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Generic Name: Premarin for Postmenopausal Symptoms (conjugated-estrogens)

Premarin for Postmenopausal Symptoms Reviews

"At 50 years old and being perimenopausal, I started feeling crazy. I was very angry, bitter, and agitated every day. I was never this way before. My periods were longer than usual. I went to a doctor who found a fibroid. I started on Premarin 0.625, which saved my life. Before starting on Premarin, I was thinking about not wanting to live anymore - so sad. After 1 month on Premarin, I am back to myself! Very happy and loving life."

"Premarin is a miracle for me. I'd been menopausal for 11 years, the last 2-3 of which I'd been suffering deep major clinical depression. The pandemic made it worse. My last menstrual period was more than 10 months ago. Still depressed, summer came, and the hot flashes started! And a bunch of difficult personal things happened that I really had to deal with and be present for, and finally I just had nothing left. I had no reserve, I had no buffer. I got to the point where a broken pencil might send me to bed for the whole day. I hardly ate. I was living on a knife's edge emotionally. I nearly cracked. I couldn't handle it anymore. Premarin saved my life! After just a week on the starter dose of 0.3mg, I felt like a new person, my old self. It is a miracle. It's been about a month and I'm still feeling great on that low dose; we're just going to stick with it for now. I am hoping it will bring my ability to orgasm back. That just went away one day, a few months ago... poof! Bummer."

"Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) - I took Prempro for two years after becoming menopausal at age 40. When it stopped working a year ago, I was changed to a daily combination of Premarin 1.25 and medroxyprogesterone 2.5. Without HRT, I experience irritability and irrational rage, hot flashes, and a non-existent sex drive. The current HRT, which includes Premarin, works very well for me. It is frustrating how difficult it is for a woman in her 40s to be taken seriously by the medical community for complaints of low libido. (Consider Viagra, etc., for men.) Every year, my doctors suggest I give up this medication therapy that increases my quality of life by 100%. I'm 43, and so far, I'm winning, but I expect that I will have to keep fighting."

"I was in the DEEPEST pit of depression. I felt that it was hormonal. Had labs drawn and was shown to be in menopause. Had a hysterectomy which left me with one ovary. The depression started this year in March and spiraled out of control. I was seriously deciding whether or not to stick around not because I didn't want to live, but the mental pain was too much. I noticed in a study of women that were treated successfully for severe hormonal depression using Premarin and mirtazapine. Within 24 hours, the depression was GONE GONE GONE! I believe it is mostly the Premarin because ADs take longer than that to work. I want to start a campaign for the horses that are being treated too poorly. Why can't we get this from pg. humans and pay them?"

"I was given Premarin for hot flashes and vaginal irritation from vaginal dryness. It helped with my sex drive. I still have vaginal irritation and dryness from time to time. Now I'm wondering if I have a yeast infection because I have some burning. I've only been on it for one month. I suffer from depression and all this has caused me to lose weight, about 40 lbs. My night sweats have improved but during the day they are bad. I don't know what is going on with this vaginal irritation. It's the worst. I'm 47. I'm irritated and moody and get annoyed quickly. My poor husband doesn't know what to do. I've changed my soap and detergents. I'm scared. My mind is all over and I forget things. That's not me at all. Any advice."

"So I just started this yesterday and wonder, I am feeling a little bit worked up (sexually charged). Has anyone else experienced this? My main concern was dryness. I had a hysterectomy 11 years ago and was taking Estradiol. I didn't really feel anything different, I would still get the hot flashes mostly during the day. But BOY oh BOY, today definitely increased libido! Just looking to see if this is normal?"

"I took Premarin daily since 1975, with no problems, and felt great, young at heart, and full of energy. Last year, the insurance company decided they would not pay for it anymore and suggested Estradiol. I don't feel the same. No energy, hair thinning, and bloated all the time. Next doctor's appointment, I'm going back on Premarin even though it'll cost me a pretty penny."

"I had surgery in 1995 and the other half in 2004. I have been taking Premarin since then. I am now going through a divorce. Because of depression, I stopped taking my medicines. NEVER AGAIN. The past two months have been hell without my Premarin. Not sleeping because of night sweats, hot flashes all day and just feeling like I have no energy. I have started back for 6 days now and can already feel the difference. I will never stop taking Premarin again."

"Wake up America!!! This drug comes from the urine of pregnant mares hooked up to a catheter their entire life!!!! The horses have to have foals and what happens to them? Choose a synthetic form. Educate yourself. "

"I had a hysterectomy in 1998. I had a horrible 2 years prior with night sweats, mood swings (huge swings), irritability. Then after my hysterectomy, I started taking Premarin 1.25. I have been on it ever since. For me, it is a lifetime therapy that, quite honestly, I cannot be without. I forgot to take them once for 2 weeks. I went into such a rage and cried until I realized I had forgotten to get it filled. NEVER AGAIN. In my 50s, my hot flashes no longer exist, my mood is even most of the time, and I enjoy the physical side of a relationship more than I did when I was younger."

"I had a hysterectomy 9 years ago and have been suffering with hot flashes, tired, no energy, and lots of other symptoms. Went to my doctor, and he did not want to give me any HRT, but I could not cope anymore with some of the hot flashes, tiredness, no energy, and numerous other symptoms. So decided to go back to my doctor and ask again for something to help me. This time he has prescribed me Premarin. It's early days yet, but already my hot flashes are starting to subside. Seems to be starting to help. Great to at last get a tablet to help. I am very pleased with the Premarin and no side effects."

"Doc prescribed it, but asked her to switch to Estrace and have good results. Y'all do realize that Premarine is a shortened version of Pregnant Mare Urine which is what it's made from? They take large (most commonly Belgium Draft Horses) and confine them in small stalls for their 11-month gestation with their tails tied up and catheters on to harvest their urine. Female foals are cycled back into the program. Males are useless so sold off to auction houses, some are lucky to get purchased by rescues, others are sold to end up as horsemeat in other countries. The mares are bred again once they've foaled to continue the cycle. Ironic that a drug developed to help post productive human females is derived from horrific treatment of female horses during their productive years. It is an awful life. Please find an alternative."

"21 years old, had two babies, endometriosis, was told I won't have anymore babies. Uterus was tilted and prolapsed. Didn't use birth control, due to ob-gyn saying it would be a miracle to get pregnant. Got pregnant two more times, had a hysterectomy with the last baby. I was put on many different hormones, and none seemed to help my extreme moods, dry skin, and wrinkles. Finally, I was told to try Premarin. It is very expensive, and insurance doesn't cover it, but it was like a dream come true. I became at peace, happy, and my skin became soft, wrinkles disappeared, and my sex life wasn't dormant anymore. I've got so many friends now using it, due to me telling them about my 'happy pill', Premarin!"

"I had a hysterectomy in 1998 and was on Premarin 0.0625 for many years. Then the doctor decided not good to prescribe anymore. I was so very miserable! If I have to live like that, I don't want to. It was terrible. No doctor knows your body like you do! And just for the record, one of my sisters is 73 years old and still has terrible hot flashes! Sometimes it looks as if she just stepped out of the shower! My mother was the same way! I am not willing to live like that! There are pros and cons to everything!"

"I have taken Premarin in the 1.25 strength for over 40 years. It has not stopped the hot flashes and night sweats, but it reduces them by at least 50%. I do not have osteoporosis (my mother and all of my aunts did) and my bone density is better than most women half my age, a lot of which I attribute to the Premarin. I have never taken Prempro or any progestin product, just the Premarin alone. I tried the half strength and was miserable with all-day hot flashes, so overheated that I looked like I had a sunburn with heat rash and nasty skin breakouts. I changed doctors and now back to the 1.25 strength. My only complaint is that a product like this, which has been on the market for over 50 years, I do not understand why there is no generic as it is very expensive."

"Very few doctors will prescribe HRT. It’s obvious they’re afraid of liability, so attorneys now run healthcare. The UK just permitted HRT to be purchased OTC because menopausal women went on a campaign there. I’m running very low on my Premarin and can find NO doctor in two states who will prescribe it. I’m now cutting my pills in half. I have been on HRT for over ten years and feel and look great. I’m a woodworker who just put in a porch ceiling by myself. I’m 63. I run 5K’s regularly. I will be darned if I let an attorney or the frightened medical community leave me to shrivel up in my estrogen-depleted years by depriving me of my HRT. I’ll start a campaign here like in the UK. All these women who wrote glowing 10 out of 10 reviews are endangered that they will soon be unable to get their HRT. This is an outrage by the medical community. It’s my body and I want my HRT."

"I am 57 years old. My sister-in-law mentioned that she took Premarin for 5 years with no side effects. I was intrigued; I had never heard of this medication. I went to my doctor and asked for Premarin; she prescribed me 0.3 mg. Wow, amazing results! No side effects. I just finished my 30-day supply, went back to my doctor, and asked for a little higher dosage because I was still having hot flashes and vaginal dryness, so she prescribed another 30 days at 0.45. Of course, my doctor does not recommend this medication because of all the possible side effects, especially heart attack. I told her to let me try and see how I feel. Now I will have one more month at 0.45 mg; I will see what the results are. I will keep everyone posted."

"Complete Hysterectomy: I was on Premarin started about 6 weeks after hysterectomy because I couldn't handle the restless leg syndrome and having to move all the time. I was put on 0.625 mg, was on it from 2007 until 8 months ago. 5 weeks after doc took me off, my whole body and life went to double hockey sticks!! Anxiety, Severe! OCD crazy uncontrollable, and panic disorder through the roof. I am on Celexa 20mg daily and 1.75 mg broken into 6 doses. It works, but I don't understand why it just doesn't work the same. I never had such bad OCD, anxiety, or panic like this while on it and I want it back! I am gonna go get mammo, if it comes back clean, I'm going back on Premarin! Will my life go back to normal? Will I feel like me again, and want to enjoy life? I have two appointments."

"Immediately after total hysterectomy in 2006, I was prescribed Premarin 1.25. Worked great for all my menopause symptoms. My doctor recently told me to stop taking the medication due to the side affects in which one that caught my attention was blood clots. Well, to make a long story short, back in 2016, a MRI discovered a blood clot in my head, in which it was caught before it ruptured."

"Best for me. Tried all of HRTs, estrace pills, patches, pellets, injections and premarin works best tho not cheap. Premarin pills 1.25mg 2/day plus Premarin cream 1 gram daily plus low dose progesterone (2.5mg) the only solution for me. Had endometrial ablation years ago and don't need progest but found tiny dose helps the prem work better. If you have trouble means either the dose, brand or delivery is not correct for your chemistry. The progesterone most MDs rx is Prometrium 100mg, only during pregnancy does a woman's body ever make that high a level! Pre-meno non preg women only produce ~25-30mg progesterone daily and ~1.5-9.0 mg estrogen daily. Progesterone can convert into estrogen which can help meno symptoms but it doesn't convert in all women the same. Prometrium was much too high for me (gave me bad symptoms) I needed less progesterone and higher estrogen to feel balanced. Watch youtube videos of Menopause Taylor (Dr. Barbara Taylor) she explains everything."

"My third month using Premarin 0.625g due to unbearable hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances and night sweats. I had done hysterectomy about a year ago. Since taking Premarin, both hot flashes and night sweats lessened. Now my biggest challenge is persistent and enlarging painful breasts. Am due to discuss this feedback with my gynecologist."

"I was prescribed premarin 1.25 right after a total hysterectomy 11-1983. This was to help avoid at age 32 hot flashes, dryness in skin and hair, and protect my bones. Personal dryness. I took it for 20 yrs. Then when the doctors thought I was having a heart attack in in 4-2004 they took my off of it cold turkey. in 2-2009 I was found to have stage 1.5 breast cancer. Cancer dr. told me it was from taking premarin for 20 yrs. Should only been prescribed no more than 7 yrs. The cancer was caused by extra hormones. Extra hormones was driving my endometriosis that was the cause of removing everything in 1983. My cancer dr. said with my family background I was lucky never to had a major heartattack."

"I have been taking Premarin a little over a month and my hair is starting to fall out, I am having stomach issues now, including odd bloating, and I still have hot flashes every day. I used to take Enjuvia and it was the best thing ever, but it is no longer being manufactured or distributed. I can't seem to tolerate anything else. Does anyone know of something better? I take the highest dose of this without causing the High risk for Breast cancer...I wish this stuff would work for me :("

"I highly recommend adding a bio-identical to a premarin regimen. I began experiencing overactive bladder and recurrent UTIs. My PCP did not recommend an OBGYN until I was having the UTIs and wanted a compounded prescription. My dosage was played-with or changed many times without doing any bloodwork by my PCP. Don't think your PCP knows what they're doing. Get in touch with a doctor who works with a compounding pharmacy that specializes in hormone replacement."

"I suffered from horrible night sweats, flashes all day long and a mean foul temper due to lack of restful sleep and lack of estrogen apparently. Had a partial hysterectomy at 44, started HRT at 50. Finally found a doctor who didn't just give me a pat on the arm and an antidepressant. Started with premarin and found myself. Sleep was restful, I could tolerate people and even enjoy them, my husband no longer was at risk of being the target of tears, anger, resentment, sadness, and happiness all in the matter of minutes...then my insurance said it was no longer covered. Tried a few other "covered" options and have been MISERABLE! The Flashes and night sweats are even worse. Wishing there was a synthetic form of this, hoping for a generic that works BUT have not been successful seriously trying to figure out how to make $500 a month to be able to stay on it and have quality of life."

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  • Drug class: estrogens
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Patient resources

  • Premarin drug information
  • Premarin (Conjugated estrogens Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Premarin (Conjugated Estrogens Injection)
  • Premarin (Conjugated Estrogens Tablets)

Other brands

Cenestin, Enjuvia

Professional resources

  • Premarin prescribing information

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Other formulations

  • Premarin Vaginal
  • Premarin Injection

Related treatment guides

  • Atrophic Vaginitis
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Atrophic Urethritis
  • Breast Cancer, Palliative