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Generic Name: Prevnar 20 (pneumococcal-20-valent-conjugate-vaccine)

Prevnar 20 Reviews

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I experienced soreness and redness in a 4-inch area around the injection site that lasted about 10 days. I also experienced some intermittent headaches on one side of my head, some swelling and puffiness under the eye on the same side, fatigue, and no energy. I did not realize this vaccine was so new and would not have received it if I had been informed of this by my provider who recommended it."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Received shot on Thursday and felt fine. After 12 hours, my arm started aching and felt warm. The next day, I could barely lift my arm, it felt like having two tetanus shots. My neck ached and the pain radiated to my ear, causing a dull headache. I also had a low-grade fever of 99. On Friday evening, two welts appeared near the inner arm. By Saturday, the welts had connected to the injection site, resulting in two puffy, firm, bright pink/red lines. I was confused, and a friend in the medical field suggested that the nurse may have used the "Z-track" technique, which is actually not recommended for vaccines. I took Tylenol and Benadryl, and by Sunday, the swelling had changed from pain to itchiness. The area remained firm and hot until Tuesday. Today, it's Wednesday (day 6), and it is still warm, but at least it's squishy again. Although it is now only a pale pink, the swelling continues to travel down toward my inner elbow. I found out that my mom had a similar reaction, and after reading reviews, I would never recommend Prevnar 20."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Prevnar 20 vaccine sent me to the ER with extreme nausea and dehydration and a significant hospital bill will be coming! I was not warned of the possible impact and 6 days later am still unable to eat anything comfortably. My stomach is still “rolling” and upset. Shame on a lack of WARNING that this drug can cause major side effects."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I am an active 72-year-old female. Good health. Received an injection of Prevnar 20 as a recommended preventive vaccine during a routine check-up at the doctor's office yesterday morning. By bedtime was experiencing some discomfort in my lower back. At 5:00 a.m. I awoke to a great deal of pain in my lower back and especially my hips, radiating to my groin and right leg. I have taken Tylenol and used Salonpas w/ Lidocaine cream, no relief from pain. No fever, just joint pain. If I had known I would not have taken Prevnar. I had already taken Prevnar 13 in 2018. I can tolerate pain, This pain is intense. Please ask your doctor questions about side effects before you get this injection. I read the reports online AFTER I already allowed this vaccine inside my body -- Did not know it was made by Pfizer, like the covid vaccines I also took, or I would not have gotten this vaccine."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I got this vaccine over four days ago and have had absolutely NO side effects. I didn't even get a sore arm. So glad I didn't pay attention to the negative reviews and went ahead with it. I'm 65 and it's a relief to know I have some protection against this illness."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I was given Prevnar 20 three days ago. I am still a bit sore at the injection site, it doesn't bother me. Since getting the vaccination I have had an intermittent churning feeling and cramps in my stomach, nausea every morning and diarrhea throughout the day, every day. It's very important that I am vaccinated against Pneumonia since I've had it about 8 times in my life, so I am ok with the side effects. I'm hoping that they dissipate soon."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I was okay until day 2. But woke up with severe pain in my left hand (side of the injection site) on day three. I could not even use my left hand at all, some swelling and severe pain when moving my hand. Also, have back and hip pains. I hope it goes away soon. Tylenol and Flexeril were no help."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Intense muscle and joint pain in the right knee. I never had a reaction like this from any previous pneumonia vaccinations. I would not recommend it to family and friends. It's been five days since the injection, and I can only walk with a cane. The pain in my knee is very intense."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Asked if it hurt or had side effects and was told it would make my arm sore. My arm indeed got very sore, but also my throat as well. After 3 days, I still feel off and weak. My throat is better but still hurts. Not sure if this is worth it. We need medical personnel to be very honest about the possible side effects. I'm not doing it again."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "The only pain I experienced was the needle in my arm and a slight headache that was relieved by one dose of Tylenol. I also had a bit of nausea only after eating that lasted no more than 8 hours. No achy joints, no diarrhea, no vomiting or itching as mentioned in other reviews. My side effects, in my opinion, were insignificant."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Received the vaccine yesterday. So far my arm hurts pretty good and experiencing nausea and cold sweats. Very reminiscent of the COVID vaccine. If the vaccine works as it should, I'd say it's worth it since you only need it once."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Just got this injection and so far arm is sore, I can't lift it due to the pain. I also have a dry cough and tightness in my chest like the flu, cold chills, no energy, tiredness and I feel stiff. However I've also got arthritis, c.o.p.d. and other problems too, yet this is intensely concerning. If it works and no more major problems then I'll continue it."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Terrible. I have had fatigue, malaise headaches, muscle joint pain, and dizziness for days."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Horrible! I rather have pneumonia again! Severe Body ache, chills, sweats, insomnia, headache, vomiting and fever. If I knew how horrible the shot was, I would have never taken it."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "This vaccination caused an exacerbation of my Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), where other vaccinations in the past such as for COVID-19, did not. Extreme fatigue, sore throat, possibly more."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I got my shot on the 31st of March. I now have severe pain under my right rib which pain meds don't take care of. This isn't very good."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I have experienced Injection site pain, redness, swelling, itching, fever, and chills while taking this."

"I have a severe sore throat, possibly strep, a low-grade fever and it feels like it's going into my chest. This drug has horrible side effects."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Had onset of fatigue 6 hours after injection. This is the third day that my energy is compromised. Site of injection subsided within a day."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "I had the shot 2 days ago in my upper left arm. Hurt a bit when administered...but nothing since. 10/10 so far."

"I received the vaccine on my left arm. It got swollen and I'm feeling super tired, with no appetite at all. All I want to do is sleep."

For Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis "Some soreness & redness at injection site. No other side effects. Glad I'm protected now."

More about Prevnar 20 (pneumococcal 20-valent conjugate vaccine)

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  • Reviews (22)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: bacterial vaccines
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Prevnar 20 drug information
  • Prevnar 20 (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Prevnar 20 prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Pneumococcal Disease Prophylaxis