 years of having great luck with the GSK Paxil. I am sorry to say this product is very different from the GSK product. I will no longer be with this medication! I felt no serotonin was in the product and that it affected a different part of my brain. Would not want anyone else to take this medicine which just started selling 1/1/21."

For Social Anxiety Disorder "I am 29 years old I am taking paxil CR. For the six years before taking paxil I tried on citalopram and Ecitalopram but they didn’t work for me. So then my Docter advised me to start on PAXIL CR. it changed my life. My depression and anxiety gone after 1 week and become a new person . But I have a bit problem whenever there are I have something stressful like an exam , interviews or any other related situation. Then I become so pressurized and stressed but this is the only problem now and my all other anxiety problems are eliminated now."

For Depression "I have been on Paxil CR for a little over a month. I have previously taken Zoloft, Lexapro, and Prozac and none of them worked as well as this drug. I was constantly agitated on the Lexapro and Prozac and they didn't seem to help with the depression. Zoloft just made me feel weird. Each drug is different for each person but this one works the best for me so far. I feel calm and happy during the day. The only problem with it for me, and it is a big one, is that I can't sleep! I will spend hours in bed with my eyes open, tired, but unable to actually fall asleep. I then have a hard time waking up but once I do then I am awake and not groggy. I am going to talk to my Doctor about it and hopefully he will have a solution."

For Panic Disorder "Pros: I was suffering from anxiety attacks since age of 16 and the frequency of these attacks and generalized anxiety and panic attacks are increasing with age I have been on several medications but none have worked for me as Paxil does. I started with 12.5 mg CR and then 25mg after breakfast it started working for me after 3 to 4 weeks. My panic attacks are gone and after six months I have my life back I can go out with friends, I can drive on highways without any fear of having a panic attack. I feel like this disorder never occurred to me I am very satisfied with this drug and it restores my confidence and I can enjoy my life normally . Cons: Delayed Ejaculation / Very low sex drive (25mg) not with 12.5 mg Weight Gain"

For Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder "Paxil CR is very effective for PMDD anxiety, mood swings, suicidal thoughts. Very effective for my social anxiety. I had mild to moderate bothersome side effects that lasted 2 to 4 weeks when I first started. I was worried about side effects but they weren't that bad. I am very glad I started this medication"

More about Paxil CR (paroxetine)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Paxil CR drug information

Other brands

Brisdelle, Pexeva

Professional resources

  • Paxil CR prescribing information
  • PARoxetine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Brisdelle, Pexeva

Other formulations

  • Paxil

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Dysautonomia
  • Depression
  • Postmenopausal Symptoms