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Generic Name: Prednisone for Skin Rash (prednisone)

Prednisone for Skin Rash Reviews

"I've done the Prednisone treatment for severe poison ivy twice in my life, around 30 years ago and right now. In both instances, the rashes and blistering were severe, and my skin was screaming for relief from the itching. Both times, the Prednisone effect took up to 6 hours to become noticeable, but once that started, the relief became incremental, albeit slowly. The rashes and blisters started to slowly dry after 12 hours or so, with the redness and swelling becoming noticeably less after 18 hours. Any sort of warmth on my arms (where the contact occurred) for another couple of days seemed to bring back the redness and worsen the itching, but holding them under cold tap water for a while would stop that. After the 3rd dose (72 hours), I didn't even think about the rashes and blisters nor the itching, and the tough part was reminding myself to finish out the dosage. The dosage per day (mg) was: 40-40-40, 30-30-30, 20-20-20, 10-10-10 (12 days)"

"I was prescribed 50mg Prednisone once a day very early in the morning for 5 days. My rash was severe. After day 2, I noticed a difference, and the rash... after day 5... is just visible under my skin. I had no side effects. Slept fine. Ate fine. Was not super thirsty. No stomach problems. I feel like I have been saved!"

"I had a very severe poison ivy rash that started out the size of a dime and rapidly spread within days to both my legs, calves, thighs, hands, and face. No creams or ointments helped, it kept spreading and was very angry-looking. It was so bad that the blisters were draining/dripping down my legs. I ended up going to the doctor, and he prescribed me Prednisone. This is no lie — within MINUTES of taking this medication, I could feel the itching and terrible burning finally relieve itself! Then only 6 HOURS LATER, the redness surrounding the blisters was GONE! 12 hours later I took my next recommended dosage, and the swelling and open sores were closed and looked nearly healed by nighttime. The 2nd day I had zero itching, burning, or pain, and the rash has dramatically healed. It’s half the size as yesterday, and I have no pain at all. This stuff is awesome, and I will never go without it whenever I find myself in trouble with poison ivy."

"I was prescribed a 5-day course of prednisone, 20 mg x 2 tabs per day. Prednisone did nothing to help alleviate my itchy rash. In fact, my rash accelerated and became inflamed, and significant swelling around my throat and face occurred."

"I got poison ivy or oak or sumac on my neck, very bad. Blistering, oozing, red, swollen, and I had a pocket of water underneath my skin. Went to the doctor, prescribed me hydrocortisone cream. 1 week later my forearms started to itch very badly and the next day I had 90% of my body covered in itchy, red, swollen rashes. Went back to the doctor; it got into my bloodstream, so systemic poison ivy. My life was in danger! Got the prednisone pills for 5 days at 50mg and another 5 days at 25mg... It was amazing how it helped me. It saved my life and weeks of suffering and turning into a bad infection! I respect this plant now more than ever, lol"

"I had the worst poison ivy reaction from cleaning my yard on June 25. First, I was prescribed an antibiotic, then a steroid cream. Finally, the Mass General Hospital prescribed me this medication, and within my first full day of taking it, my rash went away. I feel completely better. I'm on 4-10 mg tablets daily, then down to 3 for 3 days, 2 for 2 days, and 1 for 1 day. I don't know what I would have done without this medication. Abusing it would be scary, but I haven't had any bad or noticeable side effects besides my back hurts."

"I have dealt with an itching face for several months. I was embarrassed for anyone to see my face. After purchasing numerous over-the-counter creams, without any results, I decided it was time to see the doctor. Thank God for prednisone...the itching went away and my skin is clear."

"I was on prednisone for 3 days when the rash appeared. It was red, burning, itching like being lit on fire. I read that using lavender essential oils (can be mixed with almond or coconut carrier oils) can work wonders, and I had some on hand. I got a cotton ball and started rubbing it on my legs and arms. It was like a miracle! It can be bought at Walmart in the vitamin aisle for 5-7 dollars, also the carrier oils too."

"You're all being under-prescribed. I was treated by an urgent care doctor and put on a 2-week plan at 20 mg a day, and it did nothing. A second visit, I was told to apply over-the-counter creams (like hydrocortisone) and take antihistamines (like Benadryl). Six months of small lingering patches later, and I now have full-blown severe rashes and open sores across over 50% of my body. My dermatologist laughed at my original treatment plan. I'm two days into a 60 mg a day 3-week plan, and it's already greatly improved. However, I do have heartburn as a side effect, but it's doing its job."

"I’ve taken one 25mg tablet and it’s taken the redness away but insane itching and burning my feet have swollen and doubled in size and I can’t sleep and my mood has been very affected within 24hrs of taking this tablet. I will be consulting my doctor this morning about it everything is SO ITCHY and everything’s burning. Cosmetically helped but symptoms (eg. burning, itchiness, swelling.) has still occurred."

"I took 2 20 mg doses (pill) 12 hours apart, as told by my doctor. The next day I started shaking when I woke up in bed and went straight to the hospital for 'corticosteroid-induced psychosis' caused by prednisone. I am still recovering!"

"I have been dealing with an itchy, red, flaky rash on my face (chin area) for a few months. I've tried just about every over-the-counter cream and ointment recommended by doctors. The PA I work with suggested prednisone for a week's time. Two 20 mg for the first dose, then one 20 mg tablet twice a day for 5 days. I took my first dose at 6:30 PM, and by 7 AM the next morning, my rash was 75% gone. I heard weight gain is a huge side effect from the meds, but I can live with that over the embarrassing rash I had for months."

"My husband and I got a horrible case of poison oak rash and we both went on prednisone for 1 week. Within days the rash was clearing up which is great- except then, our skin got super dry and more uncontrollably itchy than ever! We both have patches of red rashes all over our bodies now that keep up up all night itching. The best relief for me has been coconut oil to keep the worst “winter itch” feeling skin from hurting and burning."

"I was diagnosed with pityriasis rubra / red itchy patches all over the body, like sunburn. I had 40 mg per day for two weeks and decreased it by 5 mg every week. Worked right from start and cured it for good."

"I am a teenager who got poison ivy rash all over my face. I went to the doctor and got prescribed this. I took it as instructed, and the next day, 85% of the rash was gone and most of the itching. I've never seen medicine actually work in a few hours like this!"

"Had dark red spots on my arms and legs that would itch. After wrongly being diagnosed with scabies, I went back to the dermatologist for a proper diagnosis. They said it was Pityriasis Rosea. Was prescribed prednisone, 15 day taper. 6 days in, and my symptoms are starting to heal pretty good. Not completely gone, but harder to find spots now that have that deep red color."

"I got a terrible rash from being exposed to poison ivy. It was all over. The prednisone was a terrifically fast cure. However, I experienced terrible side effects: increased sweating, shakiness, mood swings (my poor boyfriend), and weight gain."

"Prednisone has helped me so much I had a nasty eye infection, sores on my scalp & face caused by hair dye, it dried up my infection in just 2 days. IT even stopped the pain on my knees its given me incredible relief for my allergies."

"I was prescribed prednisone for contact dermatitis for 6 days on a 60mg/day 1 - 10mg/day taper. It took care of the dermatitis issue while on the medication but 2-3 days after finishing the medication I developed a severe itching burning rash all over my hands, arms, chest, neck and legs. I couldn't stand it and I went to an urgent care unit and was told I was having a rebound dermatitis flare because I should have been on prednisone for 14 days. Okay.. fair.. so I take the prednisone starting at 60mg and tapering slowly for 14 days. rash comes back on my chest/neck and arms/hands after finishing the medication again but is less severe. It has been about a week and a half off prednisone and my skin is still pretty itchy but starting to clear up. Never again will I take sterioids unless I have no other option."

"At 36 I got my first experience with poison ivy. In 2 days it went from 3-4 small patches on my arm to my entire neck then covering my entire face. The doctor gave me Prednisone oral for 3 weeks and it has given me mood swings and extreme irritability. My poison ivy is about 70% gone after 3 days of prednisone but I am mad all the time. It is worth the trade off because poison ivy is worse than my extreme case of chicken pox."

"I have a lower left leg rash, my doctor prescribed antibiotics twice, different strength, no results Then I was prescribed Betaderm Ointment for leg and Prednisone 50 mg tablets 1 daily for 5 days. After taking 4 Prednisone tablets I got an itchy rash all over my body. That was end of May. No more drugs for me. I still have the rash and try alternative methods"

"I got poison Oak or Ivy not sure which one but after a steroid shot and being prescribed prednisone the rash went away in a couple weeks. At the end of the dosage I did have a pretty bad break out of acne on my chest and my back."

"I get poison ivy rash every year, go to Urgent Care. Usually from my dog as I know what it is. This year, I pulled the ivy from an area at my new house. Bathed immediately in Tecnu, tried to alleviate itching with cortizone cream and anti-itch spray. Went to urgent care after 3 days with rash, 5 days after exposure. It did not look as bad as other years, doctor gave me 16 day prednisone prescription, filled immediately. Usually I get a shot of prednisone to get me started on recovery, but not this year, it did not look very bad, but it is uncontrollable to me. Now, 3 days of 40mg, and this morning first day of 30mg dose. It is not working well! Now, 10 hours after taking the 3 pills, it is driving me crazy! Why does this not work as in the past?"

"I get bad poison ivy most summers. I generally try to just use homeopathy remedies like special soaps and salves like Green Goo. But I just got over a 3 week rash and managed to get it again all over my face and I woke up this morning to very angry skin. So I started prednisone… took first dose of 40mg at 3:30 by 8:30 the “sunburn like” pain on my face (especially eyelids) has almost gone away. I can’t wait to see the progress of healing after the next few doses! So happy it worked. If you get it bad try it. I feel like the few times I’ve used prednisone in the past I waited too long (ie day 5 or beyond) to call doc you get script. Lesson learned - call day one!"

"Poison ivy caused my skin rash so I went to Urgent Care. The nurse practitioner prescribed a 14 day regimen. 4 days 60mg, 5 days 40mg, 5 days 20mg. My blood pressure went up to 190/124 with a pulse rate of 150!!! I just stopped after 2 days. Blood pressure back to normal. And poison ivy rash is much improved after only 2 days of taking. Problems: I told the nurse practitioner that I had blood pressure and an over large prostate, that I was taking medication for both issues. Losartan for blood pressure. Finasteride for prostate. She told me no problem. I found out later that prednisone decreases the efficiency of both Losartan and Finasteride. Prednisone worked fast and great for the poison ivy. BUT the side effects, for me, were LIFE THREATENING. Not for me. And be careful if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or prostate problems. I thank God that I stopped the medication after only 2 days."

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  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
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Patient resources

  • Prednisone drug information
  • Prednisone Delayed-Release Tablets
  • Prednisone Tablets
  • Prednisone Oral Concentrate
  • Prednisone Oral Solution

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos, Sterapred, Prednicot, Sterapred DS

Professional resources

  • Prednisone monograph
  • Prednisone (FDA)
  • Prednisone Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Deltasone, Rayos

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome