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Generic Name: Prednisone for Psoriasis (prednisone)

Prednisone for Psoriasis Reviews

"I have been experiencing horrible psoriasis on my feet that had me depressed. Then, I started to also experience joint pain (in almost every joint). After a million tests, my rheumatologist prescribed me prednisone, and honestly, after all the bad reviews, I didn't want to take it, but thank God after a couple of months I did. My psoriasis cleared up dramatically! It's like a miracle that I hope is not short-lived... If you are dealing with severe psoriasis and haven't had any relief, I would highly suggest you at least try it short term. It will change your life for the better..."

"I have had psoriasis for years, but it turned really bad a few years ago. The tops of my feet were completely raw, oozing, and unhealable. I finally went to the dermatologist, who wanted to run patch tests, but I insisted he treat me at once. I was prescribed prednisone for a ~2 week period with methotrexate and blood testing to assure no liver damage. My skin was completely clear everywhere, for the first time in my life - for at least 2 years. Also, using OTC moisturizers daily has helped."

"Predisone made my psoriasis worse - experienced lots of new patches and of a different type whilst taking it. Had plaque psoriasis at the start and during the dosage developed guttate, pustular and inverse patches which had not been present prior to starting the drug. And I got nearly all the side effects."

"Prednisone seem to work for the two weeks but immediately, immediately after the last dose it caused rebound. I went from 40% covered to 90% covered and it was severe. Prednisone and oral steroids have a tendency to cause rebound full flare after use in psoriasis patients."

"On the first day of takin prednisone the itch stop and the psoriasis started to disappear, but mine was not severe "thank God " my only worries is that it keeps you up at night and I love to sleep, lol and I hope I don't get any hair loss, lol"

"Started taking prednisone it cleared up my psoriasis really quickly my course came to an end after 6 weeks it then came back 5x as bad has before. I then asked my GP for a second course he wasn't happy to give me them but I was desperate for some relief, I started on my 2nd 6 week course again completely cleared up and now its returned again I have pustular psoriasis on my feet and some days can't walk unfortunately this is just temporary relief for me"

"Had wide spread of psoriasis and prurigo. Rash and hives at night, so I could not sleep. Doctor gave me a steroid shot + 10 days of 20mg prednisone. It was like magic 90% clearing and my skin had not felt this good in the last two years. It will be temporary but gives me time to seek a biologic instead of the standard Dermatologist treatment with Clobetasol etc."

"I took this steroid for 6 weeks starting from 6 tablets of 5mg a day going down a tablet each week. As soon as you finish your dose, the psoriasis goes completely crazy. It becomes darker and you get more flare ups especially at night. Every night for me. I would never recommend these steroids."

"I had Polymyalgia rheumatica and for this I was given slow release methylprednisolone injections every 6 weeks for 4 years (it was tapered off from 120mg to 5mg) it cleared up my psoriasis and I was free of it for 12 years, but it’s slowly coming back now."

"I use Prednisone mostly in season change as I get flare-ups around those times. It is a life changer and helps so much with self-confidence. It pops up in the worst places and can be very demoralizing. I would suggest trying it for 2 weeks. Everyone is unique and the effects may be different for everyone as one can see in the comments."

"I have Psoriasis bad on my face and used prednisone 4 different times now it works like a miracle but after 2 days of not being on it my psoriasis comes back mad as ever! I just want relief"

"This drug gave me a voracious appetite and did nothing to improve my plaque psoriasis."

"I have psoriasis on my hands and was prescribed prednisone. And yes it cleared my psoriasis up in under 2 weeks but the side effects of this drug are worse then the psoriasis is. Horrible!!!"

"Prednisone is the only way I can get any relief. I have tried everything throughout the years."

"Tried it for a 5 day course for severe psoriasis. No improvement."

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  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prednisone drug information
  • Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Prednisone Tablets
  • Prednisone Oral Concentrate
  • Prednisone Oral Solution

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos, Sterapred, Prednicot, Sterapred DS

Professional resources

  • Prednisone monograph
  • Prednisone (FDA)
  • Prednisone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome