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Generic Name: Prednisone for Osteoarthritis (prednisone)

Prednisone for Osteoarthritis Reviews

"My husband has a disc bulge in his neck and osteoarthritis in his neck. He suffers from daily chronic pain and severe migraines ranging from a 3 to a 10, with 10 being the worst. He has taken opiates, NSAIDs, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, topical cream, done physio, massage, Botox, trigger point, IMS, chiro... this has been going on for years. Yesterday he started on 50 mg prednisone (3 days), and his pain was down to a 2 last night. Today he is like a totally different man, skipping and smiling, getting ready for work (this never happens as he dreads work because of the pain and misses at least one day a week). I asked him where his pain was (scale of 1-10) as is our normal routine in the morning. He looked at me and said zero."

"I have lower back disc herniations that aren't helped by epidural injections and need surgery, so my family MD says. I have not been to a neurosurgeon. Yet. I was given prednisone in a dose pack, 40 mg for 3 days, 30 mg for 3 days, etc. It was a tremendous help. I was able to bend again without pain. The family MD is very strict about dose levels. He will only give me that tapering dose twice a year. I have been planning my vacations and special events around it. Now I have obtained prednisone generic from an Indian manufacturer without a prescription. I am doing more of these tapers a year with great relief. I know I am taking a risk in many areas, but the pain was too great. I am happy with my decision."

"Experiencing tremendous lower back pain, swollen hands, shoulder, and elbow due to osteoarthritis. I have been taking prednisone, low dose 2 mg, for a week now, and the pain is down. Sometimes you have to weigh the risk against the pain! If the doctor will give it, I will take it long term."

"I recently had an arthritis flare- up in my lower back. The sciatica pain was almost unbearable. I have just received this drug and I feel as though it is a miracle. I did have some slight dizziness, but other than that the relief is worth it. I am only able to take Tylenol. It does not work well for serious pain and I was taking the maximum dose. I went to an urgent care center this week and after x-rays, the doctor prescribed this drug. I wish I could take a very small dose every day. My dose is fairly large- fifty mgs every twenty-four hours for one week."

"I have osteoarthritis. I have used prednisone twice . I had a second flare up and after day 2 I could function with no pain at all. I do not think from what I have read that I can stay on it long term. Just flare ups and use Ibuprofen which does take the edge off. I wish I could take prednisone longer because it gives me my life back."

"Long term Arthritis..where nothing touches NECK pain! Ready to spend hours with a heating pad on the back of my neck today, I decided to do a little more research, and happened across this post! I got some prednisone, a small piece of one and I am flabbergasted!! The pain is about 90% GONE! Many, many thanks to this column!"

"I have liver disease and can't have anti-inflammatory. One shot of prednisone, and the next morning every ache and pain had vanished - couldn't believe it. Effect lasted for about 3 weeks and slowly disappeared."

"Severe muscle spasm in lower lumbar region, couldn't stand as I couldn't bear any weight without severe pain and would just collapse. Doctor prescribed me prednisone on a tapered prescription along with painkillers and muscle relaxants. Prednisone was fantastic within two days I was back on my feet and on sixth day managed a return eight hour flight home which I was dreading! An X-ray confirmed osteoarthritis in my lower spine. Prednisone gave me my freedom and future back. ps I'm writing this at 3am as the side effects are that I don't sleep throughout the whole night. I will be asking my doctor at home for prednisone if this happens again as its more effective than painkillers."

"Prednisone is a miracle drug. It has the singular capacity to attack seeking/inflammation at its core. There’s no reason to chance liver damage with OTC’s for osteoarthritis. While surgery will likely be required, prednisone can keep me working until then. Using 10-20 mgs daily"

"Still trying to figure out what I have, but flairs of immobilizing severe low back pain coupled with severe sciatica, cervical pain and hand aches come to me a few times a year. NSAID's can't touch it. Prednisone 20mg, 2x per day, for 5 days, makes me feel whole again for 4 to 6 weeks.... longer if I'm lucky. The only side effect for me was that they can make me moody, but not so bad. I've taken them for 10 days before, but I did have other side effects when taking the longer, like weakness and leg swelling. I'll stick to 5 days."

"I took this more pain in my shoulder - I had a shoulder replacement years ago. I have had trouble with my bowels for years, colitis, diarrhea, etc. I usually take 2 loperamide to keep it somewhat under control. The very next day after taking prednisone, my bowels suddenly calmed down. I feel like a changed person. I have been experiencing normal bowels now for 4 days so far, no explosions, sudden urges to evacuate. Next time I talk with my primary physician, I will tell her about this."

"I took my prescribed 4 tabs (40 mg) of Prednisone for severe thoracic back pain, because I was unable to get in for spine injections. My spine team had advised me to take a half-tab of Fluconazole with it, because I went septic from a yeast infection after my last injection set. (I don't have a spleen, so yeast infections are common.) I couldn't cut the tab, so I just took the full tab of Fluconazole. BIG MISTAKE. I had a massive overdose from the Prednisone -- ringing ears, confusion, nausea, a desperate urge to fall asleep even from a standing position. I went to go drink a bunch of water, but vomited instead, and immediately felt much better. It took me 5 hours before I felt safe enough to fall asleep (and hopefully wake up again in the morning). Turns out antifungals are a MAJOR contraindication and should not be taken together. That was a nearly fatal mistake. I'm now purchasing activated charcoal, laxatives, and electrolytes in case something like this happens again."

"Had a S1-L4 laminectomy microdisectomy in January of 2020 for pinched sciatic. Also, have stenosis. Sure Prednisone helps but I am a diabetic, Prednisone raised my sugar level was unable to continue Prednisone. I suggest speaking with prescribing physician if you have diabetes."

"Have used prednisone for systemic osteoarthritis flare-ups in my hands and back. It is a wonder drug, nothing works as well!"

"Prednisone has to be one of the most vile tasting drugs out there. If the taste problem could be fixed, taking it wouldn’t be so bad. On the plus side, it has given me better relief than NSAIDS."

"Marginal relief that is not worth the side effects and general dangerousness of the drug."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prednisone drug information
  • Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Prednisone Tablets
  • Prednisone Oral Concentrate
  • Prednisone Oral Solution

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos, Sterapred, Prednicot, Sterapred DS

Professional resources

  • Prednisone monograph
  • Prednisone (FDA)
  • Prednisone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome