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Generic Name: Chlorzoxazone Tablets

Brand Name: Lorzone

Lorzone Drug and Medication User Reviews

Doesn't help at all. Cervical spine injury then total disc replacement C4-C6. Doctor will be trying a different one for me this week. It was inexpensive with my insurance so hopefully the new one will work better, whatever that will be as this is the 3rd round to try to get relief in my neck, shoulders and back. I also have fibromyalgia so maybe that's contributing more to my pain post surgery.

back and neck pain...........

was prescibed to me after a freeway car wreck. made me very groggy and unable to concentrate. made my headaches associated with backpain worse, not better. makes me feel hungover and depressed

I have spinal cord damage. lorxone helps

Took for a month. At first it seemed to work fine with no side effects. The longer I took it the groggier I felt. Also, the pills are quite large and are not coated so they are very hard to swallow.

I have only been on this medication for week but wanted to mention something I hope can be corrected. The pills are hard to swallow. It would be great if they were coated. I have never had trouble taking any other pill. I have tried cutting them in half and it still is hard to swallow because they are so dry and they get stuck. They also make me very tired, so I only take one at night. No other side affects at this time.

Took 750mg for back/shoulder spasms and no real relief, just feel a little groggy. Price of med is outrageous. Not worth the money paid,

Severe muscle spasms from neck and lower back conditions- medication works well, but cost of drug prevents me from using as directed.

My Pain clinic prescribed me this medication and I am not sure why, I dont have spasms, I have chronic back pain, Lower back

broken rib and blunt chest trama

Less drowsiness or other side-effects than Flexeril or Soma. PLUS, it was MORE effective and provided significantly more pain relief for the affected areas of my body. It has proven to be an effective addition to my pain regimen; the need for narcotic pain relievers has decreased significantly.

Began using this in place of pain meds. after being hit by a car as a pedestrian. Cervical spine is injured; 3 bulging discs and headaches. Was pleasantly surprised that muscle spasms were relieved w/o the heavy narcotic feeling I had w/ other pain meds. Also, works quickly...about 25 min. to feel noticeable difference.

Effectiveness is hardly discernible. Also, no real side effects. Did get sleepy(at appropriate times.)

Only been on 375mg x 3/day for 2 weeks but spasms are mostly diminished, and especially accompanying pain. Fist thing to work for me in 20 years. Hope it lasts.