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Generic Name: Propranolol for Arrhythmia (propranolol)

Propranolol for Arrhythmia Reviews

"I hope this helps a lot of people. I've searched and searched for information about ectopic heart beats, PVCs, skipped beats, whatever you wanna call them. I'm a 31-year-old healthy male and started boxing day 2018 having daily PVCs, like really bad daily. Since then to now, I've had 2 monitors, echos, and plenty of ECGs, and discharged from the cardiology twice as they say they are benign. I was put on propranolol, started off on 10mg 3x daily, then 20mg 3x daily, to even 40mg 3x daily when they were at their worst. I still have them every day and they are a pain, but propranolol really helps me out so much, makes me who I was before these things came along. PVCs really got me down, but the grass really is greener, you just need to find the balance. I hope if there are any young people looking for information, this helps. There are treatments and you're not ill, they're just misfiring like a car engine does. All the best, guys."

"Have been taking 120 mg propranolol a day for over a year now. Was prescribed because my heart palpitations suddenly got much, much worse, out of the blue, to the point I couldn't function. Propranolol has calmed the horrible, constant palpitations, however, I still get flutters fairly regularly, although on a bad day I can have them off and on all day. But it's definitely improved the palps, it just hasn't wiped them out completely. But overall, propranolol does help calm the heart flutters. Side effects I've noticed? Not sure. But I seem to tolerate propranolol better than I did metoprolol, which made me feel nauseous. Propranolol doesn't do this to me. So if you're like me and you're reading up on here because you're a big baby afraid to take a new med, please don't worry about this one unless you already have low blood pressure, as the drug can lower your blood pressure. But apart from that, in my opinion, you'll be okay."

"I had PTSD and arrhythmia and years of seeing psychologists, antidepressants, sedatives, even valproic acid. Nothing did much of anything good and the side effects didn't outweigh the minimal improvement (improvement being sedation). When I tried propranolol, I wasn't expecting much. I took my first tablet and forgot about it. It kicked in on the train and the effect was profound. For the first time, I became aware of how much tension I'd been holding in my muscles, how I'd continuously scan for the possibility of threat. I had no idea I'd been doing this, only that I'd felt on edge. I felt like I'd been holding my breath for years and had just been allowed to exhale. Nothing else worked for me, and I was at the end of my rope. Propranolol was a lifesaver."

"I had a major bout of depression and anxiety after I came down with Covid. While my Covid symptoms were mild, I was left with PVC’s and severe panic attacks. I was put on propranolol, 5mg 3x a day and within a week I went from having 300+ pvcs a day, down to maybe 10. I still have a couple here and there, but nowhere near as many as I was. It’s also helped with the panic attacks and constant state of fight or flight. I have had zero side effects.. This has been a miracle drug for me!"

"Took propranolol just before Xmas, was just getting the odd palpitations. I'm 70 and not on any medications at all, and generally quite fit. My doctor put me on them as he said my pulse was quite fast, 80 mg one tab in the morning and one tab at night. First tablet OK. But after that, never felt so ill, my heart was racing. Felt no energy, tired. Sick. Couldn't eat. I was on them for 17 days, ended up in A&E twice, ambulance the lot. Blood pressure hit the roof, pulse was out of control. And when I came off them, I went worse. It is now early March 2019, and I'm just about getting back to normal. Prior to taking them, I had low blood pressure. Now it just goes up and down through taking them. Rue the day I was ever given them. Maybe not everyone reacts the same to them, and they do a lot of people good, but not for me."

"I’ve been on propranolol for a few months now and I can honestly say it is a miracle drug. I developed Afib out of nowhere one day and my heart specialist recommended propranolol 10mg. I still have bouts of afib every now and then but nothing like how it was. Seems to only flare up when I get extremely anxious."

"I have been taking propranolol for about a year and my muscles are very weak, esp. knees/legs. I stay in bed with extreme fatigue several days a week. My vision is blurry most of the time. I don't find enjoyment in things I used to love, and I stay home most of the time. Could these side effects be caused by the propranolol? They are getting worse . I also have some memory confusion and occasional irritability. These side effects are quite debilitating."

"Propranolol saved my life having hyperactive thyroid after pregnancy. My heart is beating fast every morning. If I do not take it, I feel like I will die. Once I take it, I feel perfect. I take 10 mg a day for a year now. I hate being dependent on pills, but this pill keeps me alive."

"Just want to mention to those suffering from heart rate conditions after Covid. Please read to the search below. It is very helpful to understand and control the situation together with your prescribed Inderal. Please do an internet search covid19 and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome are (POTS)"

"I've suffered worsening and more frequent bouts of heart palpitations for over three years, as well as bouts of chest tightness. Doctors initially put me on Propranolol, 120mg a day. While that seemed to help for a bit, the drug started to have no effect after a while, and i was still taking 120mg a day but suffering horrendous palpitations and chest tightness daily. it was as if I wasn't taking anything. I finally couldn't take anymore and went to see my GP, sobbing, desperate, etc and he switched me to another beta blocker. I believe that propranolol really only works for people who suffer palpitations because of anxiety, rather than a heart issue. I believe I suffer a heart issue, which is why the propranolol hasn't worked for me. Propranolol is NOT the right beta blocker if you have a heart arrhythmia that is NOT 100% caused by anxiety. Doctors might assume that your palpitations are just anxiety, but they are often wrong."

"After 3 days of taking a daily 40 MG dosage, I've been experiencing frequent skipped heartbeats. Sometimes, I don't know whether to call 911 or just let the side effects wear off. I won't be taking this medication again."

"Started on 10 mg propranolol twice daily 3 days ago for PVC’s (ectopic heart beats) within 30 minutes I felt flushed snd then so jittery I thought I’d crawl out of my skin. I thought maybe I just needed to adjust to it so kept going. By day 3 I was a mess. Terrible anxiety snd more skipped heart beats. Cardio took me off it. Glad it works for some but not for me"

"I started taking this several months ago, and aside from the partial loss in some sexual stimulation, some itchiness/shaky/light-headedness - this has restored my life. I was a bundle of problems before, with a very erratic heartbeat, stress off the charts, and other depressive symptoms. A BIG thank you to my doctor and anyone that put up with me before propranolol. HIGHLY recommend it."

"Tried other meds for arrhythmia, but all had side effects I couldn't deal with. This one was most tolerable, although it causes some fatigue and dizziness at times, which are issues I already deal with-Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I try to take it at night or at a time when I can rest after taking it if I need to."

"3 days in on a tiny 10mg x2 (20mg total) for arrhymia , I started feeling strange, lethargic, depressed, and waking in the middle of REM cycle with heart pounding. I did some research, this medication crosses the blood brain barrier (other beta blockers do not) where it has a direct effect on the central nervous system. I figured better safe than sorry so even only being on for 3 days I'm doing a quick taper off, 30 to 20 on the first day then waited a few days to drop to 15 , and dropping by 2.5 every 4 days since. I am down to just 7.5 mg per day I still feel all the side effects that started on day 3. But I think somewhat careful taper is smart. More proof you need to do your research and don't trust your doctor knows what medicines actually do. This is a very old drug , there are many better beta blockers that have been developed since. I was told this was a heart medication designed to stop irregular heartbeat, wasn't even told of any potential side effects or Withdrawals."

"Works well with keeping my pvc's at a minimum. And I don't get near as many migraines or headaches. Currently taking 20-30mg a day. Hopefully won't have to take it forever. My anxiety had increased tremendously, so my cardiologist decided to put me on this one. It has been about 3 months. Although I don't care for the side effects of being moody, I'd still say the good outweighs the bad."

"Worse medication ever! The doc prescribed me it for my tremor and migraines which it did help with. However it gave me awful chest pain and tightness, abdominal pain, constipation, and made my arrhythmia way worse"

"Controls A-fibrillation, but be careful about it dropping blood sugar. I felt extremely jittery, anxious, disoriented, and numbness in the hands and feet on a relatively small dose of propranolol (20 mg three times daily)."

"Take 10 mg of propranolol at night for treatment of PACs, also helps with blood pressure, seems to help a lot, I still have extra heartbeats, racing heart at times,& don't notice any side effects at low dose."

Inderal (propranolol) "I have been taking Inderal since I was in my early 30s, 29 years ago. No problems whatsoever, and it controls my premature ventricular contractions."

"This is making my heart rate drop into the 50’s but I’m giving it more time to work"

"I’ve been taking this medication for a year now. No side effects at all. Works great."

Inderal (propranolol) "For me, a side effect of hand trembling was so extreme I had to quit taking it. "

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: group II antiarrhythmics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Propranolol drug information
  • Propranolol (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Propranolol Injection
  • Propranolol Sustained-Release Capsules
  • Propranolol Tablets

Other brands

Inderal, Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL

Professional resources

  • Propranolol monograph
  • Propranolol (FDA)
  • Propranolol Injection (FDA)
  • Propranolol Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Propranolol Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Inderal, Inderal LA, Hemangeol, Inderal XL, InnoPran XL

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Akathisia
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Angina