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Generic Name: Promethazine DM (dextromethorphan-promethazine)

Promethazine DM Reviews

For Cough "Useless. I went to Urgent Care and the PA I saw didn't seem helpful. I feel that the OTC cough syrup like Nyquil and Mucinex DM worked as well as this RX. It was supposed to help me rest and it did not."

For Cough "Promethazine DM is the only stuff that helps when I get my bronchitis flare-ups. Everything works on everyone in different ways. But this stuff helps suppress my cough and helps with the pain because of coughing so hard."

For Cough "Promethazine DM has not helped my cough one bit! Others said it made them sleepy. It hasn’t helped me like that at all. If I could only get some sleep, it would be nice. No, this medication has not helped one bit. The over-the-counter cough syrup works just as good, if not better than this. I sure was hoping it would give me some relief!"

For Cough "RXd for severe sinus infection. I dislike DXM and always have it feels dirty. I have, however, had success with Phenergan in the past for nausea and found it helpful for that and sleep. Unfortunately this mixture has more DXM than Promethazine so if you take too much you'll get nasty effects from that. I feel like DXM isnt a very good cough suppressant and wish the Dr had done Codeine cough syrup instead but that's getting impossible to find thanks to addicts."

For Cough "I’ve had apparently the flu that’s been evading tests for over two weeks now. I’ve been on Promethazine DM for half of that time and not once has my cough let up. My abdominal muscles are so sore and I feel like there’s a hole in my left lung. I’m young. 24. I don’t have preexisting lung issues so I’m extremely distressed that this medication hasn’t helped despite such high praises. This medication didn’t even make me drowsy nor stop my vomiting as claimed it would. I literally took 5ml of nasty syrup for nothing is how it feels."

For Cough "Week two of nonstop coughing and 3-4 hrs sleep a day. Tried tons over the counter stuff and nothing worked. Went to clinic. Doc said bronchitis so gave me this cough med and some other stuff. Second day and while not coughing as much, it still gets really bad at night. 6 hours sleep last night felt awesome but it was two 3 hr sessions broken up by a 2 hour long coughing spell. I’d say it’s just not a great help but it’s something. It’s 1:30 am and I’ll be awake another 2 hours or so. Depressing!"

For Cough "I’ve been prescribed this cough syrup a few times and it always did very little for the terrible coughs I always developed from chronic sinus infections. However, this last time I was sick, my infection turned into severe bronchitis and I had this extra resistant cough that NOTHING would help with. My doctor prescribed me this and I initially rolled my eyes and threw it in the medicine cabinet. Two days later my cough had worsened significantly and out of desperation I took a dose. Not even kidding 5 minutes later, my cough almost completely ceased (not permanently, but enough for me to fall asleep and stay asleep.) I actually got rest and my body started healing finally. So my positive review is for this cough syrup for cough associated with bronchitis only. It did make a HUGE difference for me in this scenario."

For Cough "Had severe bronchitis and non stop cough for over 2 weeks. It hurt to cough. As soon as I started feeling bad and getting worse as the day wore on, I saw my primary care doctor. He put me on the Promethazine-DM 6.25- 15mg cough syrup. Helped me tremendously. I'm on my last refill."

For Cough "I have lung issues, thinning blood vessels in my lungs. If I cough excessively, they can burst and bleed. I've had surgery to correct it once. This medicine helps me a lot. It stops me from coughing and works great for me. I've tried other OTC cold/cough meds, and they don't work for me."

For Cough "I may as well have taken 10mL of water. This medication does absolutely nothing for my cough, and doesn’t create enough drowsiness to help me sleep through the urge to cough. NyQuil has worked 100% more than this stuff. If I could get a refund from the pharmacy, I would!"

For Cough "I had a really bad cough that came along with a sinus infection and pharyngitis(whatever that is) and this didn't help one bit. Didn't help me sleep or take the edge off the cough. It smelled like pineapple/tropical fruit but tasted like floor cleaner smells."

For Cough "I was prescribed Promethazine DM to help for my cough during the daytime but I only used it at night. I was instructed to take 5mL instead I doubled my dosage so I would be able to sleep throughout the entire night and that worked perfect. I wouldn’t recommend taking it during the day due to drowsiness being a significant side effect."

"I have been taking this medication for about 5 years. I happen to have a high tolerance for drowsy medication, and I can't take Benadryl because it makes my skin feel like it's crawling. It's genetic because my grandmother had the same reaction. I take 25mg 2x a day, if needed for nausea, and it's the only thing that helps me avoid stomach sickness. But for anyone starting out, take 0.5 of 12.5mg. I give this medication a 10 out of 10. I have had nothing but good things to say about this medication. I'm still going through a lot of tests to figure out why nausea and other symptoms are occurring. I have had my gallbladder removed, and ever since then, I have been having problems with it all. Now, all lymph nodes have been enlarging for almost over a year with no antibiotic help. I hope they figure this out. All I really want is to know what it is... cancer... infection... lupus... MS (my grandmother had MS along with being allergic to haldol and Benadryl). I hope this helps someone."

For Cough "I get at least one major respiratory illness a year and the doctor prescribes this syrup for me. And, oh my god, as soon as I take it, my airway seems to open and it also helps me sleep as I am coughing all the time. Great stuff if you can get it."

For Cough "I had Covid which came with a cough that aggravated my asthma, so I was coughing and wheezing nonstop even with breathing treatments and prednisone. My doctor prescribed Promethazine DM, and it works well for me. It helps me sleep 4 hours at a shot, which is much better than it was before I got the prescription."

For Cough "So far this medicine is working a little, but I've only been on it for 1 day, I need to get it more time so really can't comment on it. My bronchitis is making me cough a lot, so I hope this stuff works."

For Cough "This medicine is a lifesaver. I had nonstop coughing for over a week to where my ribs were severely hurting. I took many OTC cough syrups that didn’t help. I was prescribed this cough medicine and have not coughed since and actually sleeping through the night!"

"I was given the Tessalon Pearls first from Medcheck. A week passed, and they did nothing for my cough. I ended up pulling muscles in my side because of my cough. I went back to my PCP who gave me Promethazine, and it has helped greatly in the two days I’ve been taking it. I got a good night's rest last night."

For Cough "Promethazine DM caused me to be restless and did not help my cough. I stopped taking it after 3 restless nights and started on NyQuil."

For Cough "I might as well of drank water and pretended it was medicine. It is 1:57 AM as we speak and I am still coughing. I cannot sleep"

For Cough "Doctor prescribed it for me because I was coughing so bad had my lungs sore. I take 5ml ever 4 hrs as needed for cough but I take it once before bed works great stops cough and helps sleep"

For Cough "I found this medication to be ineffective. The cough has not stopped and the phlegm has worsened."

For Cough "Did not help my cough at all. It made me very drowsy, but still couldn’t sleep because of coughing fits."

For Cough "Been using this for three days now and hasn't help me stop coughing or sleep yet. Going to try one more night thenI plan to go back to dr. Coughing at night and trying to sleep doesn't work."

For Cough "Did not help with my cough at all. I took this medication as directed for weeks and saw no improvement."

More about Promethazine DM (dextromethorphan / promethazine)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: upper respiratory combinations

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Related treatment guides

  • Cough
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Cold Symptoms